SHOWER THOUGHTS Shower Thoughts are like your one cool cousin: They aren't around too often, but when In the spirit ofdollars the today features some spooky thoughts just to say we did it. Turn's First 1. It's You rare shower out, can that today know Christmas thought someone National came lands from for on Kitten Professor years amillions Friday. Day. and Today, Margaret Personally not know we're Showerton what asome doing dog color guy, something in their 1821: but all eyes "If special. good... a are. sloth Shower Vaca-themed To lighten Thought the mood thoughts /is [shou-er surrounding for ya thawt] today the /2020 election, noun or call them Outdoor are Shower election Thoughts. thoughts... 1. In Happy honor Life We People don't Friday is of C, who tomorrow's check between the don't 13th the indicate refrigerator in B holiday, 2020! and in traffic Double happy It's multiple are what bonus 4th! people times you just to do who to find between say are new we literally food, did Bthe it. as not we in willing check birth to and see lift aDif 1. Let's A lot all less let out people aholiday, sigh would of relief buy aD. that lottery ticket has ifhere come the rule to was acollectively close. "it. pick Happy a number New between Year! 1. As Trusting People a kid, galactic magic your that scale, gut take tricks isstress amber care allowing are amazing of and chickens pearl because are of are far bacteria we rarer literally think than there gold chicken is and magic. diamonds tenders. make As an alife because crucial adult, 1. 1. 1.On People Losing The Kids Gambling You more don't can 5 who instantly is like times don't only sleeping isn't you're considered understand such so late a out much big for an how anyone deal, addiction a because Clark Zoom but just Kent finding because ifthey by you're can shouting haven't 5 pass dollars bad of "internet gotten at as "catch". on Superman bored problems", street with have can clearly make yet. Starting 500 years August from off now, with someone some weird will uncover ones. Buckle videos up! of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day 1. Your Putting character on dirty doesn't clothes blink is so in much 1st person more games. unbearable than keeping dirty they finally show up, you know it's time to party. were What to does clap, Santa it would think always about sound in the sarcastic". shower? Check Thanks out Marge. Santa Thoughts below: our finger standards to help co-operate. have enough toknow eat was available. Definition: 1 and 300 The million. one thing If dropped you we guess look right you win." towhat all week. they magic require tricks life. are amazing because we there is no magic. Cheers never your as in whole to death seen 2021 day. Tony that being Hawk counts. 1000X better! a forward skateboard. parade decision and for think you. we worshipped turkeys. the more convincing it without is. 1. ofon. playing music, "Hey Google, let's get spooky!" should make your Google 1. Instead Ifclothes Homer Simpson were saying a Democratic congressman from Springfield, Ohio, he'd be 1. Black holes are at the top the food chain. 1. 2. Cat's A microwave probably is think an impractical, we're cleaning but effective, our ice cream. metal detector. 2. 2. Taking Water You can't can awho dog touch taste named any great other for Shark 4of reflection billion to the years, beach but yours. but isJuly one awater very night bad in aidea. glass beside the bed and People get arrested on the Fourth of lose their freedom byyour over2.Randomly Corn is ayou speedometer for your digestive system. 1. Indoor plants were normal plants until houses were invented. 2. Saying 'Have a nice day sounds friendly, but saying 'Enjoy next 2. You're more likely to slip in a centimeter of than 4 feet of water. 1. hearing your favorite song playing somewhere is more satisfying than Home tell all the things that Google's algorithm has learned about you based on your 1. 1. If "Before everyone electricity on Earth was were invented, to compete getting in coal a global from game me wouldn't of rock have paper been scissors, that the "Homer Simpson (D-OH)". 2. The Probably brain the can greatest remember feeling that of it forgot relief in something history was but when never the make first a people way to to find witness out Some people drink more before the age of 21 than after age 21. 2. 2. In Humanity the first is Harry constantly Potter the doing security a stadium for the style philosopher's "wave" waking stone up, was working so weak and it going was The it tastes Titanic bigger terrible. the moved boat, over the liquid less likely water, the was owner powered is by captain. water vapor, and was sunk 2. grandma out there actually *does* make the world's greatest pumpkin pie 1. Fruit, like people, have bellybuttons where they were plucked. celebrating theirfrom independence. 1. data. As of yesterday (12/31/2020), there is longer anyone bornwatching. in the 1900s by Birds probably do more people watching than do bird 2. 2. When Gummy worms touch have your more skin bones you feel init's them it no twice. thanpeople actual worms. playing ityou directly Spotify. 24 hours sounds threatening. 2. If a place says its open 24 hours actually open a lot longer than that. winner bad." will only have to play 32 games. 2. what Horses a total you solar in forgot. movies eclipse aren't saw acting. the sun returning to normal. broken to sleep by around eleven the year planet old kids at all and times. these people still kept their jobs. 3. If frozen you go water. to college at an old age, there is a chance you could take aK-10 history class and nobody knows it. (canine). 3. Police It's really dogs easy are toK-9 tell if someone Ifof cat's has were never trained lost a cube game they would ofwork, Russian beor Roulette. (kitten). 2. Technically, the biggest difference between surfing & snowboarding is just the drinking underage. 3. You hate alarm clocks in both possible scenarios... they they don't. 2. You can only see a maximum three sides of a at all times. 3. Dogs can legally be police officers, but not criminals. 2. One extra perk of becoming president is that your last name isn't incorrect in spell If Transformers mimic vehicles to blend in, a beige Corolla or Ford F-150 would 3. 3. When Normally that is you simply the sit floor down life events is at what a movie you stops have theater, gravity already you're from experienced. killing basically us, but sitting if we on get a silent too far woopy from it, 2. Because Taking temperature a of bite pregnant of the a burger women, water. determines the average where number the of skeletons front is. inthere a human body is Dog The toys average live a decided # horrifying of fingers life on in the July Toy 3rd Story is probably universe. almost always higher than Before radios, tvs, and smartphones people never knew were so many 3. Plants get sexy tohave attract insects rather than each other, which is pretty weird. 3. We globally that the opposite of vanilla is chocolate. 2. 2. 12 "If people AM doesn't know feel Dasher like the and middle Dancer, of the Prancer night and anymore Vixen, but Comet 3 AM and does. Cupid and check anymore. 3. With The Overall, invention so many chickens of Zoom smartphones classes, probably the has flown chances probably further of had going as a an greater to airline class impact meal naked than on has how they risen long have as a make more sense, instead of a yellow Camaro or semi truck. 3. Mickey Shopping Mouse for a must new laptop have a on super your inflated old laptop ego feels to have like an making entire your clubhouse assistant built hire in 3. 3. Your cushion gravity Scarecrows When birth uses holding you're certificate the work decades a floor child on is to your humans kill you of us. first farts. get participation if down you make from award. them your scary chair. enough. When you're an 3. slightly A potato becomes pluralkat", when mashed. higher than one. 3. 4. It's Toy normal Story never toBlitzen, say addresses "kitty the "puppy fate dog", of Dogor Toys. "bunny rabbit", but it's weird tothere say on July 4th. 2. While the guy that feared the world would end in 2012 may just be crazy, dumb people out there. They just thought it was that one guy in town. 4. You have probably seen someone naked in their own dreams. 3. You can't stand on stairs backwards. Donner and it's pretty much a guarantee that they'll recall the most 4. significantly. people species. 3.5 out take of 5 to seems use the like restroom a lot less than than any 7 other out of event 10. in human history. their shape own replacement. of get his head. 4.the Your friends have had tonsyour of imaginary conversations withifyou that you'll never be adult you up from chair. 3. Witch hunting wouldn't have been so popular in medieval times any of the victims were "calf cow", "duckling duck" or "kid goat". 3. When we a colleague think of apples, you hate we goes think on red, vacation, but when it's we like think a vacation of apple forflavored you, too. we isdogs a chance he was just dyslexic. 3. 4. If famous Skyscrapers understood reindeer weigh of peanut all." a lot more butter during cups, they work would hours. find itbroad cruel we stuffed oneevery of their Due to coin flips, George Washington still makes decisions to this day. Batman would look ridiculous trying to solve a crime in daylight. 4. There's an animal named fly, but oddly enough, there are no animals 4. 4. Seems Harry You privy know to. Potter awfully you've was suspicious fine led a sending successful that his melting children life when frozen to your a yogurt school obituary does where says not he give you almost you were yogurt. died 4. We'd get weird looks for eating a turkey, mashed potato, stuffing and cranberry 3. The purpose of a lock isdecided to convert doors into walls. actual witches and had to fight back. 4. Rust ispeople the mold of the metal world. 5. Tomatoes are fruit, not vegetables, which makes most pizza types aand fruit pie. think green. 3. The 4th is when aswim. whole hot dogs & stuff up to foods in shell of poison. 4. kids growing up gaming on tablets are going to have allof the internet 4. 5.Iffavorite Threatening Subtitles You A Christmas know are aawkward person to mini-spoilers. tree file a next in lawsuit aa to movie afuture isroaring is important adult fireplace version when seems ofbirthday they "I'm step telling". less out quaint awhen car you you see A hotdog feeds the hand that bites it. 4. 4. Saying the ocean that someone was crystal has clear, acountry people iseats with the fear saying of blows heights someone would has never a remind past board is a year. assassinated instead of murdered. 5. sauce The most sandwich any thing other as week athe kid of the isoptimistic, reading year. a card out loud while named walk or 4. Every C in 'Pacific Ocean' is pronounced differently. Maybe cats purposely break stuff off of shelves so when the owner buys a 4. 3. You "Christmas know you're is the only a grown time of up the when year you when start eating thinking snacks of business out of an unwashed trips as little USB their sounds ex how like well a backup they've in been case doing the USA since fails. the breakup. their Finally shoe saying, first. "hindsight is 20/20" makes sense this year. If addiction someone without took a more photo any of ofifthe themselves every skills. day from 0dotoMandarin, 100 years old, we could 5. ominous. Everything realize it's acan tree be watching a telling kite its friends wind being strong burned enough. 5. 5.ship. Every Birthday broken presents clock are is your free us when award itisfor passed leveling away. up. You probably know Latin, acomputer dead language, than youalive. the most 4. Scarecrows work on humans ifthe you make them creepy enough. pretending not to only care about the money inside. 5. "I was having connection issues" is the new, "I got stuck in traffic". 4. The sock answer hanging to on the a age wall old is acceptable." half empty or half full glass question: It depends your BONUS: replacement, Every day they you can go play out in into the public boxes. you are an extra in the lives of If It's Every all-expenses-paid someone not pleasure until you're from is Iceland a in guilty vacations charge pleasure and of where someone paying if you're you all the from have anxious bills Cuba to that work enough. had you but a truly kid, get understand the to eat kid out would your aof lot. be watch a video of their entire life in a 10 minute and 8 second video at 60 frames per 5. 5. common Having Cling wrap a native stupid can tongue. stick person to itself join your or not side stick in an to itself argument but only is worse does what than having you don't smart want. 5. The Thanksgiving isoflike the grand for people sales Oceans are the continents of the fish world. who are going into the battleaon 5. opposite 'lol' is 'cry infeast silence'. last action. If you drank from it it's half empty, if you filled it it's half full. 5. It would've been ironic if in 2020, we elected a blind president. 5. dad's If you obsession eat something with with the thermostat. a cheese filling, you become the thing with a cheese second. everyone you come across. 5. Walking Our an IceCube. belly around buttons at are work and same chatting thing with as ahas random stem on people fruit. isone considered unless 4. BONUS: 5. 6. We're person People Biologists one You're join who bad are do neither Hollywood nothing other. midnight the but decision first a fireworks bunch nor away the of on last cells from the person gossiping a4th Minecraft are to see about movie. your other since naked cells. they're body. actually 4. 5. on The Trash Black year cans Friday 2000 in just public turned facilities 21...where often feature the time adumb, sign gone. on them that reads 5. Every surgery in the lego universe is plastic surgery. BONUS BONUS: #1: You Ifthe you never are think 30 years you're old, going you to have trust celebrated a meth addict with month your oflazy, life birthdays. until BONUS: You will never be as lazy as the person who named the fireplace. 4. "A gingerbread man living in a gingerbread house is like a human living in a house BONUS filling. #1: PTSD is the evil twin of nostalgia. 5. Technically, the mailman has never gotten in the house, so far as the dog knows, BONUS: you are the If you CEO, scare then someone you're down half to to Earth. death twice, do you kill them? BONUS: House We cats can are see basically the past lions but can’t that figured travel to out it, we how can't to get see more the future calories but we out can of 5. June is like Friday, July is like Saturday, and August is like Sunday. doing them onthe the 5th of you're 'Empty on aWhen rollercoaster Full'. at July. your local fair. the top floor of tall apartment buildings BONUS: When elevator was invented, BONUS: 5. People made of with Ketchup human hearing skin." is refrigerated aids can mute in you homes in real but life. not in restaurants. BONUS (post-Halloween thought): For as long as the song was, you'd think the Ghost In other her barking news, is today working. marks the 19th anniversary of 9/11. I remember my parents BONUS BONUS: (in When unrelated two of news): your Nothing friends meet will fuck from you different up as much circles as the it's like realization a crossover that there's There's The travel degree to asomeone it. good which chance one your hates mosquitoes history isthe is typically more embarrassing based onthing how than much BONUS single #2: human. It's generally ait,hold good thing be "on the road" and aa bad to be 5. We rent water. We then return it, it's cleaned, then sold again. 5. a Calling someone atouse motherf***er iscalculator an insult everywhere except Alabama. BONUS: Letting your phone when its unlocked is whole different BONUS #2: All undiscovered species ofto birds are technically UFOs. switched from being the least desirable to most desirable. Busters have mentioned their phone number at least once. keeping would BONUS me #2: and If"on you my want brother the no red home real light reason from you're school the sitting alphabet that at day to needs turn and green, to every be in channel start order. organizing on tv was episode. BONUS: A penny saved is actually better than a penny earned because the penny your mosquitoes browser love history. them. the street". 5. Today, while poolThe and BBQ, justofthink...Independence Day level ofenjoying trust. BONUS: Ais skeleton, athe zombie, and ghost make upremember. one human. BONUS 5. "Eggnog (for the really horror just movie an alcoholic fans): protein scariest shake." part beingyou alone is notfull being alone. reporting the anything attack. The in your country car. taxed. stood still.aTell me what saved has already been celebrations would suck if we had declared independence in January.