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International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering, ISSN(p): 2347-6982, ISSN(e): 2349-204X Volume-7, Issue-7, Jul.-2019, NEUTRAL FLOATING PROBLEM ELIMINATION IN THREE PHASE FOUR LINE POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM USING GROUNDING THE NEUTRAL TRANSFORMER LINE 1 MOHD H.S AL-RASHDAN, 2ABED-ALRAHMAN M.S AL-SHARQI 1 Electrical Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Ma’an, Jordan. 2 Power engineering department, Hijjawi facultyYarmouk university Irbid, Jordan. E-mail:, Abstract - Neutral floating problem is common problem in three phase four-line power distribution system, its happen when the neutral line breakdown due to human mistakes or due to environmental conditions. Sometimes, it's very dangerous and led to totally system damage including the transmission line and final residential customer’s loads. This paper discusses the neutral floating conditions and proposed a simple solution by grounding the transformer neutral line. Matlab simulation is carried out for three phase –four-line power distribution system with different load impedances including Symmetrical Resistive Load, Unsymmetrical Resistive Load, Symmetrical Resistive Inductive Load and Unsymmetrical Resistive Inductive Load. Furthermore, experimental procedure for residential customers is take place for two days with step time of ten minutes for this type of power distribution system. Matlab simulation and the experimental results shows phase overvoltage's problem in case of floating neutral without grounding the transformer line, this paper overcome the neutral floating and the associated overvoltage's problem by grounding the transformer neutral line. Again, the Matlab simulation and the experimental results shows stable peak phase voltage around 230 V with very small variations in the real experiment which not affect the load and phase voltage. Keywords - Neutral Floating, Grounding The Transformer Neutral Line, Matlab, Real Experimental Procedure, Residential Customers. faults is the “incipient” fault, in which begin as very small faults and increasing with a time to become a solid fault [9]. Passive faults related to the electrical Distribution Systems conditions more than real faults [10]. Such as Overloading problem associate with insulation overheating, thus reduced electrical Distribution Systems life time and system total failure can occur. Other problems relating to passive faults including Overvoltage, Under Frequency and Power swings. So, the reducing in passive faults by Protection the system against abnormal conditions are of greatest priority, it leads to reduce the possibility of having active faults. In healthy three phase four wire power distribution system, Power entering from one Phase and leaving from the neutral line or return path. on the other hand, the neutral line retune path broken which is known as neutral floating as shown in figure 1 below, the power will flow in different unwanted paths, the power will flow from one phase and retune through the other phases in absence of neutral ground, and cause overvoltage's problem for some of the residential customers. The float neutral is common problem in power distribution system and it may occur at several locations, random time period, and due to many reasons. It may occur at The Three Phase Distribution Transformer [11], or due to Broken Overhead Neutral conductor in LV Line [12], Broken of Service Neutral Conductor [13], High Earthen Resistance of Neutral at Distribution Transformer [14], Over Loading and Load Unbalancing [15], Shared neutrals and Poor workmanship and Maintenance. I. INTRODUCTION There are various types of fault can occur on electrical Distribution Systems, where the voltages and currents deviate from reference values [1], its occur at random locations and random times [2], due to the nature of electrical Distribution Systems itself, loads, and interments conditions such as temperature, moisture and wind speed. Many researcher tries to locate the electrical Distribution Systems faults and eliminate it using automated fault algorithm [2], smart meters [3], fault current limiter Bridge-Type structure [4] and sparse measurements [5]. Designing and implementation of electrical equipment or networks without any possibility of failure is impossible due to environmental issues. On the other hands, there are two main areas where faults occur and can be classified into two main categories “Active” and “Passive” [6]. The “Active” fault occurs as a results of flowing currents from one phase to another instead of from one phase to earth. More precisely, the “Active” fault can be divides into two main categories known as solid fault and the incipient fault [7]. Solid fault Occurs as a results of totally and suddenly insulator breakdown. electrical explosion related to very high fault current may occurs due to incidents including underground cable, a pick struck and bridging conductors [8]. Solid fault can be very danger to residential customers, totally damage the fault location and increasing the possibilities of spreading earth faults to the other phases. The other type of active Neutral Floating Problem Elimination in Three Phase Four Line Power Distribution System using Grounding the Neutral Transformer Line 1 International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering, ISSN(p): 2347-6982, ISSN(e): 2349-204X Volume-7, Issue-7, Jul.-2019, Fig.1. three phase- four-line power distribution system with Floating Neutral In this paper, we focus on reducing the passive faults overvoltage problem associated with Floating Neutral Condition in three phase four wire distribution system, using Grounding the transformer Neutral line for real residential customers. order to covers most loads combinations in the labs and real residential customers. The peak voltage is measured for the all lines A-B, B-C, and C-A. It’s also measured for all loads A, B, C and for all three phases. The system is simulated again using Matlab with grounding the transformer line as shown in figure 2. Comparison between three phase four-line power distribution system with and without grounding the transformer line is take place. II. METHODOLOGY In this paper, three phase four-line power distribution system studied when the neutral line transformer is grounded and compared with ungrounded one using Matlab software and in real case residential customers in Jordan. Initially three phase four-line power distribution system is simulated using Matlab without grounding the transformer line, the load impedance is changed to validate the system in several loads situations, the three loads named A, B and C. The system is simulated using Matlab for four load combinations including Symmetrical Resistive Load, Unsymmetrical Resistive Load, Symmetrical Resistive Inductive Load and Unsymmetrical Resistive Inductive Load. This impedance chosen in this way in Verifying grounding the transformer neutral line protection method is tested again by studding a real case for a real residential customer in Jordan. Where the real testing is continuing for two days with ten minutes' step time. The total number of reading is 288. The real testing is repeated two times, one experiment carried out for three phase – four-line power distribution system with loose junction contact due to poor maintenance without grounding the transformer neutral line, the other experiment is carried out for the same system and same customers with transformer neutral line connected to the ground. Fig.2. Matlab block diagram of three phase four-line power distribution system. Neutral Floating Problem Elimination in Three Phase Four Line Power Distribution System using Grounding the Neutral Transformer Line 2 International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering, ISSN(p): 2347-6982, ISSN(e): 2349-204X Volume-7, Issue-7, Jul.-2019, 115 V peak value mean that a one loads is disconnected. The disconnected load voltage is zero volte and other load voltages are 200 V beak value, the lowering in connected voltage is due to the access current flow in the disconnected phase (between line to phase) this leads to overvoltage problem up to 345V peak value in disconnected phase. when the NG voltage peak value is 230 V mean that a two loads are disconnected, in this case the overvoltage of 400 V peak value occur in each disconnected phase while the disconnected load voltage peak vale is 200 V and the connected load is zero volte, this due to access current flow inside between the two disconnected load itself. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Table 1 below shows the Matlab results for three phase four-line protection method without grounding the transformer neutral line in case of symmetrical resistive load (each load equal 1KW). the line voltage equal to 400V and the source voltage is 11KV. based on this results; the neutral to ground voltage (N-G) is zero when the system is healthy, all load is connected in proper way and all phase and load voltages are 230 V peak value which is due to due to it loads symmetrical value used of 1KW. on the other hand, when the N-G voltage peak value is not zero V, indicate that there is at least one load disconnected from the system. when the N-G voltage peak value is ON load A,B,C A, B B, C C, A A B C OFF load ----- C A B B,C A,C A,B Voltage Load A 230 200 0 200 0 200 200 Voltage Load B 230 200 200 0 200 0 200 Voltage Load C Voltage A-N Voltage B-N Voltage C-N Voltage N-G 230 230 230 230 0 0 200 200 345 115 200 345 200 200 115 200 200 345 200 115 200 0 400 400 230 200 400 0 400 230 0 400 400 0 230 Table I : ymmetrical Resistive Load Without Grounding the Neutral Line Transformer. Table 2 below shows the Matlab results for three phase four-line protection method with grounding the transformer neutral line in case of symmetrical resistive load (each load equal 1KW). It's clear that the phase not suffering overvoltage problem anymore. When a load is disconnected, the return current path is completed along with neutral line. This improve that the system itself is not affected due to load disconnection, the damage will affect the load itself only. ON load A,B,C A, B B, C C, A A B C OFF load ----- C A B B,C A,C A,B Voltage Load A 230 230 0 230 230 200 200 Voltage Load B 230 230 230 0 200 230 200 Voltage Load C 230 0 230 230 200 200 230 Voltage A-N 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 Voltage B-N 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 Voltage C-N 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 Voltage N-G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TABLE II. Symmetrical Resistive Load With Ground Neutral transformer. Tables 3&4 below shows the Matlab results for unsymmetrical impedances load with pure resistance, where load A is chosen to absorb 1 kW of real average power, while load B absorb 2 kW and load C absorbs 3 kW and the line voltage is used to be 400 V peak value. Table 3 show that a phase overvoltage problem happens when one or two loads are disconnected, this cause system burn or damage in disconnected area. On the other hands, table 4 shows stable phase voltages when the transformer neutral line is connected to the ground. The variation in phase voltage in case of ungrounded system is due to unsymmetrical load nature. Neutral Floating Problem Elimination in Three Phase Four Line Power Distribution System using Grounding the Neutral Transformer Line 3 International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering, ISSN(p): 2347-6982, ISSN(e): 2349-204X Volume-7, Issue-7, Jul.-2019, ON load OFF load Voltage Load A Voltage Load B Voltage Load C Voltage A-N Voltage B-N Voltage C-N Voltage N-G A,B,C ----290 240 175 290 240 175 66 A, B C 265 133 0 265 133 352 133 B, C A 0 240 160 350 240 160 122 C, A B 300 0 100 300 360 100 153 A B,C 0 240 160 0 400 400 230 B A,C 300 0 100 400 0 400 230 C A,B 266 133 0 400 400 0 230 Table III. .Unsymmetrical Resistive Load Without Grounding the Neutral Line Transformer ON load OFF load Voltage Load A Voltage Load B Voltage Load C Voltage A-N Voltage B-N Voltage C-N Voltage N-G A,B,C ----230 230 230 230 230 230 0 A, B C 230 230 0 230 230 230 0 B, C A 0 230 230 230 230 230 0 C, A B 230 0 230 230 230 230 0 A B,C 230 240 160 230 230 230 0 B A,C 300 230 100 230 230 230 0 C A,B 265 130 230 230 230 230 0 Table IV. Unsymmetrical Resistive Load With Grounding the Neutral Line Transformer Table 5 and table 6 below shows the Matlab results for symmetrical impedances load consists of a combination of resistive and inductive load, where all load A, B and C is chosen to absorb 1 KW + 0.4 KVAR, and the line voltage is used to be 400 V peak value. The phase voltage again in no grounded neutral line transformer suffer overvoltage's problem when some loads are disconnected as shown in table 5, while this problem disappear again when the transformer neutral line grounded as shown in table 6. ON load OFF load Voltage Load A Voltage Load B Voltage Load C Voltage A-N Voltage B-N Voltage C-N Voltage N-G A,B,C ----230 230 230 230 230 230 0 A, B C 200 200 0 200 200 345 115 B, C A 0 200 200 345 200 200 115 C, A B 200 0 200 200 345 200 115 A B,C 0 200 200 0 400 400 230 B A,C 200 0 200 400 0 400 230 C A,B 200 200 0 400 400 0 230 Table V. symmetrical Resistive Inductive Load Without Grounding the Neutral Line Transformer ON load OFF load Voltage Load A Voltage Load B Voltage Load C Voltage A-N Voltage B-N Voltage C-N Voltage N-G A,B,C ----230 230 230 230 230 230 0 A, B C 230 230 0 230 230 230 0 B, C A 0 230 230 230 230 230 0 C, A B 230 0 230 230 230 230 0 A B,C 230 240 160 230 230 230 0 B A,C 300 230 100 230 230 230 0 C A,B 265 130 230 230 230 230 0 Table VI.symmetrical Resistive Inductive Load With Grounding the Neutral Line Transformer Table 7 and table 8 below shows the Matlab results for unsymmetrical resistive inductive load, where load A is chosen to absorb 1 KW + 0.4 KVAR, while load B absorb 2 KW + 0.4 KVAR and load C absorbs 3 KW + 0.4 KVAR and the line voltage is used to be 400 V. this tables confirms the previous results and shows that the grounding of transformer line method solves the phase peak overvoltage problem in three phase-four line power distribution system when some of the loads are disconnected from the system . The variations in the phase voltage and load voltages in ungrounded transformer line shown in table 7 is due to the values of load impedances. Neutral Floating Problem Elimination in Three Phase Four Line Power Distribution System using Grounding the Neutral Transformer Line 4 International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering, ISSN(p): 2347-6982, ISSN(e): 2349-204X Volume-7, Issue-7, Jul.-2019, ON load OFF load Voltage Load A Voltage Load B Voltage Load C Voltage A-N Voltage B-N Voltage C-N Voltage N-G A,B,C ----290 240 175 290 240 175 66 A, B C 265 133 0 265 133 352 133 B, C A 0 240 160 350 240 160 122 C, A B 300 0 100 300 360 100 153 A B,C 0 240 160 0 400 400 230 B A,C 300 0 100 400 0 400 230 C A,B 266 133 0 400 400 0 230 Table VII. Unsymmetrical Resistive Inductive Load Without Grounding the Neutral Line Transformer ON load OFF load Voltage Load A Voltage Load B Voltage Load C Voltage A-N Voltage B-N Voltage C-N Voltage N-G A,B,C ----230 230 230 230 230 230 0 A, B C 230 230 0 230 230 230 0 B, C A 0 230 230 230 230 230 0 C, A B 230 0 230 230 230 230 0 A B,C 230 240 160 230 230 230 0 B A,C 300 230 100 230 230 230 0 C A,B 265 130 230 230 230 230 0 Table VIII.Unsymmetrical Resistive Inductive Load With Grounding the Neutral Line Transformer Figures 3, 4 and 5. Shows each phase voltages of three phase- four-line power distribution system in Jordan without grounding the neutral in comparison with same system using ground the neutral line. It's clear that, the system used ground the neutral shows approximately stable phase voltage with small variation due to real environment conditions about 230 V peak voltage. While the system doesn't implement the ground shows fluctuation in phase voltage in case of pore maintenance, which cause overvoltage problems and damage the residential customer’s electric equipment's. Fig. 5. Phase C to line voltage with and without ground neutral transformer. IV. CONCLUSION This paper highlighted the floating transformer neutral problems and types of faults can cause. The passive faults due to poor maintenance or environments condition starts as small faults and increasing along with time to completely damage the power distribution system and cause severe difficulties to final customers. Fig. 3. Phase A to line voltage with and without ground neutral transformer. This paper is conducted to provide a real example of importance the ground in three phase – four-line power distribution systems, along with Matlab simulation for such systems for different load impedance. 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Neutral Floating Problem Elimination in Three Phase Four Line Power Distribution System using Grounding the Neutral Transformer Line 6 View publication stats