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Trade Liberalization, Financial Development & Growth in Turkey

Trade Liberalization, Financial Developm ent and Econom ic Growth in The Long Term : The Case of Turkey
Trade Liberalization, Financial
Development and Economic
Growth in The Long Term: The Case of Turkey
Muhsin Kar, Osman Peker, Muhittin Kaplan*
T he determinants of economic growth have been a much debated theoretical issue in the literature, especially after
the endogenous growth theory of the late 1 980s. T his new theory highlights the importance of economic policies that
lead to an increasing rate of return. In particular, it is argued that human capital, trade liberalization and financial
development may play very important roles in the determination of economic growth. T his paper tries to empirically
estimate the joint impacts of trade liberalization and financial development on economic growth for the period 1 9602 004. Instead of using common proxies for the issue, principal components analysis is employed to develop better
measures (indexes) for trade liberalization, financial development and the joint effects of both. T he empirical results
obtained from the J ohansen co-integration procedure show that trade liberalization, financial development and the
joint impacts of both positively contributed to economic growth in T urkey for the period 1 963-2 005.
Keywords: Trade liberalization, Financial development, Economic growth, Co-integration, Endogenous growth theory, Turkey.
J EL: C32 , E44, F 1 3, O 1 1 , O 1 6.
DOI: 10.2478/v10033-008-0012-x
1. Introduction
The im pact of financial and trade regim es on econom ic
growth have been a hotly debated theoretical issue,
particularly after the em ergence of the endogenous (new)
growth theory during the last two decades. Contrary to
the neo-classical growth theory, the new growth theory
im plies that the econom ic policies followed in a country
m ay have a significant im pact on the long-term rate of
econom ic growth. To this end, m ost developing countries
that form erly followed restrictive econom ic policies have
started liberalizing their trade and financial sectors in
order to increase econom ic growth in the 1980s. The m ain
argum ent for this policy change was that both trade and
financial liberalization policies reduce inefficiency in the
production process and positively influence econom ic
Following this line of reasoning, Turkey, as a developing
econom y, has witnessed an unprecedented and staged
reform attem pt involving external (trade) and internal
(financial) liberalization, especially after the 24 January
Decisions following the econom ic crisis in 1980. In Turkey,
econom ic liberalization in term s of trade and financial
sector was at the heart of the stabilization program m e
Novem ber 2008
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences,
Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University,
e-mail: mkar@ksu.edu.tr
Faculty of Nazilli Economics and Administrative Sciences
Adnan Menderes University,
e-mail: ottopeker@yahoo.com
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences,
Niğde University,
e-mail: mkaplan@nigde.edu.tr
Trade Liberalization, Financial Developm ent and Econom ic Growth in The Long Term : The Case of Turkey
em ployed in 1980 and constituted an integral part of the
econom ic policies since then. The theoretical core of the
econom ic reform program m e is to provide efficiency in
the allocation of scarce resources.
In the em pirical literature, the im pact of trade
liberalization 1 and financial developm ent2 on econom ic
growth has been separately exam ined for Turkey. However,
there has been theoretical literature that highlights the
joint im pact of these issues on econom ic growth. The
joint im pact of both variables is initially highlighted in
the Roubini and Sala-i Martin (1991) m odel, which has
extended the Barro (1991) growth m odel by incorporating
both factors. The inclusion of both trade and financial
variables in the Barro (1991) m odel showed that financial
and trade variables m ay play a very im portant role in
econom ic growth. Recently, Blackburn and Hung (1998)
have presented a theoretical analysis of the joint im pact
of both financial developm ent and trade liberalisation
on econom ic growth. Using endogenous growth theory,
their m odel predicts that econom ic growth rates in the
presence of financial interm ediation tend to be higher
than those under direct lending and borrowing. The m odel
also predicts that both financial developm ent and trade
liberalization jointly facilitate the rate of econom ic growth
by decreasing redundant research efforts and increasing
m arkets for new products.
Therefore, this paper em pirically exam ines the im pacts
of trade liberalization and financial liberalization and/
or developm ent on econom ic growth in Turkey by using
a sim ple endogenous growth fram ework and by m aking
use of new developm ents in tim e series techniques for
the period 1963-2005. This paper is distinguished from
the earlier existing literature in two aspects. First of all, this
paper tries to assess the joint im pact of trade liberalization
and financial developm ent on econom ic growth.
Second, there are different m easures for trade
liberalization and financial developm ent in the literature
and the existing studies em ploy only one of these
proxies in their analysis. However, the trade and financial
liberalization affect econom ic growth through different
channels and each proxy captures a single aspect of the
issue. In order to overcom e this problem , three com posite
indexes, for trade liberalization, for financial developm ent
1 The relationship between growth and trade liberalization is usually exam ined in the em pirical
literature in two different lines for Turkey: The first line of the existing em pirical research tries to
assess the im pact of openness on econom ic growth (Conway, 1987; Greenaway and Sapsford,
1994, 1995; Ghatak, Milner and Utkulu, 1995; Subasat, 2002; Utkulu and Ozdem ir, 2005, Hilm i
and Safa, 2007). The second line of the em pirical works exam ines the relationship between trade
liberalization and the total factor productivity (Krueger and Tuncer, 1980, 1982; Nishim izu and
Robinson, 1986; Foroutan, 1991; Ozm ucur and Karatas, 1994; Filiztekin 2000).
2 With the em ergence of financial liberalization hypothesis, the em pirical studies tried to assess
the im pact of financial liberalization on econom ic growth by sim ple regressing growth rate on
the real interest rate (Fry, 1978, 1979, 1980). Furtherm ore, the relationship between financial
developm ent and econom ic growth is analyzed in term s of causality issue in a bivariate m odel (Kar
and Pentecost, 2000; Unalm is, 2002; Ozatay and Sak, 2002). In addition, Yeldan (1997), Lewis (1992)
and Karabulut and Dem iroz (2002) exam ined the im pact of financial liberalization/developm ent
on econom ic growth in the fram ework of the CGE m odels. Finally, Guncavdi and Kucukciftci
(2005) investigate the role of financial reform s on econom ic growth with a m ethodology based
on the Leontief’s input-output m odel and conclude that the production sector of the econom y
has increasingly becom e independent from the use of financial services produced by the banking
system in the post-reform period.
and for a narrow sense econom ic liberalization, are
constructed by applying principal com ponents analysis.
The structure of this paper is as follows: the next
section presents the theoretical linkages am ong trade
liberalization, financial developm ent and econom ic,
growth and introduces the aggregate production function
to be estim ated. Section three gives brief inform ation
about the Turkish econom y, particularly highlighting the
developm ents in trade and financial sector. In section
four, the m easures for trade liberalization and financial
developm ent are reviewed and three indexes are
constructed by em ploying principal com ponents analysis.
In section five, the em pirical results are presented using
econom etric techniques and the outcom e of the longterm production function is interpreted in detail. The
paper finishes with a conclusion.
2.Theoretical Framework: Trade Liberalization,
Financial Development and Economic Growth
With the em ergence of the endogenous growth theories
in 1980s, the relationship between econom ic policy and
growth becam e a highly debated issue. In the theoretical
literature, discussions are focused on different channels
through which econom ic policy affects econom ic growth.
In this section, different m odels of growth will be discussed
to provide a fram ework of thought that helps to understand
the im pacts of each link between policy and growth.
In other words, each channel through which econom ic
policy affects growth has different im plications for growth
in different m odels. There are two com peting theoretical
fram eworks in the growth literature, nam ely neo-classical
and endogenous growth theories. The m ain differences
between them are whether the policy change has a longterm effect on the growth rate. On the one hand, the neoclassical theory argues that a policy change has no effect
on long-term econom ic growth and, on the other hand,
that endogenous growth theory shows a policy change in
econom y does m atter.
The endogenous growth theory is a reaction to the
traditional Neo-Classical growth m odels3 , represented by,
am ong others, Solow (1956). This new approach to growth
theory has sought to supply the m issing explanation of longterm growth. In essence, this approach provides a theory
of technical progress, one of the central m issing elem ents
of the neo-classical m odel. In other words, endogenous
growth theories seek to discover what lies behind the
exogenous rate of technical progress and hence a country’s
growth rate. Endogenous growth theory recognizes that
technological change occurs as a result of the efforts of
profit-m axim izing firm s to invent new blueprints, and
that technological progress is an endogenous outcom e of
econom ic activity.
3 For a recent em pirical and theoretical review of the literature on growth, see Renelt (1991),
Herm es (1994), Levine (1997, 2001), Thirlwall (2000), Favara (2003), Auerbach and Siddiki (2004),
Subasat (2002), Winters (2004).
SEE Journal
T rad e L ib eralization, F inancial D evelop m ent and E conom ic G rowth in T he L ong T erm : T he C ase of T urkey
The crucial distinction between ‘old’ and ‘new’ growth
theories is that the form er utilizes the assum ption that
returns to the capital stock is dim inishing, while the latter
argues that returns to capital itself or, in a wider sense,
to the stock of physical and hum an capital form ation is
constant or increasing (Sala-i Martin, 1990a). This then
im plies that those variables that lead to non-decreasing
returns drive the growth rate. Num erous candidates have
been recom m ended as the source of non-decreasing
returns: particularly, the stock of hum an capital Lucas
(1988); accum ulated capital, Rebelo (1991); research and
developm ent, Rom er (1986, 1990); or public infrastructure
investm ent (Barro, 1991). Thus, endogenous growth
m odels highlight sectors of the econom y that influence the
growth path of an econom y. This can be sim ply shown in a
Robelo-type production function, known as the AK m odel.
Most of the endogenous growth m odels can be viewed as
extensions or m icro-foundations of the AK m odel (Sala-iMartin, 1990b).
Rebelo (1991) form ulated the sim ple form of the
endogenous growth m odel, which has since been widely
used in em pirical analysis. The AK m odel takes its nam e
from its production function. In its original form , the m odel
setting involves dynam ic m axim ization. In this section, we
will m ake the further assum ption of a constant savings
rate. This assum ption, however, does not change the m ain
conclusions and intuitions of the m odel. In the AK m odel,
the production function takes the following form :
Yt =A K t
where Yt represents output, K t is capital stock at tim e
t and A is som e positive constant. This form ulation of the
production function m eans that there are constant returns
to capital accum ulation. It is also im portant to note that A
is equal to the return to investm ent in this m odel. As will be
explained in the next section, trade policy prim arily affects
the rate of return of capital and hence growth. Therefore,
A can be written as a function of trade policy (τ) as,
A =  0 − 1
Equation (2) indicates that the rate of return of capital is
a negative function of trade policy.
The accum ulation of capital is form ulated as:
K t = I t −1 + (1 −  ) K t −1 and I t = sYt
where s is the investm ent rate and  is the depreciation
rate. Both are assum ed constants, and investm ent at tim e
t ( I t ) is equal to the savings in the econom y. The special
form ulation of the production function in the AK m odel
(equation 1) im plies that the m arginal product of each
unit of capital is always equal to A. It does not decline as
Novem ber 2008
the cap ital accum ulates. T his can b e shown easily: after
sub stituting the value of investm ent into eq uation (3) and
then d ivid ing b oth sid es b y K t −1 and taking the logarithm
of b oth sid es, the resulting eq uation will b e:
⎛ K ⎞
log⎜⎜ t ⎟⎟ = log[sA +(1 − )]
⎝ K t −1 ⎠
F or sm all values of s, A and  and sA >  , eq uation
(4) can written as:
Δ log K t = sA − 
T his eq uation says that the rate of growth of cap ital
stock is constant if tariff rates are constant. A fter
taking the logarithm and d erivative of the p rod uction
function and sub stituting the value of the eq uation of
m otion of the cap ital from eq uation (5) and the value
of return to cap ital from the eq uation (2), the longterm rate of growth of outp ut can b e written as follows:
Δ log Yt = Δ log K t = s 0 − s 1 − 
F rom eq uation (6), it is ob vious that the rate of growth
of the econom y is d ecreasing with tariff rates and
increasing with saving rates. H ence, any econom ic p olicy
that increases the return to investm ent will p erm anently
increase the rate of growth of the econom y. A lm ost allend ogenous growth literature has concentrated on the
d eterm inants of the return to investm ent, A , and how
p olicy change affects it (S ala-i-M artin, 1 990a).
E q uation (6) has two m ain im p lications in term s of
econom ic p olicy change. E conom ic p olicies in the trad e
and financial sectors will have a long-term effect on
econom ic growth. W hile trad e p olicy affects the econom ic
growth through the change on tariff rates, the saving rates
are influenced b y a well-functioning financial system .
T he theoretical linkages am ong trad e lib eralization
and financial lib eralization and econom ic growth can
b e exp lained as follows. T rad e p olicy in term s of tariff
red uction or elim ination of restrictions on trad e m ight
have im p acts on the growth through several channels.
If op enness is to affect econom ic p erform ance, it m ust
have an interm ed iate effect on one or all of the following:
(i) allocation of factors of p rod uction across sectors - the
allocation effect (Y oung, 1 991 ; R ed d ing, 1 997 ; G rossm an
and H elp m an, 1 992); (ii) op enness will increase com p etition
in the d om estic econom y and hence p rod uctivity - the
im p ort d iscip line hyp othesis (G reenaway and M ilner,
1 993; A ghion, D ewatrip ont and R ey, 1 997 ; A ghion, H arris
and V ickers, 1 997 ; A ghion and H owitt, 1 996); (iii) op enness
enlarges the m arket for d om estic p rod ucers, which they
can take ad vantage of - the scale econom ies (T aylor, 1 994;
G rossm an and H elp m an, 1 991 ); (iv) op enness increases
the num b er of inp uts that have no d om estic sub stitutes
T rad e L ib eralization, F inancial D evelop m ent and E conom ic G rowth in T he L ong T erm : T he C ase of T urkey
and thus lead s to a higher cap acity for utilization and
p rod uctivity - the availab ility of inp uts (N ishim izu and
R ob inson, 1 986; Q uah and R auch, 1 990; R ivera-B atiz, and
R om er, 1 991 ; G rossm an and H elp m an, 1 992); and , finally,
(v) the flow of knowled ge across sectors and countries the sp illover effect (F ed er, 1 982; G rossm an and H elp m an,
1 992).
O n the other hand , the role of financial sector in
econom ic d evelop m ent has long b een one of the hotly
d eb ated issues am ong econom ists (S chum p eter, 1 91 1 ;
G old sm ith, 1 969; P atrick, 1 966; M cK innon, 1 97 3; S haw,
1 97 3). W ith the em ergence of the end ogenous growth
theory, several stud ies have attem p ted to show how the
op eration and p olicies of the financial sector m ay affect
the rate of econom ic growth (G reenwood and Jovanovic,
1 990; B encivenga and S m ith, 1 991 ; K ing and L evine, 1 993a,
1 993b ; R oub ini and S ala-i M artin, 1 992; P agano, 1 993;
L eigh, 1 996; D em etriad es and H ussein, 1 996; A restis, 2005;
S id d iki, 2002; A uerb ach and S id d iki, 2004; A restis, 2005;
L iang and T eng, 2006). F inance can influence growth in an
end ogenous growth m od el through increasing the savings
rate (B encivenga and S m ith, 1 991 ), b y increasing the
returns on investm ent (G reenwood and Jovanovic, 1 990),
and b y increasing hum an cap ital accum ulation. F rom a
m acroeconom ic or aggregate p rod uction function p oint
of view, all this m eans that econom ies that are d evelop ed
m ore financially will b e ab le to transform a given am ount
of inp uts, K , into larger am ount of outp ut, Y . T his is why
the p rod uction function is an increasing function of the
financial d evelop m ent of the econom y (R oub ini and S ala-I
M artin, 1 992).
3. A Brief Review of Turkish Econom y
3.1. Macroeconom ic D evelopm ents
It is very com m on to exam ine m acroeconom ic
d evelop m ent in the T urkish econom y und er three
sub -p eriod s, 1 923-1 960, 1 960-1 980, 1 980 and after,
d istinguished not only b y d ifferent structural cond itions,
b ut also b y the governm ent’s resp onse to those cond itions.
T here was heavy state intervention form ulated as “etatism ”
b efore 1 960 (O kyar, 1 965). E tatism , an econom ic p olicy
excessively controlled b y the S tate, b ecam e unp op ular
and heavily criticized am ong T urkish acad em ics and
b usinessm en. W ith the changes in the p olitical structure in
term s of the m ulti-p arty system , there was a p olicy change
toward s lib eralization in the p eriod 1 950-53. H owever,
with the d eterioration of m acroeconom ic structure, the
etatist econom ic p olicies were re-initiated after attem p ts
at p olicy change.
A fter the 1 960 m ilitary coup , T urkey entered into a
p eriod of d evelop m ent p lans. In S ep tem b er 1 960, the S tate
P lanning O rganisation (S P O ) was estab lished to stud y the
T urkish econom y and to p rop ose and enforce a long28
term econom ic d evelop m ent p lan. T his p rop osal was for
three five-year-p lans, the first of which b egan in 1 963. T he
econom ic d evelop m ent p lans were aim ed at p rod ucing
a well-b alanced econom y with p rogress in agriculture
and ind ustry, thereb y m aking the m ost of the availab le
resources in the T urkish econom y. T he m ain features
of this p eriod are that the econom ic p olicies carried out
within the d evelop m ent p lans were characterized as
interventionist and p rotectionist. A ccord ingly, p olicies
were m ainly d esigned to p rotect d om estic ind ustry from
foreign com p etition and to increase the governm ent
control over the allocation of resources and p rod uction of
good s. T hese econom ic p olicies im p lem ented in the early
1 960s were p ursued for ab out twenty years, until 1 980,
when the T urkish econom y found itself in a m ajor crisis.
In 1 980, a new stab ilization p olicy was accep ted and the
etatism and im p ort sub stitution p olicies were switched
to an exp ort-oriented ind ustrialization p olicy b ased on a
m arket m echanism . T he p olicy p ackage p ut into effect in
1 980 and reinforced in the following years was m ore than
just a stab ilization and ad justm ent p ackage; it also m arked
a shift in d evelop m ent strategy from inward orientation
to outward orientation (Y ild izoglu and M argulies, 1 988;
S enses, 1 984; O nis, 1 986; D ervis and P etri, 1 987 ). T rad e
and financial lib eralization were the m ain p olicy tools in
this stab ilization p rogram m e.
3.2. Trade Liberalization in Turkey
A fter p ursuing the “im p ort sub stituting ind ustrialisation
strategy (IS I)” as a d om inant ind ustrialization strategy
in the 1 950s, 1 960s, and 1 97 0s, T urkey switched to an
outward -oriented ind ustrialization strategy with the IM F sup p orted stab ilization p rogram m e that was introd uced
to resum e growth following the econom ic crisis in 1 980.
R ap id exp ort growth was one of the m ain ob jectives of the
1 980 stab ilization p rogram m e to im p rove the huge trad e
d eficit, restore international cred itworthiness and estab lish
the cred ib ility of lib eralization reform s at hom e. A variety
of incentives were introd uced to p rom ote m anufactured
exp orts. T hese incentives includ ed tax reb ates, cred it
sub sid ies, and foreign exchange allocated for the im p ort
of interm ed iate p rod ucts.
T he success of the lib eralization p rocess in the 1 980s
p rom p ted the governm ent to p ursue further lib eralization
in the 1 990s. T herefore, T urkey lib eralized her im p ort regim e
b y ab olishing the d ep osit req uirem ent for im p orts and the
im p ort licensing system in the early 1 990s. A ccom p anying
agreem ents with the W orld T rad e O rganisation (W T O ) in
1 994 have significantly contrib uted to the lib eralization
of the im p ort regim e. A s a m em b er of the W T O , T urkey
has ad op ted the rules and p roced ures governing the
m ultilateral trad ing system and entered into negotiations
with several E astern and C entral E urop ean, M ed iterranean
and B altic countries to conclud e free trad e agreem ents.
S E E Journal
T rad e L ib eralization, F inancial D evelop m ent and E conom ic G rowth in T he L ong T erm : T he C ase of T urkey
In 1 996, T urkey entered into a new era b y signing a
C ustom s U nion A greem ent with the E urop ean U nion (E U ).
A fter the lib eralization p rogram m e in 1 980, this was the
second m ost im p ortant d evelop m ent affecting the T urkish
econom y as a whole. E xcep t for sensitive p rod ucts, m ainly
m otor vehicles, footwear, and furniture, T urkey lifted all
tariff and non-tariff b arriers for m anufacturing p rod ucts
originating from the E U . T urkey also ad op ted the E U ’s
C om m on E xternal T ariff for good s im p orted into T urkey
from third countries. T his req uired a further lib eralization
of her tariff regim e, since T urkish p rotection rates were
higher overall than the C om m on E xternal T ariff (H arrison
et al., 1 996; T ogan, 1 997 ). M oreover, T urkey had to red uce
her tariffs to countries that signed a P referential T rad e
A greem ent (P T A ) with the E U .
3.3. Financial Liberalization in Turkey
P rior to 1 980, T urkey was a typ ical exam p le of highly
restricted and segm ented financial m arkets (A kyuz, 1 990).
Interest rates were d eterm ined institutionally and kep t at
artificially low levels. B y the end of the 1 97 0s, real interest
rates b ecam e highly negative d ue to the acceleration
of inflation (F ry, 1 97 9). T he state owned b anks were
d om inant institutions in the T urkish financial system (F ry,
1 97 9). E ntry into the b anking sector (d om estic and foreign)
was restricted .
S ince then, T urkey has b een exp eriencing a lib eral
ap p roach to its financial m arkets as a key com p onent of
the newly ad op ted growth-oriented structural ad justm ent
p rogram since 1 980 (A ricanli and R od rik, 1 990). W hen the
authorities lifted the ceilings on p ersonal tim e d ep osit
rates and lend ing rates were ab olished 4 . A t the tim e it
was consid ered a “m ajor step in d eregulation of interest
rates which b reaks a p ractice that has b een in force som e
50 years” (W olff, 1 987 :1 04). T his p olicy change was not
very sm ooth and the reluctant b ehaviour of the financial
institutions req uired the authorities to intervene into the
sector two years after the im p lem entation of financial
lib eralization and to d eterm ine interest rate for a p eriod . 5
A nother d evelop m ent, in the first half of the 1 980s, was
that resid ents (and non-resid ents) were allowed to
op en foreign exchange d ep osits in com m ercial b anks
(R ittenb erg, 1 988).
T he essential regulation was finally initiated in 1 985, when
the new B anking L aw was enacted . T he law introd uced new
regulations in term s of p rovision for a m inim um cap ital and
a cap ital ad eq uacy ratio. T he ownership structure of b anks
was also regulated . F urtherm ore, a B ank S up ervision unit
at the C entral B ank b ecam e op erational in 1 986. T hus, five
years after the initial lib eralization of d om estic interest
rates, an ad eq uate regulatory and institutional fram ework
4 T he d evelop m ents in financial sector since 1 980 are exp lained in m ore d etail A kyuz (1 990),
C osan and E rsel (1 986), Inselb ag and G ultekin (1 988), C izre-S akallioglu and Y eld an (2000), O zatay
and S ak (2002) and R ittenb erg (1 988).
5 A tiyas (1 990) exp lains in d etail of the resp onse of p rivate sector to financial lib eralisation.
N ovem b er 2008
was d efined and b ecam e op erational.
A fter the lib eralization of the cap ital account in 1 989 and
estab lishm ent of the sup ervisory and regulatory unit at the
C entral B ank, it was b elieved that an ad eq uate regulatory
and institutional fram ework was finally d efined and
b ecam e functional. H owever, the crises of N ovem b er 2000
and F eb ruary 2001 have shown that these d evelop m ents
were not sufficient to have stab le, efficient and wellestab lished financial m arkets in T urkey. T hese crises led
not only to the estab lishm ent of a new institution, nam ely
the S up ervisory and R egulatory B oard of B anking , which
aim ed at restructuring the financial system in 2000, b ut
also to the d evelop m ent of new p olicies that p rop osed an
efficient and effective financial m arket. It can b e argued
that the T urkish financial system finally had an ind ep end ent
sup ervisory and regulatory b od y, 20 years after b eginning
to im p lem ent lib eralization p olicies in the financial sector.
4. Measurem ent of Trade Liberalization and
Financial D evelopm ent
4.1. Measurem ent of Trade Liberalization
R esearchers in the recent em p irical literature concentrate
on find ing reliab le p roxies of trad e lib eralization. H owever,
the share of exp ort as a p ercentage of incom e, the share of
the im p ort as a p ercentage of incom e, the share of exp ort
p lus im p orts (trad e volum e) as a p ercentage of the incom e
and tariffs constitute very com m on p roxies for trad e
lib eralization in the em p irical literature. In this article, the
following p roxies of trad e lib eralization are em p loyed in
the em p irical analysis.
E xp ort to G D P ratio (X /G D P ): T he first theoretical
channel that links op enness to econom ic p erform ance
goes through the allocation of resources. A ccord ing
to this argum ent, op ening up to international trad e
b rings ab out reallocation of resources accord ing to
com p arative ad vantages (G rossm an and H elp m an, 1 992,
Y oung, 1 991 ). S ince the d irect effect of the allocation of
resources is ob served on the level of exp orts, the share of
exp orts in total p rod uction can b e used to rep resent this
d im ension of op enness. In ad d ition, the share of exp orts in
p rod uction can b e used as a p roxy of op enness to cap ture
the d im ension of op enness related to scale econom ies and
the availab ility of inp uts.
Im p ort to G D P ratio (M /G D P ): T he im p ort share in
total p rod uction can b e used as an op enness p roxy
characterizing the d im ension of op enness related to
increased international com p etition. It also rep resents the
allocation effect of op enness since the im p orts of those
sectors that have com p arative d isad vantages will increase
following trad e lib eralization.
F oreign trad e to G D P ratio (X + M /G D P ): T he share of the
total of exp orts and im p orts in total p rod uction p rovid e the
T rad e L ib eralization, F inancial D evelop m ent and E conom ic G rowth in T he L ong T erm : T he C ase of T urkey
p roxy that rep resents the technology sp illover d im ension
of op enness. O p enness to trad e facilitates access to the
technological inform ation in the world (G rossm an and
H elp m an, 1 992, C hp -9), which creates technological
sp illover through im p orts as well as exp orts.
4.2. Measurem ent of Financial D evelopm ent
O ne of the m ost d ifficult asp ects of em p irically
investigating the relationship b etween financial
d evelop m ent and econom ic growth is the m easurem ent
of “financial d evelop m ent”. H owever, the p ractitioners
are forced to form a well-d efined set of m easures of
financial d evelop m ent b y the availab ility of d ata at hand .
T he p roxies p rop osed for m easuring the level of financial
d evelop m ent are b asically chosen from the m onetary
and cred it aggregates in an econom y. T he rationale for
the inclusion of a wid e range of p roxies is to m axim ize the
inform ation on financial d evelop m ent. In other word s,
d iverse aggregates should b e ab le to catch d ifferent
functions of the financial m arkets. In this article, the
following p roxies6 for financial d evelop m ent are em p loyed
in the em p irical analysis.
N arrow M oney R atio (M 1 /Y ): In the ab sence of the
financial sector econom ic agents have to hold their
financial assets at hand . T his m eans that the fund s for
investm ent will b e kep t out of the financial sector in the
econom y. W ith financial d evelop m ent, the ratio of narrow
m oney to incom e will d ecrease.
N arrow M oney B road M oney R atio (M 1 /M 2): In a
fragm ented financial sector, econom ic units m ay p refer to
hold their fund s out of the financial sector to rem ain liq uid .
H owever, d evelop m ents in the financial system in term s of
not only organizations such as b anks b ut also instrum ents
in this sector m ay lead p eop le to p ut their m oney in the
b anking sector, through which investm ent can b e carried
out. In short, with financial d evelop m ent, d ep osits in the
b anking sector m ay b e increased and as a result the M 1 /
M 2 ratio will d ecrease.
B road M oney R atio (M 2/Y ): M onetary aggregates also
p rovid e an alternative set of variab les to m easure the
extent of financial d evelop m ent (D e G regorio and G uid otti,
1 995; G aletovic, 1 996; L ynch, 1 996). In the literature, the
com m only used m easure of financial d evelop m ent is a
ratio of som e b road m easure of the m oney stock, usually
M 2, to the level of nom inal incom e (G elb , 1 989; K ing and
L evine, 1 993a, 1 993b ; M urind e and E ng , 1 994a, and 1 994;
L yons and M urind e, 1 994; D em etriad es and H ussein, 1 996;
A restis and D em etriad es, 1 997 ; K wan et. al., 1 998). T his
sim p le ind icator m easures the d egree of m onetization
in the econom y. T he m onetization variab le is d esigned
to show the real size of the financial sector of a growing
econom y. M oney p rovid es valuab le p aym ent and saving
services. T he ‘narrow m oney’ stock b est reflects the form er
6 F or a m ore com p rehensive set of m easures of financial d evelop m ent, see L ynch (1 996).
and ‘b road m oney’ the latter. N arrow m oney b alances
should rise in line with econom ic transactions, b ut b road
m oney should rise at a faster p ace, if financial d eep ening is
occurring (L ynch, 1 996).
It is argued that the use of m onetary aggregates as
a p roxy for the d egree of financial d evelop m ent m ight
also p resents p rob lem s (D e G regorio and G uid otti, 1 995;
K ing and L evine, 1 993a). K ing and L evine (1 993a) note
that d ifferent d efinitions of m onetary aggregates m ay act
as p roxies for d ifferent roles of financial interm ed iation.
In som e cases m onetary aggregates m ay b e very p oor
ind icators of the extent of financial d evelop m ent. F or
exam p le, D e G regorio and G uid otti (1 995) criticize the use
of narrow m oney to incom e ratio as a p roxy for financial
d evelop m ent. T hey argue that a high level of m onetization
(M 1 /G D P ) is the result of financial und erd evelop m ent,
while a low level of m onetization is the result of a high
d egree of sop histication of financial m arkets, which allow
ind ivid uals to econom ize on their m oney hold ings. D e
G regorio and G ud otti (1 995) suggest to use a less liq uid
m onetary aggregate (M 3 or M 2/G D P ) as a p roxy for financial
d evelop m ent. It is exp ected that the b road m oney ratio is
p ositively related to growth.
M 2Y R atio (M 2Y /Y ): M 2Y d efinition of the m oney includ es
the d ep osits in the foreign currency in the national b anking
system . A fter financial lib eralization, in a b road er sense,
cap ital account lib eralization in 1 989, foreign savers m ay
utilize the real return in the countries where the real rate
of interest is high. In ad d ition, in an unstab le econom y, the
d om estic econom ic unit m ay p refer to hold their assets as
foreign currency in the b anking system in ord er to m inim ize
the im p act of econom ic shock com ing from the exchange
rate risk. It is therefore im p ortant to consid er this ratio as a
p roxy for financial d evelop m ent in countries where there
is cap ital account lib eralization, which is the case in T urkey
p artially after 1 980 and in full after 1 989.
4.3. Construction of Trade Liberalization and
Financial D evelopm ent Indexes
A s d iscussed in the p revious section, each m easure
(p roxy) for trad e lib eralization or financial d evelop m ent
cap tures a d ifferent asp ect of the issue and therefore, it
is b etter to d evelop a tool to overcom e these p rob lem s.
In other word s, the characterization of the relationship
am ong alternative p roxies gains im p ortance. In consid ering
all these facts, the task is to find out a latent variab le that
com b ines d ifferent d im ensions of trad e lib eralization or
financial d evelop m ent together and p rovid es a single
m easure of trad e lib eralization or financial d evelop m ent.
P rincip le com p onent analysis can b e used to com b ine
this inform ation in trad e lib eralization and financial
d evelop m ent p roxies.
T he m ain id ea of p rincip le com p onent analysis is to
red uce the d im ensions of a d ata set that consists of a
S E E Journal
T rad e L ib eralization, F inancial D evelop m ent and E conom ic G rowth in T he L ong T erm : T he C ase of T urkey
num b er of interrelated variab les, m aking use of the
covariance b etween them , while retaining as m uch as
p ossib le of the variation p resent in the d ata set (Jolliffe,
1 986). T his is achieved b y the linear transform ation of d ata
that are orthogonal to each other. T he m ethod of p rincip le
com p onent analysis can b e ap p lied b y using the original
values of the d ata or their d eviations from their m eans
or stand ard ized variab les. S ince the m ethod is sensitive
to the unit of m easurem ent of the d ata, it is b etter to use
stand ard ized variab les when the variab les are m easured in
d ifferent units.
F urtherm ore, consid ering the fact that the p roxies are
non-stationary, p rincip le com p onents were estim ated
on the d ata m atrix of the d ifference of the logs of the
stand ard ized variab les for the p eriod concerned . T he
variances of the p rincip le com p onents are the eigenvalues
( ijj ) of the variance-covariance m atrix ( Σ ) of the d ata.
T he elem ents of the corresp ond ing eigenvector of the
first p rincip le com p onent are the coefficients that will b e
used for the linear com b ination of the p roxies. T herefore,
the one-d im ensional m easure of trad e lib eralization (or
financial d evelop m ent) can b e found as follows:
opt = ∑ i zit
i =1
where opt rep resents the one d im ensional m easure of
trad e lib eralization (or financial d evelop m ent) at tim e t,
zit is the stand ard ized i
(1 1 )
T he coefficients of the E L ind ex are consistent with the
ab ove find ings.
5. Em pirical Results
5.1. D ata set and Time Series Properties of the Variables
trad e lib eralization (or financial
d evelop m ent) p roxy at tim e t, and i is the eigenvector
com p onent that corresp ond s to a com p lem entary m easure
of i th p roxy.
F or trad e lib eralization, three p roxies, nam ely ratio of
exp ort to incom e (X /Y ), ratio of im p ort to incom e (M /Y )
and ratio of exp ort p lus im p orts to incom e (O P E N ) are used
to ob tain a trad e lib eralization ind ex (T L ): 7
where L d enotes the logarithm of the following variab les.
A s can b e seen from the coefficients of the trad e
lib eralization p roxies, they have p ositive im p acts on the
trad e lib eralization ind ex.
T he ind ex for financial d evelop m ent (F D ) includ es the
m onetary aggregates, nam ely M 1 /Y , M 1 /M 2, M 2/Y and
M 2Y /Y . T he F D ind ex as follows:
(1 0)
where the all the letters are defined as above. T he coefficient for
financial developm ent index indicates that M 1 /Y and M 1 /M 2
are negatively related to the index and the others vice versa.
7 T he results of the construction of the ind exes are availab le up on req uest.
N ovem b er 2008
In order to test the joint im pact of trade liberalization and
financial developm ent on econom ic growth as discussed
theoretically by Blackburn and H ung (1 998), we initially
intended to do as Siddiki (2002), who includes two variables
for both trade liberalization and financial developm ent in
the sam e regression. D ue to the existing high correlation (r =
0,98) am ong trade liberalization and financial developm ent
indexes, it m ay not be appropriate to include both at the
sam e tim e in a regression. T herefore, we have decided to
construct another index that includes both proxies for trade
liberalization and financial developm ent, nam ely X /Y , M /Y ,
O PE N /Y , M 1 /Y , M 1 /M 2, M 2/Y and M 2Y /Y . T his new index (E L ),
therefore, involves proxies for both external liberalization and
financial developm ent. In a narrow sense, this index (E L ) can be
considered as an econom ic liberalization index, which carries
instrum ents from both aspects of the issue concerned here.
T he E L index is as follows:
T he research p eriod is d eterm ined b y the d ata availab ility.
T he annual d ata is em p loyed for the T urkish econom y for
the p eriod 1 963-2005. T he gross national p rod uct (G N P )
at 1 987 constant p rices is availab le from the web site of
the S tate P lanning O rganization. N arrow m oney (M 1 )
and b road m oney (M 2) are taken from the web site of the
International F inancial S tatistics (IF S ). M 2Y is collected from
the electronic d ata d issem ination system in the C entral
B ank in T urkey. T rad e variab les (M and X ) are also taken
from the IF S and converted into national currency b y using
the exchange rate availab le in the IF S .
R ecent d evelop m ents in econom etrics req uires that
b efore und ertaking an em p irical analysis, tim e series
p rop erties of the d ata in term s of unit root should b e
investigated b ecause regression analysis carried out
with non-stationary variab les m ay invalid ate m any of the
assum p tions of regression analysis. If a tim e series has a
unit root, a wid esp read and convenient way to rem ove
non-stationarity is b y taking first d ifferences of the relevant
variab le. A non-stationary series, which b y d ifferencing d
tim es transfers to a stationary one, is called an integrated
of ord er d and d enoted as I(d ) (C harem za and D ead m an,
1 997 ). In fact, when a series is integrated of ord er one
it m eans that it is not itself stationary, b ut that its first
d ifferences are stationary. T he d efinition of the variab les is
p resented in T ab le 1 .
T rad e L ib eralization, F inancial D evelop m ent and E conom ic G rowth in T he L ong T erm : T he C ase of T urkey
T he results of D F and A D F unit root tests show that the
levels of the variab les are not stationary, b ut that their first
d ifferences are stationary, with or without the inclusion of
a d eterm inistic trend .
N am e
of the
variab le
D efinition
L og of p er cap ita reel incom e
L og of gross fixed cap ital form ation as a p roxy for
cap ital stock
L og of second ary school enrolm ent rate
T rad e lib eralization ind ex
F inancial d evelop m ent ind ex
E conom ic lib eralization ind ex
T able 1 . D efinition of the V ariables
T he results of the D ickey-F uller (D F ) and A ugm ented
D ickey – F uller (A D F ) unit root tests for the variab les are
p resented in T ab le 2. T he critical values are p rod uced b y
the E views 5.0 econom etrics p rogram , which is b ased
on the resp onse surfaces in M acK innon (1 991 ). L and D
resp ectively d enote the logarithm and d ifference of the
variab le in concern.
T he next step , in the light of ‘new’ growth theory, is to
exam ine the m ultivariate cointegration issue am ong the
variab les consid ered . A ccord ingly, a m easure of p hysical
cap ital (i.e. gross d om estic cap ital form ation), a m easure
of hum an cap ital (i.e. the second ary school enrolm ent rate
d efined as the num b er of the stud ents in the second ary
school d ivid ed b y total p op ulation) and one of the ind exes,
nam ely T L , F D and E L , constructed ab ove will b e includ ed
in the em p irical analysis.
F ollowing R oub ini and S ala-i M artin (1 992), C oe and
M oghad am (1 993), P iazola (1 995), L eigh (1 996), O d ed okun
(1 996, 1 999), G hatak, M ilner and U tkulu (1 995, 1 997 ),
S id d iki (2002) and L iand and T eng (2006), the augm ented
p rod uction function with trad e lib eralization and financial
d evelop m ent can b e written as follows:
V ariab les
Intercep t
C ritical
V alue
Intercep t
with trend
C ritical
V alue
R esults
Y = f (K , H , X i )
-0.7 50 (0)
-2.81 2 (0)
N ot I(0)
W here Y is outp ut, K is p hysical cap ital, H is hum an
-1 .090 (0)
-2.31 3 (0)
N ot I(0)
-1 .97 1 (4)
-2.1 23 (0)
N ot I(0)
-0.452 (0)
-3.451 (4)
N ot I(0)
-0.293 (0)
-3.026 (0)
N ot I(0)
-0.1 1 0 (0)
-3.494 (4)
N ot I(0)
-7 .035 (0)
-6.953 (0)
-5.60 (0)
-5.590 (0)
-3.07 (3)
-3.1 20 (3)
-6.230 (0)
-4.557 (7 )
-5.1 52 (0)
-5.097 (0)
-5.22 (0)
-5.1 85 (0)
N ot: T he ord er of augm entation in the D ickey-F uller regressions
is chosen using the A kaike Inform ation C riterion and the
num b ers given in the b rackets in colum ns two and three
rep resent the ord er of augm entation.
T able 2. D F and A D F T ests for U nit Root
5.2. Estim ation of the Long-term Production
f1 , f 2 , f 3 > 0
(7 )
cap ital, X i (i = 1,2,3) d enotes the trad e lib eralization,
financial d evelop m ent and the joint im p act of these two
com p onents of econom ic lib eralization. T he coefficients
for these three variab les are the concerns of this p ap er and
it is exp ected that they have p ositive im p acts on econom ic
T he rationality of the variab les in the p rod uction
function need s som e d etail. T hose variab les exp lained in
the p revious section will b e referred to in ord er to avoid
rep eating them . S ince it is highly unrealistic to assum e
that financial d evelop m ent is the sole or even the m ain
d riving force b ehind the growth p rocess, the p otential
effects of m ore conventional factors should b e isolated
b y includ ing som e variab les. R enelt (1 991 ) argues that it is
p ossib le to find a significant relationship b etween growth
and m any of the other variab les in the em p irical literature,
p articularly in cross-country stud ies. F ollowing R enelt
(1 991 ), the p rod uction function includ es sup p ly sid e
variab les, nam ely p hysical cap ital, lab our, hum an cap ital,
trad e lib eralization and financial d evelop m ent. In ord er to
und erstand the true interactions, p otential p olicy variab les
are exp licitly m od elled .
A ccord ing to S cott (1 992), p hysical cap ital seem s to b e
a m uch m ore im p ortant d eterm inant of econom ic growth
than neo-classical growth theory suggests. A n increase in
investm ent not only raises the rate of econom ic growth,
b ut also creates large p ositive external effects (learning
effects). P hysical cap ital is ap p roxim ated b y the gross
S E E Journal
T rad e L ib eralization, F inancial D evelop m ent and E conom ic G rowth in T he L ong T erm : T he C ase of T urkey
fixed cap ital form ation in the em p irical stud ies (F osu, 1 990;
G hatak, M ilner and U tkulu, 1 995; P iazolo, 1 995; M ost and
van d en B erg, 1 996; A lexand er, 1 997 ; G hura, 1 997 ). T he
m ain reason why cap ital form ation is not em p loyed is
that there are no annual d ep reciation rates at hand . It is
exp ected that the p hysical cap ital should have a p ositive
effect on econom ic growth.
A sub stantial b od y of recent econom ic theory has
em p hasized hum an cap ital as a d eterm inant of econom ic
growth. N ot only d oes the new growth theory stress the
im p ortance of hum an cap ital (R om er, 1 986; L ucas, 1 988;
B arro, 1 991 and 1 998; P iazolo, 1 995; G lom m and R avikum ar,
1 997 ; H wang , 1 998), b ut hum an cap ital augm ented neoclassical m od els as well (M ankiw et. al., 1 992; G ram m y and
A ssane, 1 996) . T he ed ucational level of a society serves as
a p roxy for the d evelop m ent of hum an cap ital. E d ucation
increases the q uality of the lab our force, and therefore, the
long-term p rod uction p ossib ility curve shifts outward . A n
increase in the ed ucational level has a p ositive effect on
econom ic growth. In other word s, a b etter ed ucated lab our
force will b e m ore p rod uctive on the job b y req uiring less
sup ervision and p ossessing greater initiative in hand ling
job -related p rob lem s.
T he p rod uction function is estim ated using the Johansen
cointegration p roced ure. In p articular, econom ic theory
often suggests that the p ath of certain p airs of variab les
should not d iverge, at least in the long term , though they
m ay d iverge in the short term d ue to seasonal factors. If
the variab les continue to d iverge, m arket forces or other
instrum ents com m ence to cause them to converge again.
In this vein, cointegration m eans that one or m ore linear
com b inations of these variab les are stationary even
though ind ivid ually they are not. If these variab les are
cointegrated , they cannot m ove “too far” away from each
other. In other word s, if there is a long-term relationship
b etween two or m ore non-stationary variab les, the id ea
is that d eviations from this long term p ath are stationary
(C harem za and D ead m an, 1 997 ). In contrast, a lack of
cointegration suggests that such variab les have no link;
they can wand er arb itrarily far away from each other.
T he ap p lication of the Johansen cointegration
p roced ure (Johansen, 1 988; Johansen and Juselius,
1 992) in the em p irical literature is very com m on. T his
m ethod ology em p hasizes the id entification of long-term
relationship s, and hence is p articularly ap p rop riate for
stud ying the d eterm inants of p otential outp ut. T hese
new d evelop m ents in tim e series econom etrics have
b een recently exp loited in the growth literature (S erletis,
1 994; Jones, 1 995; P iazolo, 1 995; L eigh, 1 996; A restis and
D em etriad es, 1 997 ; C ellini, 1 997 ; H ansson and Jonung,
1 997 ; L au and S in, 1 997 ; B atina, 1 998; H wang , 1 998;
R ousseau and W achtel, 1 998; S id d iki, 2002; L iang and T eng,
2006). S tud ies m entioned ab ove utilizing the tim e series
p rop erties and cointegration analysis have attem p ted to
estab lish a long term relationship b etween the level of the
N ovem b er 2008
set of the variab les in their em p irical analysis.
T he Johansen cointegration p roced ure involves
estim ating a V ector A utoregressive M od el (V A R ) such as
(H old en and T hom p son, 1 992; C harem za and D ead m an,
1 997 ):
Z t = A1 Z t −1 + ... + Ak Z t −k +  Dt + ut
(1 3)
where Z t is a (n x 1 ) vector that contains current and lagged
values of n variab les which are each assum ed to b e I(1 ),
each A i is an (n x n) m atrix of p aram eters, D t is a vector of
I(0) variab les8 and is the vector of rand om errors. H ere,
the form ulation of the V A R m od el is of m ajor im p ortance
b ecause the results of the cointegration test can b e
very sensitive to that form ulation. T here are two m ain
interrelated issues that p articularly should b e taken into
consid eration. T he first one is to includ e an ap p rop riate
lag length to ensure that the resid uals are white noise. T he
second is that using too m any lags red uces the p ower of
the statistics. T herefore, the choice of the ap p rop riate laglength is im p ortant. T here are several criteria to d eterm ine
the ap p rop riate lag-length in the em p irical literature,
nam ely the A kaike Inform ation C riteria, the S chwarz and
H annan-Q uinn criteria.
F ollowing the econom ic d iscussions in the p revious
section, the variab les are classified und er three group s.
T he first one assesses the im p acts of trad e lib eralization on
the p rod uction. T he second one concerns the relationship
b etween the financial d evelop m ent and incom e. F inally,
the last asserts the joint effect of trad e lib eralization
and financial d evelop m ent (econom ic lib eralization) on
econom ic growth. T he correlation coefficient b etween
trad e lib eralization and financial d evelop m ent ind exes
are q uite high (r = 0,98), and therefore two variab les are
not includ ed in the sam e regression. F orm ally, the three
group s of the variab les are nam ed as m od els and form ed
as in T ab le 3:
M od el I
L PRY , L K, L SE C , T L
M od el II
L PRY , L K, L SE C , F D
M od el III
L PRY , L K, L SE C , E L
T able 3. D efinition of the V ariables and the Systems
E m p irical investigation (carried out E -views econom etric
software p rogram m e) starts from an augm ented V A R
with four lags on all variab les. T he S chwarz and H annanQ uin criteria showed that, in all m od els, ap p rop riate lag
length is eq ual to one (availab le up on req uest). A fter the
estab lishm ent and estim ation of the V A R , the cointegration
statistics, nam ely m axim um eigenvalue and trace statistics,
8 D t actually rep resents a vector of any variab les that are includ ed in the system to ensure that
errors ut are white noise; thus it m ay contain d um m y variab les as well.
T rad e L ib eralization, F inancial D evelop m ent and E conom ic G rowth in T he L ong T erm : T he C ase of T urkey
d evelop ed b y Johansen are ap p lied to test whether there
is a the long-term relationship am ong the variab les. T he
results are p resented in T ab le 4.
H o: rank= r
Model I
r= = 0
r< = 1
r< = 2
r< = 3
Model II
r= = 0
r< = 1
r< = 2
r< = 3
Model III
r= = 0
r< = 1
r< = 2
r< = 3
M ax E igen.
T race
1 5,892
9,1 64
1 3,686
54,07 9
35,1 92
9,1 64
1 2,456
1 5,892
9,1 64
7 4,425*
36,1 64*
1 5,7 07
54,07 9
35,1 92
9,1 64
37 ,205*
1 9,61 5
1 5,892
9,1 64
1 2,7 1 2
54,07 9
35,1 92
9,1 64
1 9,21 3
6. Con clusion
T able 4. Johansen Cointegration T est Results
B oth trace and m axim um eigenvalue statistics showed
that there is at least one cointegrating vector for each
m od el. T race statistics ind icated that there are two
cointegrating vectors in M od el II. F or the sam e m od el, the
m axim um eigenvalue statistic resulted in one cointegrating
vector. T herefore, one cointegrating vector for the M od el II
is assum ed in the further analysis.
T he corresp ond ing cointegrating vectors for each m od el
resp ectively p resented as follows (stand ard errors are
given in the p arenthesis):
(1 4)
(1 5)
(1 6)
A s far as th e em p irical resu lts are co n cern ed ,
seco n d ary
sch o o l
en ro lm en t
fin an cial
d ev elo p m en t an d trad e lib eraliz atio n are statistically
sig n ifican t. T h e sig n o f th e v ariab les co n cern ed (T L ,
F D an d E L ) is as arg u ed in th e th eo retical d iscu ssio n
ab o v e. P articu larly, h u m an cap ital accu m u latio n (L S E C )
in th ree m o d els (E q u atio n 1 4 , 1 5 , 1 6 ) is sig n ifican t an d
in flu en ces eco n o m ic g ro w th p o sitiv ely. T h e im p act o f
trad e lib eraliz atio n (T L ) o n p er cap ita in co m e is p o sitiv e
(E q u atio n 1 4 ). In ad d itio n , fin an cial d ev elo p m en t h as
p o sitiv ely co n trib u ted to eco n o m ic g ro w th (eq u atio n
1 5 ). F in ally, alth o u g h th e m ag n itu d e o f its co efficien t is
v ery sm all, th e v ariab le fo r eco n o m ic lib eraliz atio n (E L ),
w h ich cap tu res th e asp ects o f b o th trad e lib eraliz atio n
an d fin an cial d ev elo p m en t, also h as a p o sitiv e effect
o n th e g ro w th rate. H o w ev er, p h ysical cap ital in
M o d els II an d III (L K in E q u atio n 1 5 an d 1 6 ) seem s to
b e in sig n ifican t.
T h e em p irical an alysis sh o w s th at fin an cial
d ev elo p m en t (F D ) an d trad e lib eraliz atio n (T L )
sep arately h av e p o sitiv e co n trib u tio n s to eco n o m ic
g ro w th in T u rkey. In ad d itio n , th e jo in t im p act o f trad e
lib eraliz atio n an d fin an cial d ev elo p m en t in term s o f
eco n o m ic lib eraliz atio n (E L ) also p o sitiv ely in flu en ce
eco n o m ic g ro w th . A s arg u ed b y th e en d o g en o u s
g ro w th literatu re, h u m an cap ital also p o sitiv ely affects
in co m e.
W ith th e em erg en ce o f th e n ew g ro w th th eo ries, th e
im p act o f eco n o m ic p o licy o n eco n o m ic g ro w th h as
b een a h o tly d eb ated issu e. In o th er w o rd s, w h eth er
eco n o m ic p o lices in a co u n try in flu en ce th e eco n o m ic
g ro w th is an em p irical issu e. T h is p ap er em p irically
in v estig ated w h eth er trad e lib eraliz atio n an d fin an cial
lib eraliz atio n h av e h ad an y sig n ifican t im p act o n
eco n o m ic g ro w th in T u rkey w h ich , as a d ev elo p in g
eco n o m y, h as w itn essed an u n p reced en ted stag ed
refo rm attem p t in v o lv in g extern al (trad e) an d in tern al
(fin an cial) lib eraliz atio n , esp ecially after th e 2 4 J an u ary
D ecisio n s fo llo w in g th e eco n o m ic crisis in 1 9 8 0 . In
T u rkey, eco n o m ic lib eraliz atio n in term s o f trad e an d
th e fin an cial secto r w as at th e h eart o f th e stab iliz atio n
p ro g ram m e em p lo yed in 1 9 8 0 an d h as co n stitu ted an
in teg ral p art o f th e eco n o m ic p o licies sin ce th en . T h e
th eo retical co re o f th e eco n o m ic refo rm p ro g ram m e
is to p ro v id e efficien cy in th e allo catio n o f scarce
reso u rces an d to m o b iliz e u n p ro d u ctiv e reso u rces in to
in v estm en t an d h en ce p ro m o te eco n o m ic g ro w th .
T o test th e im p act o f trad e lib eraliz atio n an d
fin an cial d ev elo p m en t o n T u rkish eco n o m ic g ro w th ,
th ree altern ativ e m easu res (in d exes) w ere d ev elo p ed
b y m akin g u se o f th e p rin cip al co m p o n en ts an alysis,
n am ely trad e lib eraliz atio n , fin an cial d ev elo p m en t
an d , in a sen se, eco n o m ic lib eraliz atio n p ro xies. T h e
em p irical resu lts, o b tain ed b y em p lo yin g th e m eth o d s
o f th e tim e series eco n o m etrics fo r th e p erio d 1 9 6 3 2 0 0 5 , sh o w ed th at trad e lib eraliz atio n an d fin an cial
d ev elo p m en t p o sitiv ely co n trib u tes to eco n o m ic
g ro w th . F u rth erm o re, th e jo in t im p act o f trad e
lib eraliz atio n an d fin an cial d ev elo p m en t in term s o f
eco n o m ic lib eraliz atio n o n eco n o m ic g ro w th is also
sig n ifican t in T u rkey.
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