Micro Project report on Online Examination System Academic Year:2021-22 Institute Code:0563 Program: Information Technology Semester: IV Course: Java Programming Course Code: 22412 Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai (Autonomous) (ISO-9001-2008) (ISO/IEC 27001:20013 Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai CERTIFICATE This is to certify that, Roll No Student Name 36 KAMBLE ROHAN SUNIL Seat No Enroll No 2005630212 Of Fourth Semester of Diploma in Information Technology of Institute Pravin Patil College of Diploma Engineering and Technology, Bhayander (E)(Code: 0563) has completed the Micro Project satisfactorily in subject JAVA PROGRAMMING (22412) for the academic year 2021–2022as prescribed in the curriculum. Place: Bhayander (E) Date: Ms. Pooja Mhatre Mrs. Prachi kalpande Mrs. Ranjana Patil Subject Teacher Head of Department Principal PART A – Plan Micro Project Proposal Online Examination System 1.0 Brief Introduction Online Examination System project could be a web portal which is developed or implemented in java domain or platform. This project is helpful for students to practice different mock examinations from this site. In current generation lots of the examinations like GRE, CAT, and MAT…etc is conducted through online system. This project will help students to get practiced to online examination method by taking mock tests from this web portal. Online Examination System portal is implemented in 2 modules student examination module and examination admin module. Admin module will add multiple courses under different branches so students can easily know about test details. Student examination module students ought to register with application and choose interested courses and participate in the online test. Project Objective Online Examination System can reduce the hectic job of assessing the answers given by manually. candidates Responses or the answers by the candidates can be checked automatically and instantly. It will reduce paper work to be an integrated Online Examination System. The result can be shown immediately to the students reducing the anxiety. Can create various reports and graphs for evaluation purpose almost instantly when and where required .Online Examination System is developed or designed for educational institutes like school, colleges, and private institutes to conduct logic test of their students on regular basis. Design to provide or facilitate Administrator and User.Complete and safe information is provided to user.Can be used anywhere anytime at it is web based application. 2.0 Aim of the Micro-Project . 1.Online Examination System 3.0 Action Plan Sr.No. Details of Activity Planned Start Date Name of Responsible Team Planned Finish Date Members 1. Selection of topic Rohan 2. Information collection from books Rohan 3. Information collection from web resources 4. Designing algorithm for project Rohan 5. Developing code for project Rohan 6. Developing code for project Rohan 7. Solving error and testing of project Rohan 8. Preparation of report Rohan Rohan 4.0Resources Required . No SrName of Resource/Material Specifications Qty Remarks 1 JDK 1.8.0 1 Available in college Laboratory 2 Websites Wikipedia 1 For brief information 3 Ms word Microsoft word 2007 1 For making the report ************** PART B – Plan Micro Project Report Online Examination System 1.0 Brief Description Online Examination System project could be a web portal which is developed or implemented in java domain or platform. This project is helpful for students to practice different mock examinations from this site. In current generation lots of the examinations like GRE, CAT, and MAT…etc is conducted through online system. This project will help students to get practiced to online examination method by taking mock tests from this web portal. Online Examination System portal is implemented in 2 modules student examination module and examination admin module. Admin module will add multiple courses under different branches so students can easily know about test details. Student examination module students ought to register with application and choose interested courses and participate in the online test. Project Objective Online Examination System can reduce the hectic job of assessing the answers given by manually. candidates Responses or the answers by the candidates can be checked automatically and instantly. It will reduce paper work to be an integrated Online Examination System. The result can be shown immediately to the students reducing the anxiety. Can create various reports and graphs for evaluation purpose almost instantly when and where required .Online Examination System is developed or designed for educational institutes like school, colleges, and private institutes to conduct logic test of their students on regular basis. Design to provide or facilitate Administrator and User.Complete and safe information is provided to user.Can be used anywhere anytime at it is web based application. 2.0Aim of the Micro-Project 1. Hospital Management System. 3.0 Course Outcomes integrated 1. Develop programs using Object Oriented methodology in Java. 4.0 Actual Procedure Followed 1. Selection of topic. 2. Information collected from books. 3. Information collected from web resources. 4. Designing algorithm for project. 4.0 Actual Resource Used . No Name of Resource/Material Specifications Qty Remarks 1 JDK 1.8.0 1 Available in college Laboratory 2 Websites Wikipedia 1 For brief information 3 Ms word Microsoft word 2007 1 For making the report 6.0 Output of the Micro-Project Program with Output: import java.sql.*; public class examination extends Frame { int stdno,i; int qcounter; String topi; int count=0; int qno; String[] ques; String[] op1; String[] op2; String[] op3; String[] op4; String[] ans; String[] uans; String[] umark; Panel p,p1,p3; Label l1,l2,l3; Button pre,n,m,c; CheckboxGroup radio; Checkbox radioop1,radioop2,radioop3,radioop4; int qmark; mythread mn; results a2; public examination(int snum,String top) { qcounter=0; stdno=snum; topi=top; try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connection c=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:sirisha"); Statement st=c.createStatement(); ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery("Select * from question where topic='"+topi+"' order by qno"); while(rs.next()) { count++; } st.close(); ques = new String[count]; op1=new String[count]; op2=new String[count]; op3=new String[count]; op4=new String[count]; ans=new String[count]; uans=new String[count]; umark=new String[count]; Statement st1=c.createStatement(); rs=st1.executeQuery("Select * from question where topic='"+topi+"'"); int i=0; while(rs.next()) { ques[i]=rs.getString(2); op1[i]=rs.getString(4); op2[i]=rs.getString(5); op3[i]=rs.getString(6); op4[i]=rs.getString(7); ans[i]=rs.getString(8); umark[i]="N"; i++; } st1.close(); System.out.println(count); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("inside:"+e); e.printStackTrace(); } p=new Panel(); p3=new Panel(); p1=new Panel(); pre=new Button("Previous"); n=new Button("Next"); m=new Button("Mark/Unmark"); c=new Button("Close"); // System.out.println("Value of ques[]"+ques[qcounter]); l1=new Label(""+ques[qcounter]); qno=qcounter+1; l3=new Label("Time :00::50::00"); l2=new Label("Q.NO"+qno+"of"+count); p.add(l1); p3.add(l2); p3.add(l3); p1.add(pre); p1.add(n); p1.add(m); p1.add(c); radio=new CheckboxGroup(); radioop1=new Checkbox(op1[qcounter],radio,false); radioop2=new Checkbox(op2[qcounter],radio,false); radioop3=new Checkbox(op3[qcounter],radio,false); radioop4=new Checkbox(op4[qcounter],radio,false); p.add(radioop1); p.add(radioop2); p.add(radioop3); p.add(radioop4); add("Center",p); add("South",p1); add("North",p3); mn=new mythread(this); mn.start(); show(); } public boolean handleEvent(Event e) { if(e.id==Event.WINDOW_DESTROY) System.exit(0); return super.handleEvent(e); } public boolean action(Event e,Object o) { if(e.target.equals(pre)) { qcounter=qcounter-1; if(qcounter<=0) { qcounter=0; } add124(qcounter); } else if(e.target.equals(n)) { qcounter=qcounter+1; if(qcounter>=(count)) { qcounter=qcounter-1; } add124(qcounter); } else if(e.target.equals(m)) { umark[qcounter]="M"; } else if(e.target.equals(c)) { //count,uans,qmark,stdno,topi disp124(); } if(radioop1.getState()) { uans[qcounter]= op1[qcounter]; } else if(radioop2.getState()) { uans[qcounter]= op2[qcounter]; } else if(radioop3.getState()) { uans[qcounter]= op3[qcounter]; } else if(radioop4.getState()) { uans[qcounter]= op4[qcounter]; } return super.action(e,o); } public void disp124() { answerlist al=new answerlist(this); hide(); al.resize(300,300); al.show(); } public void dispresults() { if(a2==null) { System.out.println("Method dispresults called"); a2=new results(this); hide(); a2.resize(300,300); a2.show(); } } public void add124(int c) { qcounter=c; //p.removeAll(); umark[c]="N"; //l1=new Label(ques[c]); l1.setText(ques[c]); //p.add(l1); //radio=new CheckboxGroup(); //radioop1=new Checkbox(op1[c],radio,false); //radioop2=new Checkbox(op2[c],radio,false); //radioop3=new Checkbox(op3[c],radio,false); //radioop4=new Checkbox(op4[c],radio,false); radioop1.setLabel(op1[c]); radioop2.setLabel(op2[c]); radioop3.setLabel(op3[c]); radioop4.setLabel(op4[c]); //p.add(radioop1); //p.add(radioop2); //p.add(radioop3); //p.add(radioop4); //add("Center",p); l2.setText("Q.NO"+(c+1)+"of"+count); System.out.println("change="+(c+1)+" "+count); validate(); return; } } class mythread extends Thread { examination ex; mythread(examination f) { ex=f; } public void run() { long time=ex.count*100000; System.out.println("time:"+time); for(long i=0;i<time;i++) { long sec=i/1000; long min=sec/60; long hr=min/60; sec=sec%60; String str1="Time:"+hr+"::"+min+"::"+sec; int qno=ex.qcounter+1; //ex.p3.removeAll(); //Panel p3=new Panel(); //Label l2=new Label("Q.NO"+qno+"of"+ex.count); //ex.l2.setText("Q.NO"+qno+"of"+ex.count); //p3.add(l2); //Label l3=new Label(str1); ex.l3.setText(str1); //p3.add(l3); //ex.add("North",p3); ex.validate(); } System.out.println("time over..."); ex.dispresults(); //System.exit(0); } } OUTPUT:- 7.0 Skill Developed/Learning out of this Micro-Project 1. We developed skills like graphics are created in computer world. 2. To implement various algorithms to scan, convert the basic geometric primitives, transformation, area filling, clipping. 3. To implement the program for rotation of solar system. Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro-Project (Please tick in appropriate cell for each characteristic) S. No Characteristic to be assessed Poor (Marks 1-3) Average (Marks 4-5) Good (Marks 6-8) 1 Relevance to the course Relate to very few LOs Related to some LOs Take care of atleast one CO 2 Literature Survey / Information Collection Not more than two sources, very old reference At-least 5 relevant sources, at-least 2 latest At-least 7 relevant sources, most latest About 10 relevant sources, most latest 3 Completion of the Target as per Project Proposal Completed less than 50% Completed 50% to 60% Completed 60% to 80% Completed more than 80% Detailed, correct and clear description of methods, materials, precautions and conclusions. Sufficient graphic description Very detailed, correct, clear description of methods, materials, precautions and conclusions. Enough tables, charts and sketches. Includes major information and well organized but not presented well Well organized, includes major information, well presented Replied properly to considerable number of question. Replied most of the questions properly 4 5 6 Report Preparation Very short, poor quality sketches, details about methods, material, precaution and conclusions omitted, some details are wrong Presentation Major information is not included, information is not well organized Defense Could not reply to considerable number of question Nearly sufficient and correct details about methods, material, precaution and conclusion, but clarity is not there in presentation. But not enough graphic description Includes major information but not well organized and not presented well Replied to considerable number of questions but not very properly Excellent (Marks 9-10) Take care of more than one CO Teacher Evaluation Sheet Name of Student: KAMBLE ROHAN SUNIL EnrollmentNo2005630212 Name of Program: Information Technology Semester: Fourth Course Title: Java Programming Code:22412 Title of the Micro Project:Online Examination System Course Outcomes Achieved (COs) a) Develop programs using Object Oriented methodology in Java. Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro-Project Sr . N o Characteristic to be Assessed Poor (Marks 1-3) Average (Marks 4-5) Good (Marks 6-8) Excellent (Marks 910) Sub Tota l (A) Process and Product Assessment (Covert above total marks out of 6 Marks) 1 Relevance to the course 2 Literature Survey / Information Collection 3 Completion of the Target as per project proposal 4 Analysis of Data and Representation 5 Quality of Prototype/Model 6 Report Preparation (B) Individual Presentation / Viva (Convert above total marks out of 4 Marks) 7 Presentation 8 Defense Micro-Project Evaluation Sheet (A) Process and Product Assessment (6 Marks) (B) Individual Presentation / Viva (4 marks) Total Marks (10 Marks) Comments / Suggestions about team work / leadership / inter-personal communication: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Name & Designation of the Teacher: Mrs. Pallavi Patil Dated Signature: ……………………………… j