INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING 1 FAR CHAPTER 15 KEY TERMS FINANCIAL ASSETS AT FAIR VALUE NOTES / DRAWINGS Investments - Assets held for the accretion of wealth through distribution (interest, royalties, dividends, rentals, and capital appreciation. Examples of investments a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Trading Securities – FA-FVPL FA-FVOCI Nontrading equity securities Bonds or FA-Amortized Cost Investment in Associate Investment in Subsidiary Investment Property Investment in Fund Investment in Joint Venture Statement Classification - CURRENT INVESTMENTS – readily realizable and not held for more than 1 year NONCURRENT/ LONG-TERM INVESTMENTS – investments other than Current Investments Financial Assets a. Cash b. Contractual right to receive cash or another financial asset from another c. Contractual right to exchange financial instrument under conditions that are potentially favorable d. Equity instrument of another entity Examples: 1. Cash or currency 2. Deposit of cash with a bank 3. Trade accounts receivable, notes receivable, and loans receivable 4. Investment in shares or other equity instruments Items NOT considered at financial assets Classification of financial assets 1. FVPL (Equity and Debt securities) 2. FVOCI (equity and debt securities) 3. Amortized Cost (debt securities) GOLD BULLION – NOT a financial asset Intangible assets Inventory and PPE Prepaid expenses Leased assets * classification depends on the business model for managing financial assets: a. To realize FV changes b. To collect contractual cash flows Equity Securities - - Any instruments representing: o ownership shares and right ordinary shares preference shares right or options to acquire ownership shares DO NOT INCLUDE “redeemable preference shares, treasury shares, and convertible debts” INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING 1 FAR Chapter 15 FVFA Share Right of shareholders Debt Securities 1. 2. 3. 4. Ownership interest or right of a shareholder in an entity. Evidenced by a “Share Certificate” Share in earnings Election of directors Subscription for additional shares Share in net assets upon liquidation - Represents a creditor relationship with an entity Has a maturity date and maturity value cont. Examples: 1. Corporate bonds 2. BSP Treasury bill 3. Government securities 4. Commercial papers 5. Preference shares with MANDATORY redemption date or are REDEEMABLE at the option of the holder INITIAL MEASUREMENT of financial assets - At Fair Value (FV) o If FVLP = direct costs are expensed o If FVOCI= directs are capitalized Transaction costs are: a. Fees and commissions paid to agents, advisers, brokers and dealers b. Levies by regulatory agencies and securities exchanges c. Transfer taxes and duties DO NOT A. B. C. SUBSEQUENT MEASUREMENT INCLUDE: Debt premiums or discounts Financing costs Internal administrative or holding costs 1. FVPL - for purpose of selling or repurchasing in the near term (Current Asset) 2. FVOCI – for purposes of both selling and to collect contractual cash flows (Noncurrent asset) 3. Amortized Cost – for purpose of collecting contractual cash flows Gain and Loss – Financial Assets at Fair Value - Presented in profit or loss FV > CA = Unrealized Gain FV < CA = Unrealized Loss Gain(Loss) from selling of investment = Realized Gain(Loss) Gain and Loss – Financial Assets at Amortized Cost - NOT RECOGNIZED because such investments are not reported at Fair Value Only RECOGNIZED in profit or loss when asset is derecognized, sold, impaired or reclassified, and through amortization process Gain and Loss – Financial Assets at FVOCI - RECOGNIZED in the the Statement of Other Comprehensive Income Cumulative gain (Original cost minus Current MV) will be reported in the Statement of Changes in Equity Gain(loss) on Sale will be recognized as an addition(deduction) to Retained Earnings Cumulative gain or loss previously recognized in OCI is also transferred to Retained Earnings INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING 1 FAR Chapter 15 FVFA Impairment – Equity Investments at Fair Value Impairment – Debt investments Credit loss Impairment loss - cont. It is not necessary to assess financial assets measured at FVPL and FVOCI for impairment Entity shall recognize expected credit loss on: a. Debt investment measured at amortized cost b. Debt investment measured at FVOCI - Entity shall measure the loss allowance for a financial instrument at an amount equal to the lifetime expected credit loss if the credit risk has increased significantly since initial recognition - Present value of all cash shortfalls Expected credit loss is an estimate of credit loss over the life of the financial instrument = CA – PV discounted at original effective rate INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING 1 FAR CHAPTER EQUITY INVESTMENTS 16 KEY TERMS Acquisition of equity investments (Dividends, Share Split and Share right) NOTES / DRAWINGS - PFRS 9 provides that when a financial asset is recognized initially, an entity shall measure it at Fair Value plus transaction costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition except for FA-FVPL wherein transaction costs are expensed. Acquisition by Exchange - Acquisition cost is determined in the order of priority: 1. Fair value of assets given 2. Fair value of asset received 3. Carrying amount of asset given Lump Sum Acquisition - When 2 or more equity securities are acquired at a single cost, the single cost is allocated to the securities on basis of their Fair Value. - If only 1 security has known market value, the amount is allocated to its market value and the remainder is their allocated to the other security. Investment Categories Sale of Equity Shares a. Trading Securities – FA-FVPL b. FA-FVOCI c. Investment in Associate d. Investment in Subsidiary e. Investment in unquoted equity instruments – measured at cost if FV cannot be measure reliably - - - Cash Dividends On derecognition of a financial asset at FVPL, the difference between the consideration received and the carrying amount of the asset shall be recognized in profit or loss. When equity shares are of the same class acquired on different dates at different costs, a problem will arise as to the determination of cost of shares sold when only a portion is subsequently sold In such case, the entity shall determine the cost of the shares sold using either the FIFO or average cost approach - considered as income - do not affect the investment account a. Cash Dividends are earned but not received Dividends receivable xxx Dividend Income xxx b. Cash dividends are subsequently received Cash xxx Dividends receivable xxx Dividend-on - Between date of declaration and date of record The dividends accrued is included in the sale price credited to “dividend income” Ex-dividend - Between date of record and date of payment Original shareholder is entitled to the right to receive dividends INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING 1 FAR Chapter 16 EQUITY INVESTMENTS cont. * dividends shall be recognized as revenue when the shareholder’s right to receive payment is established (on date of declaration) Property Dividends/ Dividends in kind - Dividends in the form of property or noncash assets Also considered as income and recorded at fair value Noncash assets xxx Dividends income xxx Liquidating Dividends - Return of invested capital NOT income May be in form of cash or noncash assets Normally paid when the corporation is dissolve and liquidated Wasting asset corporation or mining entity - Liquidating dividends maybe paid even before dissolution and liquidation - Partly income and partly return of capital If liquidating dividends > cost of investment = credited to gain on investment - when liquidating is completed and carrying amount of the investment is not fully recovered, the balance is written off as a loss Share Dividends/Stock Dividends - “bonus issue” – entity’s own shares NOT income Assets of the entity are the same before and after the issuance of the share dividends because the shareholder may receive additional shares but still has the same proportionate equity interest in the entity. “More shares but at reduced market value” - do not affect total cost of the investment but reduce the cost of investment per share * shares of another entity declared as dividends are not share dividends but property dividends Kinds of Share dividends: 1.Share dividends of SAME class - recorded only by means of memorandum entry 2. Share dividends of DIFFERENT class - original cost of investment is apportioned between the original shares and the share dividends on the basis of market value of each at the date of receipt Shares received in lieu of cash dividends - considered as INCOME at Fair Value of the shares received (property dividends) in ABSENCE OF FV, income is equal to the cash dividends that would have been received Cash received in lieu of cash dividends - Share dividends are assumed to be received and subsequently sold at the cash received. Therefore, a gain(loss) may be recognized (as if approach) Share Split Special assessments - change in the number of shares without capitalizing retained earnings or changing the amount of its legal capital - only a memorandum entry is made to record the receipt of new shares by virtue of share split a. Split up - larger number of shares at reduced par or stated value b. Split down - smaller number of shares at increased par or stated value - Additional capital contribution of the shareholders Additional cost of the investment INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING 1 FAR Chapter 16 EQUITY INVESTMENTS Redemption of share Share right/ Stock right/ Preemptive right/ Right issue cont. - particularly preference shares, may be called in for redemption and cancelation - the redemption of share is recorded in the same manner as a sale of share. The redemption price is treated as the sale price - - Legal right granted to shareholders to subscribe for new shares issued by the corporation at a specified price during a definite period Financial asset (Current asset It is inherent in every share, 1 share = 1 right Valuable to a shareholder because the price at which the new shares are sold is generally below the prevailing market price for the purpose of giving the shareholders the chance to preserve their equity interest in the corporation Ownership of share right is evidenced by certificate called “Share Warrants” Accounting for Share Rights 1. Accounted for Separately Share rights must be measured at Fair Value where in a PORTION of the carrying amount of the original investment in equity shares is ALLOCATED to the share rights at an amount equal to the fair value of the share rights at the time of acquisition 2. NOT accounted for separately (preferred method) Recognized as “embedded derivative” but NOT a stand-alone derivative Date of Record is also the date of issuing the share warrants *Selling Right-on - Between date of declaration and date of record; share and the rights are inseparable and are treated as one; share cannot be sold without also selling the rights or vice versa *Selling ex-right - Between date of record and date of expiration; shares and rights can now be sold separately Original investment account is credited when the right are received because the share right are derived from the original investment Exercise of Share rights - Cost of the new investment includes the subscription price and the cost of share right exercised Investment in Shares xxx Cash xxx Share rights xxx * When an investor is entitled only to a fraction of share, the investor may purchase additional rights in order to acquire one full share. The cost of the investment includes the subscription price, cost of share rights originally owned and cost of share right purchased Sale of Share rights - Share rights are financial assets separate from the original shares and can be sold independently Cash xxx Share rights xxx Gain on sale of share rights xxx INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING 1 FAR Chapter 16 EQUITY INVESTMENTS cont. Theoretical or Parity value of share right The assumed fair value of the right that is derived from the market value of the share When share is selling “right-on” Value of 1 right = MV of share right-on – subscription price/ # of rights to purchase 1 share + 1 When share is selling “ex-right” Value of 1 right = MV of share ex-right – subscription price/ # of rights to purchase 1 share - If share rights are not exercised but expired, only a memorandum entry is necessary to record the expiration INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING 1 FAR CHAPTER 17 INVESTMENT IN ASSOCIATE KEY TERMS NOTES / DRAWINGS Intercorporate share investment - purchase of the equity shares of one entity by another entity * an entity may purchase enough shares of another entity in order to exert “significant influence” over the financial and operating policies of the investee entity Significant Influence - Potential Voting Rights - Loss of Significant Influence Equity Method Power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee but NOT CONTROL or joint control over those policies If investor holds 20% or more of the voting power (presumed to have significant influence) Other cases where there is a significant influence other than 20% voting power: a. Representation in the board of directors b. Participation in policy making process c. Material transactions between the investor and the investee d. Interchange of managerial personnel e. Provision of essential technical information Entity may own share warrants, debt or equity instruments that are convertible to ordinary shares that have the potential to give the entity additional voting power over the financial and operating policies of another entity Should be current exercisable or convertible - entity losses significant influence over an investee when it loses the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee - this can occur with or without change in the absolution or relative ownership interest (e.g. an associate becomes a subject to control of a government, court, administrator, or regulator, or as a result of contractual agreement) - Accounting method used to account for significant influence Investor and investee are viewed as a single economic unit ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES: 1. Investment initially recorded at cost 2. Carrying amount is increased (decreased) by investor’s share in the profit (loss) of the investee – recognized as “investment income” Investment in associate xxx Investment income xxx 3. Distributions or dividends received from amount of the investment because it is a treated as an investment income if there Cash Investment in associate the investee reduces the carrying mere return of capital (while this is is no significant influence) xxx xxx 4. Investment must be in ordinary shares (voting shares) Investment in preference shares should not be accounted for using the equity method rather it may be accounted for using the FVPL, FVOCI, or at cost 5. Investor-investee relationship, investee is called as “associate” therefore the account used to record the investor’s investment is “Investment in Associate”- a noncurrent asset INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING 1 FAR Chapter 17 INVESTMENT IN ASSOCIATE - cont. Accounting problem arises if the investor pays more or less for an investment than the carrying amount of the underlying assets Excess of cost over carrying amount: - Attributable to the following: a. Undervaluation of the investee’s assets, such as building, land, and inventory b. Goodwill – not amortized but only tested for impairment; also included in the carrying amount of the Investment in Associate - If assets are FAIRLY VALUED, the excess is usually attributed to the goodwill Excess attributable to DEPRECIABLE asset = it is amortized over the remaining life of the depreciable asset Excess attributable to NONDEPRECIABLE asset (LAND) & Inventory = it is NOT amortized but the amount is expensed when the land and inventory are sold A REDUCTION TO INVESTMENT IN ASSOCIATE AND INVESTMENT INCOME when amortized or expensed Investment Income xxx Investment in associate xxx * the entire investment in associate including the goodwill is tested for impairment at the end of each reporting period Excess of net fair value over cost: - Included as “income” in the determination of the investor’s share of associate’s profit or loss in the period in which the investment is acquired Investment in associate xxx Investment Income xxx Investee with heavy losses: - If an investor’s share of losses of an associate equals or exceeds the carrying amount of the investment, he should DISCONTINUE recognizing his share of further losses. The investment is reported at nil or zero value - The carrying amount of the investment in associate is not just the balance of Investment in associate account, it also includes other long-term interests in an associate (e.g. long-term receivables, loans and advances, and investment in preference shares) - However, trade receivables and any long-term receivables for which collateral exists (e.g. secured loans) are EXCLUDED from the carrying amount of an investment in associate - Additional losses are provided for or a liability is recognized, to the extent that the investor has incurred legal or constructive obligations or made payments on behalf of the associate. Loss on investment xxx Investment in associate xxx - if the associate subsequently reports income, the investor RESUMES including its share of such income after its share of the income equal the share of losses not recognized Investment in associate Investment income xxx xxx Impairment loss - Shall be recognized when CA>Recoverable amount (higher between FV – cost of disposal and Value in Use) Value in Use - PV of est. future cash flows expected to be generated by the investee - PV of est. future cash flows expected to arise from dividends * both methods give the same result INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING 1 FAR Chapter 17 INVESTMENT IN ASSOCIATE cont. - since goodwill is not separately recognized from the investment amount, the impairment loss recognized is applied to the investment as a whole - the recoverable amount of an investment in associate is assessed for each individual associate Investee with preference shares - When an associate has outstanding cumulative preference shares, the investor shall compute its share of earnings or losses after deducting the preference dividends, whether or not they were declared - When an associate has outstanding noncumulative preference shares, the investor shall computer its share of earnings after deducting the preference dividends only when declared Other changes in equity - Arise from revaluation of PPE, and from foreign exchange translation differences - The investor’s share of these changes is recognized directly in equity of the investor Investment in associate xxx Revaluation surplus – investee xxx INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING 1 FAR CHAPTER INVESTMENT IN ASSOCIATE 18 KEY TERMS Other accounting issues NOTES / DRAWINGS Upstream transactions - Sale of assets from associate to investor The unrealized profit must be eliminated in determining he investor’s share in the profit or loss of the associate Downstream transactions - Sale of assets from investor to associate Must also be eliminated (same process with upstream transactions) Discontinuance of equity method – change from equity - Investor shall discontinue the use of the equity method from the date that it ceases to have significant influence over an associate The investor may account for the investment as: a. FA – FVPL b. FA – FVOCI c. Nonmarketable investment at cost or investment in unquoted equity instrument - * significant influence must be lost before the equity method ceases to be applicable Measurement after loss of significant influence - The investor shall measure any retained investment in associate at FAIR VALUE - The difference between the CA and the FV shall be included in the profit or loss - The difference between the net proceeds and CA is also included in the P/L Associate Held for Sale - Shall be measured at lower of CA and FV less cost of disposal Investment of Less than 20% a. Fair value method FVPL FVOCI b. Cost method Unquoted/nonmarketable equity instruments - under these methods, dividends received by the investor is accounting for as “dividend income” Cash xxx Dividend income xxx - there is no longer a distinction between preacquisition and postacquisition dividends INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING 1 FAR CHAPTER 19 KEY TERMS Bond FINANCIAL ASSET AT AMORTIZED COST Bond Investment NOTES / DRAWINGS - - Formal unconditional promise to pay a specified sum of money in the future, and make periodic interest payments at a stated rate until the principal is paid. Evidenced by “bond indenture” CLASSIFICATION OF BOND INVESTMENTS (current or noncurrent) a. Financial Asset – for trading b. Financial Asset – amortized cost c. Financial Asset – FVOCI d. Financial Asset – FVPL by irrevocable designation or Fair Value Option Initial measurement: - At fair value + transaction costs directly attributable to acquisition - If FA-FVPL = transaction costs are expensed Subsequent measurement: - FVPL - FVOCI - At Amortized Cost Acquisition of bond investments a. On interest date – no accounting problem b. Between interest dates –purchase price normally includes accrued interest Accrued interest must be accounted for separately as an asset (either accrued interest receivable or interest income) * when bond investment is held for “trading” or measured at FVPL, it is not necessary to amortize any premium or discount Investment in bonds at AMORTIZED COST: (noncurrent investments) - to collect contractual cash flows - contractual cash flows are solely payment of principal and interest amortized cost = initial amount – repayments +/- amortization of discount/premium – reduction for impairment or uncollectibility Amortization of: discount (gain) investment in bonds interest income premium (loss) interest income investment in bonds Callable bonds - - xxx xxx xxx xxx may be called in or redeemed by the issuing entity prior to their date of – maturity usually the call price or redemption price is at a premium or more than the face amount of the bonds INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING 1 FAR Chapter 19 FA-AMORTIZED COST Convertible bonds - cont. - give the bondholders the right to exchange their bonds for share capital of the issuing entity at any time prior to maturity can be classified as FA-FVPL Serial bonds - have series of maturity date Term bonds - mature on a single date (e.g. callable & convertible bonds Methods of amortization a. straight line method b. bond outstanding – fraction is developed from bond outstanding column c. effective interest method CHAPTER EFFECTIVE INTEREST METHOD 20 KEY TERMS Amortized cost, FVOCI & FVPL NOTES / DRAWINGS - Effective rate and nominal rate are the same if the cost is equal to the face value *Bond at a premium = effective rate is lower *Bond at a discount= effective rate is higher *Interest earned/interest income = carrying amount x effective rate *Interest received = face value * nominal rate Bond investment – FVOCI: - Collecting contractual cash flow and by selling the financial asset - Interest income is recognized using the effective interest method - On derecognition, cumulative gain/loss is recognized in OCI and reclassified to P/L Fair Value Option - All changes in fair value are recognized in profit or loss - Transaction costs are expensed - Interest income is based on nominal rate Market price of bonds: - Present value of principal + PV of interest payment using the effective rate INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING 1 FAR CHAPTER 21 KEY TERMS RECLASSIFICATION OF FINANCIAL ASSET NOTES / DRAWINGS REQUIREMENT FOR RECLASSIFICATION An entity shall reclassify financial assets only when it changes the business model for managing the financial assets Reclassify prospectively from the reclassification date Entity shall not restate any previously recognized gains, losses, and interest. All equity investments cannot be reclassified; only debt investments can be reclassified (except debt investment measure at FVPL) Reclassification: From Amortized cost Amortized cost FVOCI FVPL FVOCI CHAPTER Investment property FVOCI Amortized cost FVOCI FVPL Difference beteen the previous carrying amount and FV is recognized in P/L Original effective rate is NOT adjusted Original effective rate is NOT adjusted Compute for NEW effective rate Cumulative gain(loss) previously recognized in OCI is reclassified to P/L INVESTMENT PROPERTY 22 KEY TERMS To FVPL Cash Surrender Value NOTES / DRAWINGS - Property (land and building) under a finance lease to earn rentals or for capital appreciation or both An investment property is NOT held for: (these are owner-occupied properties) a. Use in production or supply of goods or service b. Administrative purposes c. For sale in ordinary course of business Examples of Investment Property: a. Land for: long-term capital appreciation : currently undetermined use b. Building: owned by the entity leased out under operating lease Vacant but is held to be leased out under an operating lease c. Property that is being constructed or developed for future use as investment property Investment property held by lessee: - Recognize “Right of Use Asset” and “Lease Liability” Right of use asset – initially recognized at COST: a. PV of lease payment b. Lease payment made to lessor at or before commencement date less any lease incentive c. Initial direct cost (IDC) d. Estimate of cost of dismantling and restoring the underlying asset for which the lessee has present obligation INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING 1 FAR Chapter 22 INVESTMENT PROPERTY cont. Subsequent measurement: if a lessee applied the Fair Value model in measuring investment property. The lessee shall also apply the Fair Value model to the right of use asset that meets the definition of investment property INITIAL measurement of investment property: - transaction cost plus directly attributable expenditures (e.g. professional fees for legal services, property transfer taxes, and other transaction costs SUBSEQUENT measurement: 1. Fair Value Model 2. Cost Model CASH SURRENDER VALUE (noncurrent investment) * Accounting problem arises when the beneficiary is the entity itself - Amount which the insurance firm will pay upon the surrender and cancelation of the life insurance policy. - This legally commences to accrue at the end of the third year a. Policy is a life policy b. Premium for 3 full years are paid c. Policy is surrendered at the end of the 3 rd year or anytime thereafter - Dividends received on the life policy are NOT INCOME but A REDUCTION of life insurance expenses