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Halogenoalkanes: Nomenclature, Reactions, and Mechanisms

Halogenoalkanes (Chapter 16)
Note: This is a final version of the notes for chapter 16. There will not be any further version of
notes for this, and this will be used for the final exam as preparation material
Halogenoalkanes: alkanes where one or more hydrogen atoms have to be replaced by a
halogen atom
CH3CH3 → CH3CH2Cl [chloroethane] [undergoes free radical substitution mechanism]
When naming a halogenoalkane:
- If it has a chlorine atom, the prefix should be chloro- If it has a fluorine atom, the prefix should be fluoro- If it has a bromine atom, the prefix should be bromo- It if has a iodine atom, the prefix should be iodio-
Isomers of C5H10Cl2:
[2 optical isomers]
[4 optical isomers]
[2 optical isomers]
[4 optical isomers]
[2 optical isomers]
[1,1-dichloro 3-methylbutane]
Elimination Reactions:
Reagents: halogenoalkane, ethanolic NaOH
Conditions: Heat
CH3CH2Cl + NaOH → CH2=CH2 + NaCl + H2O [one H and Cl atom is removed]
Note: Ethanolic NaOH is NaOH dissolved in ethanol. It is not a aqueous solution
[cis but-2-ene]
[trans but-2-ene]
Hydrolysis of Halogenoalkanes: [making alcohol]
Using aqueous OH-ions:
Reagents: Halogenoalkane, aqueous NaOH
Conditions: Heat under reflux
CH3CH2Cl + NaOH → CH3CH2OH + NaCl
Using Water:
Reagents: Halogenoalkane, water
Conditions: Heat under reflux
CH3CH2Cl + H2O → CH3CH2OH + HCl
Note: using OH- ions results in a much faster reaction
Rates of Hydrolysis of Halogenoalkanes
If acidified silver nitrate is added to the hydrolysis reaction mixture, then precipitate is formed
- A white precipitate is formed if a chloroalkane is being hydrolysed
- A cream precipitate is formed if a bromoalkane is being hydrolysed
- A yellow precipitate is formed if a iodoalkane is being hydrolysed
The rate of formation of precipitate will be the rate of hydrolysis
Note: if you have a halogenoalkane but you don’t know which halogen it has, a hydrolysis
reaction can be carried out while adding a acidified silver nitrate
The faster the hydrolysis takes place, the faster the halogen ion is produced, hence, faster the
precipitate is produced
Iodoalkanes hydrolyse the fastest, because the C-I bond is the weakest
Bromoalkanes hydrolyse the second fastest, because the C-Br bond is stronger
Chloroalkanes hydrolyse the third fastest, because the C-Cl bond is more stronger
Fluoroalkanes hydrolyse the slowest, because the C-F bond is the strongest
C-I > C-Br > C-Cl > C-F
Substitution with Cyanide (CN-) ions:
Reagents: halogenoalkanes, ethanolic KCN
Conditions: Heat under reflux
Note: this reaction is used to increase the number of carbon atoms
Uses of CH3CH2CN:
1. Can be reduced to form amines → CH3CH2CH2NH2 [propylamine]
[CN becomes CH2NH2] [it is a reduction reaction]
Reagents: propanenitrile
Sodium and ethanol are used to carry out the reaction
2. Hydrolysis of nitriles → CH3CH2COOH [propanoic acid]
CH3CH2CN + H2O + H+ → CH3CH2COOH + NH4+
Aqueous H+ ions and heat used
Substitution with Ammonia:
Reagents: halogenoalkane, ethanol ammonia
Conditions: heat, high pressure in a sealed container
CH3CH2Cl + NH3 → CH3CH2NH2 + HCl
[ethyl amine]
Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Halogenoalkanes
primary halogeno alkane because the alpha carbon atoms is attached to
only 1 other carbon atom
secondary halogenoalkane because the alpha carbon atom is attached to
two different carbon atoms
tertiary halogenoalkane because the alpha carbon atom is attached to
three different carbon atoms
The Nucleophilic Substitution Mechanism Sn2
Primary halogenoalkanes only undergo Sn2 mechanisms
S stands for substitution
n stands for nucleophilic
2 means two reacting species involved
[halogenoalkane] [nucleophile]
Steps of Nucleophilic Substitution Mechanism Sn2:
1. The Cl atom in the C-Cl bond tries to pull the pair of electrons towards itself
2. The nucleophile (electron rich) attacks the C-Cl bond
3. This results in an intermediate stage where a half bond is created
4. The Cl atom pulls the pair of electrons and ethanol is formed
The Nucleophilic Substitution Mechanism Sn1
Tertiary halogenoalkanes only undergo Sn1 mechanisms
Sn1: 1 means two reacting species involved [halogenoalkane]
Steps of Nucleophilic Substitution Mechanism Sn1:
1. Heterolytic fission occurs, where the Cl atoms takes the bonding pair of electrons
2. A tertiary carbocation forms, which is then attacked by a nucleophile
3. Butanol is formed
Difference between Sn2 and Sn1:
● Sn2 is direct attack of nucleophile on partial positive carbon atom, then an intermediate
stage occurs, and the final product then forms
● Sn1 carbocation forms first, nucleophile attacks the carbocation, then we get the final
Note: secondary halogenoalkanes can undergo either Sn2 or Sn1
Why do primary halogenoalkanes only undergo Sn2?
Because a primary carbocation is formed. They are less stable than tertiary carbocations
A few more examples:
Uses of Halogenoalkanes:
- Propellants in aerosols
- Refrigerants in fridges
- Anaesthetics
Used in Pipes (PVC)
Used in non-stick pans (Teflon)
Problems associated with halogenoalkanes:
1. The ozone layer in the atmosphere protects us from the harmful radiation coming from
the sum
2. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) cause the ozone layer to break down
a. This is due to the homolytic fission of the Cl-Cl bond caused by UV light
b. This results in formation of chlorine radicals
c. These radicals react with the ozone layer
Solutions for CFC’s:
1. HFC’s (hydrofluorocarbons) - aerosols, propellants, fridges
2. HFE’s (hydrofluoroethers) - solvents, cleaning and drying agents