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Remote Digital System Lab Manual: Experiments & Setup

Remote Triggered Digital System Laboratory
The Remote Triggered Digital System Laboratory is an initiative of Ministry of Human
Resource Development (MHRD), Govt. of India, under the National Mission on Education
through Information and Communication Technology (NME-ICT).
Laboratory courses on hands-on experiments are integral parts of engineering education. This
website aims to provide a virtual laboratory platform for undergraduate Engineering students
studying the course of Digital Electronic Circuits. Using this virtual laboratory platform, the
students will be able to perform various experiments to supplement their theoretical
understanding of digital electronics.
Experiment Setup
For the whole setup, we have used ELVIS board, where the circuit components are placed.
These components are connected to a switch. Interconnection among the components can be
made by using the switch. Bellow figure shows the switch.
User can draw circuits in a web based GUI and run the circuit as in the picture bellow.
The connections made by the user are then sent to the server. Using the received data given
by user, the server makes the necessary switch connection and run the circuit. It then takes
the output from the circuit and returns it to the user as shown bellow in the picture.
The list of experiments is given in the experiments tab of the site. As of now only two
experiments has been completed.
User Access:
To access the experiments, the user first has to sign up him to create a profile that is given on
the Home page of the site. After creating profile the user can login using his e-mail and
password to access the experiments. To run an experiment, each user is given a limited
timeslot chosen by him. The user can run only one experiment at a time.
Experiment execution:
After login, the user can run any experiment from the experiment list. For example if the
user click on experiment “Testing of AND gate”, a new window will open containing tabs as
“Theory”, “Tutorial & Procedure”, “Sample Output”, “Q&A”, “Start”. The “Theory” tab
contains all about the experiment, “Tutorial & Procedure” gives what are the components
used in the experiment, how to make connection and how to run, “Sample Output” shows the
output coming from the server, “Q&A” contains some basic questions related to the
experiment and the “Start” tab gives the user to start the experiment.
After clicking the Start Experiment button, a new window will open as bellow.
This upper part of the window contains some tabs as “Components” that contains the list of
the ICs that are to be used in the experiment; “Clear” button will clear the circuit connection
and ICs from the shaded middle part of the window, “Load” button load a previously saved
experiment by the user, “Start” button will run the experiment, “Help” button gives an idea
how to run an experiment and finally the “Close” button will close the experiment window.
The middle part of the window has a gridded section where the IC components have to be
placed and make all the connections.
Left panel of the window contains “Power Supply”. “Input Switches” gives the inputs (1/0) to
the ICs. “Output LEDs” are connected to output pins ICs.
Steps to run an experiment:
Step 1: Click the “Components” button, then a list of ICs will occur. Drag and drop the ICs
from the list on the gridded box. Only the pins with blue bubble are enabled at present
due to limited hardware resources. Connection can be made only on blue bubbles given
on the IC pins.
Step 2: Now connect the Vcc and Ground pins of the ICs with the Power supply. The
connection can be made only from one Blue Bubble to another Blue Bubble by drag and drop
Step 3: Next connect the Input switches with the input pins of the ICs.
Step 4: Connect the Output LEDs with output pins of the ICs.
Step 5: After completing all the connection to the ICs, the user may save the experiment for
future run or he can run the experiment by giving an input from the input switch and clicking
the Start button. The output will be shown as bellow.