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Leadership Exam Prep: Motivation, HRM, Ethics, and Change

Leadership seminar- exam prep
Motivation or Reward – explore
Always think about the long-term effect of something, plus learning and development
opportunities. Potential learning opportunities
Leadership style approaches for exam
3 individuals in workplace – 2 people making behaviours dealing with a 3rd individual
Wider org issues.
Read questions first= be familiar with a topic.
Spend 10 minutes on the case reading.
For example: Psychological contract- look for this in the questions
Use the case to build the argument
Define the theory ienpsychological contract, define the theory
Link it to the case
Depending on the question, provide counter arguments, pros and cons
Take your stand but make sure you mention the alternative theories
Reference correctly
Self reflection
Important topics which may appear in the exam
Be aware of competing theories- make sure it answers the questions
Why is HRM important?
Ethics- What is right to do in an organisation and also for the org and for the individuals
Leadership and leadership development – think about taking a stand in an organisation.
Managing change – external issues or problems arising in the companies. Either people
problem or org issues
Flex and Psych contract
What does flex mean? Expectation – psychological contract.
Ability of managing Human resources- humans as a resource but we are still people. Need to
accept rewards and be encouraged to work. Job commitments, rewards, citizenships.
Organisational and job design
Business have their bus plan, or design.
With a glass of water – design to make the glass function the best way. Same with jobs –
total design- job description.
Need to ask the question – what is the job for? Job design needs to be fluid
Performance management motivation and reward
Motivating staff to do a job in the best way possible, how do you achieve this? You do you
get, you don’t’ do, you don’t get. Can work with giving and withholding.
Building and managing resilience.
Future Avenues
Won’t be in exam
Assignment’s folders
Minimum citation
Name year source
Longer citation