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Summarizing Techniques Worksheet

1. True
6. False
2. True
7. True
3. True
8. True
4. True
9. True
5. True
10. False
The Gingko biloba Tree, which has been used in Chinese medicine for thousand of years that yields
Gingko extract. For best health benefits, Take the supplements 3 to 5 times each day. They can be use as
treatment or aid for hypertensions, heart disease and stroke.
What’s In
Activity 1
Compare and contrast
Cause- effect
Problem- solution
Question- answer
Activity 2
K (Know)
W (What you want to know)
What I know about
summarizing is that you need to
carefully understand the
passage first and understand its
amin idea.
What I want to know is that
what is the best technique to
summarize context.
L (learn)
What’s New
The Story of Beowolf
Beowolf is a poem that portrays the story or the journey of beowolf as a warrior. King Throthgar’s
country is being attacked by a monster named Grendel, and then Beowolf comes to help. Before returning
to the Geatland, the brave warrior uses his enormous strength to defeat Grendel and his furious mother.
Beowolf later becomes the King of the Geat and reigns for fifty years in peace. Beowolf and his servants
put a battle to the dragon and soon defeats the furious dragon.
What’s More
Aggressive driving is defined by the National Traffic Safety Administration as the
behavior of an individual who commits a combination of moving traffic offences as to
endanger other persons property.
These are actions considered dangerous to road were such as red lights, improper
passing, overtaking on the left, improper lane change, failing to yield, improper turns,
running stop signs, tail gaiting, careless driving and speeding.
Aggressive driving should be avoided to avoid car crashes, fatality incidents cause
injuries of deaths.
- Aggressive driving is a phenomenon where actions considered dangerous to road user
such as improper passing, overtaking and etc.
Aggressive driving is described as a person’s behavior that committing a series of moving
traffic violations. Aggressive driving in the other hand should be avoided in order to avoid
injuries and loss of lives.
Activity 5
Begins with the introduction, author and the main point of the text. Contains only the important
ideas of the text. I use the graphic organizer.
Calorie is also known as kilocalorie, it represents the energy and people use calorie to link
it with food. Calorie is described as the potential energy in food that maintain body
function, grow and repair tissues. Add and subtract 7,700 calories to gain or reach a
What I have Learned
-Summarizing is a short restatement of the idea of the text and also known as summary as its
shortened term. Summary contains the main idea of the text or the main understanding of the text.
-There are various in summarizing academic text. You should use some of the previewing
techniques, you should include the author in your first sentence, after you should include the author’s
thesis and the central concepts in your first paragraph.
-Summarizing is important in academic writing because it teaches us how to recognize or organize
important ideas stated on the text.
What I can Do
Activity 7
In academic writing, summarizing is extremely crucial. Dissecting a story or essay is also similar to
summarizing. Summarizing allows a reader to better comprehend he or she is reading. Summary is also
more useful in academic writing because it allows you to simply understand and allows you to get the
main idea of the text.
Activity 8
In this module. I learned how to summarize a text and what summarizing is. I also learned
that in making a summary of a text you should understand first what you are reading and
then you should know to identify the important details and the important ideas in a
particular text.
Test 1
1. Summary is a short restatement of the main idea of the text. The output is called the summary.
Summary contain the important ideas or points that stated in the text.
2. Summarizing is valuable and still need in academic writing. It enables you to extract the main ideas
of the text and allows you to understand the text a lot easier.