Topics To Present An Informative Speech On The topics that have been listed below have been categorized under different subcategories related to computer, science, finance, health, offbeat, and more. This is to help you choose the desired topic with ease. The lists follow... History and Personalities When we speak of substantial information, we cannot ignore history, and the people associated with it. Here are some topics on people whose thoughts and actions created history... Life of Louis Armstrong Great Leaders in History Sir Isaac Newton Biography Biography of Oprah Winfrey Famous Scientists in History History of Egyptian Hieroglyphics Life and Childhood of Pablo Picasso Computers/Internet What can be said about computers and Internet? They are some of the most important milestones that changed the face of human civilization. Here are some informative topics on them you can give a thought to speak on... Internet Banking Security Safe Online Shopping Tips Interesting Computer Facts Top Social Networking Sites Security Cameras for Business Why is Internet Safety Important? Importance of Computer Education Making Money Online for Beginners Online Educational Computer Games Healthy Living for Computer Professionals What are the Effects of Computer Hacking Ethical Issues of Internet Privacy Home and Family It is needless to stress on the point that home and family is like a huge pond of information. Our entire life revolves around these factors, and to describe them elaborately, here are some topics... Fire Safety for Kids Learning Martial Arts How to Prevent Stress How to Handle a Bully Peer Pressure Situations Single Parenting Effects Disaster Preparedness Kit Causes of Teenage Suicide Peer Pressure in Teenagers Indoor Vegetable Gardening Adolescent Behavior Problems How to be Happy Being Single Key to being a Patient Parent Safety Tips for New Years Eve How to Handle Difficult People How to make a Good First Impression Relationship Communication Problems The Psychological Effects of Child Abuse Travel Tips for the Single Woman Traveler Do it Yourself Home Improvements Finance After home and family, comes money; the engine that runs the entire world. Right from a petty pen to the tallest of structures, money plays its role as the protagonist. So here are some finance topics you can research on... Hobbies That Make Money No Cost Work at Home Jobs Residual Income Businesses Business Promotional Items Long Term Financial Planning Careers in Financial Planning Types of Home Mortgage Loans Successful Marketing Campaigns Best Investments for Young People E-Commerce - All You Need To Know Role of Emotional Intelligence in Business How to Start Investing in the Stock Market Effective Advertising Techniques Used in Advertisements Science Had it not for the marvels of science, I would not have been presenting to you with this article. Having said that, here are some subjects on science you can pull out information about, and give your speech on... Ocean Biomes Bioethical Issues All About Tsunamis Extinct Animals List Black Holes in Space How Do Clouds Form? Human Cloning Benefits What Makes a Rainbow Stem Cell Research Benefits Current Environmental Issues Ways to Prevent Water Pollution Ozone Layer and Global Warming The Harmful Effects of Plastic Bags Why Conserving Energy is Important Pros and Cons of Space Exploration Nanotechnology: Practical Applications Ambiguities and Loopholes in Science Charles Darwin: The Theory of Evolution Health and Fitness Health is the key to enjoy life, and all that comes with it. But being aware of the threats to good health is as important as any of the topics mentioned above. And with that thought in mind, here are some topics on some common diseases that affect people all over the world... Yellow Fever Types of Meditation Music Sedentary Lifestyle Effects Menopause Mood Swings Magnetic Healing Therapy Swine Flu Facts and Myths Pilates Exercises at Home Why Should you Quit Smoking Allergic Reaction to Antibiotics How to Keep Your Heart Healthy Hypnosis Mind Control Techniques Long Term Effects of Lack of Sleep Hormonal Imbalance in Young Women Exercise for Mental and Physical Relief Harmful Effects of Second Hand Smoke Ayurveda - The Science of Healthy Living Laughter Therapy - An Effective Treatment Meditation and Yoga - Great Stress Busters Spirituality: The Key to Problems of our Age Balancing Your Mind With Meditation And Breathing Offbeat Informative Speech Topics How to Patent an Idea Materialism in Society How to Find a Pen Pal? Letting Go of Attachments Exploring Reincarnation Moon Signs and Astrology Good Luck Symbols Basic Beliefs of Buddhism Foods that Make you Happy Why is Friday the 13th Unlucky Astrology Compatibility by Birthdate Finding Your Place in the Universe How to Communicate with the Dead How to Hypnotize Someone Instantly Effects of Music on the Mind and Brain Scientific Explanation of Optical Illusions Automatic Writing Experiences by Contacting Spirits! What Does it Mean When Your Eye Twitches Let the nature of the event decide the topic for you. Also, the topic must be appropriate for the type of audience you will be addressing to. But most important is the research you would put behind it. Internet, undoubtedly, gives you an easy and fast access to the information you require. However, if you are one of those types who believe in the genuineness of information provided in the books, then libraries would perhaps, be the best place to pay a visit. "If you have knowledge, let others light their candles at it." - Margaret Fuller List of Good Informative Speech Topics No Cost Work at Home Jobs Residual Income Businesses Business Promotional Items Nuclear Power Advantages Sedentary Lifestyle Effects Problems Caused by Obesity E-Commerce - All You Need To Know Role of Emotional Intelligence in Business What is computer virus? Biography of Euclid Herbs in alternative medicine Beauty tips Tips for Safe Online Shopping Importance of Computer Education Indoor Vegetable Gardening Key to being a Patient Parent Safety Tips for New Years Eve How to Plan a Wedding Getting a Book Published Earthquake Safety Procedures Reasons Why People Should Vote Creative Photography Ideas How to Become an Actress Biography of Abraham Lincoln Chiropractic treatments Internet abuse Email Etiquette Rules Materialism in Society How to Find a Pen Pal? Is Hinduism Really A Religion? Long Term Financial Planning Careers in Financial Planning Types of Home Mortgage Loans Moon Signs and Astrology Good Luck Symbols Basic Beliefs of Buddhism Types of Photography What Do Women Want What Men Like in Women Funny Random Facts Getting a Book Published Reasons Why People Should Vote Interesting Computer Facts Top Social Networking Sites Security Cameras for Business Why is Internet Safety Important? How to be Happy at Work Biography of Franklin D. Roosevelt Biography of Alexander Hamilton Biography of Queen Victoria Adolescent Behavior Problems How to be Happy Being Single Low carb diet tips Water aerobic exercises Feng Shui for Your Home Most Endangered Species Can You Change Your Habits? Successful Marketing Campaigns Best Investments for Young People Letting Go of Attachments Exploring Reincarnation Crime and Poverty Prevention Child Abuse Facts for Parents Read more at Buzzle: Funny Informative Speech Topics That'll Make You Cringe and Laugh Giving a funny speech can be considered to be a kind of a stand up act. With you looking for humor in things people couldn't possibly imagine, it is bound to be a fun event. However, do remember that it has to last for the specified amount of time, make sense, and even present facts (that you can later question or make fun of). While the topic is required to be informative, it is not really necessary that this information may be valuable. For instance, you could talk about funny ways in which an excuse may be provided for always being late, or how being lazy is actually a smart move. So, are those creative juices flowing yet? Still need a little push? Here's a list of some topics that will get those wheels turning. ➠ Things you can learn from your pet ➠ How to choose your friends ➠ How procrastinating is a lot of hard work ➠ Why men think being a woman is more advantageous, and vice versa ➠ How equal are 'equal rights' ➠ How not to give a funny speech ➠ The benefits of a virtual life versus real life ➠ How to drive a stalker away ➠ What babies understand from baby talk ➠ The transition of a man to a husband and a father ➠ What women say and what they actually mean ➠ What men say and what they actually mean ➠ How to survive a blind date gone wrong ➠ How to deal with the economic recession ➠ Why patience is not really a virtue ➠ Keeping up with a boring conversation at a party ➠ How to look attentive when you are actually not ➠ How to enjoy your meeting with the president ➠ The democracy of the English language (Discussion on the list of newly included words in Oxford dictionary) ➠ The fuss about size zero ➠ Excuses beyond 'the dog ate my homework' ➠ Your version of the 'I have a dream...' speech ➠ How to prepare for and perform the 'First Dance' ➠ How to impress your in-laws ➠ Why being a millionaire is not for everyone Obviously, each of these topics requires you to present your take on them. That is what will prove your sense of humor, wit, and intelligence. Feel free to infuse some sarcasm into the speech to truly bring out its essence. As you can see, humor can be infused into almost any subject. A lighter take on serious questions, or questions that make you wonder is a great way to elicit a good laugh from a huge crowd. Use these topics as they are, or get inspired from them to come up with some of your own, and become a star among the crowd you intend to please with your funny speech. Read more at topics.html Buzzle: