NOVEL 2019 Coronavirus(COVID-19) Questionnaire Please response as accurately as possible in order for us to maintain a safe work environment for all: Date Name(First) Name(Last) Hanwha(department) Group Non-Hanwha(company or organization) Hanwha(manager) Name Number Contact Non-Hanwha(Hanwha contact) Name Number #1. Have you traveled outside the United States in the last 2 weeks? ______ YES ______ NO - If NO, move on to question #2 - If YES, what country(nation) ____________ when(period) _____________ #2. Have you been exposed to a person who was diagnosed with COVID-19? _____ YES _____ NO - If NO, move on to question #3 - If YES, when was the exposure _______________________________________ #3. Do you currently have a fever of temperature exceeding 100F(37.5C)? ______ YES ______ NO *Administrator will check body temperature with a non-touch device I declare that I have answered to the best of my knowledge on the questions above, and acknowledge that I may be subject to additional screening and/or quarantine before entry. Signature _________________________ Date __________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FOR ADMINISTRATOR(OFFICE) USE ONLY Question #1 Question #2 Question #3 PASS FAIL FAIL if location falls into travel alert category level 2,3,4, and period is within last 2 weeks MOVE ON TO #2 if location falls into travel alert category level2,3,4, but 2weeks have passed MOVE ON TO #2 if location does NOT fall into travel alert category level2,3,4 NO MOVE ON TO #2 FAIL if the exposure was within last 2 weeks YES MOVE ON TO #3 if 2 weeks have passed since the exposure NO MOVE ON TO #3 YES FAIL - body temp measures over 100F(37.5C) NO PASS - body temp measures below 100F(37.5C) Visitor allowed within Premises immediately Follow Protocol before entry YES *travel alert category :