Key Concepts Exam 1 NUR 230 Diagnosis of Pregnancy – expected s/s Presumptive signs- subjective signs reported by the women, can be caused by other conditions o Breast changes (swelling, tenderness) o Amenorrhea (missed period) o N/V o Urinary frequency o Fatigue o Quickening (flutters) Probable signs- Objective changes assessed by an examiner o Goodell sign (softening of the cervix) o Chadwick (purple/blue discoloration of the cervix) o Hegar sign (softening of the lower uterine segment) o Positive UPT (urine pregnancy test) o Positive HCG (serum) o Ballottement (finger on the cervix) Positive Signs- Objective signs assessed by an examiner that can be attributed to the presence of a fetus o Fetal movement (2nd trimester) o Audible heart tones o Ultrasound Recommended schedule and content of normal prenatal visits 1. Prenatal Interview <13 weeks a. Longer and more detailed visit b. CBC, Blood type, RH factor, STD, Pap Smear, urinalysis c. LMP, Discomforts such as N/V, constipation, urinary frequency d. Bleeding cramping e. OB HX i. # Pregnancies ii. Method of deliveries iii. Complications iv. Living children and birth weight 2. 2nd trimester 14-26 weeks a. Sequential 1 & 2 (tests baby for down syndrome, trisomy 18, spina bifida, and smith-lemi-optix syndrome b. 1- hour glucose tolerance test (28 weeks) screens for gestational DM, if failed will have to take 3-hour c. Anatomy Ultrasound scan d. STI offered again e. Rhogam if mom if mom is Rh- (28 weeks) 3. . 3rd trimester 27-40 weeks a. Group B Strep (GBS- rectal swab) – 35-37 weeks (if positive mom will take a round of abx) b. CBC Estimated DOB- Nagel’s Rule o o First Day LMP + 7 days + 9 months = Estimated Due Date (EDD) First Day LMP + 7 Days – 3 Months = EDD Gravida and Para o Gravida= # of pregnancies GTPAL o o o o o o Gravida Term- 47 -42 weeks Preterm- 20-36 weeks Abortion- anything less than 20 weeks, induced or spontaneous Living- how many children mom has living Remember twins are considered 1 pregnancy, but separate living Trimesters o o o 1st: 1-13 weeks 2nd: 14- 26 weeks 3rd: 28-40 weeks Normal discomforts of pregnancy o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Urinary urgency and frequency Fatigue N/V Ptyalism (excessive spitting) Gingivitis Breast tenderness Leukorrhea (increased cervical mucus) Insomnia Constipation Food cravings Headaches (through week 26) Backache Round ligament pain Braxton hicks Review of risk factors o o o o o HTN DM Smoker Overweight/ Underweight Drug use o o Prescribed medications Exposure to harmful substances (work related/ environmental) Normal changes in vitals o o o HR increases 15-20 BPM BP should slightly decrease from pregnancy levels Resp Rate- may slightly increase Endocrine changes o Hormones o Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) maintain corpus letum production of estrogen and progesterone until placenta is fully developed and ready to take over (serum pregnancy test- gives estimate of how far pregnancy is) o Progesterone- help fetus grow, keep uterus relaxed. o Estrogen- increase vascularization, relaxes pelvic ligaments and joints. Promotes enlargement of genitals breast and uterus. o Serum prolactin- prepare breast for lactation (breastfeeding) o Oxytocin- Stimulates uterine contractions, stimulates milk ejection o Human chorionic somatomammotropin- growth hormone o Relaxin- relaxes pelvic muscles, prepare for childbirth o HpL- insulin antagonist-increased BG in pregnancy Respiratory changes o o o o Nasal congestion Nosebleeds (Epistaxis) Voice changes URI Cardiovascular Changes o o o SOB (3rd trimester) Cardiac Output increase 30-50% HR increase 15-20 BPM GI changes o o o o o Increased N/V (typically ends by 2nd trimester) Increased appetite Bleeding gums Heartburn (early as 1st trimester intensifying through 3rd trimester) Constipation Urinary changes o o Urine output increases Renal pelves and ureters dilate (increased risk of infection) Integumentary changes Melasma (chloasma or mask of pregnancy) blotchy, brownish hyperpigmentation of the skin over the cheeks nose and forehead. o Linea nigari (dark midline from symphysis pubis to top of fundus) o Striae gravidarum- “stretch marks” Angiomatas- “vascular spiders” o o Psychosocial Changes o o o o 1st trimester accepts pregnancy 2nd trimester: very protective of fetie, seeks knowledge, finsing enjoyment and pleasure in pregnancy 3rd trimester: concerns over fetus Family preparation: prepare siblings, identify ways to prepare young children: picture books, sibling prep classes. Nursing teachings o o o Increase fluid intake Vaccines Fetal kicks (10 kicks/ hr.)- can begin counting at 28 weeks (26 weeks if high risk) PICA- nonfood cravings o o o o o o o o Ice Dirt Baking soda paint Clay Starch Pica should be considered as a potential factor in cases of iron deficiency anemia and poor weight gain. Women with pica have been found to have lower hgb levels. Nutrition Review o o o o o o 1st and 2nd trimester of singleton pregnancy o Average 2-4lbs rd 3 trimesters underweight and normal o 1/lb. week nd 2 and 3rd trimester for overweight women o 0.6lb/ week 2nd and 3rd trimester for obese women o 0.5lb/week Provisional recommendations for gestations o Normal weight: 17-25kg o Overweight: 14-23kg o Obese 11-19kg Recommended calorie intake o 1st trimester 1800 kcal/day nd o 2 trimester 2200 kcal/day 3rd trimester 2400 kcal/day o Can be adjusted in multiple gestation pregnancies 3 L of water *food and water included* (3.8 of lactation) 28 grams of fiber (29 for lactation) 30 mg iron 600 mcg folate 2.6 mcg b12 (2.8 for lactating) B6 can decrease N/V Nutritional Risk in Pregnancy o Frequent pregnancy- 3 within 2 years o Problems with weight gain o Any weight loss o DM o Chronic illnesses that may effect weight (easting disorders) o Drugs and alcohol o Poverty o Poor eating habits o Low hgb/hct o Multifetal pregnancy o Weight gain of 3kg/month after 1st trimester o Weight gain of less than 1kg/month after 1st trimester o o o o o o o o o o Fundal Height Measurements o o o The height of the uterus above the symphysis pubis Provides gross estimate of the duration of the pregnancy From 18-30 weeks, the height of the fundus in centimeters is approximately the same as the number of weeks of gestation. (+/- 2 GW) Leopold’s Maneuvers- using abdominal palpation to determine which fetal part is in the uterine fundus? where is the fetal back located? and what is the presenting fetal part? Vena Cava Syndrome « Supine Hypotension » o o Dizziness r/t fetus pressing on the inferior vena cave Change mother’s position Spontaneous Abortion (Miscarriage)- A pregnancy that ends as a result of natural causes before 20 weeks of pregnancy Missed Abortion (missed miscarriage)- A pregnancy in which the fetus has died but the products of conception are retained in utero for day, weeks and even months. Usually diagnosed after the uterus stops increasing in size or even decreases in size. Often there is no bleeding, or cramping, the cervix remains closed. A missed abortion is often referred to as an early pregnancy loss. Ectopic pregnancy “tubal pregnancies”- the fertilized ovum is implanted outside the uterine cavity. Leading cause in infertility. Will have abdominal pain, dull, lower quadrant, one side. May have delayed menses. Abnormal vaginal bleeding and/or spotting. Risk of hemorrhage Placenta Previa o o o o o o The placenta is implanted in the lower uterine segment, it can completely or partially cover the cervical os or is closes enough to the cervix to cause bleeding when the cervix dilates Bright vaginal bleeding No cervical checks Delivery by c-section No pain May be breech or transverse like Abruptio placenta- premature separation of the placenta o o Caused by HTN Symptoms include: o Dark red bleeding o Abdominal pain o Uterine contractions Cervical Cerclage: a suture is placed around the cervix beneath the mucosa to constrict the internal os of the cervix, due to cervical insufficiency, usually done to hold the cervix close preventing preterm labor and miscarriages. Preeclampsia- pregnancy specific hypertension and proteinuria developed after 20 weeks. Triad: HTN, edema and proteinuria Headache not relieved with medication Gestational Hypertension: the onset of HTN without proteinuria, or other systemic findings. 2 or more readings of 140/90 after 20 weeks, with previous normal BP. Does not persist longer than 12 weeks post-partum. Eclampsia: the onset of seizure activity or coma in women with preeclampsia who has no hx of preexisting pathology that can result in seizure activity. Higher in multifetal gestation Women who did not receive prenatal care Magnesium sulfate is used to prevent and treat eclampsia Persistent headache, blurred vision, photophobia, severe epigastric or RUQ pain, AMS KNOW SEIZURE PRECAUTIONS! Drugs used to control HTN in pregnancy Hydralazine Labetalol Methyldopa Nifedipine True Labor Consistent contractions will not stop with ambulation if false, will stop with walking and/or position changing assess your patient frequently assess FHR response Active labor: you will see cervical changes! Braxton Hicks: Contractions relieved with ambulation Stages of Labor: 1st stage o Active (6-10 cm dilated) o Latent/early (0-5 cm dilated) 2nd stage o Fully dilation- birth o Mother is ready to push 3rd stage o Fetus delivered- placenta delivered th 4 stage o Placenta delivered- first 2 hours of birth (homeostasis) Pain relief in labor o o o Pharmacological o Assess dilation before administration o DO NOT GIVE DURING TRANISITION o DO NOT USE WITH MOTHERS WHO ARE DRUG DEPENDENT o IV narcotics- opioids Demerol Stadol Anesthesia o General anesthesia Emergency delivery o Epidural/Spinal Anesthesia Baseline VS, IVF 5000-1000ml Epidural may be given in single dose, continuously, or intermittent Catheter is placed until after delivery Spinal works immediately, smaller dose, one time use Epidural take up to 10 minutes, common side effect hypotension Spinal may be used for C/S instead of epidural o Local infiltration Used to number the perineal are for episiotomy no side effects unless mother is allergic Non-pharmacological Change in position Breathing techniques Music Focal point Minimize environmental stimuli