How to write a STAAR essay By Mrs. Monroe First – READ THE ENTIRE PAGE Then highlight the section that reads “Write an essay…” This is what you will write about . The rest of the page might help you. You maybe could even use the quote, but don’t let it distract you from what you are supposed to write about. Next, take the prompt and write a thesis. “Write an essay stating whether it is better to succeed individually or as part of a team.” A THESIS – “It is better to succeed as part of a team, because as a team, you can do more.” Then, come up with TWO examples or stories that prove your thesis. These stories or examples can be true or made up. Your essay will be read by 4 different people who do not know you. You can also use examples from movies or books. FINALLY, you will need a conclusion that restates your thesis and what you learned about this topic in your life. ”Being on a team can be an amazing experience. I achieved so much more by being a part of the Lady Ducks Volleyball team than I ever could have on my own. Being part of a team made me a better person by helping me to be less selfish on the court, and made me a better player by getting help from the awesome Deja Simien, my teammate.” STAAR essays are generally 4 paragraphs.- USE YOUR ORGANIZER to plan your essay. Paragraph #1 – Introduction – A hook, some interesting story, etc., PLUS your thesis. Paragraph #2– Story or Example #1 Paragraph #3– Story or Example #2 Paragraph #4 – Conclusion – Restate your thesis and what you learned about life through this topic.