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AMC Insurance Digital Marketing Plan

Digital Marketing Plan
[Jyothsna Rani Duvvi | A01307527]
[25 Nov 2021]
[AMC Insurance Services]
Table of Contents
Executive Summary…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
Company Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
SWOT Analysis………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5
Business Goal………………………………………………………………………………………………..……..... 7
Digital Goal……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
Objectives………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………..... 7
Target Market…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
Customer Persona……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9
Website Audit
i. Website Audit Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………… 10
ii. Homepage……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11
iii. Landing Page……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12
iv. Website Navigation……………………………………………………………………………………………… 13
v. Website Content…………………………………………………………………………………................... 14
vi. Website Design……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 15
vii. Call to Action (CTA) ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 16
viii. Interactivity……………………………………………………………………………………….................... 16
ix. Loading Speed……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 17
x. Recommendations………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 17
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Audit
i. Keyword Analysis…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 18
ii. Search Engine Results Page Analysis……………………………………………………………………. 19
iii. Accessibility Analysis…………………………………………………………………………………………… 20
iv. Indexability Analysis……………………………………………………………………………………………. 20
v. Website Code Analysis…………………………………………………………………………………………. 21
vi. Recommendations………………………………………………………………………………………………. 21
Search Engine Marketing Campaign
i. Google Ad Campaign…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 22
ii. Google My Business/Google Maps……………………………………………………………………….. 25
Email Marketing Campaign
i. Email marketing plan……………………………………………………………………………………………… 27
Video marketing campaign
i. YouTube Marketing campaign……………………………………………………………………………….. 28
ii. Tent pole marketing………………………………………………………………………………………………. 34
Social Media Campaign
i. Facebook Campaign……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 36
ii. Twitter Campaign………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 37
iii. Instagram Campaign…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 38
iv. Influencer Marketing………………………………………………………………………….………………… 39
Measurement……………………………………………………………………………………………….………….. 42
Budget……………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………… 42
Timeline……………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………. 43
Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………………….………………… 45
Executive Summary:
AMC insurance company needs the digital marketing plan which is an Insurance Brokerage Company
located in multiple locations in British Columbia. There are many opportunities and solutions by
utilizing the digital marketing plan which has an advantage to be potentially strong. Need to control
many threats and problems where the company cannot control. Need to create an awareness and
increase the brand popularity by creating the digital goal which is beneficial by the digital marketing.
This report explains how to improve the digital goal and how the company is benefited by this Digital
Marketing Plan. The Company need to use the correct steps and make small change to reach the
targeted audience. Insurance is nothing but the protection of financial loss and in this vast market it
is difficult to know the demographics which often makes difficulty in targeting the certain group of
people and using the search phrases which the users search related to their company. By
understanding the problems, the company facing so to know the solutions that can be assessed
towards their success. There are many ways to promote their business by taking an advantage of the
social media platforms and increasing their ad campaigns. Using the effective search term in order to
reach your targeted audience. Optimizing the website in different ways and make the website easy
to navigate and to understand. Promoting their products and services and offers they run during any
season through their website and social media platform. By taking all the advantages they can be
found in top results of Google Search. This can be done by using the budget plan and breakdown the
budget in proportions so that budget do not get exhausted. This report explains how to overcome
these problems by creating solutions and modifying the changes in their website and social media
Company Introduction:
AMC Insurance Services is one of the largest insurance brokerages in Lower Mainland, which is in
Surrey, British Columbia. The company was established in 2002 under the leadership of Jaswinder
Singh Parmar. He started his office in Surrey with 62 clients. They deal with the insurance like Home
insurance, Auto insurance, Commercial Insurance and other type of Insurance like Travel insurance
and Life insurance. AMC Service has been added to multiple locations in Langley, Cloverdale,
Coquitlam, Vancouver, and Abbotsford. They are licensed in British Columbia and Alberta. They
exponentially grew its clients base to over 28000+.They office have dedicated individuals from
different ethnic background to help serve out client’s specific needs. AMC services engage with the
customers professionally and give them a detail overview about the insurance they deal with. AMC
service Brokerages have a dedicated and recognized clients and partners like Intact Financial,
Wawanesa Insurance, Aviva and many more. They do specialized services for Personal Lines, ICBC,
Commercial & Business, Trucking and Cargo, Fleet and Retail. Each office is led by a qualified
manager and each department are full of trained and knowledge Staff. The employees in the
company are constantly sharpening their skills and upgrading their designations. When they are in
the field as Imperative as insurance, they always want to make sure, you are providing quality
service and education to their clients.
SWOT Analysis
There is 100+ employees working with the company so that they can deal with many
The Representatives working in the company are certified and had a good experience
qualified background.
The producers have a good relationship with the clients and bring more business to the
The interaction between the representative and the customers are very friendly and educate
their customers by giving them an updated information about their services.
The employees always try to make the changes related with website and technology and
always be updated with the social media.
Very less number of branches as there are many employees to work they can establish more
branch in different locations.
The engagement on twitter is very less as it is one of the best social media to get more leads.
The employees should learn some technologies related to coding which may help them in
Need to increase the employees in customer support service so that they can help them
customers within the time.
None of the employee working in the company has a skill to deal with multiple languages
where that can be a good skill for the employees to interact with customers easily.
The engagement with social media platform improves the business and better recognition for
the company.
By increasing the types of coverages or announcing the discounts that the company is
providing can be an advantage
Increase the branches so that the customers can reach them easily.
Employees with multi-tasking and knowing multi languages may help the company with good
customer service.
Giving the best certified training to the employees to grow to the next level in the company
and giving some benefits to their employees.
There is chance of DDoS attack which is an effective form of cyber-attack cause major
damage to the company.
Harsh weather conditions may affect the customers to reach their office.
Some of the bad reviews about the company’s products and services may not be helpful for
the company growth.
They have the competitors who may give the bad publicity about their company which may
lose the potential customers.
As Covid -19 is one of the major treats so that the customers were unable to reach them
during the pandemic.
Business Goal:
The business Goal of AMC insurance is to increase the brand awareness and educate the customers
importance of the insurance.
Digital Goal:
The Digital goal of the AMC insurance Service is to be top five Google Search results and to increase
the followers on social media platform.
AMC Insurance Services is an insurance brokerage company which need to create a brand awareness
in the market.
By updating the website and good blogs may be helpful for the customers and website and blogs
includes all the information about their services and keeping a good navigation bar on the website
so that the customers find easy to understand about the products.
By including the meta-Keywords and by not using all the similar words in keywords so that they may
get good leads.
Creating an attractive website with the information about their products and service and include the
call to action word like Visit US or Learn More etc.
Target Market:
AMC Insurance Services is an insurance Brokerage company target the people who are planning for
the secure life plan program. They mainly focus on vast range of people who wanted to insure them
for their vehicle, home, health and all commercial needs. The targeted demographic for this
business starts from the age of 18 – 65 above. Especially they can mainly focus on the demographics
of the people between 30- 45. The geographical target should not be only the British Columbia they
can target the other location to expand their business as there is online services available to this
company. At the age of 18 start purchasing the vehicles so the need to be aware of this
insurance service. Target the people who are renting a property, buying a property they have many
coverages plan when they face any issue in their property. To make the secured plan to their Life or
any health issue which they cannot afford this insurance plans can be helpful to them and to them
family members. By considering all these coverages they can select the plan which they need. Finally
the behavioral target is for the people who are looking to purchase a new vehicle, house and who
wants to insure their health service plan.
Customer Persona
AMC insurance company ideal customers are the people who has no claims from any insurance
company. He established this insurance company in 2002. As he did his law and agricultural degree
from the Punjab University in India. He moved to Canada in 1995 and started working as cab driver
as he was not offered a job by any company, so he forced to become a taxi driver. One day he met
with an accident and his vehicle got damaged badly and he spend a lot of money for it he asked his
friends to help him to get a new vehicle, but no one helped him and not even any insurance
company as he did not have any insurance plan for his vehicle. Later he realized and started working
in different sectors and started the education related the insurance programs and established a new
company in 2002. AMC Insurance ideal customer are the one who are looking for insure them
vehicle, homes, etc. Demographically, there is no age or sex that would be needed but in terms of
customers higher income people would afford their insurance. Organized to pay the amount online
any pay within time. It is important that they are aware how the insurance would be helpful in them
daily lives while driving a vehicle, using home and making our travel secure.
Website audit is nothing but reviewing the company’s website completely. Website
audit includes the company’s online presence and to know how it will reach customers point of view.
By looking into the website, we can recognize the changes to be needed. Make sure the appearance
of the website looks professional and by not looking with bad designs and flash colors which affect
the eyes of the customers or by using light colors the customers find difficulty in reading. The
information on the website should be understandable by using good phrases, wordings and
paragraphs. The website should be easy to read and easy to navigate so the navigation bar should be
clear and make it visible to the customers so that they will come to know how to find about your
products and services. The fonts used in website should not be hard to read it. First Impression is the
best impression, so the website appearance is more important so that it drags the first impression of
the customers. If there are multiple branches mention on the website so that it will help customers
who are looking for your services in that location? Images on the website should help the customer to
understand and need to look attractive. Website should be consistent and clear. Include all the
changes and recommendations to the company website and help the company to increase the leads
to purchase their products and service.
Homepage gives the first impression to the customers and shows the exact information about
the company services.
The company home page is looking good so far as they maintain the equal font in the
navigation bar.
They explained some of the insurance in the home page with the pictures.
Added a video to it which is short, and the video contains about their services they do.
There is lot of information and short explanations throughout the site providing more insights
to them.
They mentioned the reviews of their company so that it will suggest the customers to visit
their place.
The colors used in the site are not so harsh which may affect the eyes.
Landing page:
The landing page of the website shows the location of the company which is near to my
There is an address mentioned near to my location and brief description about the about their
Mentioned about ICBC renewal service and contact details to that location.
“Get Free Quote” call to action shows that anything wants to know in detail and using that call
to action we can reach on of the representative.
They mentioned what AMC insurance Advisors do and about different types of insurance
packages and coverages they deal with.
We can give the reviews and there are the images of the office so this helps the customer to
find the location and you can give the details so that the one the representative may call us
back to explain their services.
Website Navigation
The website navigation is clear to understand and easy to navigate for the customers to know
more in details about their company.
In the navigation bar their mentioned about their company, types of insurance, locations,
blogs, contact, claims.
Interesting part in the navigation bar is there is videos tab under it so that customer can get a
clear picture what the service is about.
There is no confusion to the customer to find about the products and services as it is
mentioned clearly by the different tabs. By clicking on the tab, you choose will come to know
about their service.
The footer at the bottom also represents their insurance service, Company locations, Contact
At the bottom right side of the site there is an online chat option which is helpful for the
customers to clear their doubts or to know anything about their service.
Website Content
Website content of this site is good to read. The Font is same for the content and different for
the headings and subheadings.
As the background is white will be easy for the customers to read the content.
The information on the site is informative and there is a reasoning for each product.
The Videos tab gives the overview about their service, and it reduce the customer’s time
instead of reading all the content.
At the top left they mentioned the social media sites there are utilizing to reach their audience
like Instagram, twitter, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn and Pinterest.
The pay online feature helps the customers who are far from the office and busy with them
schedules can pay online.
They are call to action like Online where they representatives can help the customers
instantly. “Get Free Quote “also be as an input towards the customer details. Contact tab
helps to know the contact details of the office.
Micro conversions of this site are mentioning about their partners and locations.
Macro sites are the call-to-action links like “Get Free Quote”, “We are here”,
Overall, the website is good to understand, navigate easily, informative, organized.
Website Design
Website is modern but not that much professional by the appearance.
The colors used in this website are few and background color used is white which is
cool and easy to read.
The Font size varies for the content and the Headings, but some Fonts are big so its
makes the appearance of the page is not standard.
There are too images and more information on the homepage instead of all together
in one page can be segregated into different tabs.
Photos are important if they include some staff photos will come to know their work
The quality of information was good and there are possibilities to maintain them
website designing in a professional way.
Call to action
“GET FREE QUOTE” on the website is important to get the information of the
customer who the lead could convert into purchase.
We can learn some information by looking into the website and can read the
information in the site.
By using this Call-to-action which helps into a conversion and the customers illusions
get cleared by clicking on that action button.
The color used for the call to action is good but still need to highlight it which is on
the top right of the navigation bar.
They used different terms, like Learn more, request an appointment, Talk to an
advisor where all these are redirecting to the customer information page.
Finally, the call-to-action helps to get the customers information to the company.
There is an interactive Element like “We are Here Online” which helps the company
to interact with customers directly.
Reviews on the website show about the performance of the company and how they
are engaging with the customers.
Surveys could be helpful for the customers to participate in terms to know about the
coverages they want.
They mentioned some social media site platforms which they are using to engage
with the customers.
Loading Speed
The loading speed score for the mobile is 46 where the performance speed is on
lower scale.
The FCP for the site on mobile is 4.9s which not a good score as the increases in the
performance of FCP can be consider as a good website.
The loading speed score for the desktop is 92 which is considered as a good
performance score.
The FCP on desktop is 1.0s which is a good insight for this website.
After auditing the website there are some modifications that would be helpful to improve
the performance of the Website.
The appearance of the website is good but adding some changes to it will make the website
By removing the unnecessary information in the home page as limited information in the
homepage will give some good impression to the customers. As the navigation bar is easy to
navigate the customers to know the information about their company.
Making changes in font style may be help make sure the page looks professional.
By adding the photos of the staff and some pictures of their office staff while working would
be more trustful.
Keyword Analysis:
Car Insurance.
Car Insurance Quotes
Life Insurance
Home Insurance
Auto Insurance
Insurance Companies
Auto Insurance Quotes
Business Insurance
Liability Insurance
Insurance Broker
Commercial Insurance
Professional Liability Insurance
Small Business Insurance
Travel Insurance
Insurance BC
Condo Insurance
RV Insurance
Umbrella Insurance
Marine and boat Insurance.
Search Engine Results page Analysis:
Top 5 results
Car Insurance
Murrick.com, Multiple-Insurance, TD-Insurance, BCAA,
Car Insurance Quotes
Murrick, HUB Insurance, TD-Insurance, Lowestrates, RBCInsurance
ICBC, All state insurance, Intact, TD, BCAA
Life Insurance
Faith Life Financial, More rewards life, TD-Insurance, BCAA,
Home Insurance
Square one, BCAA, IBC, West Land Insurance, Murrick
Auto Insurance
TD-Insurance, ICBC, BCAA, Co-operators, West Land
Insurance companies
BCFSA, Habitat Insurance,
Auto Insurance Quotes
TD-Insurance, Co-operator Insurance, Sonnet Insurance,
Aviva Insurance, Lowestraits.
Business Insurance
Intact Insurance, West Land Insurance, BCAA, Insure,
Liability Insurance
Co-operatives, Easy cover, Zensurance, Intact Insurance,
West Land Insurance.
Commercial Insurance
Intact Insurance, Travelers Canada, ICBC, Zensurance,
Rogers Insurance.
Insurance brokers
IBABC, Intact, Insure, HUB International, IBAC
Professional Liability
Easy cover, Zensurance, IBC, Intact, BCCMM
Small Business Insurance
West land, Zensurance, BCAA, All State, IBC
Travel Insurance
Safe visit, Murrick, World nomads, Cover me, Johnson,
Insurance BC
ICBC, BCAA, Insure BC, West land insurance, IBC.
Condo Insurance
BCAA, Insure BC, West land insurance, Intact, All State.
RV Insurance
AMC, Aviva, West land insurance, Intact, RBC.
Umbrella Insurance
TD, Intact, Western Financial group, HUB- International,
Marine and Boat
Aviva, West land insurance, All State, RBC, Pacific marine.
Accessibility Analysis:
Image name
<meta property="og:title" content="Insurance Broker Vancouver | Save Up To 50%
| AMC Insurance" />
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="https://amcinsurance.ca/wpcontent/uploads/2020/02/cropped-amc-insurance-favicon1-180x180.png" />
ALT text
Meta data type
Logo Image
No Alt text
The source code for this page is really confusing and not good. This site not easy to navigate and
accuracy of the information is not up to the mark. I used the tool https://achecker/index.php where
I found 404 Error and the source is same in all the devices which is good thing to know.
Indexability Analysis
1. This website uses more than one meta data elements.
2.There are many errors where the attributes should not be used.
3. The website is supported by the java script
4.There are many waring about the “style “they used on the website.
5. Need to modify the bad value elements.
6. The same image format .png is used entire source code.
7. The script type in source code identified some errors
8.Some of the links does not work which has to be modified.
9. Some of the images seems to be copied or irrelevant images have been uploaded.
10. They Element Alt text should have been used frequently in the site.
Website Code Analysis
The website source code is lengthy, and it is meta data type and used many phrases and keywords in
the title.
In the script the <title> insurance Broker Vancouver| Save up to 50% | AMC Insurance which show
on the website about the discount what they are offering. The script has been written by using many
meta data types. They mentioned about the other insurance and all the social media website links.
The website source is not up to the level. Need to make lot of changes in the source code. Make sure
to use better image text and alternate text in the source code. Changing some data types will be
helpful to them. Using different links will help them to increase the speed of the website.
Google ad Campaign:
1. General Awareness for the company homepage
1. Target location area -Surrey, Vancouver, New Westminster, Langley, Burnaby,
Abbotsford, Port Moody.
2. Audience & Demographics: Homeowners, Business Professionals, Sports Cars,
Technology Students, Motor Vehicle Users.
3. 10 Keywords: Car Insurance broker, best car insurance, best auto insurance, home
insurance, insurance companies, life insurance, travel insurance, insurance brokerage,
health insurance, auto insurance BC.
4. URL Landing page: https://www.amcinsurance.ca
5. Headline 1,2,3- AMC insurance service| Coverages for all insurance | Request for an
6. Description1 &2: Top 7 Insurance Coverages to Protect Your Business| Home, Tenant,
Condo, And Mortgage Insurance Services for You and Your Family
2. Specific Product or service they offer – Commercial Auto Insurance
-Target Location Area: Surrey, Vancouver, New Westminster, Langley, Burnaby,
Abbotsford, Port Moody.
-Audience & demographics: Business Professionals, Auto Buyers, Cargo User Companies, Married,
Moving Rental Users.
-10 Keywords: Commercial Insurance, Insurance brokers, Fleet Insurance, motor truck insurance,
cargo insurance, transport insurance, insurance bond, commercial insurance brokers, prorate
insurance, home based commercial insurance.
-URL Landing page: https://amcinsurance.ca/insurance/commercial-auto/
-Headline1,2&3: Commercial Auto Insurance| Covered for all business types| Contact a Broker.
Description 1 &2: Want to buy a commercial auto insurance bond for your commercial vehicles|
Fleet Insurance. Motor Truck Cargo. Prorate Insurance. Warehouse Man Legal Liability
3. Different product or service they offer- Home Insurance.
-Target Location Area: Surrey, Vancouver, New Westminster, Langley, Burnaby, Port, Moody,
-Audience and demographics: Married, Business professionals, Renters, financially strong,
Gradated degree.
-10 Keywords: Home Insurance broker, Home Insurance BC, Cheap home Insurance, Condo
Insurance, Homeowner Insurance, Property Insurance, Rental House Insurance, Condo
Insurance quote, Home Insurance quote, Compare home insurance.
- URL Landing Page: https://amcinsurance.ca/insurance/home/
-Healine1,2&3: Save on Home Insurance| AMC insurance services |Ask for your AMC insurance
-Description1&2: Covers Your Home, Your Contents, and Your Family| Paying Your Premium
Annually Can Help You Avoid Interest Charges or Service Fees.
Google My Business/ Google Maps
1. Name, Address, Phone, Hours: AMC Insurance Service-Vancouver, 4075 Cambie St, Vancouver,BC ,
V6B 5X5, Monady- Friday 9AM- 9PM, Saturday 9AM-7PM, Sunday 10AM-6PM.
2.Business Summary: Insurance agency in Vancouver, British Columbia.
3.Photos: They have upload the pictures of workplace .Upload the interior and exterior photos of the
office. There is a photo for the add which is redirecting to their website. There is 360 degree street
view which help the customer to find the location easily. Uploaded some two short videos about the
4.Reviews: There are many good reviews for the company services which they are providing. The
owner of that location has responded for the reviews. He is thankful to the csutomers for leaving a
feedback about their service.
5.Events: Did not find any events in their page or there are no upcoming events.
6.Updates: They have updated some post abou thier service from the socila media websites like
twitter, Linkedin, facebook. They have upload some post from their website. Because of pandemic
their update about the precautions to be taken while entering into the office.
7.Plan three posts to make for the business“U want to know about our socail activities” -Make videos of past event or promoting upcoming
event and post it this page so customers will come know about your activities. By this they will come
to know the active and social participation with the people and how frequently they are getting
interacted with you.
“ Want to know why only we” Offer is a special where everyone likes it. Announce the special offers
running for particular service by creating an images and update during the time you are offering.This
may leads to sales and also give some inputs to the customer.
“How is it helpful to you” Many of them are still not aware how it would be benefited to them and
creating a post saying protect youself by choosing the type of insurance and company can update a
brief information about the insurance and post a brief information about each one .
8. Recommendations to improve the listing: The listing is good with all the information . Updated
the timings , photos, and website in the listing. They can improve the listing by changing some
photos . Company logo needed and instead of repeated photos they can keep the happy faces of the
customers. Some pictures of staff gatherings can create a good impression about unity of the
employers. Videos of the event can be updated will also come to know the interaction between the
Email Marketing Campaign
Email Marketing Plan
Creating an email marketing plan will help the business to grow and may get a better ROI for Email
Email Type
Auto Insurance dealers are now here
New travel benefits
Secure your home plan
Hurry up buy 2 and get up to 50%
Refer your friend and save 20%
Partnership with ICBC is the best
Home Insurance new activities
Thank you choosing us
Travel Insurance post
BCAA premium Deals and partners
Want to travel around the world. Insure it with
Join Us how plan a safe journey.
Video Marketing Campaign
YouTube video campaign
Every company want to create a video marketing campaign which is effective and easy to reach the
audience visually. With video marketing campaign we can create three different types of videos to
promote our company products.
Help video
These Videos helps the come to bring new users and builds goodwill and perception of authority. I
would like to share about the travel Insurance which help the users who are looking for it.
A) Example of the Thumbnail Image:
Thumbnail Image for this should be like Person waiting for the flight after taking his boarding
pass with his luggage and behind there is another flight which is taking off. Same images in one
image indicates that he is travelling to some place by choosing flight.
B) Video Title:
Do you want to know about Travel Insurance?
C) Video Description:
We are here to help you with the information about travel insurance. Why travel insurance and
how it is benefited to you. Our company has created this video so that the same way our
representatives will help you in teaching the benefits. So, you will get an overview by watching this
video. In this video you will come to what is travel insurance, Advantages of opting for travel
insurance and how much do you pay for it.
Want to know more about us travel insurance
Want to reach us or want to know more info visit our website:
Follow us on:
Follow us on:
Subscribe to our channel and get more information about our services. Thank you!
D) Three Hashtags:
# Travel #travel Insurance # Insurance benefits.
E) Video Length in Minutes/ seconds:
This video is about 6 minutes 30 seconds which is short and clear.
F) Storyboard what will happen in this video:
This video is all about what is travel insurance. Why travel insurance? Advantages of taking a travel
insurance. First one minute the video explains what is travel insurance with the voice of a person
and show the visual of people are planning to travel around the places. And next 2 minutes will
explain about why it is important by the visuals of person waiting for the flight and the flight got
delayed and he don’t know what to do next. Later another 2 minutes it explains about the
advantages of opting an insurance while travelling and the visual will be like he found the co
passenger getting the benefits like lounge and food. Remaining 2 minutes show the realization
visuals and insurance can be benefited in anyway while travelling so next time he wants to insure his
journey by choosing us. The last 30 seconds end by saying thanks. There are some more benefits for
travel insurance want to know more about it Subscribe to our channel or visit to our website. Thank
you for watching.
G) What will do after uploading this Video:
After uploading this video will investigate the views and likes and look the comments and
answer to all the questions they raised. See the number of subscribers. Make a note of the question
and doubts they have asked and answer it to all the comments. For the appreciation comments will
respond to them saying thank you. By taking all these inputs will try to make better videos.
Hub Video
These videos are expected videos from the viewers. Discuss about the product or service content.
Kind of Content series videos. We have created a video for the content of car insurance and
A) Example of the Thumbnail Image:
The thumbnail image is like a person came out of the store and found his car got damaged. His face
seems like he was shocked about the incident. Thinking what do next.
B) Video Title:
What to do when Your Car Got damaged?
C) Video Description:
Most of the common issue is car damage. Sometimes this will happen by careless of you or by other
who do not have proper driving skills? This video is about to know what to do next in these
situations. Explain how he contacted our company and what coverage will help you at this kind of
situation. By focusing on the concern get to know the best coverages.
Want to know more about us Car insurance
Want to reach us or want to know more info visit our website:
Follow us on:
Follow us on:
Subscribe to our channel and get more information about our services. Thank you!
D) Three Hashtags
# Car insurance# Damage car# Insurance Brokers.
E) Video length in minutes/seconds:
This video is about 5 minutes.
F) Storyboard what will happen in this video:
In this video the topic covered is about the coverages you get when the car got damaged. Many of
them have many questions regarding the car insurance and how to claim for it and what types of
coverages will get once we get. This video is here to help you how you will claim for the protection.
This video covers the person, and he is explaining about the situation he faced. He got shocked by
looking to his damaged car which was parked outside the door. He was in a helpless situation he did
not even know what to do. He called his friend and informed about the incident later his friend gave
a suggestion to check about the insurance he checks the documents and claim for the insurance. He
went to insurance company to know the details about his coverages he explained the details in this
video how the process went through. Promoted the company service how the AMC insurance
company helped them regarding the damaged caused to him. Finally, he thankful all the viewers for
watching this video and for more queries he gave the link to click. And informed to get into the
description for more details.
G) What will do after uploading this Video:
After uploading this video will investigate the views and likes and look the comments and
answer to all the questions they raised. See the number of subscribers. Make a note of the question
and doubts they have asked and answer it to all the comments. For the appreciation comments will
respond to them saying thank you. By taking all these inputs will try to make better videos.
Hero Video
These videos are kind of viral videos and have the highest potential rate. Need a lot of time to create
this type of videos and they are converted as advertisements. Our company choose to make a video
about the importance of life and how it makes him happy.
A) Example of the Thumbnail Image:
The thumbnail image is like two old couple get emotional and by holding the hand of the person and
they seem to be happy. This video explains the story behind their emotions.
B) Video Title:
Ensure your life and protect your family by choosing Life Insurance.
C) Video Description:
This video describes the importance of life and about person who loves you the most. These two old
people explain the importance of choosing a life insurance. This video really helps you create the
awareness about life insurance and how and take wise decision about this.
Want to know more about us Life insurance
Want to reach us or want to know more info visit our website:
Follow us on:
Follow us on:
Subscribe to our channel and get more information about our services. Thank you!
D) Three Hashtags:
# Life # life Insurance # Secure Life.
E) Video length in minutes/seconds:
This video is about 4 minutes.
F) Storyboard what will happen in this video:
This video is about the importance of life. Where it is a story about the two old people lost his son in
the road accident. They want to create an awareness to everyone about the importance of life as
how to insure their life when they are alive. The content of the video starts as two old couple start
filling the potholes daily and they are common people and does not belong to any organization. One
There is small store near to them and the shopkeeper used to observe them daily. They used to clear
the potholes and inform them with danger sign to choose them a different way. Daily they used to
repeat it and started creating an awareness about the situation over there and save the lives of
many people. One day the shopkeeper came to the couple and asked why people are doing this daily
and what is the reason behind this. They Started explaining that they lost his son in accident due to
this pothole he is not aware of this while he is driving because of that accident we lost our child and
everything. Now we don’t proper shelter to hide ourselves. Because we are dependent on him, and
he did not opt for choosing any insurance we lost everything. So, they convey the message to choose
for the life insurance which not only benefit you it will save your family too. The video ended with
happy face and creating awareness about the AMC Insurance company.
G) What will do after uploading this Video:
After uploading this video will investigate the views and likes and look the comments and
answer to all the questions they raised. See the number of subscribers. Make a note of the question
and doubts they have asked and answer it to all the comments. For the appreciation comments will
respond to them saying thank you. By taking all these inputs will try to make better videos. Thankful
to everyone for watching the video hopefully it will reach to many audiences.
Tent Pole Programming
# Event
These types of videos get popular before, during or after the events. They release this content
videos at those moments. The topic should be the trending one. So, company choose to create the
videos about the RV Insurance which come under Auto insurance. They want give updates in detail
as they keep on changes during summers. Most of them like to travel during summers.
Before Event video
A) Explain about the Product
B) Get to know the benefits about it
C) This video is all about the RV insurance which come under auto insurance. This explains all about
the importance of Auto Insurance and advantages of taking the insurance. The coverages they do
how the company work for their customers. Inform you about their partners and clients. Explain
it is get changed every time. By taking all these inputs created a video and explain them about the
changes and importance of this product.
During Event video
A) Live Video
B) Answering the questions
C) This video helps the customers to get answers immediately for the questions their raised. Most of
them will get many questions when there are new changes coming forward which they are not
aware of it. This type of video helps them to interact with company directly. They will get every
answer for their questions here and get detail explanation about their product and service. It is a
kind of Launch video about their new service. It is live so they can interact with most of the new
After Event video
A) Revealing the Success Story about the new changes.
B) How these Changes get benefited
C) This video is about the feedback from the happy customers. This video contains the clips of the
happy customers and expressing how they are benefited with these changes. Clip contains about the
kindness and facts behind the scenes. This video shows the possibilities of the incident may happen.
Taking the real example explain the importance and benefit they will get by choosing it. Show the
clips of people about the challenges they faced. Make sure that by this video it will be benefited to
the people and create the awareness of their company and product.
Social Media Campaign
Promote the product or service with the Facebook post is about insure the travel.
B) It is important to know the timings and status of the flight while travelling. Sometimes the amount
byou spend wont get refunded even the flight got cancelled . For delay in flight they add some
complimentary coupons and get some benefits.
C) Get More Info
D) #Travel# Trave Insurance # BCAA Insurance.
Promote the Company with the Facebook post
B) We are here to help you and a best travel insurance plan and let you the benefits.
Our Company AMC insurance guides you the best travel plan and what are the best coverages
offered. Insure your plan and drive safe.
C) Get a quote
D)# AMC Insurance # Insurance Brokers # Vancouver.
Promote a Product or service
B) Need to protect your house as it is major and important need to get shelter ourselves.
Protect your house by taking an insurance plan will help you to a certain extent. Nobody wants to
lose the house. There are many insurance plans with BCAA to secure your house and keep your
safe and happy.
C)Visit Us On
E) # Insurance
Promote a company with a twitter post
B) AMC insurance service helps to with the best plan to secure your home and your family. Guide
you for the best coverages and help you with the best Insurance company. We are here to help are
Customers. Can call us on the contact provided on the website.
C) Come Visit Us!
E) # Home Insurance.
3. Instagram
Promote a product or service with the Instagram post
B) Talk to us about the best coverages you need for that damage. Mandatory to get insurance for
these damages which help you in future. For all types of cars get liability.
C)Sign Up Now!
D) # damage car# Accident cars# Car Insurance # BCAA Insurance # Sports car# Luxury Cars#
Insurance# BC services# liability# safe drive# driving skills# road safety# safe and secure# # Road
liability# BC safety.
Promote a company with the Instagram post
B) We are here to help you to know the best plan for your car insurance. All over the BC we do have
many representative to help you out and ensure that you are insured with the best coverages.
Keep your car safe. Drive safe.
C) Get an appointment
D) # Insurance # car Insurance# Insurance brokers #AMC insurance # Best coverages# BC insurance#
Travel# Auto Insurance# Business# Car Coverages# Safety# liability with safety# AMC car Insurance #
Insurance# Claims and coverages.
4. Influencer Marketing
Ideal Influencer
Social media platform is best network to influence the people or organizations. Influencer is nothing
but he or she is endorsing the product or service. Ideal influencer attracts all the social media
platforms like Facebook, twitter, YouTube, Instagram etc. They attract the people and organizations
by posting photos about their products and service. Facebook is one the best website where you can
reach all ages of the people. Twitter is a social networking platform where you can reach all type of
people and most people are active on twitter so easy to reach many people and organizations. So,
you need to upload the post where you get min 10k followers. The ideal influencer will get minimum
10k followers for their post they have uploaded. They can create a post about their service by
keeping the latest updates what is happening around the world. Create an event video which attract
the people like making the videos with the content which the help you reach the maximum people.
The content you create should be helpful and informative where you can influence the maximum
audience. Offering any discounts make you reach your audience on time. Ideal influencers make sure
they reach the audience on time. They will update their services and post on time. The maximum
target of the audience does not depend on age sometimes. But depends on the type of business
they choose and sometime target the people by the content they choose. The target the people with
the age of 25-45 where they can understand all types of post they upload, and they can expect to
grow the business.
Influencer project outline
AMC Insurance Services is a small insurance brokerage company where they want to expand the
growth of their business. They want to reach the more audience about their company with the help
of social media platforms. Want to invest amount to reach the audience so that they can grow to
certain extent. The budget decided to spend is $20000 which will help the company awareness.
Everyone wants to create a brand awareness first. Initially post something about your business on
Facebook, twitter and Instagram. Make sure some of your existing customers follow your account on
your social media sites. Create Some videos how your company get interact with clients and how
you are helpful to your customers. YouTube help to upload the videos which has good content.
Create the content videos and publish it on time. Some videos should have the information about
benefits of their business types. How are they best and helpful to the people? The benefits they get
by choosing them. Create a brand awareness videos. On twitter you can post the upcoming events
and the events happened in the past by including Hashtags. Make sure need to improve the
followers in twitter, Facebook, Instagram and subscribers on YouTube which give great ROI. By
targeting more audience will help your company growth. Relevant and informative images can be a
major role. Instagram is all about photos and stories. Need to make your customers to trust you by
looking to your post and videos. Be unique for each post going to update in social media website. All
these will help you be a good influencer.
The success of the company can be measured through the website traffic, digital ads, and social
media post. We will measure the success by the interaction of customers with ads which leads to a
conversion. The source to measure the website traffic is Direct visitors, Organic Search, referrals,
social media. We can track the site from the external sites to measure the total number of visits, or
how many people clicking on your site etc. By clicking on Call-to-action may leads to conversion so
that metric could be measured as an Interactive per visit. We can directly come to know the number
of visitors are coming from. Organic Search results measure the success of the number of users using
digital ads on Google by using Search term keywords. By knowing the keywords which increase the
performance of the site can lead to change in the position of the search result. We can measure the
success with CPC metric in terms of how many people are interactive with the ads. Google
Merchandise Store tool will be helpful to measure the results. There are many social media
platforms to measure the performance of the site. Measuring the social media posts ads and check
how there are getting interacted with the users. The visitors in the social media would be interacted
by posting and ad on it and the response can be counted as measure. This includes a direct message,
views or any external message. We can compare the ratio between the comments, views, likes. By
measuring the followers in the social media site.
How it’s spent
How much is spent
Photographer – for website and all social media
Influence- for one social media ad
Company for the website coding and fixing the
errors on the site
Digital ads
Google ads
Marketing Timeline for 2021
January: They uploaded video on YouTube about liability insurance and posted on different social
media platforms.
February: Started campaigns about home insurance and liability insurance on Google and uploaded
video on home insurance.
March: Create google ads on auto insurance to promote their business. Created funny video
campaigns to create their customers towards the business.
April: Create display ads on auto insurance renewal and started social media campaigns with
LinkedIn. Linked helps to target professional business owners
May: To target general audience created Facebook apps and videos about life insurance.
June: Create display ads on auto insurance renewal which leads to man engagements.
July: To increase the reach of audience create a Facebook and Instagram marketing about auto
insurance and home insurance.
August: Create an email marketing to existing clients and sent email with special discounts and
September: Create travel insurance ads on radio marketing platforms like Spotify, amazon music,
local radio stations.
October: Create newsletters, event invitation ads and dedicated email marketing ads to existing
November: Create the short and funny videos about all different types of insurance and post it in
Tik-tok and Instagram Reels.
December: Send Dedicated Emails to the clients about the Christmas offers and holiday travel
By all these the company want to continuously communicate and give updates about their service to
their customers. Want to reach some more new customers. If there are any seasonal offers also
updating to the customers will help your existing customers to trust your business. The goal of
creating the marketing timeline is to keep update with your customers and get more personal
interaction with them.
This report concludes that there are many modifications need to be done to website. Measurement
and planning will be helpful to create a business model. All the companies creating a digital
marketing plan before executing into the market. They start their business about their products and
services. As to know about the company which I have choose to need to do some modifications on
the website, SEO and social media reach. Website should be much clearer and shorter on the
Homepage. Lots of information on the Homepage which gives different insights to the customers.
The Source code need to be modified to minimum errors. The email marketing should be done
effectively so that there will be great ROI from Email marketing. The existing users will remain same
and give some leads to the new users. Use Meta keywords which help you with good search results.
The social media targeting is very less by increasing the reach of the audience through social media
sites will help you in the growth of the company. Especially on twitter they can reach more audience.
Creating hero videos and spending amount for creating hero videos will help you in great ROI. By
measuring all the results came to know that small modifications in each marketing analysis will help
to reach many audiences. As it is vast market need to target the larger number of audiences. With
the help of these changes, they can get connect with a greater number of people and use all these
platform frequently which help you to get interact with your customers. As a part of learning came
to know how the digital marketing plan will help to improve the business in all aspects.