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Bazi Bazar History & Safety: Kolkata Firecracker Markets

History of Bazi Bazaar
(i) The sale and possession of fireworks in large
quantity in the cluster of ‘Firework’ shops in the
most congested Central Business District Areas
under the jurisdiction of Hare Street Police
Station, Burrabazar Police Station and Posta
Police Station had became a threat to the lives of
the people & properties following the incidents of
fire in Burrabazar area / Canning Street.
(ii) The Fire fighting System & Escape Routes
in these areas being very much inadequate in
the event of outbreak of fire and the shops
being located quite close to each other in
violation of Sub – Rule (3) of Rule 86 of the
Explosive Rules, 2008.
(iii) Situations become alarming prior to Kali
Puja & Diwali Festival each year when most of
the sales related transactions take place.
Shifting of Bazi Bazar
(i) Keeping in mind public safety & security it was
decided to shift such shops temporarily from
congested areas to an open space of land for 07 days
prior to Kali Puja / Diwali when the selling /
purchasing activity is brisk.
(ii) Accordingly in the year 1995, the fair styled as Bazi
Bazar started in the open land opposite to Rabindra
Sadan just by the side of Victoria Memorial Hall &
subsequently shifted to Territorial Army Institute
(TAI) Ground & finally the same is now being held at
Sahid Minar Maidan with permission of appropriate
Present Location of Bazi Bazar
(i) In the year 2012, after the extension of
Kolkata Police jurisdiction, two more Bazi
Bazars started functioning at Kishore
Bharati Stadium (presently being held at
Kalikapur Ground under Survey Park
P.S.) & Behala Vidyamandir Ground
(Presently being held at Behala Blind
School Ground).
(ii) Being inspired by the sale of fire
crackers in Bazi Bazar another sale of
fire crackers started functioning at Tala
Park Ground in the year 2013.
(iii) Last but not the least another Bazi
Bazar started at Bijoygarh under
Jadavpur P.S. In the year 2015.
Reason behind Bazi Bazar
The main idea of setting up of such Bazi
Bazars was to prevent indiscriminate sale of Fire
Crackers and at the same time to prevent sale of
banned / unauthorised fire crackers. Moreover,
all types of non prohibited fire crackers are
available under a single roof to the utter
satisfaction of the prospective buyers.
Preventive Measures adopted at
Bazi Bazars
(i) The permission is granted for 7 days prior to
Kali Puja / Diwali in Form No. LE - 5 with
realization of Requisite Fees to the tune of Rs.
600 with the quantity that has to be stored to the
maximum of 15 Kgs at a time. Necessary NOC
from all authorities i.e., WB F&ES, PCC,
CESC, Ground Authority etc. is to be attached
with the application.
(ii) Meeting is held before Durga Puja
chaired by Senior Police Officials &
Representatives of WBPCC, WBF&ES &
PESO (Petroleum Explosive Safety
Organisation). The Fire Crackers Dealers
/ Sellers are invited to attend the same
where all safety measures to be adopted is
discussed in detail with the direction to
adhere to the same.
(iii) Leaflets printed in English, Hindi,
Bengali containing ‘DOs’ & ‘DON’Ts’ is
distributed amongst the Stake Holders &
All the Police Stations to spread
awareness. Moreover as per the order of
Honb’le Supreme Court the bursting of
Non Prohibited fire crackers is limited
between 8 PM to 10 PM in the festive
days is also communicated to all concern.
(iv) Testing of fire crackers which the stake
holders generally sale from their shops
inside Bazi Bazars, is done at specified
area & those emitting sound level more
than 90 decibel impulse at five meters
from the point of bursting are banned
from sale. Such Certificate is issued by the
officials of PCB who are present with their
gadgets for the sound measurement
(v) A Notification in this regard is issued by Ld.
Commissioner of Police mentioning all the
(vi) Elaborate police arrangements are made
covering all vulnerable and entry points to the
city about one month ahead of Kali Puja (Diwali
Festival for conducting frisking / checking of
vehicles which are the main mode of
transportation of fire crakers to the city. Special
watch is also maintained in main market areas,
long distance bus stands etc.
(vii) The seized fire crackers are dumped at
different P.S. and at the Malkhanas of DD
which are later on disposed off with Court
(viii) However due to pandemic situation, Bazi
Bazar was not held in the year 2020 & 2021.
Government and Court Directions
What are ‘green’ crackers?
(i) In October, 2018 the Supreme Court allowed
bursting of low-emission crackers relaxing the
‘complete ban’ issued in 2017.
(ii) Such ‘green’ crackers were researched and
developed by scientists at CSIR-NEERI as per
the Court’s directions.
(iii) ‘Green’ crackers have a small shell size
compared to traditional crackers.
(iv) They are produced using less harmful raw materials
and have additives which reduce emissions by
suppressing dust.
(v) Currently, the fireworks industry in India is pegged at
Rs. 1800 crore per annum.
(vi) CSIR has signed agreements with 230 companies to
manufacture the crackers and make them available for
(vii) Green crackers don’t contain banned chemicals such
as lithium, arsenic, barium and lead.
(viii) They are called Safe Water Releaser, Safe Thermite
Cracker and Safe Minimal Aluminium Crackers.
(ix) Green crackers release water vapour and
don’t allow the dust particles to rise.
(x) They are designed to have 30% less particulate
matter pollution.
(xi) QR code on green cracker packages will help
consumers scan and identify counterfeits.
Year wise disposal of seized FireCrackers by Kolkata Police since
2016 : 2.580 M.T (2580 Kgs) of seized fire –
crackers has been disposed by West Bengal
Waste Management Ltd. (WBWML) at
their dumping ground at Haldia. The cost
incurred has been paid to the authority by
West Bengal Pollution Control Board
Responsibility (CSR) fund.
2018: 5.320 M.T (5320 Kgs) of seized fire –
crackers has been disposed by West
Bengal Waste Management Ltd.
(WBWML) at their dumping ground
at Haldia. The cost incurred has been
paid to the authority by West Bengal
Pollution Control Board (WBPCB)
from Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR) fund.
2019: 4.250 M.T (4250 Kgs) of seized fire –
crackers has been disposed by West Bengal
Waste Management Ltd. (WBWML) at
their dumping ground at Haldia. The cost
incurred has been paid to the authority by
West Bengal Pollution Control Board
Responsibility (CSR) fund.
2021: 6.380 M.T (6380 Kgs) of seized fire – crackers
has been disposed by West Bengal Waste
Management Ltd. (WBWML) at their
dumping ground at Haldia. The cost
amounting Rs. 10,120 per M.T has been paid
by Kolkata Police.
2022: 8.690 M.T (8690 Kgs) of seized fire – crackers
has been disposed by West Bengal Waste
Management Ltd. (WBWML) at their
dumping ground at Haldia. The cost
amounting Rs. 10,125 per M.T has been paid
by Kolkata Police.