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Improving Network Quality: E2E Performance Case Studies

Session 11: Improving quality: Case studies
Use cases on how to monitor and improve
E2E performance
José Ruy - Product Manager at
Who is speaking ?
José Ruy - Brazilian, from Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais
Electrical Engineer, specialized in Telecommunications and
Computer Science by UFMG, with MBA in project management
by FGV
In the telecom industry for over 11 years
Product Manager of an OSS-Based solution software
This software won as the best one in its category in well know
events of the industry in LATAM (2016), MENA (2017) and
Africa (2017)
QoS, QoE: something to think
Are the networks working 100% with no fails ?
If the network has no fails, QoS = 100%, what would be the
QoE ?
And if still the QoE is not 100%, what can you do ?
QoS: what can we do to improve it
A good network performance is the 1st step
Problems can be basically at the network, the UE or the
interfaces (air, fiber)
We will tackle Network problems
OSS Data
OSS – Operation Support System
OSS – Data Reporting
OSS – What Data
CM: Configuration Management
PM: Performance Management
FM: Fault
TM: Traces
LM: Licenses
HM: Hardware
Equipment with no OSS
CORE, Microwave, IP
Equipment with no OSS
Equipment with no OSS – Data Reporting
Network Monitoring
End to end
Network Monitoring End to End
Many different equipments
Unified view: reduce complexity
Use Case: operator NOC – Network Operation Center – 24 x 7
Use case: Unified View
Network Monitoring End to End - Identify
Something is outside the thresholds
Something is outside the normal behavior
Something will probably be outside the normal behavior
Network Optimization
Solving the problem
Network Optimization – solving the problem
Found the bad performance element, what now ?
Too much data… Correlation! PM, CM, FM
But… What if the
problem is not in
the element itself ?
CM change found!
Network Optimization
End to end
Network Optimization – end to end
Use case: transmission affecting cell downlink throughput
Session 11: Improving quality: Case studies
José Ruy - Product Manager at