NORTH CENTRAL MINDANAO COLLEGE Maranding, Lala, Lanao del Norte Tel. No. (063) – 227-8004 CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION DELIVERY ALIGNMENT MAP (CIDAM) Grade: Grade 11 Core Subject Title: Empowerment Technology Teacher: Graceian Joy P. Alarde Content Content Standards Performance Standards Minimum Information and Communicati on Technology covering the topic of: 1. The current state of ICT technologies (i.e., Web 2.0, 3.0. convergent The learners: demonstrat ed an understand ing of: ICT in the context of global communica tion for specific profession al track The learners shall be able to: at the end of 2-week period independent ly compose an insightful reflection paper on the nature of ICT in the context of Beyo nd Mini mum Semester: First Semester No. of hours/Semester: 80 hours Prerequisites (If needed): None Learning Competencies Minimum Compare and contrast the nuances of varied online platforms sites and content to best achieve specific class objectives or address situational challenges Highest Thinking Skills to Access KUD Classificati on Bey ond Min imu m U Eva luat e nua nce s of vari ed onli ne plat for ms, site s, KU RBT D Level Cl as sifi cat io n U Understan ding Highest Enabling Strategy to Use In Developing the Highest Thinking Skills to Access Assessment Technique WW Quiz, Essay, Multiple Choice, Construct ed Respons e QA PC Enabling General Strategy Teaching Strategy Representati on Group Sharing, Venn Diagram, Video Presentatio n technologies, social, mobile, and assistive media) 2. Online Systems, functions, and platforms Online Safety, security, ethics, and etiquette their lives, society, and professional tracks (Arts, TechVoc, Sports, Academic) 2. Apply online safety, ethics and etiquette standards and practice in the use of ICTs as it would relate to their specific professional tracks K and con tent to bes t achi eve spe cific clas s obj ecti ves or add res s situ atio nal chal len ges Diff ere ntia te onli ne saf ety, sec urit y, ethi cs and etiq uett e U Analyzing Brainstor ming(abo ut the threats in social media and the Communicati on Problem based learning sta nda rds and pra ctic e in the use of Contextualiz ed online search and research skill Applied productivity tools with advanced application techniques. These advanced tools and techniques currently include, but are not limited to: 1. Mail merge and label generation 2. Custom animations and timing 3. Hyperlinkin The learners demonstrat e and understand ing of: the use of advanced tools and techniques found in common productivity and software application in developing ICT content for specific profession al tracks The learners shall be able to: At the end of the 2week period independent ly apply advanced productivity tools to create or develop ICT content for use in specific professional tracks 3. use the Internet as a tool for credible research and Information gathering to best achieve specific class objectives or address situational The learners: 4. uses common productivity tools effectively by maximizing advanced application techniques 5. creates an original derivative ICT content to effectively communicate or present data or information related to specific professional tracks Understandi ng Applying Construct ed Respons e Doing Creating Construct ed Respons e Power Quiz Connections Lecture and Demonstra tion, Hands on Activity Problem Solving Hands On Activity g in presentatio ns 4. Integrating images and external material in word processors 5. Embedded files and data 6. Advanced and complex formulas and computatio ns Imaging and Design For The Online Environmen t covering the topics of 1. Basic principles of graphics and layout 2. Principles of visual message design using infographic s 3. Online file formats for images and text How to manipulate text, graphics, and images to create ICT content intended for an online environme nt At the end of 2-week period independent ly apply the techniques of image manipulatio ns and graphic design to create original or derivative ICT content from existing images, text and graphic elements for use in 6. Evaluate existing websites and online resources based on the principles of layout, graphic, and visual message design. 7. Use image manipulation techniques on existing images to change their current state to communicate a message design. 8. create an original or derivative ICT content to effectively Understandi ng Applying Doing Creating Multiple Choice, Construct ed Respons e Connections Hands On Activity Problem Solving Hands On Activity 4. Principles and basic techniques of image manipulatio n 5. Basic image manipulatio n using offline or open source software 6. Combining text, graphics, and images 7. Uploading, sharing, and image hosting platforms Online Platforms as tools for ICT content developmen t covering The principles and techniques of design using online specific professional tracks. These may be in the form of, but not limited to: 1. Team/athlet e/league recruitment posters (sports) 2. logo or crest for a community, school organization or barkada (Arts) 3. labeling and manual of operation for tools and equipment (Tech-Voc) 4. Presentatio n of cafeteria patronage data (Business/A cademic) At the end of –week period independent ly apply the principles and communicate a visual message in an online environment related to specific professional tacks . 9. evaluate existing online creation tools, platforms and application in developing ICT Understandi ng Evaluating Reasoning and Proof the topics of: 1. The nature and purposes of online platforms and applications 2. Basic web design principles and elements 3. Web page design using templates and online WYSIWYG platforms creation tools, platforms and application to develop ICT content for specific profession al tracks Collaborativ e developmen t of ICT content covering the topics of: 1. Team structure and dynamics for ICT content 2. Online collaborativ The key learnings from the previous weeks, which they will synthesize into an integrated ICT content through collaboratio n with classmate techniques of using online creation tools, platforms, and applications to create original or derivative ICT content for use in specific professional tracks At the end of the 2week period and quarter collaborativ ely develop an online portal or website to showcase and share existing and previously developed content. These may content for specific professional tracks 10. apply web design principles and elements using online creation tools, platforms, and application to communicate a message for a specific purpose in specific professional tracks 11. create an original or derivative ICT content using online creation tools, platforms, and application to effectively communicate messages related to specific professional tracks 12. Evaluate the quality, value, and appropriate s of peer’s existing or previously developed ICT content in relation to the theme or intended audience/viewer of an ICT project. 13. share and showcase existing or previously developed material in the Understandi ng Connections Doing Applying Creating Problem Solving Understandi ng Evaluating Reasoning and Prof Knowing Understan ding Representati on e tools and processes 3. project managemen t for ICT content 4. Curating existing content for the use on the web. Multimedia and ICTs covering the topics of: 1. Rich content in the online environmen t and the user experience 2. Multimedia and interactivity 3. Web 2.0 and Web 3.0, and user participatio n in the web ICTs as platform for change covering the topics of: 1. ICT as medium for advocacy and developmen and teacher as both peer and partner be in the form of, but not limited to: 1. Online newsletter 2. Blog 3. Issue online ‘magazine” form of a collaboratively designed newsletter or blog site intended for a specific audience or viewer The learners demonstrat e an understand ing of: How rich media content and interactivity affects and changes the user experience in the delivery and consumptio n of ICT content ICT as a tool, medium, and force in bringing about action and mobilize change in a The learners: at the end of the week independent ly assess one’s experience along a range of online rich content on the basis of the usability of interface The learners: Explore the principles of interactivity and rich content in the context of Web 2.0 and the participation of the user in the online experience Knowing Understan ding Representati on At the end of the week independent ly articulate how ICTtools and platforms have changed the 15. share anecdotes of how he/she has used ICTs to be part of a social movement, change, or cause to illustrate aspects of digital citizenship Knowing Understan ding Representati on tal communicat ion 2. The social power of social media 3. Digital citizenship and the Filipino people Developing an ICT Project for Social Change covering the topics of: 1. Planning and conceptuali zing an ICT Project for Social Change 2. Research for ICT Projects, Audience profiling,(de mographic and psychograp hics) 3. Designing and constructin g the ICT project population, society, or culture. people communicat e, and how social change has been brought about by the use of ICTs How to work with peers and external publics/part ners for the developme nt of an ICT project advocates or mobilizes for a specific Social Change or cause At the end of 4-week period collaborativ ely participate actively in the creation and developmen t of an ICT Project for Social Change relating to an issue in specific professional tracks 16. identify a local or regional cause or issue for Social Change related to specific professional tracks that can be addressed or tracked using an ICT Project for Social Change 17. Analyze how taget or intended users and audiences are expected to respond to the proposed ICT Project for Social Change on the basis of content, value, and user experience 18. Integrate rich multimedia content in design and development to best enhance the user experience Doing Creating Problem Solving Publishing an ICT Project covering the topics of; 1. Uploading and website managemen t 2. Promotion, traction and traffic monitoring 3. Evaluation through user feedback/int eraction Sustaining an ICT Project for Social Change covering the topics of: 1, Updating content and maintaining traffic to an ICT Project How to manage an online ICT Project for Social Change How to maintain and sustain the operation of an ICT Project for Social Change At the end of the 2week period independent ly and collaborativ ely comanage an online ICT Project for Social Change through available tools, resources and platforms At the end of the week independent ly evaluate the performanc e of an advocacy via an ICT Project for Social Change through and deliver content of an ICT project for Social Change 19. develop a working prototype of an ICT Project for Social Change 20. demonstrate how online ICT Projects for Social Change are uploaded, managed, and promoted for maximum audience impact 21. generate a technical report interpreting data analytics, e.g. Google, Facebook, or similar traffic data on the general aspects of search visibility, reach, and vitality 22. generate a report on the performance of their ICT Project for Social Change on the basis of data gathered from available monitoring tools and evaluating techniques Knowing Understan ding Representati on Doing Creating Problem Solving Doing Creating Problem Solving for Social Change 2. Monitoring social impact of advocacies communicat ed via an ICT Project for Social Change Reflecting on ICT learning the process covering the topics of: ICT, the self and society How to reflect on the nature of ICT and the manner by which the learning process has changed his/her world view. available monitoring tools and evaluating techniques such as user interviews, feedback forms, and Analytics data At the end of the week independent ly reflect on the ICT learning process has changed his/her world view 23. create a reflexive piece or output using an ICT tool, platform, or application, or choice on the learning experience undergone during the semester Doing Creating Problem Solving