WEEK 1 Overview A.THE FEDERAL SECURITIES STATUTES 1. THE SECURITIES ACT of 1933 Historical context: Great expression; Blue sky law Fraud-Fraudulent a. The registration requirement b. Exemptions from Registration c. Liability Provisions 2. THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 private cause of action SEC only have civil authority DOJ has criminal authority a. Section 10(b)and Rule 10b_5 b Market Manipulation c Disclosure obligations: Reporting companies d. Proxy Regulation e. Tender offer regulation f. Self regulatory organization 3. THE Private SECURITIES LITIGATION REFORM ACT OF 1999 4. THE SARBANES-OXLEY ACT OF 2002 5.THE DODD‐ FRANK WALL STREET REFORM AND CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT OF 2010 B.THE COURTS C.THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION 1. The power to adopt rules that implement laws. 2. Second, the SEC has the power both to initiate administrative actions against securities law violators as well as to adjudicate those actions. SEC administrative actions VS. Court proceedings 3. SEC frequently brings enforcement actions in the Federal courts, 4. SEC Often ales amicus briefs on federal securities issues in private actions in which it is not a party. D.THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (DOJ) 1.Relationship between the authority of DOJ and SEC E. STATE LAW 1. The interaction between state law and federal law F. SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC FORCES G.THE EFFICIENT CAPITAL MARKETS HYPOTHESIS Section 10(b) and 10b-5 a. Section 10(b) Section 10(b) makes it unlawful to “use or employ, in connection with the purchase or sale of any security” a “manipulative or deceptive device or contrivance in contravention of such rules and regulations as the [SEC] may prescribe.” 15 U.S.C. § 78j(b). “Security” is defined broadly to include, among other things, stocks, bonds, debentures, a variety of other instruments, or, “in general, any instrument commonly known as a ‘security.’” 15 U.S.C. § 78c(a)(10). b. 10b-5 【§ 240.10b-5 Employment of manipulative and deceptive devices.】The SEC’s implementing regulation, Rule 10b-5, further defines the scope of the statutory language. The rule renders it unlawful, in connection with the purchase or sale of any security, to(“任何证券”交易中的“任何人”): 采用任何策略、计谋或技巧进行欺诈 Employ any device, scheme, or artifice to defraud; 对重大事实进行虚假陈述或遗漏某项重大事实 Make any untrue statement of a material fact or to omit to state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements made not misleading; or 参与任何行为、实践或商事行为而形成对任何人的欺诈或诈骗 Engage in any act, practice, or course of business which operates or would operate as a fraud or deceit upon any person. c.评价 (1)10b-5 规则本来只是单纯的禁止性条款,并没有附随的民事责任。{5}后于 1971 年,联邦最高 法院在 Superintendent of Ins. v. Bankers Life&Cas. Co.一案中确认了私人诉讼权(private cause of action)。{6}虽然联邦最高法院在之后对原告资格等方面增设了新的限制, 10b -5 规则依旧是美国证 券法下最具综合性的反欺诈工具, 包括虚假陈述和隐瞒重大事实在内的多种欺骗行为,涵盖公司管 理、内幕交易、操纵市场、券商欺诈客户等。 (2)构成 10b-5 规则责任的要件 (elements of cause of action) - 有关/相关性(In Connection with) - 欺诈(Fraud) - 重大事实(Materiality) - 明知/故意(Scienter) - 信赖/因果关系(Reliance/Causation) - 交易上的因果关系(Transaction Causation) - 损害上的因果关系(Loss Causation) WEEK 2 & 3 & 4 A. Requirement of Manipulation or Deception 1. Material misstatement or omission in general a. mere breaches of Fiduciary duty Santa Fe Industries, Inc. v. Green, 430 U.S. 462 (1977) b. corporate mismanagement and lost state remedies Healey v. Catalyst Recovery of Pennsylvania, Inc. 2. Material Omissions in particular a. The general- Silence is not deceptive absent a duty to speak Galgher vs Abbott Laboratories b. The duty to disclose duty to correct and duty to update Santa Fe Industries, Inc. v. Green, 430 U.S. 462 (1977) Healey v. Catalyst Recovery of Pennsylvania, Inc. Gallagher vs Abbott FACTS P: 简易兼并(shortform merger)子公 司小股东 D:子公司绝对控股 股东,想要兼并子 公司 起因:D 在兼并 后,根据子公司估 值给 P 补偿,P 认 为价格较低并认为 D 进行了欺诈 D 违反忠诚义务并 构成欺诈 雅培被处罚不公开 --FDA 警告向雅培 诊断部门 --1999 年 3 月 9 日 雅培提交了 SEC10K 年度报告,详细 说明了该公司的财 务状况 --1999 年 3 月 17 日,FDA 进一步警 告雅培 --在 1999 年 9 月 29 日,雅培实验室发 表了一份公开声 明,解释了 FDA 的 论点,并指出雅培 实验室和 FDA 正在 进行和解讨论 B. The materiality requirement 1. Materiality defined 2.The materiality of soft information 10b-5 的立法目的:防止 欺诈-必须有错误陈述或 者隐瞒事实的行为。 仅仅违反忠诚义务并不 构成欺诈 Duty to correct Duty to update 1. disclosure 的时间和对 象 ①no continuous duty to disclosure. The 1933 Act only requires firms reveal information when issuing securities. Under SEC Act 1934, only file annual and periodic reports. ②时间的问题 Fraud by omission. ③ Basic v Levinson 3. Forward-looking statements Forward-Looking Statements(前瞻性声明): Trump case A forward-looking statement predicts, projects, or uses future events as expectations or possibilities. 满足安全港(safe harbor)规则,不属于错误陈述 In re Donald J. Trump Casino Securities litigation In re Donald J. Trump Casino Securities litigation C. The “in connection with” requirement SEC v. Zandford SEC v. Pirate Investor, LLC SEC v. Zandford 用客户账户钱案 在违反信义义务的同时是否 满足证券欺诈 The Securities and Exchange Commission filed a civil complaint alleging that a stock broker violated section 10(b) of the 1934 act by selling his customer’s securities and using the proceeds for his won benefit without the customer’s knowledge or consent. SEC v. Pirate Investor, LLC whether the alleged fraudulent conduct was “in connection with the purchase or sale of any security” within the meaning of the statute and the implementing Rule 10b-5. YES. 降低 in connection with 的标准 Each sale was made to further his fraudulent scheme and that each was deceptive because it was neither authorized by, nor disclosed to, the Woods. T Bought or not Using evidence of people buying the security D. The scienter requirement 1. The substantive standard Ernst & Ernst v. Hochfelder Ernst & Ernst v. Hochfelder 经纪公司诈骗会计不知道案 Petitioner accounting firm was retained to audit periodically a brokerage firm's books and records. Respondents, who were customers of the brokerage firm, invested in a securities scheme ultimately 1. 【interpretation of 10(b)】 A private cause of action for damages will not lie under § 10(b) and Rule 10b-5 in the absence of any allegation of "scienter," i.e., intent to deceive, manipulate, or defraud on the defendant's part. 必须要有 scienter ,negligence 是不行的 revealed as fraudulent and perpetrated by the firm's president and principal stockholder. After the fraud came to light, respondents filed an action for damages against petitioner under § 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (1934 Act) E. The purchaser-seller requirement Blue Chip Stamps(D) v. Manor Drug Stores Blue Chip Stamps(D) v. Manor Drug Stores 在合并后发行股票时没有告 知真实价格,原告因此没有 购入股票。 ①MD 是买家 Manor Drug was an offeree of a registered stock offering of newly issued stock of Blue Chip which was required to be made under the terms of a previously entered antitrust consent decree. ②M 没有买 Manor urged that Blue Chip had distributed a materially over pessimistic prospectus in connection with this offering in order to cause offerees not to purchase the offered stock. And that it in fact had not purchased the offered stock because of the false prospectus. The new corporation was required to offer some substantial shares of common stock to retailers. ③上诉法院认为即使没有买 也有 standing。Despite the fact that Manor Drug was not an actual purchaser or seller of shares, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit held that it was not Did the plaintiffs have standing to sue for violation of Rule 10b-5? The validity of Birnbaum Rule? NO. ①必须要是 seller 或者是 purchaser。Birnbaum rule (Birnbaum vs Newport Steel Corporation);only purchasers and sellers of securities can bring suit under Rule 10b-5。the purchaser or seller status is a prerequisite to the maintenance of a private damage action under Rule 10b-5. ②立法改变没有成功。Efforts to change this longstanding rule by amendment of the statute have been uniformly unsuccessful and there is considerable evidence that the Birnbaum rule reflects the intention of Congress as expressed in the 1933 and 1934 Acts. ②under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, derivative investors are considered buyers or sellers of securities for application of SEC Rule 10b-5. ③ 防止滥诉 Vexatious litigation Legal proceedings started with malice and without good case. Cost a lot to defendant barred from recovering under Rule 10b-5. Hourly rate of lawyers: cost a lot F. Reliance/Causation 信赖/因果关系 [apply only to private actions; do not come into play in SEC or criminal actions]Rule 10b-5 has 2 causation requirements: (1) reliance requirement; but for test (2)loss causation requirement 1. Reliance requirement 是什么:受损失的人应当证明①自己合理依赖错误或欺骗性陈 述;②自己因为依赖承受了损失 Presumption of reliance: a. Affiliated Ute Presumption b. Fraud-on-the-market presumption a. Affiliated Ute Presumption Omission For purchasers, they can never know what then don’t know(the information is not disclosed) But for test Presumption of causation Certify the class –individual; burden of proof (1) Affiliated Ute 银行高价买卖案 RULE: presumption of reliance applies to omission cases. Rationale: (2) Binder v. Gillespie Presumption 仅适用在 Misrepresentation 情形下?whether the presumption may be invoked in a case involving misrepresentations or both omissions and misrepresentations b. Fraud-on-the-market presumption 含义:欺骗了整个市场 Basic v. Levison 2. Loss causation requirement 损害上的因果关系 Dura Pharmaceuticals, Inc. v. Broudo Affiliated Ute FACTS Bank:①served as the transfer agent for the stock of the corporation established to allocate tribal assets. ② Purchased their shares without informing them that the stock Fiduciary relationship? Omission 从双方律师 的角度去构 思 Basic analysis framework was trading at a higher price in a secondary market. Binder v. Gillespie Basic v. Levison Dura Pharmaceuticals, Inc. v. Broudo In re OMNICOM GROUP, INC. SECURITIES LITIGATION. Misrepresentation Spring water 案 ①what the misrepresentation is? Dissenting opinion ②买家行为 以 4 美元购入 3000 股,后来 跌到 1 美元以下 Proof of individual reliance? 公司合并三次隐瞒消息案 ①被告行为:December 1978, Combustion Engineering, Inc., ①怎么去 rebut presumption and Basic Incorporated agreed Rule 10b–5 defendants may to merge. During the preceding attempt to show that the price two years, representatives of the was not affected by their two companies had various misrepresentation, or that the meetings and conversations plaintiff did not trade in reliance regarding the possibility of a on the integrity of the market merger; during that time Basic price made three public statements denying that any merger Efficient market negotiations were taking place Integrity of the market or that it knew of any corporate developments that would Small company vs. Big company account for heavy trading activity in its stock. Liability and damages ②原告反应:在第一次隐瞒之 后就卖股票(sold their stock) <securities arbitration > 药物公司谎报批准 Respondents filed a securities fraud class action, alleging that petitioners, Dura Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and some of its managers and directors (hereinafter Dura), made, inter alia, misrepresentations about future Food and Drug Administration approval of a new asthmatic spray device, leading respondents to purchase Dura securities at an artificially inflated price. 虚假记账 Investors brought action against corporation and its managers for Plaintiffs did not prove proximate causation and economic loss ①loss caused by the defendants' “spray device” *347 misrepresentations. plaintiffs' need to prove proximate causation and economic loss; An inflated purchase price will not by itself constitute or proximately cause the relevant economic loss needed to allege and prove “loss causation.” The Court of Appeals, Winter, Circuit Judge, held that: 1 disclosure to the market that director and chairman of 其他因素的 影响 必须要证明 因果关系, 原告并没有 证明因果关 系 和侵权很像 securities fraud, alleging that managers and corporation improperly accounted for a transaction in which corporation transferred soured Internet investments to newly-formed entity. corporation's audit committee had resigned due to general concerns over an aggressive accounting strategy and the use of the transaction to remove losses from the corporation's books did not constitute a corrective disclosure of fraud that would suffice to show loss causation, and 2 negative publicity drawn from the resignation was too tenuously connected to the transaction to establish loss causation under a materialization of the risk theory. G .Damages and Other relief Damage Basic contract law 买股票 被骗 Securities back? Interest on the money (plus interest) RESCISSION AND RESCISSORY DAMAGES RESCISSION: D get the stock get the purchase price + plus interst RESCISSORY DAMAGES: (在没有股票的情况下)give the value back(money/) Out of pocket Off set 女人案例 Net out o pocket is predominant Choose the best calculation method 仲裁书里面说的是正确的 H. Statute of limitations Reading Assignment for Class #5 (Statute of Limitations) SupMat, pp. 25-26, 29 (Lampf, Pleva, SarbOx Sec. 804 (S/L) Casebook, 230-241(Statute of Limitations -Merck & Co. Inc. v. Reynolds) Casebook, pp. 244-247 (Herman & MacLean, Overlap with Express Actions) 4. PSLRA material – Hill 5. Class Action material – Cyr Introduction Exchange Act 最开始没有 contain a limitations period applicable to private Rule 10b-5 actions. Statute of limitations What it is equitable tolling Statute of limitations vs. Statute of repose Aircraft industry 1980 will be reasonable? “statute of repose 的起算点则是从行为或事件发生之日起算” No tolling. (Sarbanes-Oxley Act Sec. 804, SOX)28 U.S.C.A. § 1658. Time limitations on the commencement of civil actions arising under Acts of Congress (a) Except as otherwise provided by law, a civil action arising under an Act of Congress enacted after the date of the enactment of this section may not be commenced later than 4 years after the cause of action accrues. (b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), a private right of action that involves a claim of fraud, deceit, manipulation, or contrivance in contravention of a regulatory requirement concerning the securities laws, as defined in section 3(a)(47) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78c(a)(47)), may be brought not later than the earlier of-(1) 2 years after the discovery of the facts constituting the violation; or (2) 5 years after such violation. Lampf, Pleva, Lipkind, Prupis & Petigrow v. Gilbertson, U.S., 1991 ①成立合伙企业并出售:During 1979 through 1981, plaintiff-respondents purchased units in seven Connecticut limited partnerships, with the expectation of realizing federal income tax benefits. Petitioner, a New Jersey law firm, aided in organizing the partnerships and prepared opinion letters addressing the tax consequences of investing. The partnerships failed, and, subsequently, the Internal Revenue Service disallowed the claimed tax benefits because of overvaluation of partnership assets and lack of profit motive. ②虚假陈述所在: The claimed misrepresentations were said to include assurances that the investments would entitle the purchasers to substantial tax benefits; that the leasing of the hardware and software packages would generate a profit; that the software was readily marketable; and that certain equipment appraisals were accurate and reasonable.(所称的 虚假陈述包括保证投资将使购买者**2777 有权获得实质性的税收优惠;硬件和软件 包的租赁将产生利润;该软件易于销售;并且某些设备评估准确合理。 ③时间过去:In 1986 and 1987, plaintiff-respondents filed complaints. Plaintiffrespondents asserted that they became aware of the alleged misrepresentations only in 1985 following the disallowance by the IRS of the tax benefits claimed. 1. 对于 federal cause of action, 没有诉讼时效要求。 2. 适用证券法本身诉讼时效(1 年-3 年),不适用 state-borrowing rule;(which statute of limitations is applicable to a private suit)? Whether the claim is time barred? ①“It is the usual rule that when Congress has failed to provide a statute of limitations for a federal cause of action, a court “borrows” or “absorbs” the local time limitation most analogous to the case at hand.” 但是存在例外(This rule is not without exception)state borrowing requires that a court determine that an analogous federal source truly affords a “closer fit” with the cause of action at issue than does any available state-law source. ②本案满足例外情况 Section 9(e) of Exchange Act provide closer analogy to 10(b)”than available state statutes” It is an integral element of a complex web of regulations. Why the Court reject 5–year period contained in § 20A, added to the 1934 Act in 1988? -“The Insider Trading and Securities Fraud Enforcement Act of 1988 … focuses upon a specific problem Merck & Co., Inc. v. Reynolds 不同的时间节点; 被告发明一种止疼药,后 续发现有可能会造成心脑 血管(心脏病)方面的问 题 什么时候开始计算诉讼时效?when the limitations period begins to run? 法院认为标准是 discovery 或者 contructive discovery 被告提出的标准并不是标准 本案事实 2001 年 11 月之前发生的事情不满足 discover 的标准 ①对§ 1658(b)(1)“discovery”的解释 The limitations period in § 1658(b)(1) begins to run once the plaintiff actually discovered or a reasonably diligent plaintiff would have “discover[ed] the facts constituting the violation”—whichever comes first. “discovery” occurs both when a plaintiff actually **1788 discovers the facts and when a hypothetical reasonably diligent plaintiff would have discovered them. 问题:对于什么是 discovery 没有定义,只是认定什么 不是 Herman & 被告在 registration 的时候 Maclean v. 欺骗投资者 Huddlestowo Cumulative nature of 10(b) Action 4. PSLRA material – Hill [竞合问题]1933 Act 补偿后是否阻碍 1934 Act 下的救 济?能否同时适用?The availability of an ex、ess remedy under § 11 of the 1933 Act does not preclude defrauded purchasers of registered securities from maintaining an action under § 10(b) of the 1934 Act. Pp. 5. Class Action material – Cyr Purpose of Class Action--Judicial economy Johnson and Johnson Case Vs. mass action Individual; very limited numbers; every one has the identity of SupMat, pp. 49-51A (FRCP, Rule 23 (Class Actions))