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Embedded Systems Course Logistics - ECE3140/CS3420

ECE3140 / CS3420
Embedded Systems
Lecture 1.2 Logistics
Prof. Nils Napp
Class Overview
 Lectures
 Pre-Recorded and organized by topic
 Watching them will count as graded attendance
 Discussion Sections
 Help with lab, answer any additional questions
 Supplementary material
 Labs
 Implementation of concepts covered in class
 Canvas Quizzes (10)
 One pre week starting next week until start of project
 In-video quizzes
 Supposed to check that you understand the material
ECE 3140 / CS 3420 – Embedded Systems, Spring 2021. Unauthorized distribution prohibited.
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 Canvas Quizzes: 25%
 Lecture videos + in-video questions: 15%
 Watch > %80 of each lecture video
 “Answer” in-video questions
 Labs + Final project: 60%
 Lab 0:
 Lab 1-5:
 Final Project: 14%
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 No required textbook
 We will draw materials from many places
 References
 “Embedded Systems Fundamentals with ARM Cortex-M
based Microcontrollers: A Practical Approach” by
Alexander G. Dean
 “Hard Real-Time Computing Systems: Predictable
Scheduling Algorithms and Applications” by G. Buttazzo,
PDF available through Cornell library
 Reading
 We will release papers and other resources as we cover
each topics
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 No exams!
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 Each lab has a “pre lab” (%5)
 Simple, get to start thinking about the lab
 Can talk in person or upload on canvas
 Labs and pre-labs are due Fridays
 No extension for pre-labs
 Two free late-days
 After that 25% per day late deduction
The labs are spaced two weeks apart, so something
will be due every Friday staring next week until the
final projects
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 Six labs: 5 fixed assignments and 1 project
 We will suggest topics
 Whatever you want (within reason)
 No fire or flammable liquids
 No blades
 No projectiles
 Groups
 Lab 1-2 you have to do by yourself
 Lab 3-5 you will do as a (assigned) group
 Final Project you get to choose your group
 No scheduled lab sessions
 You can do them at home
 Open lab hours via zoom/Campuswire (will pick based on time
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Submission Guidelines
 Use CMS
 http://cms.csuglab.cornell.edu/
 Make sure to include name and netid
 Submissions must be your individual / group effort
 Sharing written solutions strictly prohibited
 Discussing problems, approaches, etc. permitted
 Check your submission
 Hash value
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 Late Policy
 CMS marks submissions late the instant they are over
 You must upload an assignment before the deadline
 Marked late:
 -25% per day
 ZERO afterward (>3 days late)
 You are allowed TWO “slip days” (24 hours)
 No need to request it
 Regrade Policy
 Submit a regrade request on CMS if you feel a grading
mistake has been made
 The regrade request must be received within one week
after a grade is released
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Communication Resources
 Canvas
 Announcements and material, lectures, files, etc.
 Campus Wire:
Look up answers before posting a question
Also, feel free to answer questions!
You may send questions privately to staff through
Campuswire, if they contain sensitive/private information
 Email: Generally not allowed (and ignored)
 Exception: Email to instructor of sensitive/private nature
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Academic Integrity
 Search for “Cornell AIC”
 http://theuniversityfaculty.cornell.edu/academic-integrity
 Discussions are encouraged
 Sharing solutions is not permitted
Not submitting far better than cheating
AI violations can end up on your permanent transcript
In case of doubt, refrain and ask
Version control is great, but do not post your solutions publicly
 Use discussion boards consistently with the AIC!
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Expectations of Conduct
Engineering solves world problems by using technology creatively. I invite and
expect every student to contribute creatively as part of their learning process.
Success in engineering depends critically on teamwork. I invite and expect every
student to engage in constructive discourse, to bring their perspective, and
to be accepting of others’.
Degrading, abusing, harassing, silencing, or dismissing others in the
process is not acceptable behavior. It is also bad engineering.
I invite and expect every student to maintain the highest ethical standards.
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