SD: examenvragen (verschillende samengevoegde documenten) Exam Sustainable Development 17 June 2016 1) “The last 1000 years population has increased by twentyfold and income per capita by tenfold.” a) What is the IPAT-equation? b) What is the link with the paragraph above? c) Give 3 reservations why we should not be that cheerful about an increase in income per capita. 2) Person X performs research at University Y and has introduced a new indicator for sustainable development (fictional case). LEVO=average level of happiness in a country+ Genuine savingsGDP [A table with a few numbers of average happiness and genuine savings/GDP and the outcome for the indicator] a) Which kind of indicator is this according to the Fleurbaey & Blanchet classification? b) Give 3 reasons to have doubts about this indicator (3 possible disadvantages). 3) BP is a Belgian gas fractioning company (or something similar).These activities have an impact on health and environment (+ some examples). a) What is the precautionary principle? How to apply to BP? b) What is leapfrogging? How could BP apply this? 4) A 2-page text about economic growth and the economic growth model of Solow. This model does not include environmental factors + author provides some arguments. You have to write a text (1 page) in a reaction to this argumentation (using concepts as seen during lectures). Vraag 1: Agenda 21, Rio +10, Rio +20 Agenda 21= United Nations action plan for sustainable development in the 21st century. It must be respected by UN agencies, public authorities and organisations in which people want to influence the environment. Rio+10= Was held in Johannesburg in 2002, as a sort of evaluation and follow-up on the implementation of the Rio-92 agreements. The MDG’s were developed. Rio +20= a conference in Rio de Janeiro concerning Sustainable Development where the attending members reaffirmed their commitment to Agenda 21 and will be carried out through a wide range of sub-programs. Vraag 2: Governing SD= implications for the governance. How to set up adequate sustainability governance systems and policies? Governance= special kind of governing, shift in responsibility. Participation= need for more participation in decision-making of governing systems + inclusion of NGO’s and other stakeholders. Transition management= to understand and manage societal progress towards SD. A transition is a gradual and continous process of structural change with 4 phases: Predevelopment, take-off, acceleration, stabilisation. Resilience= dynamic interactions between the environment and society require adaptive forms of governance. Resilience is the capacity of a socio-ecological system to absorb disturbance and reorganise while undergoing change. Vraag 3: IPAT uitleggen I= PxAxT I= Environmental impact P= Population A= Affluence T= Technology (-) -> to understand the multiple causes of environmental impact An equation that highlights different options to reduce environmental impact. Vraag 4: A number of fundamental SD principles= rules of action towards SD. Normativity principle-> implies making normative choices depends on our values and norms an on our worldview. Different views culturally. Vragen duurzame ontwikkeling 1. IPAT beschrijven en toepassen op een opgave, GDP/capita kritieken geven; 2. Een door hen uitgevonden indicator kunnen classificeren volgens Fleurbaey en Blanchet; wa nadelen van da soort indicator opsommen. 3. Precaution Principle uitleggen en toepassen op een kleine case; leapfrogging uitleggen en toepassen 4. Een tekst van twee pagina's linken aan de cursus Elke vraag stond op 4p