See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: A Closed-Form Solution of Vertical Dipole Antennas above a Dielectric Halfspace Article in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation · January 1994 DOI: 10.1109/8.273319 · Source: IEEE Xplore CITATIONS READS 55 56 2 authors: Raed Shubair Y.L. Chow New York University Abu Dhabi University of Waterloo 433 PUBLICATIONS 5,113 CITATIONS 251 PUBLICATIONS 5,281 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: 6G Wireless Systems View project Machine Learning for Communications View project All content following this page was uploaded by Raed Shubair on 20 April 2018. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. SEE PROFILE 1737 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION,VOL. 41, NO. 12. DECEMBER 1993 [8] S. L. Ray, “Grid decoupling in finite element solutions of Maxwell’s equations,” IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, vol. 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A Closed-Form Solution of Vertical Dipole Antennas above a Dielectric Half-space R. M. Shubair and Y. L. Chow Abstract-This paper derives a convenient closed-form expression for the input impedance of a vertical antenna above a dielectric half-space. The expression is obtained from the induced EMF method using a complex-image spatial Green’s function. It is found that the effect of the dielectric half-space can be modeled by a short image array of three to five complex image antennas. Numerical results verify the accuracy and convenience of the method for a vertical antenna at any height above a dielectric half-space with and without loss. combining it with the induced EMF method [7]-[9] to derive an expression for the input impedance of the vertical antenna above the dielectric half-space. Based on the Green’s function properties mentioned above, the effect of the dielectric halfspace on the vertical antenna can be modeled through the complex image technique by the introduction of an image array consisting of only a few quasidynamic and complex images of the whole original vertical antenna. The image array elements are all located in homogeneous free-space and, except for complex amplitude changes, have the same current distribution as the original antenna. In addition, as one complex-image array is found for a given antenna height above the dielectric half-space, then for a different antenna height, say upwards, the complex-image array remains unchanged except that it is bodily translated downwards by the same distance. That is the complex images behave just like a classical image in front of a mirror. This means that as the induced EMF method is applied once, then at other heights the convergence is even faster since the complex images need not to be recalculated. The outline of this paper is as follows. Section 11-A describes the induced EMF method for a vertical antenna above a dielectric half-spaces. Section 11-Bbriefly describes the complex image technique for the derivation of the vector potential Green’s function. Section 11-C shows that with the use of the complex image Green’s function, an expression for the input impedance is obtained as the superposition of the antenna’s self-impedance, and the mutual impedances due to the quasidynamic and complex image antennas. Numerical results are obtained in Section I11 showing the image coefficients of the image array, as well as the input impedance as a function of the antenna height above the dielectric half-space, with and without loss. Finally, conclusions are given in Section IV. I. INTRODUCTION 11. THEORY The electromagnetic modeling of the radiation by vertical antennas above a dielectric half-space is an important problem [l]. In a previous paper by Shubair and Chow [2], the input impedance has been obtained from the moment method using closed-form spatial Green’s function for the vector and scalar potentials [3], [4]. These Green’s functions are given in closedform by the superposition of contributions due to only a few (3 to 5) quasidynamic and complex images. The derivation of the complex image Green’s functions for microstrip substrates was presented by Chow et a1 and co-workers [5] as well as recently by Aksun and Mittra [6]. There, it was shown that the closed-form complex image Green’s function has the advantage of reducing the computation time of evaluating the Sommerfeld integral and, thus, the fill-in time of the impedance matrix generated for the moment method. For a uertical antenna, the convergence is further enhanced by the fact that the scalar potential is directly proportional to the vector potential [2], and hence the former can be grouped with the latter. This property does not occur for the horizontal antenna. This paper provides another application of the complex image Green’s function, with still faster convergence. This is done by Manuscript received December 12, 1992; revised June 1, 1993. The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1, Canada. IEEE Log Number 9214100. A. The Induced EMF Method for a Vertical Dipole Antenna aboue a Dielectric Half-space Fig. 1 shows a center-fed vertical dipole antenna of length (21) located at a height ( h ) above a dielectric half-space with parameters ( p 0 , ereo).Note that the height h is measured from lower end of the vertical antenna. In the following development, the time variation e’“ is assumed and suppressed. The electric field due to a surface current J flowing along the antenna is obtained from Pocklington’s integral [71: where k , is the free-space wavenumber ( k , = w&). r and r‘ are tbe position vectors of the field and source points, respectively. CAis the dyadic Green’s function for the vector potential due to an infinitesimal unit-strength vertical dipole. Gq is t&e Green’s function for the scalar potential, and is related to GA through the Lorentz gauge: Sommerfeld’s choice for the vector potential due to an &finitesimal dipole oriented along the vertical direction z gives G$??G,“, and according to (2), Gq is obtained such that JGJdz’ = -dG,’I/dz. This means that the scalar potential is directly proportional to the vector potential, except for a constant of 0018-926X/93$03.00 0 1993 IEEE IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. 41, NO. 12, DECEMBER 1993 1738 Sommerfeld-type integral [lo]: kEz where k , is the spectral radial wavenumber, the radial distance d(.x + = -x02 ( y - y’)’, Hd2) is the Hankel function of order zero second kind, the constant K = ( 1 - e r ) / ( 1 E,) corresponds to the amplitude of the quasidynamic image, and the spectral function f is given by p + (7) Eo The z-directed wavenumbers k,, and k,, are defined such that hl k:, Fig. 1. A vertical dipole antenna of length (21) at a height ( h ) above a dielectric half-space. integration. This nice property exists only for vertical antennas. In this case, the z-component of the electric field, which is the parallel component along the vertical antenna, is obtainable from ( 1 ) in terms of G T only: The electric field is then used to derive the following induced EMF expression for the input impedance [8]: + ki = ki, k:, + k: = E,ki. (8) The Sommerfeld integral in (6) is well known to be slowly convergent which makes its numerical evaluation time-consuming. However, one can use the complex image technique [2]-[6]to evaluate the Sommerfeld integral analytically. In so doing, the spectral function f ( k , , ) is approximated by of a short series of exponential functions of the complex spectral variable k,,,, i.e., f(k,,) = a l e b l k z+ ~ ~a2ebzkro + ... - (9) As pointed out in [2], [5] a value of N = 3 5 is usually sufficient to ensure a highly accurate approximation of f (i.e., error within 1%).The complex coefficients a; and 6, are obtained from Prony’s method [13], which involves the solution of an Nth order difference equation and an N X N system of linear equations. By substituting (9) into (6), one can use Sommerfeld identity [12] to perform the resulting integral analytically in terms of spherical wave components: (4) Kz’) =Z , sin k , [ l - Iz’ - (1 + hill, h I z’ I 21 + h, (5) where I, is a constant current. The above sinusoidal current approximation has been validated for a dipole antenna in freespace especially when the antenna radius is small [7]. Moreover, we have found that the same sinusoidal current assumption frequently has an error in the input impedance that is approximately 1% for different antenna lengths. The sinusoidal current assumption deteriorates a little when the vertical antenna is close to the half-space interface (i.e., for h < 0.15h0). Despite this slight inaccuracy, the uan’ational formulation of the induced EMF still gives very accurate radiation impedance of the antenna (error 2%). - B. Complex Image Green’s Function for the Vector Potential As seen from (31, the calculation of the electric field component E, requires knowledge of the vector potential Green’s function Gjz. For an infinitesimal vertical dipole located at (x’,y’, z’) above a dielectric half-space of permittivity E , € , , the vector potential GT at (x,y , z ) takes the form of a Ri = [ p 2 + ( z + z’ - j b j ) ’ ] 1/2 . (11) It should be noted that the spectral function f in (7) is independent of the vertical coordinates z and z’, and so does the subsequent complex image coefficients a, and 6; of (9). This means that for a dielectric half-space with a specific er, Prony’s method needs only to be employed once to obtain the coefficients a, and b,. For different source and observation points, the same set of coefficients can therefore be used to calculate the vector potential GT, e.g., at different antenna heights and for couplings between antennas in an antenna array. It is easy to demonstrate that in the limit of infinite dielectric constant, the quasidynamic image amplitude becomes K = - 1, and the spectral function f in (7) vanishes so that the complex image expression for G‘; in (10) reduces to the classical image solution of an infinitesimal vertical dipole above a perfectly conducting half-space, i.e., IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. VOL. 41, NO. 12, DECEMBER 1993 C. The Expression for the Input Impedance original antenna The advantage of the complex image Green's function is evident when (10) for Gj' is substituted in (3). This Green's function allows the resulting expression for E, to be integrated analytically and simply into the three-term form of Schelkunoff [7]. The simplified E, is then substituted in (4) so that the resulting expression can again be integrated analytically to obtain the input impedance of the vertical antenna. The input impedance is then found in closed-form as the superposition of only few terms corresponding to the antenna's self impedance and the mutual impedances due to the image antennas, i.e., 1739 0 realquasi-dynamic image ~ 1' Id] dq = I+h dl = I+h-jb, ' d2= l+h-jb, IV Z," = z, - c a,Z,, E, + I= (13) 1 where the self impedance Z , results from the source term of G<* in (lo), the mutual impedance 2, results from the quasidynamic image term of GjZ in (IO), and the mutual impedance Z , results from the i-th term of the complex image contribution of Gf;" in (10). These impedances are given by: e -Jk e -1k 11 R , U . sin k,[l - e -1k RI Zs.,,, = - j v " ~ 2 ~ + h j 2 c o s~ ( + ~ Iz - (1 oK: - + h)ll dz, 1 complex /I Id.. Fig. 2. The equivalent model for a vertical antenna above a dielectric half-space consists of the original antenna and its quasidynamic and complex images all located in free-space. (14) where similar to the one antenna in Fig. 1: TABLE I C O M P L E X I M A G E COEFFICIENTS O F T H E SPECTRAL FUNCTlONf FOR A DIELECTRIC H A L F - S P A C E WITH E , = 16 - j16. (NUMBER OF COMPLEX IMAGES N = 3) 1/2 [ R 2 = a 2 + ( z - z2)*] 1 Amplitudes U , (For Unit Source) Locations b, below the Quasi-Dynamic Image (Meters) 1.4062 + j1.2901 -0.5213 - j1.0248 0.0996 - j0.1423 -0.2912 + j0.3841 0.1931 + j0.1519 0.0649 + j0.0288 and a is the antenna radius. For the images in Fig. 2, we have for Z , , l+h for Z , h, 1 2 3 jb, - ( I +h) for Z , , jb, 21+h - h, +h) for Z , , for Z,. = 770 -[y+ 4.rr In(2.rr) - Ci(2.rr) +jSi(Z.rr)] means that only the real part of the image locations changes while the imaginary part remains fixed. 111. NUMERICAL RESULTS Following [9], the integral in (14) is easily evaluated in terms of the simple sine and cosine integrals [lo], which are computationally rapidly-convergent. The simplest of these is the integral for the self-impedance Z, for a half-wavelength dipole (21 = A,,/2): Z, ~ for Z, (16) (jb, - (21 ~ (01, (17) where 77" is the free-space intrinsic impedance, y is the Euler's constant ( y = 0.57721, and Si and Ci are the sine and cosine integrals [IO]. The solution in (13) means that the effect of the dielectric half-space is modeled by the introduction of a short image array consisting of the quasidynamic and complex images of the vertical antenna, all in homogeneous free-space. Fig. 2 illustrates that the array element spacings are determined by the complex image locations b,'s. The input impedance of the vertical antenna is then determined as the superposition of the self-impedance (ZJ, the mutual impedance (2,) due to the quasidynamic image antenna, and the mutual impedances ( 2 , ' s ) due to the complex image antennas. As the height h changes, the image array bodily moves by the same displacement in the opposite direction, just like a classical images. As observed in (16), this Image Array of a Vertical Antenna aboue a Lossy Dielectric Half-Space: For a lossy dielectric half-space with E, = 16 - j16, a sample solution for the complex image coefficients a, and 6, from Prony's method is given in Table I. The coefficients a, define the current amplitudes of the images. Moreover, the coefficients b, define the locations of the corresponding "N" complex images (antennas) below the quasidynamic image, as shown in Fig. 2. It should be pointed out that the image coefficients a, and b, listed in Table I are not unique. A different set of coefficients is obtained for a different number of images, or a different approximation path [14]. Despite this, since the boundary conditions at the half-space interface are satisfied, they all give the correct image field according to the uniqueness theorem. The Input Impedance: The input impedance of a half-wavelength vertical antenna is calculated from (13). Figs. 3 and 4 show the input impedance versus the antenna height above a dielectric half-space with E , = 4 and E , = 16 - j16, respectively. In these figures, the impedance values from (13) using the complex image/induced EMF approach of this paper are compared to the values obtained directly from the moment method [2]. It is found that the for heights above h = OSA,,, the input IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNASAND PROPAGATION, VOL. 41, NO. 12, DECEMBER 1993 I740 , 110 I moment method ~ - _ _ _ induced EMF method N 1 60 Gz 50 a 01 40 E 30 4 20 a .rl ; 10 Y 0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 antenna height, h/Ao Fig. 3. Input impedance versus height above a dielectric half-space of a half-wavelength vertical dipole antenna (er = 4). h 110 v) E 100 Y 2 90 E 80 7 70 + and the mutual impedances due to the quasidynamic and complex image antennas. The derived expression for the input impedance is convenient and highly accurate and can be used as an alternative to the numerical solution from the moment method. It should be pointed out that for a horizontal, say an x-directed antenna, the scalar potential G4 in the dielectric half-space problem is linked through the Lorentz gauge (2) to two vector potential components G T and [lo]. This means that the integrand of (1) to obtain the electric field component parallel to the horizontal antenna involves two potential components rather than one. Hence, a similar image array model with the induced EMF method cannot be developed for the horizontal dipole antenna above a dielectric half-space. The approach described in this paper can be very useful for finding the mutual impedance between different vertical antenna elements (e.g., in an antenna array) above a dielectric half-space. As the effect of the ground on each vertical antenna is modeled by a short image array, the coupling between the antenna elements can be conveniently calculated in closed-form using the induced EMF approach. Finally, although the theory in this paper is developed for a single-layer ground, it can be extended to derive the input impedance of a vertical antenna located above or buried in a multilayere6 ground. This is done by modifying the spectral function f of (7) to account for the multilayered ground [12], [14]. The above discussion points to the fact that a buried vertical antenna can also be analyzed by the same complex image/induced EMF approached, provided that the antenna is located entirely within one layer of ground, i.e., does not penetrate into another layer [2]. ~ N 60 moment method EMF method - - - - induced c.= 16-jl6 1 R 0 50 a w a E .d 3 4 40 30 20 10 U 0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 antenna height, h/Ao Fig. 4. Input impedance versus height above the dielectric half-space of a half-wavelength vertical antenna ( E , = 16 - j16). impedance values from the two methods are in excellent match. For heights below h = 0.15h0, the impedance values from the two methods are within 2% difference. As pointed out in Section IIA, the difference in the induced EMF method is due to the slight inaccuracy of the sinusoidal current assumption for small antenna heights. IV. CONCLUSIONS In this paper, through a complex image/induced EMF approach, we have shown that the problem of a vertical dipole antenna above a dielectric half-space can be replaced by the equivalent problem of a short array of vertical antennas radiating in homogeneous free-space. The array consists of the vertical antenna and its quasidynamic and complex image antennas. A closed-form expression for the input impedance of the original vertical antenna above the dielectric half-space is obtained from the induced EMF method of the image array. The expressions represents the superposition of the antenna’s self-impedance, REFERENCES J. R. Wait, Electromagnetic Waues in Stratifed Media. New York: Pergamon, 1970. R. M. Shubair and Y. L. Chow, “A simple and accurate complex image interpretation of vertical antennas in contiguous dielectric half-spaces,” to appear in IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagation., June 1993, vol. AP-41, pp. 806-812. D. G. Fang, J. J. Yang, and G. L. Delisle, “Discrete image theory for horizontal electric dipoles in a multilayered medium,” IEE Proc., vol. 135, pp. 297-303, May 1988. R. M. Shubair and Y. L. Chow, “A simple and accurate approach to model the coupling of vertical and horizontal dipoles in layered media,” 1992 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symposium Digest, Chicago, IL, July 18-25, 1992. Y. L. Chow, J. J. Yang, D. G. Fang, and G. E. Howard, “Closedform Green’s functions for the thick microstrip substrate,” IEEE Trans. Microwaue Theory Technol., vol. MTT-39, pp. 588-592, Mar. 1991. M. I. Aksun and R. Mittra, “Derivation of closed-form Green’s functions for a general microstrip geometry,” IEEE Trans. Microwaue Theory Technol., vol. MTT-40, pp. 2055-2062, NOV.1992. S. A. Schelkunoff and H. T. Friis, Antennas: Theory and Practice. New York Wiley, 1952, pp. 369-370. J. D. Kraus, Antennas. New York McGraw-Hill, 1988, pp. 413-422. C. A. Balanis, Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design. New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1982, pp. 290-295. A. Banos, Dipole Radiation in the Presence of a Conducting Half Space. New York Pergamon, p. 35, 1969. R. W. Hamming, Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers. New York: Dover, 1973, pp. 620-622. A. Sommerfeld, Partial Differential Equations in Physics. New York Academic, 1949. H. Abramowitz and A. Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables. New York: Dover, 1972, pp. 378-379. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. VOL. 41. NO. 12. DECEMBER 1993 [I41 R. M. Shubair. "Efficient analysis of vertical and horizontal electric dipoles in multilayered dielectric media," Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. Waterloo, Feb. 1993. 1741 closed form solution can be obtained, which may be used as a first guess in an iterative numerical solution. The function f ( N ) has the following useful asymptotic properties: First. A Procedure for Determining the Largest Computable Order of Bessel Functions of the Second Kind and Hankel Functions 2 f ( N ) E -N e (4) for N >> 1. Second, inspection of the logarithm of f ( N ) , viz. C. F. du Toit Abstract-Routines for the computation of Bessel functions of the second kind Y , ( z ) , and Hankel functions H,!')(z) and H j 2 ' ( z ) , may exhibit numerical overflow problems for large orders n and small complex or real arguments z . In this communication, an upper limit for the largest calculable order of these functions for a given argument, is derived. reveals that the first term on the right dominates the other terms when N is not much bigger or smaller than one and In(M) ,> 1. Hence, for N = 1 I. 1NTRODUCTION Numerical solutions of physical problems formulated in cylindrical coordinates [ l , Ch. 51 usually require routines for evaluating Bessel functions or Hankel functions 121-[SI. For small values of IzI and large order n x- IzI, lYx(z)l, IH;')(z)l, and IHA2'(z)l, are very large, and in an attempt to compute their values, numerical overflow problems may be cncountered. A simple way of preventing these problems is describcd in this communication. The analysis is done in tcrms of Y , , ( i ) only, but it also applies to the Hankel functions, sincc the latter are dominated for large orders by the jY,,(z)-terms in their definitions. 11. A ~ A L Y S I S Let M be the largest magnitude of Y,,(z), which may still be processed safely in a particular numerical application, without incurring numerical overflow problems. In other words, for a given complex or real argument z , all useable values of n would satisfy lY,(z)l 5 h4. (1) Because I Y,(z)l increases monotonically with increasing n for J z J In\, an upper bound N of n may in principle be obtained from (1) by assuming equality and solving for n = N. Working towards an approximate solution, it is noticed first that the asymptotic expansion of Y,(i) for large n 19, Eq. 9.3.11 is applicable here, due to the fact that Izl INI. In other words, According to these properties, it is therefore possible to solve (3) for N in terms of 121, when N >> 1, or when N = 1. These solutions may now be used to construct a crude, but more general solution: where g ( l z / ) is a function which is approximately equal to one when (z1 is near zero (1 z+ J z J= O), otherwise it has to dampen the effect of the first term on the right-hand side. This will ensure that h = f - ' . Numerical experiments suggested the following empirical form for g(lzl): where a and b are constants. As long as a and b are finite, the condition limlzl+,) g(lzl) = 1 is satisfied. Solving for a and b to satisfy the arbitrary conditions h ( f ( 1 0 0 ) ) = 100, (9) h ( f ( 4 0 0 ) ) = 400, (10) yields the values a = 3.077 and b = - 1.420 for M = 10'"). Successively better approximations for N may be obtained iteratively via the following formula: Solving for IzI yields Due to the transcendental nature of (31, it cannot be solved algebraically for N in terms of 121. However, an approximate for k = 1,2,3;.., starting with N , = h(lz1). Values of N,, N , , and N3 are tabulated for various 121, with M = IO"" in Table I. The exact value of N is also shown for comparison. It is clear that only one or two steps in the iteration are needed. Manuscript received April 5, 1993; revised August 13. 1993. The author is with University of Stellcnbosch, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Stellenbosch 7600, South Africa. IEEE Log Number 9214101. A quick and simple way of determining the highest order of Y,(z), H ; ' ) ( z ) , and HA2)(z)which has a magnitude no larger 111. ANA P P R O X I M A T L SOI.UTION FOR N Iv. CONCLUSIONS 0018-926X/93$03.00 6 1993 IEEE View publication stats