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Animal Farms Allegorical Connection (1)

Animal Farm’s Allegorical Connection
What real-world events inspired the allegory of Animal Farm?
Introduction: Animal Farm Character Chart
Directions: With your partner, complete the Animal Farm character chart.
Animal Farm character
Mr. Jones
The Pigs
Old Major
Briefly describe each character and their significance on Animal
It’s a horse and he is important because he helped in the battle of
cowshed. Working Class
It’s a human and he is important because he is the owner
of the farm that got overthrow. Russian Leader before the
Old Major was the oldest pig and everyone respected him because
he was wise.
Napoleon is a pig and he is one of the leaders.
Snowball is a pig and he is one of the leaders that planned the
Squealer is a pig that is good at speaking.
Mollie is a horse that wanted the sugar cubes. Wealthy Class
He is a donkey on the farm. He has not been talked about much.
Educated Class
PART 1: The Russian Revolution
Directions: Watch “The Revolution That Shaped Russia.” Then, answer questions 1-4.
1. Based on this video, what was lifelike in Russia in the early 20th century?
It was harsh and there was war. Many people were in poverty. The citizens were living life as peasants.
2. Based on this video, how might the Russian monarchy have motivated the Russian people to develop
revolutionary ideas?
One family held power which got the citizens mad and overthrew them.
3. Turn and Talk: Which character from Animal Farm Chapters I and II holds total control in the same way
that a king or tsar does over their people? Why?
Mr. Jones because he holds power over the animals. He is the owner of the farm.
4. Turn and Talk: How do the animals feel about this character? What does this reveal about how the
Russian citizens most likely felt about their tsar?
The animals were very angry and the resented him. The Russian citizens felt the same way because the king
did nothing for them.
PART 2: Leaders of Soviet Russia: Vladimir Lenin
Directions: Watch “Vladimir Lenin: The Founder of the Soviet Union.” Then, answer questions 5-7.
5. In your opinion, why did the Russian peasants trust Vladimir Lenin?
He promised them peace, bread, and land. He also told them that he would end the war.
6. In your opinion, how could complete trust in a leader be dangerous?
It could be dangerous because they may manipulate the citizens in doing bad things.
Consider Chapter I pages 6-14 along with the following line from Chapter II page 15:
"Major's speech had given the animals on the farm a completely new outlook on life...they saw clearly that it
was their duty to prepare for it [the Revolution]."
7. Turn and Talk: Based on the video and Animal Farm, how are Old Major and Vladimir Lenin similar?
They told the people exactly what they wanted to hear.
PART 3: Leaders of Soviet Russia: Leon Trotsky
Directions: Watch “Leon Trotsky: Soviet Politician.” Then, answer questions 8-10.
8. In your opinion, what made Trotsky a powerful leader?
He had been apart of the war and was by Lenin side. People liked him. He was trying to fight for freedom.
9. Based on the video, why was Trotsky killed?
Because Stalin wanted power and wanted to get rid of Trotsky.
10. How are Snowball and Leon Trotsky similar leaders?
Snowball fought along side the animals just like Trotsky who fought along side the civilians of Russia.
PART 4: Leaders of Soviet Russia: Joseph Stalin
Directions: Watch “Joseph Stalin: Dictator.” Then, answer questions 11-13.
11. In the video, Stalin is described as a “manipulator of men.” What did Stalin use to manipulate and
control the people of Soviet Russia?
He would threaten them if you didn’t follow his rule.
12. Consider Napoleon’s actions on pages 25-26 and 35 in Animal Farm. How are Napoleon and Joseph
Stalin similar leaders?
He is manipulating the animals like how Stalin did to the people.
Consider the following line from Chapter II page 16:
"[Napoleon, Snowball, and Squealer] had elaborated Old Major's teachings into a complete system of thought,
to which they gave the name of Animalism...they held secret meetings in the barn and expounded the
principles of Animalism to the others"
13. Turn and Talk: How is what’s described in the quote above similar to the relationship between Lenin,
Trotsky, and Stalin?
They developed these ideas and Trotsky and Stalin then took these ideas and made it different.
PART 5: Written Response
Directions: Respond to the prompt below by writing or typing in the box.
PROMPT: Based on this exploration, what role do leaders play throughout a rebellion? Summarize
evidence from both the exploration and Animal Farm in your response.
They manipulate the people and make them fight for them like how Trotsky did to the people. In animal
farm the pigs make the other animals do their dirty work and make them fight.