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Science Lesson Plan: Useful & Harmful Materials (Grade 5)

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
District of Tanauan
Lesson Plan
in Science
A Detailed
Plan in Science
Properties: Useful and Harmful Materials
Solar and Lunar Eclipse
At the end of the lesson, student should be able to,
1. Create a useful product from recyclable or local material.
2. Name some materials that are useful and harmful, and
3. Appreciate the different materials under properties of matter that can be
found in their surroundings.
Subject Matter
A. Topic: Properties: Useful and Harmful Materials
B. References: NFE. Matter 1B: Forms, Properties and Changes. 2001. p.18
C. Instructional Materials: Television, laptop, pictures, box, papers.
D. Other Learning Resources: Internet resources https://youtu.be/4dz1BLdPsFY
F. Value Integration: Awareness of useful and harmful materials
III. Procedures
Teacher’s Activity
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Daily Routine
“Good morning class!
Let us pray.”
(Checking of attendance)
Student’s Activity
Good morning Ma’am.
(One student will lead the prayer)
(Student will raise their hands once the
teacher calls their name.)
“Very good for having a complete attendance
for today’s class. Give your selves a round of
“Before taking your seat, please pick up
(Student will pick up the paper under their
the pieces of paper under your chair,
and check the alignment of your chair.
So how was your weekend?”
“What is matter?”
chair and align their chairs.)
It was great Ma’am.
“Matter is anything which occupies space and
has mass.”
“Very good!”
“Matter has different properties that make
them different from one another. Some types
of matter have properties that make them
good materials for producing useful products.
Other types have properties that make them
1. The teacher will divide the
class into two groups and will
give each students a picture
that have pairs and equation.
The students will answer the equation
2. Group 1 members mist find
given in the picture and will look for their
their pair from group 2.
3. To find their pair, all of the
members in each group need
to answer the equation given in
the picture.
4. The students will start to look
for their pair after they got the
right answer.
5. The answers of the members in
group 1 must be the same with
the answers from group 2
Overview of the Properties of Matter
(Useful and Harmful Materials)
IV. Learning Activities
B. Developmental Activity
1. Pre-Activity
“Please get the materials that you will be need
for this activity.”
2. Activity
Activity 1: Recycling
 The teacher will group the class into
3. Each group will prepare the
materials needed.
 They will be given 15 minutes to
create useful products from the
materials that they brought.
 Each group will have two
representatives to present their
work and answer the questions.
Guide Question:
1. What useful product have you
2. In what materials do the useful
product that you created made of?
3. Does the useful product you
created is safe or harmful? Why or
why not?
4. Where can you use the product
that you made?
The students will be grouped. They will
create useful products using available
materials given by the teacher. They will
present it in front of the class
C. Analysis
The teacher will ask, “How can you describe
plastic/s? Is it useful or harmful?”
The students possible answer, “It is
harmful. It destroys our environment.”
Guide Questions:
How can you describe plastic after
watching the video?
Do you also agree that a material can be
useful and at the same time be harmful? How
can you say so?
The students should be able to answer
the questions given by the teacher.
D. Abstraction
“Different materials can be classified
according to their uses.
There are materials which can be used for
different task.”
E. Application
 The teacher will call out students,
to pick from the box.
 Each of the students will explain its The students will pick a paper from the
box. Each students will explain how will
usefulness and harmfulness.
they use the materials to become useful
and harmful.
F. Evaluation
Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. What kind of materials can improve health, make life comfortable, protect and
conserve environment?
A. Harmful Materials
C. Matters
B. Materials
D. Useful Materials
2. What kind of materials should be stored carefully and must be kept out of reach of
A. Harmful Materials
C. Matters
B. Materials
D. Useful Materials
3. What material is useful when we are sick and harmful if we got overdose?
A. Alcohol
C. Paracetamol
B. Computer
D. Rat killer
4. Which of the following materials can be harmful to our eyes if used too much?
A. Alcohol
C. Rat Killer
B. Computer
D. Paracetamol
5. Which of the following materials can be useful and harmful at the same time?
A. Computer
C. Plastic
B. Muriatic Acid
D. All of the Above
G. Assignment
Copy the picture on your notebook.
Ask your family members to tell something about it.
List down examples of materials found at home
where you can find the same symbol.
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