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Data Structures & Algorithms Homework

Andre Badal – Homework 06
1) What is data structure?
A: Way to organize data.
2) Write the Java code to assign the integer value 43 to a variable named myInt.
A: int myInt = 43;
3) Write the Java code to get the value that is stored inside a variable named myInt.
A: int myInt(){
Return myInt;
4) Write the Java code to assign the String value "red" to a variable named color.
NOTE: In Java, the data type String is spelled with a capital S.
A: String color = “red”;
5) Write the Java code to get the value that is stored inside a variable named color.
A: String color(){
Return color;
6) What is an array?
A: Collection of data.
Suppose I have 3 pets named:
rover, whiskers, and birdie
Suppose I want to use an array to store the names of my 3 pets.
Suppose I want to name my array "pets."
7) Using pencil and paper, or a computer, draw a sketch of the array.
In your sketch, do not forget to include the name of the array.
8) Write the Java code to set the values of the array.
pets[0] = “rover”;
pets[1] = “whiskers”;
pets[2] = “birdie”;
9) Write the Java code to get the values that are stored in the array.
10) What is a stack?
Type of list – last in, first out
11) Suppose I have a stack that looks like this:
Suppose I push the string "mousey" onto this stack.
With pencil and paper, or with a computer, draw what the stack looks like.
Don't forget to include the stack pointer in your drawing.
12) Suppose I have a stack that looks like this:
Suppose I pop the stack.
What value is popped off?
With pencil and paper, or with a computer, draw what the stack looks like.
Don't forget to include the stack pointer in your drawing.
13) What is a queue?
Special kind of list – new position can be inserted only at end of list and removed
from the beginning
14) Suppose I have a queue that looks like this:
Suppose I enqueue the string "mousey" onto this queue.
With pencil and paper, or with a computer, draw what the queue looks like.
Don't forget to include the pointers in your drawing.
15) Suppose I have a queue that looks like this:
Suppose I dequeue the queue.
What value is retrieved from the queue?
With pencil and paper, or with a computer, draw what the queue looks like.
Don't forget to include the pointers in your drawing.
16) What is a linked list?
Special kind of list – new value can be inserted & removed anywhere.
17) Suppose I have a linked list that looks like this:
Suppose I want to add the name "mousey" to the head of the linked list.
With pencil and paper, or with a computer, draw what the linked list looks like.
Don't forget to include the head pointer in your drawing.
18) Suppose I have a linked list that looks like this:
Suppose I want to add the name "mousey" between "birdie" and "whiskers."
With pencil and paper, or with a computer, draw what the linked list looks like.
Don't forget to include the head pointer in your drawing.
19) Suppose I have a linked list that looks like this:
Suppose I want to add the name "mousey" after "rover."
With pencil and paper, or with a computer, draw what the linked list looks like.
Don't forget to include the head pointer in your drawing.
20) Suppose I have a linked list that looks like this:
Suppose I want to remove "birdie" from this linked list.
With pencil and paper, or with a computer, draw what the linked list looks like.
Don't forget to include the head pointer in your drawing.
21) Suppose I have a linked list that looks like this:
Suppose I want to remove "whiskers" from this linked list.
With pencil and paper, or with a computer, draw what the linked list looks like.
Don't forget to include the head pointer in your drawing.
22) Suppose I have a linked list that looks like this:
Suppose I want to remove "rover" from this linked list.
With pencil and paper, or with a computer, draw what the linked list looks like.
Don't forget to include the head pointer in your drawing.
23) What is a binary search tree?
I had to search this on Wiki (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_search_tree) and
learn more:
“a binary search tree, also called an ordered or sorted binary tree, is a rooted binary tree whose
internal nodes each store a key greater than all the keys in the node's left subtree and less than
those in its right subtree” & “A binary search tree makes searching faster”
Here is a binary search tree.
24) Search this binary search tree for the word mud.
Which nodes does the search visit?
HINT: A binary search starts at the top of the tree and slowly progresses downward
until either the search finds the word or the search reaches the bottom of the tree.
A: leg > sky > nit > mud
25) Who are children of sky?
A: nit & vat
26) Who is the parent of sky
A: leg
27) Who is the root node?
A: leg
28) What is sorting?
A: putting things in alpha/numerical order
29) Suppose I have this array.
Suppose I sort this array.
With pencil and paper, or with a computer, draw a sketch of the sorted array.
30) What is selection sort?
Type of sort - Finds the smallest value and moves it to the top
31) Suppose I have this array.
What is the smallest alphabetical value in the array?
A: birdie
32) Suppose I have this array.
Suppose I swap birdie with rover.
With pencil and paper, or with a computer, draw the following 3 sketches:
sketch of the array before the swap
sketch showing the swap
sketch of the array after the swap
Please forgive the extra
“s” on “rover” – I couldn’t figure out how to easily remove it but fixed it future.
33) Suppose I have this array.
Suppose the array is divided into two halves:
row 0
rows 1 and 2
What is the smallest alphabetical value in the lower half of the array?
A: rover
34) Suppose I have this array.
Suppose I swap rover with whiskers.
With pencil and paper, or with a computer, draw the following 3 sketches:
sketch of the array before the swap
sketch showing the swap
sketch of the array after the swap
35) What is bubble sort?
bubble sort selects the bottom 2 elements and sorts them according to the lowest value
and continues to move up, repeating the process.
36) Suppose I have this array.
Which is alphabetically smaller: birdie or whiskers?
A: birdie
37) Suppose I have this array.
Suppose I swap birdie with whiskers.
With pencil and paper, or with a computer, draw the following 3 sketches:
sketch of the array before the swap
sketch showing the swap
sketch of the array after the swap
38) Suppose I have this array:
Which is alphabetically smaller: rover or birdie?
A: birdie
39) Suppose I have this array:
Suppose I swap rover with birdie.
With pencil and paper, or with a computer, draw the following 3 sketches:
sketch of the array before the swap
sketch showing the swap
sketch of the array after the swap
40) Suppose I have this array:
Which is alphabetically smaller: rover or whiskers?
A: rover