IEN 350: Facilities Planning and Asset Management Spring 2021-2022 IEN 350: Facilities Planning and Asset Management Spring 2021-2022; Lecture 2 Layout Procedures: Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) Primary reference textbooks: F. Meyers and M. Stephens, Manufacturing Facilities Design & Material Handling: Sixth Edition (2019). Purdue University Press by Prentice Hall. College of Engineering Industrial Engineering Program Dr. Hadi Jaber Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering and Management Facility Design Process ▪ Combination of art and engineering ▪ Many approaches available, but mostly similar ▪ Muther’s Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) Approach (1973) ▪ Apple’s Plant Layout Approach (1977) ▪ a detailed sequence of planning steps that are similar to SLP ▪ Reed’s Plant Layout Approach (1961) ▪ A procedure that relies heavily on the layout planning chart. ▪ We will focus on Muther’s SLP approach ▪ Logical ▪ Structured ▪ Widely accepted and computerized ▪ SLP: ▪ Built around the activity relationship chart ▪ This procedure is not a mechanical process. It requires intuition, judgment, and experience. ▪ But if applied properly, it does provide a comprehensive layout planning approach. 3 Muther’s Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) 4 Muther’s Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) ... 105 Example: Block #1: Flow Materials (From to Chart) Block #2: Activity Relationship Chart 6 Block #3: Relationship diagram 7 Example … Block #4 & 5: Block #6: Space Relationship Diagram ▪ Combine space requirements (Block #4&5) with relationship information to develop space relationship diagram (Block #6) ▪ Expand sizes of relationship chart nodes to reflect approximate shape and size of areas. ▪ Generate multiple alternatives ▪ Same rules apply as in the development of the original relationship diagram. 8 Block #6: Space Relationship Diagram 9 Example: ... Block #7: Modifying Considerations: Block #8: Practical Limitations ▪ Future expansion ▪ Space/boundaries ▪ Flexibility due to changes in ▪ Money ▪ Product ▪ Process ▪ Schedule ▪ Time ▪ Government regulations ▪ Material Handling Systems 10 Block #9: Generating Layout Alternatives ▪ From Space Relationship Diagram to Block Diagram 11 Example… Block #10: Evaluation of Facility Designs ▪ Which layout is best? ▪ Is layout A better than Layout B? ▪ Several Common Methods for Block Layouts Critique of SLP ▪ SLP is “informal” ▪ Does not provide a formal procedure or algorithm for critical steps ▪ Algorithm: a precise rule (or set of rules) specifying how to solve some problem ▪ Has an objective function ▪ Amenable to computer implementation 12 Data necessary for facility layout problems (Information Gathering): • Product, Process, and Schedule Design • Flow, Space, & Activity Relationships • Personnel Requirements Information Gathering I: Product, Process, and Schedule Design 13 Systems Approach ▪ Information Gathering ▪ “What is to be produced? “ = Products => Product design ▪ Specify the end product in terms of dimensions, material composition, etc. ▪ “How are the products to be produced?” = Process => Process design ▪ Determines how the product will be produced. ▪ “When are the products to be produced?” = Production scheduling => Schedule design ▪ Production planning, Capacity planning ▪ Specifies the production quantities and schedules the production equipment. ▪ “How much of each product will be produced?” = Production planning, forecasting 14 Product Design It has been estimated that more than 70% of a product’s manufacturing cost is dictated by design decisions. 15 Product Design ▪ Design of a product is influenced by ▪ Function ▪ Materials ▪ Manufacturing technologies (Dimension & shape) ▪ Aesthetics, Quality ▪ In addition, marketing, purchasing. IE, manufacturing engineering, product engineering and quality control. ▪ Product Design is described in Engineering Drawings: ▪ Exploded Assembly Drawings ▪ Component part drawings 16 Exploded Assembly Drawing ▪ Useful in designing layout facility and MH system ▪ Omit specifications 17 Component Part Drawing ▪ Provide specifications and dimensions as well as quality ▪ Multiview drawing: third angle projection ▪ Perspective drawing 18 Process design 19 Process Design ▪ How a product should be produced? 1. Identifying required process ▪ Make or buy decisions ▪ Parts list ▪ Bills of materials 2. Selecting the required processes ▪ Route sheet 3. Sequencing the required processes ▪ Operation process chart 20 1. Identifying the required processes: Parts lists ▪ Name, Descr., Drw. #, Quantity req., Material, Size, Vendor 21 Bill-of Material (BOM) Assembly structure - Material Requirements What is the difference between BOM (bill of materials) and Part list? 22 2. Selecting the required processes: ▪ Define elemental operations ▪ Identify alternative processes for each operation ▪ Analyze alternative processes ▪ Standardize processes ▪ Evaluate alternative processes ▪ Select processes ▪ Output is usually a route sheet. 23 Route Sheet 24 3. Sequencing the required processes ▪ Assembly chart ▪ Operation process chart ▪ A combination of the assembly chart and the route sheet. ▪ Provides an overview of the flow within a facility. ▪ Provides a basis for the layout of a facility. ▪ Precedence Diagram Assembly chart 25 • The assembly chart and the operation process chart depict a single assembly sequence. • The particular sequence can have a major impact on space and handling system rrequirements. Operation process chart 26 Precedence Diagram • Constructed to show the necessary ordering without making other implicit assumptions. • A directed representation operations. network of the • A number of alternative assembly and operation process charts should be constructed from the precedence diagram. 27 Process Design ▪ Process design ▪ Identify the specific equipment types. ▪ Affect the degrees of flexibility available to facility planner. 28 Schedule Design 29 Schedule Design ▪ Answer the following questions: ▪ Schedule design decision impacts on; ▪ How much to produce (lot sizing) ▪ Machine selection ▪ When to produce (production scheduling) ▪ Number of machines ▪ How long to produce ▪ Number of shifts ▪ Number of employees ▪ Space requirements ▪ Storage equipment and policies ▪ Material handling equipment ▪ Unit load design ▪ Building size 30 Schedule Design ▪ Marketing information (Demand) includes: ▪ Production volumes, trends, and predictability of future demands. ▪ Uncertainty associated with future production demands. ▪ Uncertainty: most likely, optimistic, pessimistic ▪ Qualitative information: ▪ Who are the customers? ▪ Where are they located? ▪ Why will they buy the product? ▪… 31 Market analysis 32 Schedule Design determines: ▪ The number of each equipment type required to meet the production schedule. ▪ Must use aggregate units for aggregate capacity planning decisions. ▪ Capacity requirements ▪ Quantity requirements ( Total available processing time >= workload) ▪ The number of units required per day is a very important number for the facility designer ▪ Equipment requirements ▪ Space requirements ▪ The number of machines and people for whom we need to provide space. ▪ We’ll discuss it more, later, in that context. 33 Calculating Process Requirements: ▪ Phase I: Calculation of production requirements ▪ Determine quantity of components to be produced ▪ Use BOM structure to identify quantities. ▪ Include scrap allowance based on the estimated production requirements for each product. ▪ Phase II: Estimation of the number of Machines required ▪ Estimate equipment requirement for each operation ▪ Phase III: Combine operation requirement to obtain overall equipment requirement 34 Phase I: Calculation of production requirements Pk : percentage of scrap produced in k-th operation Ok : desired non-defective output from k-th operation Ik : input requirement to k-th operation I1 = On (1 − P1 )(1 − P2 )......(1 − Pn ) = Ik+1 # of units scheduled for production I1 1 P1 I2 2 P2 = Market estimate + scrap estimate I3 ••• In-1 n-1 Pn-1 In n On Pn 35 Phase II: Equipment Requirements - Machine fraction Phase III: Determining total number of equipments F = Number of machines required per shift S = Standard time (minutes) per unit produced Q = Number of units to be produced per shift ▪ Combine equipment factors for identical equipment type E = Efficiency; actual production rate as percent of standard time H = Time of availability (minutes) per machine R = Reliability of machine (percent uptime=uptime/(uptime + downtime) SQ = Total time required to perform an operation HER = Time available to complete the operation 36 Example 1 ▪ A product has a market estimate of 97,000 components and requires three processing steps (turning, milling and drilling), having defective estimates of 0.04, 0.01 and 0.03. the market estimate is the output required from step 3. what is the amount of raw material required for operation 1? I1 1 I2 2 d2=0.01 d1=0.04 I3 3 97,000 d3=0.03 I1=101,010/(1-0.04)=105,219 I2=100,000/(1-0.01)=101,010 I3=97,000/(1-0.03)=100,000 I1= 97,000 (1−0.03)(1−0.01)(1−0.04) 37 Example 2 38 Example 3 For assembled products 39 40 41 Thank You IEN 350: Facilities Planning and Asset Management Spring 2021-2022 College of Engineering Industrial Engineering Program Dr. Hadi Jaber Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering and Management