EE252- Signals and Systems HW#02 Submission instructions: Weightage: 5% of the final grade Due Date: Wednesday 27th April, 2022 during class timing Problem#01: (20 marks) Use partial fraction to determine the inverse CTFT or DTFT of the following signals: (a) (b) (c) (d) Problem#02: (10 marks) Determine the frequency response and impulse response for the systems described by the following equations: (a) (b) Problem#03: (10 marks) Determine the differential or difference equation described by the following impulse response: (a) (b) Problem#04: (20 marks) Using the FT properties, find the inverse CTFT or DTFT of the following signals: (a) (b) (c) (d) Problem#05: (20 marks) Using the FT properties, find the CTFT or DTFT of the following signals: (a) (b) (c) (d) Problem#06: (20 marks) The continuous-time signal with FT X(jw) as depicted in Figure is sampled. (a) Sketch the FT of the sampled signal for the following sampling intervals: i. Ts = 1/14 ii. Ts = 1/7 In each case, identify whether aliasing occurs. (b) Let x[n] = x(nTs). Sketch the DTFT of x[n] for each sampling interval given in part (a)