Restaurant Management System (RMS) Business Rules Document Version 1.1 Revision History Version Date Description 1.0 Feb 9th 2004 Creation of document. 1.1 Feb 16th 2004 Reviewed and edited. the Author business rules XXXXX XXXXX REVISION HISTORY ................................................................................................................................. 2 1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 4 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2. PURPOSE.......................................................................................................................................... 4 SCOPE.............................................................................................................................................. 4 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................... 4 OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................................... 4 DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 ACCOUNTING .................................................................................................................................. 4 ACCOUNTING REPORTS ..................................................................................................................... 4 MAINTAIN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE .......................................................................................................... 4 MAINTAIN ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ...................................................................................................... 4 PAYROLL TAXES............................................................................................................................... 4 MENU MAINTENANCE ..................................................................................................................... 5 CURRENT DATE ON MENUS ................................................................................................................. 5 DIFFERENT MENUS FOR DIFFERENT DAYS OF THE WEEK .......................................................................... 5 ONLINE MENU ACCESS ...................................................................................................................... 5 PAGE NUMBER ON THE MENU ............................................................................................................. 5 ONLINE ORDERING .......................................................................................................................... 5 CREDIT CARD PAYMENT ..................................................................................................................... 5 LOCAL PHONE NUMBER ..................................................................................................................... 5 ORDER TIME FRAME ............................................................................................................................. 5 SCHEDULE MAINTENANCE .............................................................................................................. 5 DISTRIBUTE SCHEDULE ..................................................................................................................... 5 MAINTAIN SCHEDULE ....................................................................................................................... 5 1. Introduction The Business rules document discusses the business rules for The Cove Restaurant Online Management System. The rules will pertain to the online management system. 1.1 Purpose The purpose of the document is to lay out the business rules for the Cove Restaurant. 1.2 Scope The scope of the business rules document is the online system including the management of finances, management of employee scheduling, and the customer online ordering system. The scope does not include the internal operations of the restaurant. 1.3 References Restaurant Management System (RMS) Version 1.0 dated: 2/3/2004 Restaurant Management System Version 1.1 Supplement to Version 1 dated 2/4/2004 1.4 Overview The business rules document contains the business rules for The Cove restaurant. The business rules are grouped by category and are in alphabetical order. 2. Definitions 2.1 Accounting This section describes business rules that apply to handling of accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, taxes, utilities, and other expenses. 2.1.1 Accounting Reports All accounting areas shall have reports that break down and summarize all the data. These reports will run mainly from the online application. 2.1.2 Maintain Accounts Payable The accounts payable shall be broken out and grouped into sections by vendor. 2.1.3 Maintain Accounts Receivable The accounts receivables shall be maintained and grouped nightly, weekly, monthly, and yearly. 2.1.4 Taxes A sales tax of 8.5% shall be added to each order. A state income tax of 5.5% is to be withheld from the total pay. A Federal income tax of 15% is to be withheld from the total pay. 2.2 Menu Maintenance This section describes business rules that apply with regards to the menu and the online maintenance of the menu. 2.2.1 Current date on menus The menus must have the current date in the lower left hand corner of the menu. 2.2.2 Different Menus for different days of the week The menus will be the same Monday thru Thursday. On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday the menu will be different from the weekly menu. The menu will not change from day to day on the weekends 2.2.3 Online Menu access The customers shall be given access to the menus for restaurant online. 2.2.4 Page Number on the menu The menu must all have pages numbered in the lower right hand corner. 2.3 Online Ordering This section describes business rules that apply when customers place an online order. 2.3.1 Credit card payment When an order is placed, a credit card should be available to confirm the order. All major credit cards are accepted. 2.3.2 Local phone number All online orders must supply a local telephone number to facilitate confirmation of the order. 2.3.3 Order time frame Orders may be placed no more than five days in advance. 2.4 Schedule Maintenance This section describes the rules that apply when scheduling workers using the RMS. 2.4.1 Distribute Schedule Employees will be given access to work schedule no less than 7 days in advance. 2.4.2 Maintain Schedule Only the Manager/Assistant Manager/Owner shall be given the ability to edit or change the work schedule.