Choose the most appropriate answer.
1.An amino sugar called N-acetylmuramic acid is an important building block of the cell
wall of some bacteria. Penicillin prevents this amino sugar from being incorporated into
the bacterial cell wall. Therefore,
A. penicillin affects bacteria but not eukaryotes because eukaryotic cell walls are
B. bacterial cells that had already formed their cell walls would be unaffected.
C. penicillin would stop the growth of active colonies of susceptible bacteria.
D. penicillin would have no affect on a plant cell wall
2. When a __________ reaches its __________ , there is a specific means of receiving it
and acting on the message. This task is the responsibility of specialized proteins called
__________ .
A. kinase; receptor; proteases
B. signaling molecule; receptor; G proteins
C. signaling molecule; target cell; G proteins
D. signaling molecule; target cell; receptors
3. Cells generate wastes which need to be disposed systematically to ensure its smooth
functioning. The waste disposal is supported by
A. Lysosomes
B. Endoplasmic system
C. Nucleus
D. Vacuole
During starvation, which organelle will digest stored food contents by autophagy and
supply energy to the cell
In order for a cell to survive in an environment full of polymers, it must convert them to
monomers and also be able to produce more lysosomes. Which of the following will be
needful to the cell? .
Golgi apparatus
We are self-replicating and have our own DNA and ribosomes. Hence, we can make some of
proteins as well as enzymes we need. Who are we?
Golgi apparatus
7. The organelle serving as a primary packaging area for molecules that will be
distributed throughout the cell is
A. Vacuole
B. Golgi apparatus
C. Ribosome
D. Plastids
E. Mitochondria
8. The main function of the cell wall is to
A. Store genetic material
B. Protect the cell
C. Direct the activities of the cell
D. Help in cell division
E. Transport molecules
9. Sodium and Potassium pumps are used in ________
A. Facilitated diffusion
B. Active transport
C. Endocytosis
D. Osmosis
E. Diffusion
10. A cell releases chemical signals into its surrounding space in order to communicate
with neighboring cells. Which of the following must occur for the communication to
be successful?
A. The neighboring cells must be able to absorb the chemicals through diffusion.
B. The neighboring cell must have the right receptor to receive the signal.
C. The chemical signal must bind to hormones on the neighboring cells.
D. The same chemical signal must be produced within the neighboring cells.
E. The same chemical signal must be produced outside of the neighboring cells.
11. The flagella of most bacteria can be arranged in the following pattern except
A. Monotrichous
B. Bitrichous
C. Amphitrichous
D. Peritrichous
E. Lophotrichous
12. Glucose or amino acids moving from blood into a cell is done by which of the
following transport methods
A. Diffusion
B. Carrier mediated transport
C. facilitated diffusion
D. osmosis
E. endocytosis
13. Peroxisomes import enzymes from the ____________ and are numerous in cells
breaking down ______________.
A. Golgi, glucose
B. Golgi, fats
C. Cytoplasm, glucose
D. Cytoplasm, fats
E. Ribosome, proteins
14. Which of these are involved in the movement of structures inside a cell?
A. Cytoskeleton
B. Centrioles
C. Cytoplasm
D. Centrosome
E. Centromere
15. Which of the following process is used bacteria to transport sugars while
simultaneously adding molecules such as phosphate that prepare them for the next
stage in metabolism?
A. Group translocation
B. Active transport
C. Pinocytosis
D. Facilitated diffusion
E. Endocytosis.
16. A compound light microscope with a numeric aperture of 1.25 is illuminated with
light wavelength of 400nm is said to be the best resolution power. What does this
A. It can resolve two small objects as separate points just as long as the two
objects are no closer than 160 mm apart.
B. It can resolve two small objects as separate points just as long as the two
objects are no closer than 116 mm apart.
C. It can resolve two small objects as separate points just as long as the two
objects are no closer than 106 mm apart.
D. It can resolve two small objects as separate points just as long as the two
objects are no closer than 190 mm apart.
17. Many basic dyes stain well with bacteria cell because
A. The cell of microbes is negatively charged and attract basic dyes.
B. The surfaces of microbes are positively charged and attract basic dyes.
C. The dyes dissolve quickly in the cytoplasm of the bacteria
D. The negative potions of basic dyes bare more colours.
18. Cells usually communicate with each other through chemical signals or hormones.
Which of the following is not true?
A. During paracrine signaling messenger molecules travel only short distances.
B. During endocrine signaling messenger molecules act on target cells distant
from their site of synthesis.
C. During autocrine signaling cells respond to messengers they themselves
D. During paracrine signaling massagers are deactivate outside cells
19. Paracrine messenger molecules are usually limited in their ability to travel around the
body because
A. they are inherently stable
B. they cannot be degraded by enzymes,
C. they bind to the extracellular matrix.
D. they need to be actively transported
20. Why is it that inhaling nitric oxide reduces blood pressure only in the lung tissue and
not in other parts body?
A. Because nitric oxide breaks down quickly and thus cannot travel far
B. Because nitric oxide cannot cross cell membranes and enter the blood
C. Because other body tissues use a different signaling molecule
D. Because their receptors are not present in the lungs.
21. A cell releases chemical signals into its surrounding space in order to communicate
with neighboring cells. Which of the following must occur for the communication to
be successful?
A. The chemical signal must bind to hormones on the neighboring cells.
B. The neighboring cell must have the right receptor to receive the signal.
C. The neighboring cells must be able to absorb the chemicals through diffusion.
D. The same chemical signal must be produced within the neighboring cells.
22. Glucose or amino acids moving from blood into a cell is done by which of the
following transport methods
A. Carrier mediated transport
B. endocytosis
C. facilitated diffusion
D. osmosis
23. Which of these are involved in the movement of structures inside a cell?
A. Centrioles
B. Centrosome
C. Cytoplasm
D. Cytoskeleton
24. Which of the following process is used bacteria to transport sugars while
simultaneously adding molecules such as phosphate that prepare them for the next
stage in metabolism?
A. Active transport
B. Endocytosis.
C. Facilitated diffusion
D. Group translocation
25. The bacteria pili are used for are involved in immune escape through the following
except-------------A. Antigenic shift
B. Antigenic variation
C. Phase Attachment
D. Phase variation
26. A microscope that uses antibodies that glow to reveal the location of a protein in a cell
is the
A. bright-field light microscope.
B. immunofluorescence microscope.
C. scanning electron microscope (SEM).
D. transmission electron microscope (TEM).
27. A microscope used to observe living cells and organelles by contrasting the phase
differences so that some regions appear brighter is the
A. immunofluorescence microscope.
B. phase contrast light microscope.
C. scanning electron microscope (SEM).
D. transmission electron microscope (TEM).
Ezekiel S. K. VICAR, PhD.
Department of Clinical Microbiology
School of Medicine
University For Development Studies. Tamale- Ghana.
e-mail: kvicar@yahoo.com / kvicar@uds.edu.gh
Tel:+233 242617962 / +233 208269333