Uploaded by nick

Launch Checklist

Launch Checklist:
 Add support/help button to main menu
 “Thanks for signing up” page once students have paid
 Payment/sign up page
o Checkout form finalized
o Jenni added to stripe account
o Test payment
 Home page edited/designed
 Course Page:
o Welcome to the course design finalization
o Module order finalized by Cindy
 Module Page:
o Final conceptualization of each new module page
o Overview and objectives video/intro?
o Design for each page of modules finalized (what is shared in video vs. written)
 Photos, videos, written, task list, downloadable, etc.
 Resources page
 Terms and Conditions page
 Refund policy page
 Policy and Procedures page
 Welcome email designed once students sign up for program.
 Decide what Jenni needs to do vs. Nick to get this list complete
 Final order/theme/name of Modules decided
 Reconceptualize 4 pillars - reputation
 Decide what videos need re-recorded
 Write out final list of all videos for modules 1-9
 Complete edit of workbook (grammar/spelling)
 Complete some redesign of workbook pages for clarity/usefulness
Pre-launch Marketing:
 Lead-generators (10-12) disseminated via FB group, social media. (8-10 weeks prior to
launch begin dissemination through mixed media)
o Build email chain for each lead generator
 Delivers link to opt in
o Opt in page link for each generator
 Thank you page for opting in
o Email lead magnet link to client
 Download link embedded within email chain
 4 Podcasts (pre-launch content, 6 weeks prior to launch)
o Social media posts 1-2 days prior to each podcast announcing podcast
o One lead magnet for each podcast (3 total)
 Email chain implemented for lead magnet
o Final podcast to sign up for Webinar #1
 Email chain for free webinar #1 signup
 Two days later: Email #2 for anyone who didn’t sign up for a webinar
 One day before webinar #1: Email #3 for webinar signup
Free Webinar #1
o Cart open day (client able to purchase course)
Free Webinar #2 (One day after webinar #1)
o Sales booster email #1: call to action for enrollment (One day after Webinar #2)
o Replay email for webinar #1
o R
Podcasts leading to webinars scheduled
Webinars scheduled
 Practice Zoom Q&A
 Practice Webinar