Humility Lessons What is humility? 1. Pass out humility questionnaire for students to fill out. 2. Discuss definition of humility. An accurate understanding of our own strengths and weaknesses Not thinking ourselves more highly or more lowly than is appropriate (Romans 12:3, TPATG) Giving God the Glory (Example: Sydney McLaughlin) The virtue that begets all other virtues What is a virtue? Why would humility be considered the virtue that begets all other virtues? 1. Faith is belief in the right things (including the virtues!). 2. Hope is taking a positive future view, that good will prevail. 3. Charity is concern for, and active helping of, others. 4. 5. 6. 7. Fortitude is never giving up. Justice is being fair and equitable with others. Prudence is care of and moderation with money. Temperance is moderation of needed things and abstinence from things which are not needed. The ability to acknowledge mistakes and limitations An appreciation of the value of all things God’s creation, humanity, the small things, being present (Anne of GG) Less self-focus and more other-focus (Philippians 2:3-4) Not beating up on yourself or others/giving guilt and unforgiveness over to God Growth Mindset Trusting God’s Promises (Romans 8:28) Believing what God says about you and other humans over anyone else’s opinion, including your own 3. What does God say about you? 1. Created in the image of God 2. Christ’s workmanship 3. Children of God 4. The temple of the Holy Spirit 5. A new creation 6. Fearfully and wonderfully made 7. The light of the world 4. Jesus as the ultimate example of humility John 13:1-17 Philippians 2:3-11 5. Humility is an attitude that comes from the heart. Like any virtue, it can be learned and practiced. A servant’s heart – Mark 9:35 Gratitude – 1 Thess 5:18 Submission – James 4:6-7 Imago Dei Vision – Genesis 1:27 Graciousness – Ephesians 4:2, Colossians 3:13 Repentance and Forgiveness – 2 Peter 3:9, Ephesians 4:32 (Anne of Greene Gables) 6. Fruits of humility Empathy Teachability Modesty Patience Ownership of Mistakes, Feelings, Actions Compassion Forgiveness Gratefulness (Very difficult to complain when you are feeling grateful, Pollyanna) Respect Contentment All this equals WISDOM 7. Harvest of not having humility Unforgiveness Complaining Pride Resentment Discontentment (Veruca Salt) Arrogance Guilt Impatience Selfishness Anger All this equals FOOLISHNESS 8. Case studies in Humility 9. The Prodigal Son 10. Final thoughts