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Sequencing Events in Stories: GCSE English Presentation

Write the following sentences in an
order that makes sense
 and then opened the John door he saw a girl called Mavis.
 Mavis in the sort of way was giraffe beautiful that a could be said to be
 as if she were about to nibble the leaves from the highest branch Her long
neck craned.
 Although she was not as tall as John he somehow felt she was looking
down on him.
 “to fix the radiator? Have you come” asked She.
 “No the new, plumbing I’m lecturer.”
 Mavis’ neck and she smiled stretched further .
The answers
 John opened the door and then he saw a girl called Mavis.
 Mavis was beautiful in the sort of way that a giraffe could be said to be
 Her long neck craned as if she were about to nibble the leaves from the
highest branch.
 Although she was not as tall as John he somehow felt she was looking
down on him.
 “Have you come to fix the radiator?” She asked.
 “No, I’m the new plumbing lecturer.”
 Mavis’ neck stretched further and she smiled.
GCSE English
LO – List and summarise a sequence of events.
First things first
 Are you in the right group?
Further Education
 The expectations of FE are similar to those of a job site
 Treat each other and me with respect
 Use appropriate language
My role
 My job is to help you pass a qualification
 I will do everything I can to help you
 I will regularly check your work and give you feedback
 I will give you everything you need to complete your work
Your role
 Bring a pen
 Attend all sessions
 Arrive on time
 Don’t talk whilst anyone is addressing the group
 Work quietly during quiet work periods
Watch the short film
 Sin City opening scene - YouTube
Watch again
 What are the five main things that happen in this film?
 Sin City opening scene - YouTube
Why does the sequencing matter?
 What might we assume about the two people at the beginning?
 What happens at the end?
Plot sequence
Falling action
Rising action
Setting Complication
The five main points of plot
 Setting – We meet the characters, find out who they are and what they
 Complication – We find out what is going to go wrong for the characters or
stop them getting what they want.
 Rising action – Things get more and more dramatic.
 Climax – Things cannot get anymore dramatic
 Resolution – We find out how it all works out for everyone (happy, sad, etc).
What stories can you think of that
match this format?
Look at this story – put the plot points in
the correct order
 John quickly drew his revolver ready to shoot. Two men burst into the room, he
fired and hit them both. But where was the third man. He turned to see a man
enter through the window. He pulled the woman from behind the closet and
fired a shot that struck John on the side.
 An attractive woman came into his office and told him three men were chasing
 He looked out the window and saw the men, all of them carrying guns. They
had seen him too and began to run towards his office – guns at the ready.
 John fell to the ground clutching his side in agony. “At least I’m not bored
anymore,” he thought. Raising his revolver, he blew the kidnapper away.
 John was tired he just wanted an easy day.
Look at this story – put the plot points in
the correct order
1. John was tired he just wanted an easy day.
2. An attractive woman came into his office and told him three men were
chasing her.
3. He looked out the window and saw the men, all of them carrying guns.
They had seen him too and began to run towards his office – guns at the
4. John quickly drew his revolver ready to shoot. Two men burst into the room,
he fired and hit them both. But where was the third man. He turned to see
a man enter through the window. He pulled the woman from behind the
closet and fired a shot that struck John on the side.
5. John fell to the ground clutching his side in agony. “At least I’m not bored
anymore,” he thought. Raising his revolver, he blew the kidnapper away.
Look at this picture. Write a plot
suggested by the picture.
Use your framework
Look at this picture. Write a plot
suggested by the picture.
Check your partner’s work
 Have they sequenced the story effectively?
 What was your favourite thing about their story?