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Human Behavior: Work, Motivation, Values, & Technology

On uncovering behavior, share your opinions on the following:
A. Describe a work environment that makes an employee productive and happy
1. They are keeping the department involved and informed. It is beneficial to share knowledge with
employees mainly if you do it before they learn about it from others. Learning about how the figures are
adding up or the challenges that their team faces ahead encourages them to become more involved in the
company's success.
2. Granting employee’s new responsibilities and letting them handle specific tasks they do not usually do
allows them to grow and become more confident while making them feel more valuable to the organization.
3. There is a sense of ownership among the employees. Letting them perceive that the products and services
they produce, promote, and sell lets them be committed to working harder to let customers be satisfied.
4. Employees who have flexible work schedules feels they have lesser stress and fatigue. This also encourages to
pursue other activities that are not related to their work.
5. Employees are productive and happy when they are given incentives, benefits, and compensation that are
aligned with the job that they are doing. Knowing that after they achieve the task handed to them, they’ll be
able to enjoy what company has given them.
B. If you got stuck in doing repetitive work, how do you motivate yourself to continue
And complete it?
6. I visualize the free time I can get if I finished my task ahead of the given date
7. I remind myself of the goals I have and finishing my work will help me get closer to my goal
8. I take it as an advantage because I already know the steps I have to do in case things do not go as
9. Allowing myself to take a break because it allows me to recover from the stress in handling the task.
10. I talk to my friend. Sometimes you find support and encouragement from them, and after that,
they celebrate the success with you.
C. Using the formula, P = M x A x E, where P stands for performance, enumerate 3 items for each of the
Three factors that may result to that desired performance as a student:
11. Family
12. Career
13. Excellent Grades
14. Creativity
15. Initiative
16. Collaboration
17. Laptop
18. Wi-Fi
19. School Supplies
D. What are Terminal Values you can see among HNU professors? Justify your answer.
20. Family Security - There are able to provide and care for the needs of their household.
21. Social Recognition – They are acknowledged for the effort to teach even on difficult circumstances,
They serve as the bridge for students and school, where opportunity to learn emerges.
22. Community - Faculty members who are members of departments where they work are able to
teach and thrive as a result of their affiliation with the department. It also allows them to get engaged
in groups that they appreciate and in which they would be able to participate.
E. How about Instrumental Values you find among Government Employees/Officials:
23. Just - They interact with others without allowing bias or prejudice to color their view, beliefs, or
judgments. They are objective in their dealings with others. They will not be influenced or impacted by
any preconceived assumptions, preferences, or dislikes that will affect and affect their thinking and,
ultimately, their behavior.
24. Dependable - They can be relied upon to perform any tasks and projects, and they will do it well.
They put their theory into action. Good governance is an approach to be devoted to creating a
approach and procedure that is based fairness and peace and that protects the human rights and civil
liberties of individual citizens.
25. Responsible - Prioritize the interests of the general public and the community above their selfinterests while making decisions. It is their commitment to recognize and be able to provide a solution
to the public interest, as it has shown itself while they are in their position.
F. Essay: Choose a topic and briefly comment or state your opinion. Cite an example either a personal
experience or something you have witnessed with other people:
a. Cellphones and its effect on Human Behavior
b. Drugs, Society and Human Behavior
c. Non-verbal communication and Human Behavior
Cellphones and its effect on Human Behavior
The cellphone has had a significant impact on many people's everyday lives, even though it is a relatively new
technology that has only been around for a short period. We also have access to a wealth of information that was
previously unavailable to us. Having access to this kind of information opens up doors and opens up previously
closed paths. A person might use their mobile phone to learn more about a community that piques their interest
and creates intense bonds with individuals with whom they have a shared interest in the same things. Because of
the availability of knowledge on the internet, we may be more open-minded, which implies accepting new ideas,
arguments, and facts that we would not otherwise accept. Open-mindedness is a good quality that allows people
who have it to make judgments and wisely about their and other people's problems. It also permits us to shift
more fluidly between our point of view and another's point of view. Empathy is crucial because it allows us to
understand better how others are experiencing, which allows us to behave more appropriately in a given
circumstance. The use of smartphones allows us to be more open and empathetic of what others are going