TOPIC: Pros and cons of contemporary methods of learning based English for elementary children in an elementary school in Vietnam? Introduction: This is a survey is created by a student English linguistics in Hanoi Metropolitan University Key words: Elementary students, mother tounge, second language, mental health AIM & OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY Aim: This study aims to understand if the contemporary methods of learning English for elementary children in an elementary school in Vietnam. Objectives of the study: This study aims to understand if the contemporary methods of learning English for elementary children. Furthermore, it aims to have a significant knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of learning English as a second language for elementary children in an elementary school in Vietnam Research questions: Q1: How old is your child? - Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Q2: When does your child start to learn English? - Various answers Q3: How long does your kid spend on studying English in a day? - 1 hour or below 1- 2 hours 2 hours and above Q4: Do you feel like your kid good at English? - Yes No Maybe Q5: Why do you feel like your kid good / not good at English? - Various answers Q6: Does your child usually talk in English at home? - Yes -No Q7: How is your child’s ability in other subjects? - Good Normal Bad Q8: Is your child an introvert or extrovert? - Introvert Extrovert Q9: Do you let your kid study English outside (ex: English center, tutor, ...) - Yes No Q10: Do you feel satisfied if your kid study English at school at this age? - Yes No Q11: Why you (not) feel satisfied about that? - Various answers Q12: This is an assessment scale, please evaluate your child’s English language. - 1 -> 10 RESEARCH METHODLOGY: Research context: The research will focus on the data collected from the parents who have their children study around grade 1 to grade 5. First of all, they will pay attention on their children for 2 weeks as the time they doing the investigation. Kids will use the same English teaching method and also the same book, which is communicating book, called Family And Friends. Communicating skill is the most essential skill for children especially in elementary school to improve their self- esteem and confident as well. With the aim of understanding more about the pros and cons of contemporary methods of learning based English, children will follow this method two weeks and after that there will be an exam to see if this model of learning effective or not. Research design: Survey research is the design that the most suitable for this investigation. surveys provide a very efficient means for researchers to gather a good deal of information in a short time with little cost. Moreover, to find out the data of the research in an effective way, survey is a good choice to get know more about the details, background and the preference of the students through their parents due to the age of kids. The survey will be conducted with the participation of 200 parents who have children studying at an elementary school. In addition, a qualitative approach will be also involved in the process of data collection; the data in semi-structured interviews with five teachers who also working at that elementary to make sure if the collected data reliable or not. Participants: This study will be assisted of 200 students from 5 classes pick randomly from grade 1 to 5 in an elementary school in Vietnam. Although the students in a different age, they will study the same method of English course which is Family And Friends. Moreover, there are 5 teachers will be the teaching assistants in 5 classes to make sure the course follows the right way. Data collection instruments: The data of this study will be collected through questionnaires, interviews and class observation. Data collection procedures: - Send the survey questionnaire to the parents of 200 elementary students after two weeks investigate the research. 5 teachers who are teaching assistants will interview them as the second way of collecting data. After two steps above, class observation will be used as the final way to research the reliability. In conclusion, from all of the data collection instruments, we can find out the pros and cons of contemporary methods of learning based English for elementary children. Data analysis: The collected data will be analyzed by the checklist of each class from 5 classes, by the students’ names which follow the alphabet. Furthermore, the data will be illustrated as the percentage and presented in a table which can be created by Google form. The interviews will be organized into topics, with relevant replies from respondents cited and descriptive and objective explanations provided. LITERATURE REVIEW There are 3 literatures related to the research topic: 1. 2. 3. elementary_school_children-with-cover-pagev2.pdf?Expires=1649180688&Signature=KxLjMfxtwxbTChBZQpdI2L57rX5lyw~qdyf7oq2CBRkTm6 rI6EkgJFKn04dO1O2UF25GDGcdfNqlnjAxlh-ao4FhxzDoZRbDjF~1u87cVxRGCA3hJf8w7ZaOGluGiqBi7m0pPAT17Vn3I8BtQXgu3bCQHusK6QtAJO5BUgtycAp41TXs880aZZJB5zZN84t8evpVHsskL nYFzDLYbWPE93dIJpNH5EDSqpDlZDcm4azQiPlEkYHiIzaU4xv9QQbX7C~jmYvD0WKVvC0YX9L~vft FSewBRrEOvwYTt3UeFY9yaAnNwPJQwygdq0NGvhF8Z3YKxpOLzbVjQidOmDMjQ__&Key-PairId=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA Topic/su Author btopic (Year) Theme IDEAS Your (paraphrase/summarize/quot comments e) The Pros and Cons of Taskbased Instruction in Elementary English Classes Lee, SeungMin. (2005) Teaching English to Young Learners in Indonesia Tatu Zakiyatun Nufus (2018) The aim of this article has not been to criticize taskbased instruction, but rather to examine its characteristics from real classroom data, and to balance the arguable theoretical claims with textual evidence of the drawbacks encountered in elementary English classrooms. Teaching English for young learners in Indonesia still invites the controversies among the educators and psycholinguist s that concern on learners’ development in thinking and communicatio n. It should also be said, however, that task-based interaction is a particularly narrow and restricted variety of communicatio n, in which the whole organization of the interaction is geared to establishing a tight and exclusive focus on the accomplishme nt of the task. “Minimalizatio n and excessive use of the mother tongue” This literature gives me a significant view about the method of learning English for the kids Teaching English for young learners basically is the unique activity which invites the learners to think, play and communicate with the language, and this activity should attract them not to force them in knowing the forms or the structure of the language, “Mind without learning them in forcing” This literature give the exact data which is from Indonesia with reliable number of candidates who joined this survey because teaching English for the primary learners did not have any regulation that can force the school to give the teaching or not. Teachers ' Beliefs About Teaching English to Elementary School Children Posen Liao (2007) , teachers’ beliefs need to be probed before teachers can critically reflect on their teaching practices, and in turn facilitate changes to teach more effectively. In recent years, it has become more crucial to view teachers as active thinkers in the language teaching process (Richards, 1998). “Teachers’ beliefs may greatly influence and be influenced by those of their peers” Researchers may use the results from this study to become better aware of elementary school English teachers’ specific beliefs, so this literature keeps enough evidence which can lead to the improvement of the research topic