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Kenpo Seminar a Success!!
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Kenpo Seminar a Success!!
Discussion in 'Kenpo' started by KenpoDavid, Oct 17, 2005.
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KenpoDavid Working Title
Our seminar with Professor Ron Chapel was mind-blowing! My style is not American
Kenpo, but we have already started the process of examining how we do our techniques
to find where to build in these structural enhancements. I think we might have to work a bit
harder at that than you guys who already do AK (will we continue to do C-steps?), since
your techniques came from Mr. Parker and so did the SL4 material and so it should really
sortof be close already, yes? But I think we will have a good time looking for them anyway.
On Day 2 Doc taught us the SL4 "Stance Set" their first and most basic form, which
teaches the transitions between stances and changing directions and much more I am
sure... He did authorize us to make available to participants a copy of the video we
recorded on Day 2 so that you can have it as a reference for practicing that set. After 1.5
hours of that my legs were jelly.
On Day 1 Doc taught us some principles of body mechanics - upper and lower platforms,
associated and disassociated movement, muscle reassignment, "shields up/shields
down", indexing and muscle recruitment, "everything matters", startle reflex and the visual
cortex. I had a guy who was well over 200 lbs ("candygram for Mongo!!") trying to pull
down my upward block, or to push me out of my bow stance and he could not do it. I
wasn't even exerting myself, relaxed, "unbendable arm". If it wasn't my own arm doing it I
would not have believed it. But it was, so I do.
On friday before the seminar Doc visited our schools, and spent some time with our
Founder Prof. Christopher Geary. For me this was one of the most interesting parts of the
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entire weekend, as Doc analyzed some of our techniques, offering suggestions and
analyses on the techniques' origin and efficacy ("oh yeah that one is all Nick Cerio. He
loved that kind of stuff... but it's junk, try it like this...") Watching the interaction between
Professors Geary and Chapel was like an injection of martial arts information directly into
the center of my brain... so much information to digest...
I can say without a doubt Doc Chapel is one of the nicest people I have ever met, a
gentleman and a scholar, and an excellent teacher. Yes we paid him to come but the
personal sacrifices he made & challenges he faced to get here and teach us are a
testament to the size and quality of his character. He's a big guy but his heart is even
bigger We all really enjoyed the stories about Mr Parker, Bruce Lee, Mitose and Chow,
Samoan picnics, Hawaiian "second breakfast", and all the other Kenpo and Martial arts
legends you've known over the last few decades. You've got to find a way to preserve that
stuff for future generations, the material in your head and under your bed! You sould treat
those films and memorabilia like criminal evidence, take care of it, preserve it, track it.
And don't let me forget Ryan "Bob" Angell! Ryan, you showed every bit as much class as
Mr. Chapel and it was a pleasure to have you out as well. Having you there really helped
to multiply the amount of detailed instruction we were all able to get individually as you
worked with us. And how did you eat a double cheesburger and large tots at midnight (on
the way home from the chinese restaurant!!)... ??? You guys are nuts!
Thanks to everyone who came out (let me apologize in advance if I forget anyone, I am
working from memory here):
Mr Walter Justice of Ta-Dow! Kenpo and his very sweet wife whose name I have no idea
how to spell "E.C." is that close? I look forward to seeing you both again; Duke Whittaker,
a pleasure to meet you finally face to face, sir Tad and Ray from Creston, Iowa; Dave
Mondo from Des Moines Tiger And Dragon Kenpo; Thomas Howard and the crew from
the Nebraska Hapkido Federation; Gary Boaz from Professional Martial Arts in Topeka,
Ks; and all the students from our schools in Omaha. It would have been less of a success
without each and every one of you!
I don't know what else to say except - Doc Chapel delivered! Everything you read about
SL-4, as crazy as it might sound, as hard as it might be to hear... try it and you will be a
believer. Drink the Kool-aid. It's yummy! You kenpo people who live down there near him
and don't at least go see for yourself are making a big mistake. Don't be an ostrich. Don't
let politics, history, and bad blood that has nothing to do with you and your Kenpo prevent
you from being your best. What he has to say about what you've been taught might be
hard to hear, it might challenge your ego... but approach it with an open mind and no ego
and you might just change your (kenpo) life. What do you have to lose? If I am wrong, if
SL-4 is not what it claims... what have you lost? A few hours and a few dollars. But if it's
true - if SL-4 is all it claims to be... well then what you have lost is the blinders from your
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eyes. But I warn you, you cannot put the genie back on the bottle. You may not be able to
go back where you were.
Mr Kevin Mills and Mr. Rose - It is clear that Prof. Chapel thinks the world of you guys and
is proud to have you as his representatives. I was digging SL-4 before the seminar, now I
am thoroughly hooked! Doc was absolutely correct when he told me "I GUARANTEE that
what I will teach you will improve what you do no matter what style you practice."
If you do any stand-up striking art that is NOT sport oriented, you really should look up a
SL-4 teacher and get a taste of it. They say the secrets of Kung Fu were lost in time?
They are not.
KenpoDavid Working Title
Doc Chapel was kind enough to provide a letter of recommendation describing the
qualifications of our Profesor Geary. You can read it here:
KGS BBS Valued Member
'One man's trash is another man's treasure'
Isn't it nice for a senior to call another senior's technique(s) 'junk' at an open seminar
especially when the senior being attacked is deceased. It would have never been said to
Mr. Cerio's face and besides, one man's trash is another man's treasure. Perhaps,
Professor Cerio felt the same same way about Doc's techniques but never said it
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publically out of respect. Much of Cerio's style was rooted in the Karazenpo Go Shinjtutsu
of senior Grandmasters' Victor 'Sonny' Gascon (Kajukenbo) and S. George Pesare and
modified through Cerio's studies under Professor William Kwai Sun Chow. Junk? I think
not. Take it up individually with these men if you wish. Respect, yes, respect, something
that is slowly but surley disintergrating in the arts of today. Too bad.
Personally, if I was in that position and I have been on several occasions over the years, I
simply tell the student(s) yes, that technique is fine from Master John Smith but here is my
personal perspective or interpretation of the movement. What we have here are simply
acceptable levels of variations and that we all have individual stylistic differences. Take
what you like and learn it. I would never put down another teacher in front of an audience
with the mindset of 'my style is better than your style'. I have also been trained and
certified to teach and make instructors in police defensive tactics as I know Doc has also
been. In our training in Massachusetts it is stressed to NEVER EVER put down another
D.T. instructor in front of other officers if your technique differs from his/hers and we were
told to explain it as an 'acceptable level of variation'. At the F.B.I. academy in Virginia they
tell you that when you go for a promotional interview never put down your competition of
why he/she shouldn't get the job BUT instead give reasons why YOU should be chosen
for the position. Great advice, I think.
In defense of Doc and let me make this perfectly clear, I have the utmost respect for him, I
mean that, and have defended him on forums when others in EPAK have come down on
him. I am very surprised that he said something like that but since I did not hear him say it
directly, I will give him the benefit of the doubt of heresay. If Doc did 'slip', it happens, we're
all human, and did say something like that, I'm sure he wouldn't want it repeated on a
public forum, not the Doc I have come to know over the years through correspondence.
Respectfully submitted, Professor Joe Shuras
*Edited for grammar correction
Last edited: Jan 16, 2006
kmguy8 Not Sin Binned
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Bil Gee Thug
Then the rest of us would miss out on a good old fashioned lineage war.
kenpoguy The Last Dragon
Sorry KenpoDavid. I was unable to get off work to attend that weekend, but i'm glad it
went well.
kenpoguy, Jan 17, 2006
KenpoDavid Working Title
KGS BBS said:
Isn't it nice for a senior to call another senior's technique(s) 'junk' at an open
Click to expand...
I don't think anybody who was there (4 or 5 of us) thought twice about any insult to the
memory of Nick Cerio :/ But, read more carefuly, please
On friday before the seminar Doc visited our schools, and spent some time
with our Founder Prof. Christopher Geary...offering suggestions and analyses
on the techniques' origin and efficacy ("oh yeah that one is all Nick Cerio. He
loved that kind of stuff... but it's junk, try it like this...")
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Click to expand...
it wasn't during the seminar, it was the day before. And one thing I've learned about Doc
Chapel, if he thinks something is not effective, he is not shy about saying so, no matter the
KenpoDavid, Jan 17, 2006
KenpoDavid Working Title
kenpoguy said:
Sorry KenpoDavid. I was unable to get off work to attend that weekend, but
i'm glad it went well.
Click to expand...
You might get another chance this Spring.... stay tuned
KenpoDavid, Jan 17, 2006
KGS BBS Valued Member
David, we have always had a cordial relationship on the many forums we have
participated in so don't take this personally. Professor Cerio isn't around anymore to
defend himself and it seems like when that happens, as in Mr. Parker's case, people take
cheap shots. Doc is entitled to his opinion and you answered my question as I did say I
gave him the benefit of the doubt of Doc saying that at a public seminar. What I also
stated is if Doc did say that then I'm sure he wouldn't want to be quoted as such on an
open forum. You are telling me this was a private get together with Doc, so therefore you
should have thought twice about posting what someone says to you in private.
Furthermoire, your instructor never studied under Professor Cerio so any technique he
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may have gotten most likely came from a book or a video, not exactly the best way to
comprehend someone's system, a great supplement to those already there but hardly a
replacement for someone who doesn't know Nick Cerio's Kenpo from Tae Kwon Do.
Maybe Sub Level Four is great for someone who is merely teaching the surface arts (I
have seen your instructor's techniques on his web page) so I can understand your
enthusiasm but for those who have been around, well, it's still good stuff but so is what the
Nick Cerio's Kenpo people do also. I think the problem is some teach commerical or
theatrical type of Kempo/Kenpo to market it but don't lump us all together because as a
law enforcement officer still very active going on 30 years, I use my art to get my butt
home safe after every tour of duty. I'm not retired and I don't sit behind a desk, I am not a
dojo warrior or arm chair sifu either. Respectfully, Professor Joe
KGS BBS, Jan 17, 2006
KGS BBS Valued Member
Sorry David but I just have to address this also.
You posted:
Doc Chapel was kind enough to provide a letter of recommendation describing the
qualifications of our Profesor Geary. You can read it here:
Gimme a break! David, I've been in the arts since 1973 and if I wanted to be a name
dropper and drop names of martial artists whom I've considered friends, whom I've trained
with, visited and/or conducted seminars at my school, attended their seminars, socialized
with, who've stayed at my home, I've stayed at some of their homes, your instructor would
have an orgasm over it! My point being I have NEVER asked or even hinted for a letter of
evaluation of skill or any other self serving b.s. from any of them PERIOD! Please don't tell
me it was Doc's idea either, man, he was being paid to come over and do a seminar, talk
about putting the guy on the spot! Geez!!!!!!!!!
KGS BBS, Jan 17, 2006
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DEATHskull TKD Bearfighter
That website makes me laugh.
DEATHskull, Jan 18, 2006
KGS BBS Valued Member
'Enough is Enough'
Deathskull, please don't think ill of Professor Cerio and Gm. Gascon for I know they are
mentioned on his website. There is also a reason for the negative remark about Prof.
Cerio posted here. I have just been told by a kempo brother to go to this website:
http://www.bullshido.net/, do search under the name "Geary" and look for "The man, the
myth, the DEMI-GOD, lol and check it out. In the last several posts by 'Chinese Kenpo'
has some solid info. He is not a member of the KGS BBS of Gm. Gascon or of Nick
Cerio's Kenpo but this guy seems to have some good contacts in both systems. In the
meantime, the Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Black Belt Society (KGS BBS) has posted that
they will be releasing a special message soon about this situation. I would like to state that
I am affiliated with the KGS BBS, holding the office of state director of Massachusetts. I
am also affiliated with Nick Cerio's Kenpo, Inc. I would also like to state that I have had
several phone conversations with Mr. Geary prior to the problems with the KGS BBS. Our
talks have always been very cordial although I may not agree with him on his current
views and opinions, so I wasn't out to hang the guy but enough is enough. Respectfully,
Professor Joe
KGS BBS, Jan 18, 2006
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DEATHskull TKD Bearfighter
Hahah, the very first post of that thread explains precisely why I think that website is funny.
DEATHskull, Jan 18, 2006
KGS BBS Valued Member
Ostrich? Ego? Secrets?
David, you stated:
Don't be an ostrich. Don't let politics, history, and bad blood that has nothing to do with you
and your Kenpo prevent you from being your best. What he has to say about what you've
been taught might be hard to hear, it might challenge your ego... but approach it with an
open mind and no ego and you might just change your (kenpo) life.
First, who's an ostrich? From what I understand to be fact, your instructor doesn't let his
students go to any tournaments outside his own schools! Hello? A little controlling, ya
think? Maybe, insecure? Lack of true self confidence, self doubt?
Also, you mention to approach it with an open mind and no ego? David, no student from
your school should lecture anyone about EGO for his websites speak for themselves in
anyone's language. Please, any talk of egos should be directed toward your 'founder' as
you call him. You mention at the bottom of your post about the 'secrets' of Kung Fu. The
only 'magic' or secrets in the martial arts is within YOU and how hard and dilligently you
wish to work at self development. You also state, I'm paraphrasing, about politics and bad
blood interfering with you progress, I totally agree with you there but it wasn't Gm. Gascon
or Professor Cerio who drew first blood. I'm sure you and Chris would like to see this all go
away, anyone would, well, I for one am always looking for the diplomatic and peaceful
solution to these situations but Chris has done nothing to promote an atmosphere for
peace. I know he believes in a saying that he has linked Gm. Gascon to and that's about
'negative publicity' in that 'any publicity is good publicity', well, that is not quite what
Grandmaster mean't. There is a limit. There are martial arts instructors who have been
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arrested on drug trafficking charges, child molestation, rape, murder and one guy I knew
from my area was on the 11 o'clock news one night as the serial mugger in Boston,
attacking women by punching them out and taking their handbags! He got a lot of
publicity, do you think it helped him in the arts? lol. Then the Marco Island, Florida publicity
your instructors received all over the newspapers and the internet, do you really believe
any publicity is good publicity? I don't. David, you appear to be a serious martial artsit
who's heart is in the right place so follow your own path and let no one sway you (and
that's including me) because that is the only way you will find the truth you are seeking.
You told everyone to keep an open mind, David, you keep an open mind also. Take care &
be safe, Professor Joe
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KGS BBS, Jan 18, 2006
KGS BBS Valued Member
Important Message
I saw this posted on Bullshido today. It was taken from our website of the Karazenpo Go
Shinjutsu Black Belt Society. I felt it appropiate to post here. I think it says it all. I
understand that Nick Cerio's Kenpo, Inc. has taken measures also to prevent similiar
situations in the future. Thank you, Prof. Joe Shuras, Massachusetts president, KGS BBS
Effective immediately the KGS BBS will submit membership applications to you for
approval. Great Grandmaster Gascon will have the final say. Any KGS BBS State
Representative that can show good cause to deny membership to applicants will have the
chance to do so before acceptance. Members from said states or other states must submit
in writing your concerns about applicants to the KGS BBS State Reprentative.
The KGS BBS State Representative along with the Executive Board will review
applicantations and approve or deny. All members under each State should be given
notice to review applicant names. We will post an application pending page so all
members can see and report to the State Rep. any information they have on applicants
good or bad.
There have been some regrettable mistakes made by the executive board in the past; we
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are working at making the enrollment process a shared process between members and
the Executive Board. We are only human, and always try to look at each individual in a
positive light. However we feel keeping the State Rep's and members involved will help
the organization maintain our standards.
KGS BBS, Jan 18, 2006
KenpoDavid Working Title
The "ostrich" comment was meant for anyone who was afraid to go to a seminar where
they might get told that what they are doing is not as effective as something else that they
might learn to do. Mostly, as far as SL-4 is concerend, that means people that study
EPAK. For example, there is a chain of EPAk school in Kansas City, 100s of students, and
they didn't see fit to send even one person. Not even one inquiry about it from any student
or instructor. That is who I meant. I have been told that out of the thousands of EPAK
students within driving distance of the SL-4 shcool in LA, very very few bother to come
and just meet SGM Parker's closest student and friend. That's an ostrich with it's head in
the sand.
I don't think calling a technique "junk" or "ineffectve" or even "crap" is a "cheap shot". He
didn't say "Cerio was a jerk" or even "The people who run NCK today are liars and
frauds". Either one of those might be considered "cheap shots", even if they might be true
or not. What he said was his opinion about the effectiveness of that technique
. One thing Doc shared with us is his perception of martal art vs martial
science. In "science", you test theories to determine what works and
what does not. In art, eveything is OK, value judgements are rare. So,
since Doc frames his material as "martial science" he evaluates
techniques and ideas, and classifies them as effective or ineffective.
I don't think Prof. Geary ever claimed to have studied under Prof. Cerio,
just that he received a black belt from him, the certificate says
"American Kenpo" not NCK. Where did he learn that particular technique
that Doc was referring to? I have no idea - honestly I couldn't even tell
you what technique it was, now, 4 months later. It may not even have
been a technique that was taught by Prof. Cerio. It was something that
reminded Doc of the techniques from NCK, and it looked ineffective to
him, and so he said so. Is you position here, Prof. Shuras, that everything
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that Nick Cerio did is now above critique and should not be judged???
Does a founder's death magically perfect a system?
You have much more experince than me so maybe from your vantage
point you can lump together SL-4, American Kenpo, Shaolin Kempo, KGS,
KJK etc and minimize the differences but to me the differences are still
intersting and informative. Doc CHapel showed us some things, deeper
levels of basics, that looked like magic to me. For example even the
most minor alteration of a hand or foot position will magnify the
strength/balance of a stance. When I can reist, without effrot, the force
of a 300lb man; and then move my foot 15 degrees or less, and he
pushes me over with ease... that's deep.
re: name dropping. Prof. Geary asked Doc Chapel to sign that, and Prof.
Geary asked m to post the link here. It has whatever value any reader
attaches to it and no more. Doc was very generous to sign it.
As a New England Liberal LOL I'm sure you are blind to media bias (just
kidding with you), so let me say this: Have you ever seen a newspaper
publish a story "Dog does not bite man" or "No tragedy to report today"?
Of course not. So I will tell you what the Naples News will not: Most if
not all of the charges were later dropped. The equipment that was
destroyed in Marcos Island belonged to Prof. Geary himself. The man
running the school for Prof. Geary and the investigating officer in the
case appear to have gone into business teaching martial arts in that
same location, but sadly for them they had to buy their own carpet and
mirrors and training equipment because the stuff owned by Prof. Geary
was not there for them to use. I am not defending what he did there, I
am jsut adding some facts that were left out of the original news story.
Is it you usual habit to base your understanding of something from
exactly ONE newspaper report?
Prof. Geary often does things that don't make sense to me or that I
would have done differently. My job is not to dfend him or explain his
actions. I understand why you would re-open a thread that was idle for 4
months in order to smear a little mud on Prof. Geary - he has openly
aired some dirty laundry about your organization, and turn about is fair
play, right? So go ahead get your hands dirty too, it's your right to do so.
hey, Deathskull, please point me to some better MA school websites,
maybe we can learn some things to improve www.kempokarate.com. Do me a
favor and when you find one please tell me what is better about it, OK?
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KenpoDavid, Jan 18, 2006
KGS BBS Valued Member
Thanks for the response
Hi David, No, I don't put Professor Cerio or Mr. Parker up on a pedestal and say
everything they did is above reproach and criticism. Everyone is subject to 'mistakes' for it
is the human condition. Prof. Cerio made a mistake with Chris Geary. There is a proper
and respectful way to 'sell' someone on what you are teaching without putting someone
else down as I explained to you (in a previous post) as I was taught in my police defensive
tactics training and my example with the F.B.I. academy. There is a right way and wrong
way to get your point across. Why offend anyone if you don't have to and I disagree with
you about the cheap shot. All our seniors both past and present were very proud of their
systems and what they taught so when you call someone's material 'junk', well, that's a
slap in the face in anyone's book. If you don't believe me just go to some senior's seminar,
step up on the mat and say to him: Sorry, sir, but I think your technique is junk but don't
take offense it's just constructive criticism, lol, and have the paramedics on stand by. Since
you also mentioned Parker's Kenpo then next time Mr. Larry Tatum has a seminar have
your founder go up to his face and tell him he's teaching 'junk'. Better still, Doc would
never go to someone's seminar and say that and you know it. My point is, if you're going
to say it at all in that tone be sure you have the same bravado to say it to a man's face as
you would behind his back. You see, David, I'm not a back stabber, I'm a chest stabber,
you'll see me coming! In this case, guys like Nick Cerio and Ed Parker are incapable of
rebutting such statements. They're dead. It's up to their students to defend them now. No
one and I mean no one ever went up to their faces and said these things when they were
alive and that's a fact! Gm. Sonny Gascon is a prime example, for a few and just a few
have some things to say about Gm. Gascon but I'm willing to bet not one of them and this
includes your 'founder' who appears to have a mouthful lately will ever say it to his face.
As a matter of fact, I know they won't. The KGS BBS will be on tour for visits and seminars
for 2006, the 'founder' is invited to attend any of them if he wishes.
I know what you mean't by the 'ostrich' comment but it just reminded me how your
instructor has his head in the sand when it comes to letting his students compete outside
his schools! I also understand what you're saying about Doc and Sub Level Four for Doc
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and I have had many correspondence in the past which brings this to mind. Yes, Doc, told
me a lot of things, many things, and do you know what? He also asked me to keep it in
confidence and I have and will. Again, I think what he said in your presence the night
before at a private get together was not mean't to be published in an open forum, know
what I mean? I think it's pretty pathetic that your instructor WROTE THE ACTUAL
won't get into it here, but I know for a fact your instructor has done that before on his
website, writing quotes for others and asking for their approval. Sometimes you put good
people on the spot and they don't want to offend you so they reluctently go along with it,
others are more forthcoming. Lastly David, don't forget I've been in law enforcement since
1977 and have built many, many contacts over the years, that was not a spin, a slant or
mis-reporting by the newspapers on what transpired on Marco Island, Florida, it was the
truth and there was more to it than that and it wasn't favorable either. Stop by a state or
federal prison, David, and ask around, I think you'll find there's not a guilty man there. So,
I think it's best to drop that one.
Dave, you stated:
For example even the most minor alteration of a hand or foot position will magnify the
strength/balance of a stance. When I can reist, without effrot, the force of a 300lb man;
and then move my foot 15 degrees or less, and he pushes me over with ease... that's
David, the only thing I'll say is this. If you're ever in my area I'll arrange for you to go on
some ride-alongs during busy times and I will take you to a local gin mill where they have
had so many problems that they hired a highly respected U.F.C fighter to work the door
now backed up by two uniformed police officers. By the way, two Friday nights ago a 21
year old was stabbed to death outside his home, overflow from the inner- city gangs, two
were arrested. This is the reality where one sees what works and doesn't work, not the
dojo and you have no second chance. You can't tell your opponent, 'could you please go
back and punch in again, I really wasn't ready that time', lol. David, I thank you and
respect you for answering my posts and I do listen to your points, some I agree with and
some I don't just like you. We should both always keep an open mind. I promise I will too.
Take care, my brother, Prof. Joe
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DEATHskull TKD Bearfighter
KenpoDavid said:
hey, Deathskull, please point me to some better MA school websites, maybe
we can learn some things to improve www.kempokarate.com. Do me a favor
and when you find one please tell me what is better about it, OK?-D
Click to expand...
I wasn't referring to www.kempokarate.com with that post, everything on that site is pretty
standard for a martial arts school's website. I was talking about
DEATHskull, Jan 19, 2006
KGS BBS Valued Member
Request from Prof. Michael Rash
Prof. Shuras,
I was forwarded this guestbook entry on Geary's web site.
Dear Professor Geary,
I too was a member of the KGSBBS and became very disappointed. Not only were
they self serving, Mr Rash was very disrespectful and lacked any
knowledge at all. I am sure that SIJO Gascon doesn't know what Rash is
doing or he wouldn't allow it. When you leave the oganization, then he
threatens you. Although, I doubt he would carry out his threats. My advice
is stay away.
As you know I have never threatened anyone.
In the past that when threats were directed at me they were answered. I never
initiated them.
I do find it quite humorous that this so called ex member BP is using a fake
I must have terrified BP he is using a fake name.
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Must be in the witness protection program?
" I doubt that he would follow through" REALLY?
Why the fake name? (Remember this happened once before?)
Geary follows through! Ask the GIRL in Florida.
Prof. Shuras feel free to share this E mail. I am getting ready to leave for
Hawaii this afternoon. I'll call you from GM Gascon's house. Will be back home
Monday the 23rd
Today I will post some information about Geary on our site.
Originally I know I told you we would not respond to Geary.
In the interest of fairness, I need to address his crap.
Then his anonymous friend needs to be dealt with.
Talk to you Friday afternoon
Prof. Rash
KenpoDavid Working Title
KGS BBS said:
Hi David, No, I don't put Professor Cerio or Mr. Parker up on a pedestal and
say everything they did is above reproach and criticism. Everyone is subject to
'mistakes' for it is the human condition. Prof. Cerio made a mistake with Chris
Geary. There is a proper and respectful way to 'sell' someone on what you are
teaching without putting someone else down as I explained to you (in a
previous post) as I was taught in my police defensive tactics training and my
example with the F.B.I. academy. There is a right way and wrong way to get
your point across. Why offend anyone if you don't have to and I disagree with
you about the cheap shot. All our seniors both past and present were very
proud of their systems and what they taught so when you call someone's
material 'junk', well, that's a slap in the face in anyone's book. If you don't
believe me just go to some senior's seminar, step up on the mat and say to
him: Sorry, sir, but I think your technique is junk but don't take offense it's just
constructive criticism, lol, and have the paramedics on stand by{these kind of
self-control and anger issues are far too common in the martial arts
community don't you think}. Since you also mentioned Parker's Kenpo then
next time Mr. Larry Tatum has a seminar have your founder go up to his face
and tell him he's teaching 'junk'. Better still, Doc would never go to someone's
seminar and say that and you know it {Prof. Geary never called it junk, it
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was Doc's seminar, and he was criticizing Prof. Geary's material. how
rude of him OMG!! LOL}. My point is, if you're going to say it at all in that
tone be sure you have the same bravado to say it to a man's face as you
would behind his back. You see, David, I'm not a back stabber, I'm a chest
stabber, you'll see me coming! In this case, guys like Nick Cerio and Ed
Parker are incapable of rebutting such statements. They're dead. It's up to
their students to defend them now. No one and I mean no one ever went up to
their faces and said these things when they were alive and that's a fact! {I've
heard lots of hilarious stories of guys coming in to Ed Parker's school
and telling him just that.} Gm. Sonny Gascon is a prime example, for a few
and just a few have some things to say about Gm. Gascon but I'm willing to
bet not one of them and this includes your 'founder' who appears to have a
mouthful lately will ever say it to his face{difficult to arrange I bet... you
know, Prof. Geary tried to get a few minutes of Sijo's time when they
were in Hawaii, to treat him to lunch and pay respects, but Sijo Gascon
was too busy to acknowldge that he had travelled all the way from
Nebraska to his neighborhood}. As a matter of fact, I know they won't. The
KGS BBS will be on tour for visits and seminars for 2006, the 'founder' is
invited to attend any of them if he wishes.
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Did you see the technique that Doc was commenting on? Do you know if it was a
technique that was developed and taught by Nick Cerio? Can you say for sure that those
3 seconds of movement by Prof. Geary were not junk??? Then why are you are blowing
this one comment about one technique so far out of context that it is almost funny?? And,
none of this was said BY Prof. Geary. Prof. Geary was demonstating some techniques
that represent our style, and Doc Chapel told him what he thought about it. Maybe to you
that would have been a slap in the face for Doc Chapel to tell you what you are doing is
not as good as it could be, but Prof. Geary's response (not hypothetical, his actual
response to the comment you are obsessing about) was to discuss ways to make it better.
I know what you mean't by the 'ostrich' comment but it just reminded me how
your instructor has his head in the sand when it comes to letting his students
compete outside his schools
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Some of us have taken part in some tournaments, and found them to be a pointless waste
of time. I can play tag with my little nephews any time I like. We find tournament style
sparring to be uselss in helping us develop in how we want to fight. I don't think this is a
unique position...
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4/26/2022, 1:19 AM