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Professional Assessment Exam (PAE) Requirements for Engineers

A registered Graduate Engineer is only eligible to sit for the Professional Assessment Examination
(PAE) after he has fulfilled the requirements of Regulation 22 of the Registration of Engineers
Regulations 1990 (Revised 2015) ie has obtained at three (3) years practical experience as prescribed
under Regulation 22, Registration of Engineers Regulation 1990 (Revised 2015).
PAE is divided into two (2) categories:
Graduate Engineer (GE) as prescribed under Section 10(1)(a) of the Registration of
Engineers Act, 1967 (Revised 2015).
Graduate Engineer who holds a professional qualification which the Board considers to
be equivalent to the PAE conducted by the Board or Route B.
(A) PAE (Graduate Engineer) will consist of:
1. Professional Assessment interview.
2. Write two (2) Essays (answer one out of two questions):
Section A : Related to the candidate's training and experience
Section B : Code of Ethics
3. Candidate will be given 1 ½ hours for each written paper.
(B) PAE (Route B)* will consist of assessment on Code of Professional Conduct based on the
Registration of Engineers Act, 1967 (Revised 2015) (REA)
*previously known as PAE (Route 3)
Requirements & Procedure:
Category (Graduate Engineer)
Category (Route B) (/documents/20181/176423/Explanatory+Notes++PAE+Route+3+%28Rev.pdf/)*previously known as PAE (Route 3)
Applications Forms:
Form PAE (/documents/20181/183211/Form+PAE+2020.pdf/)
Form/PAE/02 (for Graduate Engineer) (http://bem.org.my/documents/20181/77997/BEM-FormPAE-02+_Form+I_.pdf/)
( i ) Statement of Practical Experience at least 1-year practical experience in Malaysia
obtained after Graduate Engineer registration printed on company’s letterhead.
Please refer to SAMPLE 1( i ) as reference.
If NOT SUPERVISED by a Professional Engineer, please provide:
a) Letter of Practical Experience issued by Human Resource Department as in
SAMPLE 1 ( ii ) AND
b) Supporting Letter by a Professional Engineer (same branch) who endorsed the
working experience of the applicant as in SAMPLE 2.
( ii ) Endorsement must be done by a PE who has been registered with the Board not
less than 3 years.
Question on Ethics:
Category (Graduate Engineer) – 8 questions (http://bem.org.my/web/guest/question-on-ethics)
Category (Route B)*– Questions on Code of Professional Conduct based on REA will be distributed on
the day of assessment.
*previously known as PAE (Route 3)
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