Uploaded by Elsa Biswelan

General-Biology-2 Q4 W2 M2 Plants-and-Animals-Nutrition (2)

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Candon City, Ilocos Sur
Quarter 4 – Week 2 - Module 2:
Prepared by: Elsa B. Biswelan
Plants and Animals: Nutrition
1. Identify the nutritional requirements of plants and animals.
2. Describe the mode of nutrition of plants and the feeding mechanism of animals.
3. Compare and contrast the following processes in plants and animals: Nutrition
1. How do we identify the nutritional requirements of plants and animals?
2. How do we describe the mode of nutrition of plants and the feeding mechanism of
3. How do we compare the following processes in plants and animals: Nutrition?
As you know that all living organisms require food to survive, grow and reproduce so
every organism takes in food and utilizes the food constituents for its requirements of growth.
A series of processes are involved in the synthesis of food by breaking down the food into
simpler substances and utilization of these simpler substances for life processes.
Nutrition in plants may thus be defined as a process of synthesis of food, its breakdown,
and utilization for various functions in the body. Essential elements may be required in small
amounts or large amounts. Accordingly, they have been grouped into two categories.
Required in minute quantities like 0.1
mg per gram of dry
matter or less than that. Also called trace
Required in relatively large
quantities like one to 10
milligram per gram of dry
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Examples: Manganese, Boron, Cobalt, Copper,
Molybdenum, Iron, Zinc, and Chlorine are
required in very small quantities
Examples: Carbon, Hydrogen,
Oxygen Phosphorous, Potassium,
Calcium and magnesium, Nitrogen,
Essential elements perform various functions. They carry out several metabolic
processes in the plant cells like the maintenance of turgidity of the cell, transportation of
electrons, membrane permeability, and enzyme activity. Essential elements also act as
important constituents of the biomolecules and co-enzymes.
Most of the essential elements are taken from the soil and some from the atmosphere. The
table given below focuses on the sources of different essential elements for plants.
Sources of the elements
Taken as CO2 from the atmosphere (air)
Absorbed in the molecular form from the air or water. It is also
generated within a green plant during photosynthesis.
Released from water during photosynthesis in the green plant
by the plants as nitrate ion
(NO3 ) or as ammonium ion (NH4 ) from the soil.
Potassium, calcium
iron, phosphorus
Sulfur magnesium
Some organisms like bacteria and cyanobacteria can fix nitrogen from
the air directly.
Absorbed from the soil (are derived from the weathering of rocks.
They are called mineral elements).
Nutrition in plants is classified into two main categories: autotrophic and heterotrophic.
Heterotrophic plants are further classified into saprophytes, parasites, and insectivores.
Autotrophic Nutrition is a type of nutrition in which living organisms manufacture their
organic food from simple inorganic raw materials. The green plants exhibit an autotrophic
mode of nutrition and are hence called autotrophs. Autotrophs require an external energy
source for the manufacture of organic substances. Green plants obtain energy from sunlight
and therefore are called photoautotrophs. The process of synthesizing food in plants in the
presence of sunlight is called photosynthesis. The insectivores are autotrophic but they develop
specific structures to trap insects to overcome N2 deficiency because they grow in soils having
acute N2-deficiency.
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Heterotrophic nutrition is certain non-green organisms like fungi and many bacteria fail to
synthesize their organic nutrients from inorganic substances. These organisms are thus
dependent on some other external sources for their organic nutrition. Such plants are called
heterotrophic plants and the mode of nutrition is called heterotrophic nutrition.
The heterotrophic plants are broadly categorized into two main groups depending upon
the source from which they get their nourishment. Saprophytes, and parasites.
Saprophytes: are those plants that grow and live on dead organic matter including
animal and plant remains. Most of these plants secrete some extracellular enzymes
(enzymes secreted and poured out on food) which break down the complex organic
compounds into simple forms. The simple form is then absorbed by the plants.
Saprophytes include mainly fungi and bacteria.
Parasitic Plants: Dodder (Cuscuta) known locally as Amarbel/Akashbel is a parasitic
plant that lacks both chlorophyll and leaves. It is a yellow color climber that attaches
itself to the host. It gives out haustoria or the suckers that get attached to the phloem of
the host and derive nutrition. Cuscuta does not have roots in the mature condition. It
produces bunches of whitish or yellowish bell-shaped flowers.
Insectivorous Plants: These are plants that are autotrophic but develop adaptations to
trap insects to supplement the deficiency of Nitrogen in the soil. They feed on insects.
They are generally found in nitrogen-deficient habitats and hence to compensate for the
loss, they use insects as a source of nitrogen. Some examples are Pitcher plant:
Nepenthes, Sundew: Drosera, Venus flytrap: Dionaea, and Bladderwort: Utricularia.
The pitcher has nectar-producing glands below its rim. The shiny surface of the pitcher and
nectar secreted by nectar glands attract the insects. Insects once trapped cannot escape due to
the presence of numerous downward-pointing hairs in the pitcher. The digestive glands present
at the base of the pitcher secrete enzymes. The insects are digested by the enzymes and the
products which are mainly amino acids are absorbed by the inner surface of leaves (a pitcher).
Animal Nutrition
A calorie is a unit of energy that indicates how much energy is found in each amount of
food. It refers to the amount of heat energy needed to increase the temperature of one kilogram
(2.2 pounds(lbs.)) of water by one degree Celsius (1.8oF). The more calories in each amount
of food, the more amazing energy it contains.
Nutritional requirements of animals:
Carbohydrates – serve as a significant energy source for the cells in the body. These
are usually obtained from grains, cereals, bread, vegetables, and fruits. Carbohydrates
contain, on average, four calories per gram.
Proteins- can also be used as a source of energy, but the body primarily uses them as
building materials for cell structures, hormones, enzymes, bones, and muscle parts.
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Proteins are extracted from meat, poultry, fish, milk, and grain products. Like
carbohydrates, protein also contains four calories per gram.
Fats are used to produce steroid hormones, cell membranes, and other cell structures;
they are also used to insulate nervous tissue and act as a source of energy. Fats often
contain unique fat-soluble vitamins that are important for good health. Fats are derived
from oils, margarine, butter, fried foods, beef, and snack foods that are refined. They
produce higher energy per gram, about nine calories per gram.
Essential nutrients are compounds that can only be derived from animals because they cannot
be synthesized within the body but only from the foods they consume. These include:
Essential amino acids – The amino acids lysine, tryptophan, threonine, methionine,
phenylalanine, leucine, isoleucine, and valine are eight twenty amino acids that humans
cannot synthesize.
Essential fatty acids are used to make unusual membrane lipids; an example is a
linoleic acid in humans.
Vitamins – Vitamins A, D, E, and K, as well as water-soluble Vitamins B, B2, B3,
B12, and C, are organic molecules that are needed in small amounts for normal
Trace Elements or Minerals –Iodine, cobalt, copper, molybdenum, manganese, and
selenium are examples of inorganic nutrients that the body requires in minute quantities
found in hormones, and body tissues, and body fluids.
The mechanisms of digestion and absorption:
Carbohydrate digestion begins in the mouth but could not continue in the stomach due
to the acidic pH that destroys the amylase. It resumes in the small intestine where the
resulting monosaccharides are absorbed.
Proteins are digested in the stomach and small intestine. The resulting amino acids are
absorbed in the small intestine where they leave the intestinal cell and enter the blood
through a facilitated diffusion carrier in the plasma membranes on the opposite side.
Fat digestion occurs entirely in the small intestine. Although fatty acids and
monoglycerides enter epithelial cells from the intestinal lumen, it is triglycerides that
are released on the other side of the cell and carried by blood capillaries to be
transported throughout the body.
Most water-soluble vitamins are absorbed by diffusion or active transport. Fat-soluble
vitamins follow the pathway for fat absorption.
The different types of animals based on feeding mechanisms:
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Substrate-feeders – animals that live in or on their food source. Examples: earthworms
that feed through the soil where they live; caterpillars that eat through the leaves where
they live on.
Filter-feeders – include many aquatic animals which draw in water and strain small
organisms and food particles present in the medium. Examples: whales and
Fluid-feeders – suck fluids containing nutrients from a living host. Examples:
mosquitoes, leeches, head lice, aphids
Bulk-feeders – eat relatively large chunks of food and have adaptations like jaws, teeth,
tentacles, claws, pincers, etc. that help in securing the food and tearing it to pieces.
Examples: snakes, cats, man
The different kinds of digestive compartments in animals:
Food vacuoles in unicellular organisms – these fuse with lysosomes that contain
hydrolytic enzymes. Example: food vacuole in protozoa like Paramecium
The gastrovascular cavity or incomplete digestive system – is composed of a single
opening through which food is taken in and where wastes are disposed of; it is a saclike body cavity. Examples: in the cnidarian Hydra and flatworm Planaria
Complete digestive system – essentially like a tube with an opening at one end for
taking in food (mouth) and an opening at the other end where unabsorbed waste
materials are eliminated (anus). In between the mouth and anus, are specialized organs
that carry out transport, processing, and absorption of digested nutrients.
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Plant and Animals Nutrition-The comparison
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Plant nutrition can be differentiated from animal nutrition based on distinctive traits that
plants are autotrophic while animals are heterotrophic. Plants by themselves obtain their supply
of energy from the sun and absorb nutrients from the air and soil. In contrast, animals are
heterotrophic, that is, they are not capable of directly utilizing the radiant energy from the sun.
They must obtain their supply from plants in the form of chemical energy either directly or
indirectly. In both organisms, it is this food that serves as a source of energy (chemical energy)
that is required in life processes.
Activity 1
DIRECTIONS: Fill out the table by classifying each word from the box if it relates to plants
or animals. Write on a separate sheet of paper.
Autotrophic Chlorophyll
Bulk feeder
Fluid feeder
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Activity 2
DIRECTIONS: Fill in the table to see the similarities and differences between the
organs/structures used to obtain nutrients with their corresponding function.
Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
Organs/ Structures
used for Nutrition
Tiamson, M.E. (2016). General Biology (Philippine Edition). Vibal Group
Reece JB, Urry LA, Cain ML, Wasseman SA, Minorsky PV, and RB Jackson. Campbell
Biology. Tenth Edition. Boston, USA: Pearson Education, Inc. 1279p.
Starr C and R Taggart. 2004. BIOLOGY: The Unity and Diversity of Life. Tenth Edition.
Australia: Thomson – Brooks/Cole. 933p.
Barrion AA, Tudor MFVA, Colle MCD, Reamillo MCS, and MAP Robles. 2000. BIOLOGY
Laboratory Manual: An Investigative Approach.
Activity 2
Answers May Vary
fluid feeder
bulk feeder
Activity 1
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