Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REGIONAL OFFICE NO.VIII (EASTERN VISAYAS) SCHOOLS DIVISION OF CATBALOGAN CITY CATBALOGAN III DISTRICT EASTERN VISAYAS REGIONAL SCIENCE HIGH SCHOOL - INDIVIDUAL DAILY LOG AND ACCOMPLISHMENT REPO Distribution of worksheets to grade 8 students RT Name: JENNIFER C. VILLA Division: Schools Division of Catbalogan City Bureau/Service: Eastern Visayas Regional Science High School Date/s Covered: March 01 - 04, 2022 Alternative Work Arrangement Date and Actual Time logs Actual Accomplishments Physical Reporting 03/01/2022 Time-in: 9:03AM Time out: 5:10PM - Physical Reporting 03/02/2022 Time-in: 9:10AM Time out: 5:36PM - Physical Reporting 03/03/2022 Time-in: 8:36AM Time out: 6:03PM - Facilitated the Webinar on Creative Technology (Control Devices and IDE for specific Robotic Programs Physical Reporting 04/04/2022 Time-in: 8:20AM Time out: 5:10PM - Crafting of Work Week Plan Crafting of Learning Activity Sheets (printed/online) Updates of retrieved worksheets from grade 8 students Conduct of online class in ICT 7 Distribution of worksheets to grade 8 students Distribution of summative tests to all grade 7, 8 and 9 students Retrieval of LAS in ICT 7&8 Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REGIONAL OFFICE NO.VIII (EASTERN VISAYAS) SCHOOLS DIVISION OF CATBALOGAN CITY CATBALOGAN III DISTRICT EASTERN VISAYAS REGIONAL SCIENCE HIGH SCHOOL INDIVIDUAL DAILY LOG AND ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT Name: JENNIFER C. VILLA Division: Schools Division of Catbalogan City Bureau/Service: Eastern Visayas Regional Science High School Date/s Covered: March 07-11, 2022 Alternative Work Arrangement Physical Reporting Date and Actual Time logs Actual Accomplishments 03/07/2022 Time-in 8:35AM Time out: 5:27PM - Distribution and Retrieval of Worksheets to Grade 7 advisers (Printed/Online) - Conduct of online class ICT 8 Physical Reporting 03/08/2022 Time-in: 8:46AM Time out: 5:17PM - Crafting of Learning Activity Sheets (printed/online) Crafting of Work Week Plan Physical Reporting 03/09/2022 Time-in: 8:29AM Time out: 5:25PM - Conduct of online class in ICT 7 Physical Reporting 03/10/2022 Time-in: 9:00AM Time out: 5:12PM - Updates of retrieved worksheets from grade 8 and grade 9 students Crafting of Learning Activity Sheets (printed/online) Physical Reporting 03/11/2022 Time-in: 9:03AM Time out: 5:54PM - Distribution of worksheets to grade 8 students Distribution of summative tests to all grade 7&8students Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REGIONAL OFFICE NO.VIII (EASTERN VISAYAS) SCHOOLS DIVISION OF CATBALOGAN CITY CATBALOGAN III DISTRICT EASTERN VISAYAS REGIONAL SCIENCE HIGH SCHOOL INDIVIDUAL DAILY LOG AND ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT Name: JENNIFER C. VILLA Division: Schools Division of Catbalogan City Bureau/Service: Eastern Visayas Regional Science High School Date/s Covered: March 14-18, 2022 Alternative Work Arrangement Date and Actual Time logs Actual Accomplishments Physical Reporting 03/14/2022 Time-in 8:27AM Time out: 5:22PM - Distribution of Worksheets to Grade 7 advisers (Printed/Online) Distribution and Retrieval of Learning Activity Sheets and/or Worksheets Physical Reporting 03/15/2022 Time-in: 8:55AM Time out: 5:15PM - Crafting of Work Week Plan Crafting of Learning Activity Sheets (printed/online) Updates of retrieved worksheets from grade 8 Physical Reporting 03/16/2022 Time-in: 7:14AM Time out: 5:33PM - Continuation of crafting a Learning Activity Sheets (printed/online) Recorded grade sheets for 2nd quarter Physical Reporting 03/17/2022 Time-in: 8:36AM Time out: 5:10PM - Continued recording gradesheets Physical Reporting 03/18/2022 Time-in: 9:40AM Time out: 5:19PM - Distribution of worksheets to grade 8 and 10 students Retrieval of summative tests of all grade 8 and 10 students Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REGIONAL OFFICE NO.VIII (EASTERN VISAYAS) SCHOOLS DIVISION OF CATBALOGAN CITY CATBALOGAN III DISTRICT EASTERN VISAYAS REGIONAL SCIENCE HIGH SCHOOL INDIVIDUAL DAILY LOG AND ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT Name: JENNIFER C. VILLA Division: Schools Division of Catbalogan City Bureau/Service: Eastern Visayas Regional Science High School Date/s Covered: March 21 -25, 2022 Alternative Work Arrangement Date and Actual Time logs Actual Accomplishments Physical Reporting 03/21/2022 Time-in 7:59AM Time out: 5:14PM - Distribution of Worksheets to Grade 7 advisers (Printed/Online) Distribution and Retrieval of Learning Activity Sheets and/or Worksheets Physical Reporting 03/22/2022 Time-in: 7:55AM Time out: 5:48PM - Crafting of Work Week Plan Crafting of Learning Activity Sheets (printed/online) Physical Reporting 03/23/2022 Time-in: 8:09AM Time out: 5:10PM - Continuation of crafting a Learning Activity Sheets (printed/online) Physical Reporting 03/24/2022 Time-in: 7:59AM Time out: 5:29PM - Updates of retrieved worksheets from grade 7,8 & 9 students Physical Reporting 03/25/2022 Time-in: 8:56AM Time out: 5:33PM - Distribution of worksheets to grade 8 students Retrieval of summative tests of all grade 8 and 10 students Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REGIONAL OFFICE NO.VIII (EASTERN VISAYAS) SCHOOLS DIVISION OF CATBALOGAN CITY CATBALOGAN III DISTRICT EASTERN VISAYAS REGIONAL SCIENCE HIGH SCHOOL INDIVIDUAL DAILY LOG AND ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT Name: JENNIFER C. VILLA Division: Schools Division of Catbalogan City Bureau/Service: Eastern Visayas Regional Science High School Date/s Covered: March 28, 2022 Alternative Work Arrangement Date and Actual Time logs Actual Accomplishments Physical Reporting 03/28/2022 Time-in: 8:38AM Time out: 5:13PM Physical Reporting 03/29/2022 Time-in: Time out: Physical Reporting 03/30/2022 Time-in: 9:15AM Time out: 5:24PM - Crafting of Work Week Plan Crafting of Learning Activity Sheets (printed/online) Physical Reporting 03/31/2022 Time-in: 7:13AM Time out: 5:14PM - Distribution of worksheets to grade 7 & 8 students Retrieval of summative tests of grADE 9 Submitted by: - Distribution of Worksheets to Grade 7 advisers (Printed/Online) Distribution and Retrieval of Learning Activity Sheets and/or Worksheets DO NO. 16 S. 22 (ATTENDED CONVERGENCE MEETING) Approved by: JENNIFER C. VILLA Secondary School Teacher I ENGR.MA.DIANA L. POMIDA School Head