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Civil Defense & Emergency Preparedness: Safety Guide

• The main ways to protect the population from emergencies
• - warning the population about the danger, informing it! on the
procedure for actions in the current emergency conditions;
• - shelter of the population in protective structures
• - use of personal protective equipment
• - evacuation and dispersal of the population;
• - engineering protection of the population and territories;
• - radiation and chemical protection;
• - medical protection;
• - ensuring fire safety;
• - training of the population in the field of civil defense and protection
from emergencies and others.
• The main tasks in the field of civil defense of the
object of the economy are:
• - training of personnel in methods of protection against
hazards arising from
• emergencies of a natural and man-made nature, as
well as in the conduct of
• military actions or as a result of these actions;
• - notification of the personnel of the facility and the
population near it about the dangers arising from
natural and man-made emergencies, as well as during
the conduct of hostilities or as a result of these actions;
• - evacuation of personnel, material assets to safe
• - providing personnel with shelters and personal
protective equipment;
• Protection of the population is relevant in
the field of national security of the
Republic of Azerbaijan, guaranteeing the
protection of the vital interests of the
individual, society and the state from
external and internal threats.
• In this regard, the issues of Civil Defense
in the Higher Educational Institutions of
the country, the study of the discipline Life
Safety in the system of vocational and
secondary education remain relevant and
mandatory for the formation of knowledge,
skills and abilities that ensure one's own
safety when operating in dangerous
emergency situations.
• Organizations have civil defense workers who carry out:
• a) planning and conducting civil defense activities;
• b) creation and maintenance in a state of constant readiness for
• local warning and communication systems;
• c) training of the personnel of the economic facility in ways of
protection against hazards in
• conditions of emergency situations of natural and man-made
nature, as well as during
• the conduct of hostilities or as a result of these acts;
• d) creation and maintenance in order to eliminate the
consequences of emergency situations
• at the facility stocks of material and technical, medical, fire-fighting
and other
• funds;
• Feeling tremors or receiving an alert from the
on-duty and dispatching service of the civil
defense of the facility, people must act in
accordance with the information and
recommendations received. In seismically
hazardous areas of the Republic of
Azerbaijan, such recommendations in the
form of instructions for action should be at
every workplace.
• Having received a signal about an
earthquake, it is necessary to leave the
building as soon as possible, and if this was
not possible, stand in the door or window
openings. Being indoors, it is necessary to
be wary of falling plaster, all kinds of fittings,
shelves with tools and more.
• During a flood. During a flood, timely warning
and informing the population and facility
personnel are of great importance so that they
can take appropriate protective measures in a
timely manner.
• The most reliable way to protect against
flooding is an emergency evacuation from the
flooded area to a safe area, while it is
necessary to de-energize electrical appliances
in the apartment and at the workplace, turn off
the gas, water supply, prepare the object’s
existing floating facilities or improvised ones
(logs, boards, car cameras, empty barrels) .
• The evacuation of personnel should take place
in accordance with the civil defense plan,
which should include measures in case of
• Hurricanes, tornadoes,
typhoons, black storms arise
unexpectedly. Mankind still
does not have the tools to
detect their occurrence. They
cause enormous damage to
the economy, capturing vast
areas of the territory. Defense
against their destructive
power is difficult. Formations
of civil defense objects of the
economy must always be
ready to eliminate the
consequences of these
natural disasters.
• In case of accidents at radioactive hazardous
facilities, it is necessary to notify and inform the
population living nearby and the personnel of the
economic facility. From the command post of the
local communication center (alert) of civil defense,
the head (chairman of the emergency situations
commission) must inform the personnel about the
measures that need to be taken in order to reduce
the degree of radioactive contamination of the
premises of the facility, reduce the impact on
• These protective measures may include:
• - suspension of the operation of the facility and the
occupation of engineering structures by
• equipped with filtering units;
• - carrying out sealing of workplaces and other
places (windows, doors);
• - conducting emergency iodine prophylaxis for the
personnel of the facility and various measures
provided for by the action plan.
• Protection of the personnel of the economic
facility in case of accidents at chemically
hazardous facilities consists of:
• - in the rapid notification and informing the
population and personnel living nearby about
the accident and the actions that need to be
taken to reduce the degree of damage;
• - suspend work, instruct staff on further
actions, hide workers in shelters with FVA;
• - issue gas masks and other personal
protective equipment;
• - start manufacturing the simplest means of
individual respiratory protection;
• - to bring non-standard emergency rescue
formations of civil defense into readiness for
• - organize chemical surveillance and
reconnaissance on the territory of the facility.
• The most difficult thing is to defend against the
damaging factors of a nuclear explosion.
Notification and information to personnel about the
start of the use of nuclear weapons gives them
time to:
• timely occupation of engineering structures and
other shelters (, ugouts, blocked slots, trenches).
• For different categories of the population certain
regimes of radiation protection are intended.
• These modes are:
• 1-3 mode - for the non-working population;
• 4-7 mode - for workers and employees of the
object of the economy;
• 8 mode - for the personnel of non-military civil
defense formations. 2nd study question.
Protective structures of the Civil Defense.
Personal and medical protective equipment
• Shelters are characterized by the presence of solid walls,
ceilings and doors, equipped with filter-ventilation units (sets).
• All this allows protection against overpressure and impulse of
the compression phase of the shock wave of a nuclear
explosion, attenuation of penetrating radiation (1000 times),
allows the facility personnel to stay inside the facility without
personal protective equipment for 2 days.
• The capacity of the shelter is determined by the sum of the
places for sitting and lying (second and third tiers):
• - small - up to 600 people;
• - medium - from 600 to 2000 people;
• - large - over 2 thousand people.
• Special filtering equipment includes:
• filtering unit, air intake and protective device, means of
sealing inlets and outlets.
• With the help of filter-ventilation units (sets), air exchange is
carried out, due to which the composition of the air in the
shelter is updated. The air is preliminarily cleaned of dust,
radioactive, poisonous substances and biological agents.