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Research Methodology: Facilities Management & Learning Outcomes

This chapter comprises the procedures and the methodology that were used for this
research work. It includes the research design, population of the study, sample and
sampling techniques, instrument for data collection, validity of the instrument,
reliability of the instrument, administration of the instrument and the method of data
Research Design
This study adopted descriptive research design which attempts to study the current
status of the relationship between facilities management practices and learning
outcome of Business studies students in public junior secondary schools in Ojo Local
Government of Lagos State. The descriptive survey is a method of collecting
information by interviewing or administering questionnaires to a sample of individuals
(Orodho, 2013). It can be used when collecting information about people’s attitudes,
opinions, habits or any of the variety of educational or social issues (Orodho and
Kombo, 2012). This design will be employed because it is out to gather information
already existing among the population under study. Moreover, adopting, the descriptive
survey will help the researcher to gather data from the respondents.
Population of the Study
The targeted population for this study consisted of all the teachers and students of the
twenty one (21) public junior secondary schools in Ojo Local Government of Lagos
State (Adeoye, 2020).
Sample and Sampling Techniques
Since it is impossible for the researcher to study the entire population, the researcher
adopted simple random sampling techniques for this study, while the sample size was
randomly selected from the population. Thus, five junior secondary schools were used
for the study and in each of the randomly selected five schools, the principal of the
junior secondary schools and twenty teachers were randomly selected as respondents.
The selected junior secondary schools are all in Ojo Local Government of Lagos State.
Hence, one hundred and ten respondents formed the sample of the study.
Research Instrument
The data for the study was collected using a questionnaire designed and developed by
the researcher. The questionnaires were designed to solicit the opinions of the
respondents on the research study. The primary and secondary sources of data were
employed. One way through which primary data is sourced is through responses to the
questionnaire. The questionnaire was made up of three sections. Section A is the
introduction of the researcher and his objective. Section B relates to the personal
information of the respondents. Section C comprises of 20 questions to measure the
relationship between facilities management practices and learning outcome of Business
studies students in public junior secondary schools in Ojo Local Government of Lagos
Validity of the Instrument
The validation of the instrument was carried out through face validation. The
instrument (questionnaire) will be validated by the project supervisor to confirm the
validity of the questionnaire. The initial draft of the instrument will be given to the
supervisor to check how adequate the items are, the weighting of the respondents, the
suitability of the rating scale and the language used. The corrections and suggestions of
this expert will be incorporated into the final instrument that was administered to the
Reliability of the Instrument
The reliability of the instrument will be established using Cronbach Alpha Reliability
Coefficient and was derived at 0.05 significant level to identify how reliable each item is
in yielding result.
Method of Data Collection
The researcher administered the questionnaire personally to the respondents in the
sample schools in each of the five (5) randomly selected schools. Explanations were
made where necessary for proper clarifications and understanding of the instrument
and effort were made to collect them back on the same day.
Method of Data Analysis
Descriptive was adopted for this study. In analyzing the data collected, the research
makes use of a simple percentage to analyse the bio-data of respondents and
correlation statistical tool was used to analyse their responses to the items in the