MIS 7620 Spring 2022 Assignment 1 MIS 7620: Business Machine Learning I Fall 2021 ASSIGNMENT 1 (A) Submission Instructions: Create a Tableau project for each part and complete the project by following the instructions/requirements provided below. In a separate Word document, for each underlined part of the question, answer the question and provide a screen shot of the completed chart/dashboard (including any filters) from which you obtained your answers. Export each Tableau project as a Packaged Workbook and upload the packaged workbook for each part AND the Word document to the Assignment 1 dropbox on eCourseware. Academic Integrity Expectations: Submit your own work. Seek help or clarification for this assignment through the Assignment 1 Questions discussion topic or by contacting me directly. Part A (10 points) Description of the Data: This part of the assignment uses two data sets “NEA-GRANTS.xlsx” and “state-census.xlsx”. “NEAGRANTS.xlsx” contains state-level information regarding National Endowment for the Arts grants. “state-census.xlsx” contains census information for the year 2010 and estimates for the year 2016. Tasks to Complete: 1. Import the NEA-GRANTS.xlsx spreadsheet. Then, import the state-census.xlsx spreadsheet. Use a left join to join NEA-GRANTS to state-census. A left join with NEA-GRANTS to state-census data ensures you will import all of the data from NEA-GRANTS and include the state census data where the state field matches. 2. Construct a bar chart indicating the total amount of grants provided by grant organization (Grantee Name). Amount should be displayed as currency with no decimal places. Name this worksheet ‘Bar Chart Grantee Amount’. Based on the bar chart you constructed, which grantee received the largest amount of grant? 3. Construct a line chart indicating the total amount of grants provided in each fiscal year. Name this worksheet ‘Line Chart Grantee Year’. Based on the line chart you constructed, which fiscal year had the least amount of grant? Is there a trend in the total amount of grants over the years? MIS 7620 Spring 2022 Assignment 1 Part B (10 points) Description of the Data: This part of the assignment uses a data set associated with a hotel chain, “Hotel.xlsx”. Please review and understand the data before proceeding with the following tasks. Tasks to Complete: 1. The senior executives of the company has requested that IT provide a report of the net revenue against the annual goal (Hint: on Analytics pane, add reference line per cell based on the sum of goal) by region for the entire organization in 2018. They would also like the ability to select one or more regions and see the net revenue against the annual goal for all the properties in the selected region(s) in 2018. (2 points) 2. The CFO has requested to see the trend over time in terms of the company’s key financial measures (gross revenue, expenses, net revenue). He would like to see this over a two-year period by quarter. (2 points) 3. Create a calculated field named ‘goal completion rate’ (net revenue/goal). The CEO would like to see the completion rate for each product and region. He would also like to have the ability to quickly identify the product and the region that did not achieve the goal in 2018. (2 points) 4. The senior executives would like to know the profit ratio and revenue of all products. Create a treemap (size of the rectangle is based on the revenue generated by each product; color of the rectangle is based on the profit ratio of each product). Hint: Profit ratio = net revenue/gross revenue. Besides presenting such information for the entire company, please also provide the senior executives with the ability to select one specific region or all regions. (2 points) 5. The Chief Marketing Officer would like to see the company’s revenue generated by each customer category (side by side comparison of year 2017 and year 2018). Provide the category and percent of total revenue in the labels of the pie chart. (2 points) MIS 7620 Spring 2022 Assignment 1 Extra Credit: Part C (2 points) – Optional Dataset “Household Income Distribution by State.xlsx” contains data about income distribution information in each state from 2009 to 2016. 1. Create one worksheet that shows an animation of how the income distribution (all income levels or a particular income level) in each state has changed over time. 2. Create another worksheet that presents the income distribution on a map. It should also give the user the ability to filter by state and by year. Provide appropriate labels if necessary.