Uploaded by Nikhil Ekambaram

Odyssey of the Mind Script-3

Beginning of Script
Backstory 1945
Narrator-- Finally, after all these years the world’s biggest
threat, the virus Gibberish has been imprisoned in 1945. It
affected the way people communicated. Here is footage from
London when the Virus was on the rise.
Mrs. Lockton: Mys fa fah wow let me eat the fet of a pauper
bracero Hoka and I dodatimesthefa
Mr. Lockton: What are you saying, Marie?
Mrs. Lockton: carpetos eats tomatosseti bubububu, you wantis
Mr. Lockton: Please, Marie. How can I help you if I don’t
understand what you are saying?
Narrator: The Virus was temporarily wiped out but rumors are
swirling that the virus may return… and this is Rosie Bandel for
XYZ News.
A sign that reads “Present-day 2020”
Cameron: Hi Jesse, how was your break?
Jesse: It was so fun. Cameron, look at this pic I am about to text
you. I took it at Mammoth during winter break.
Jesse sends a picture of Mammoth.
Network components: I’m the cable that allows the signal to be
sent through to the router.
During transmission, the Virus appears to stop the picture
from being sent.
Jesse: Huh! I think my phone has a virus! (phone glitches) Mom
can you come here,- something’s wrong with my phone.
Cameron: hey I’ll come over so we can play games!
Jesse: Ok cool. See you soon.
Phones hang up. Mom comes into Jesse’s room.
Mom: Jesse, were you looking for me? I’ll help later because I
need to go make dinner
Jesse yelling: Mom, please! Cameron will be here any minute
and she will want to play Roblox.
(Cameron walks in)
Cameron: Hi Mrs. K. Jesse! Do you want to play Roblox?
Jesse: I can’t because my phone is glitchy. My Mammoth pic
didn’t go through.
Cameron: Well when you’re done fixing it, let’s play Bloxburg
Jesse: Please wait for me. I know that you’re going to build our
Bloxburg house without me…
Cameron: Sorry, I’ll just go home. We had a good run.
Jesse: Cameron!
Cameron: What?! I’ll play Roblox when I want to!
*Cameron leaves*
*Jesse runs to his mom*
Jesse: Great, mom you made me lose a friend
Mom: Stop complaining
*Mom puts an arm around Jesse*
Mom: This is a lesson in life. You can’t always be on your
Jesse: ok boomer
*Mom walks backstage*
*Jesse goes to crie into his pillow*
Jesse: I just choose to make technology a part of my life
Narrator: A few moments later Jesse is confronted by
Virus comes out
Virus: Da da daaaaaaaaaa
After 75 years...I sprout out from awakening...I shall suck
Jesse: like a vampire?
Virus: What!? No! just let me finish! (the virus is annoyed)
Virus moves to Jesse
Jesse: Ahh *jumps back* What are you?!
Callie and Maddy come out to play instruments and sing along
with virus
Virus: (clears throat)Music)dada da. ​After 75 years I sprout up
from awakening like a plant. I’m evil, I’m vicious and creepy. You
can’t come at me because I’m Gibberish. Da da da da da boom
boom. ​I have infected over 40 percent of thE population. People
thought I was gone until I came back. …....And I’m here to
Virus goes backstage
Jesse yells for mom again: Mom there is something here
Mom walks out
Mom: It’s just another one of those silverfish
Jesse: No there's a virus
Mom: on your phone
Jesse: It’s moving like a person
*Mom stays silent*
Mom whispers: Jesse, Come here
*Mom and Jesse walk to corner*
Jesse: do you know about the virus Gibberish?
Mom: When your great-grandfather was once in a forest during
the war, he stayed in the woods. Boom! He was infected. The
virus made him lose the ability to speak. We thought the virus
was wiped out!
Virus appears in front of mom and Jesse
Mom: RUN Jesse! I can defeat him myself
*Mom gets ready*
Mom: Run and hide!
Virus: I returned to the world so I can infect billions instead of
millions! Bwah haha!
*Virus searches basement*
Mom ): Honey stay down here- we need to call the police right
Jesse: What about Dad?
Mom: Dad is in a meeting
Jesse: But Mom
Mom: Dad is fine, right now we need to worry about ourselves
Jesse: This is more important than a meeting!
*Virus hides backstage*
Jesse pauses: I think he’s gone
Virus comes back out: Boo! Haha!
Mom & Jesse: Ahhhh!
Mom: Run to the computer. Email dad to come home and tell
him what’s going on!
Jesse: I can’t leave you here
Mom: Run!! I don’t want you to get hurt
Jesse runs to the computer to email dad.
Jesse sends an email that says: ​“Dad we need you to come
home. We are in danger! There is a virus that has infected
your grandfather and it is attacking us.”
During email being sent through, pop-up ad appears and slows
down email being sentPop up Ad- Be a Vsco girl. Save the turtles Sk Sk Sk Sk Sk Sk
and I oop!!!
Jesse looking at computer with pop up ad
Jesse: Ugh! Not now.
*Pop up ad goes away
Network Components during the second part of transmission:
I’m the modem that connects to the internet.
Network Components during third part of transmission:
I’m the router and I decide the best path for the message to get
sent through.
Narrator: 5 minutes later dad comes home
*Dad storms in*
Dad: I will kill the virus
Jesse: How are we gonna do that?
Dad: I am going to do that, not you, son. I know how to stop the
virus once and for all. Jesse, I need some wires, paper, a USB,
and bubble gum
Jesse: Why bubble gum?
Dad: oh, I just like to chew on gum when I’m nervous
Jesse: Ok Dad, coming right up
*Jesse goes to a drawer and gets Dad the stuff*
Jesse: here ya go, dad. What are the paper and wires for?
Jesse makes a paper airplane with the paper- while dad answers
the question
Dad: the wires and paper are what destroys the virus. Okay time
to use the USB to place in the device and this is where the virus
will be sucked up for eternity
*Mom comes out and starts moaning in pain.
Dad: Shannon!
Mom: I have been bitten!
Dad: NOOO​!
Virus jumps out: Nathanial it’s a surprise to see you. YOU look as
scared as your dad was when I infected him in the forest all those
years ago
Dad: it was my grandpa you idiot- Get ready to be defeated once
and for all
Jesse: dad be careful!
Virus: yeah dad listen to your tiny son. Ha!
*Virus tries to bite dad*
*Dad throws paper airplane and the virus gets sucked into the
Dad: Finally- Gibberish has been captured for eternity!
Mom: my bite hurts a lot but I think I’ll be okay
Dad: phew, let’s get you a bandaid. Jesse, go unplug the USB
from the device- all communication should go through now.
Jesse unplugs the USB and then goes to check the phone.
Picture of Mammoth gets sent through.
Cameron sends a text message to Jesse:​ I’m sorry Jesse, it
was rude of me to only think about myself and storm out
of your house. I promise I will never do anything without
Jesse calls Cameron: I got your message, Cameron. I have a
crazy story to tell you when I see you next...
Everyone- Time
End of Script