Inverse Operations Opperations that undo eachother Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Squaring Square Rooting Recognizing addition and Subtraction Recognizing multiplication and division Recognizing squaring and square rooting Inverse of a Quadratic Function is a Square Root Function Li ne of Re f(x f )= lec x tio n It is hard to visulaize but the red function was fliped over the blue line to create the green inverse. Function Inverse of Function Notice the points are switched, this means the domain and range has switched. Linear Functions Quadratic Functions In order to r emove the square by square rooting the part being squared mu st be alone on on e side. Square Root Functions In order to remove the square root by squaring, it must be alone on one side first The equations changes but the steps to do not. Use the right inverse opperations to rearange the equations where y is on one side. Inverse of Exponintial Equations This is a new function it is called Logarithmic function or just log for short. as s e l u R Same se r e v n i r all othe st u j , s n o i equat erse v n i t e r diffe ns. o i t a r e p o The log is used when we have an x in the exponent (aka exponential) in order to remove it. Like square rooting is the inverse of squaring, then the inverse of exponential is logarithmic.