Uploaded by Anh thu Nguyen

300 từ vựng toeic

1. Be close to Ving = be about to V: S!p s"a, chu#n b$ làm gì.
2.! As a whole: toàn b%.
3.! Contribute/sponsor/support/help : &óng góp/ h' tr(/h' tr(/giúp )*.
4.! Renerous/appreciate/exceptional : Hào phóng/c+m kích/),c bi-t.
5.! Housing development : S. phát tri/n nhà 0
6.! Move quickly : Di chuy/n nhanh chóng.
7.! Routine tasks/inspection : Nh1ng nhi-m v2/thói quen/ ki/m tra h3ng ngày.
8.! Conduct/survey : Ti4n hành/ cu%c kh+o sát.
9.! Most likely = very likely = most probably : Có th/ / có kh+ n5ng.
10.! Record/ hours/samples/expeneses/oders : ghi l6i/ gi7/m8u/chi phí/)9n ),t hàng.
11.! Postpone until + tr6ng t: ch; th7i gian: Trì hoãn cho )4n t<n.
12.! Throughout + the + years/ months/days/countryside/world/conferen/district/ceremony:
Xuyên su=t/ n5m tháng/ ngày/ mi>n quê/ th4 gi?i/h%i ngh$ /qu<n/l@ kA ni-m.
13.! Be aware of/that: Am hi/u v>/ r3ng.
14.! Beeligible/responsible/qualified/considered for/ to V: Thích h(p/ch$u trách nhi-m/ tiêu chu#n/cân
nhBc xem xét cho.
15.! Considering (prep) : Cho r3ng / xem xét kC.
16.! Concerning = regarding (prep) Liên quan )4n/ v> vi-c gì.
17.! Given (prep): Given that + clause : D.a vào/ b0i vì.
18.! Take precaution/ advantage of : Bi-n pháp phòng ng:a/t<n d2ng.
19.! Besides + N/N.Phrase : Bên c6nh, ngoài ra.
20.! Matters/items = goods = merchandise/belongings/personal: VBn )>/ m,t hàng/ hành lD cá nhân.
21.! Hire = recuirt = employ/ more addition person : Thuê thêm ngE7i.
22.! Pland/prepared/take/fail/choose/option/ready/Obligation to V : K4 ho6ch/ chu#n b$/ th.c hi-n/
thBt b6i/ chFn / l.a chFn/ sGn sàng/ b!t bu%c làm gì.
23.! Promise/ Mean/ Precaution/ Wish/ Willing/Seek / Afford to V : HHa hIn, nghJa v2/ phòng
ng:a/tránh/mu=n/sGn sàng/ tìm ki4m/ kh+ n5ng làm gì.
24.! Help (V/sb/sth) to V : Giúp )* (làm gì/ai )ó/ cái gì) )/ làm gì.
25.! At no additional/ extra charge/cost = at no cost/ at a low cost: Không tính thêm phí/ phí thBp.
26.! There are/is = there remain/ exists : V8n còn.
27.! Interested in : Quan tâm )4n.
28.! Completely/ absolutely free of charge = complimentary = free : Hoàn toàn mi@n phí.
29.! Charge/expenses/Shippping/handling/living : Chi phí/phí/v<n chuy/n/x" lD/sinh ho6t.
30.! Efforts/growth/considerable/significant/sustainable : NK l.c/t5ng trE0ng/)áng k/.
31.! To ease congestion: Gi+m t!c nghLn giao thông.
32.! Invalidate = cancellation : HMy bN
33.! Sale/price/ market/ profit/ condition/ rate : Doanh thu/ giá/th$ trE7ng/l(i nhu<n/)i>u ki-n/tA l34.! Rise/fall/ Decline = Decrease/ (un) reasonable = affordable/favorable/ competitive/ discount/
target : T5ng/ gi+m/ giá rO/ không thu<n l(i/ c6nh tranh/ gi+m giá/ m2c tiêu.
35.! Attached s.th for : &ính kèm cái gì cho
36.! Used to V : )ã t:ng
37.! Be/get/used to + Ving : Quen v?i.
38.! Be subject / dedicate to s.th : Ph+i ch$u/t<n tâm, c=ng hi4n cái gì.
39.! In advance/ago/before/by/by the time/ prior to : TrE?c.
40.! Minor/ incidental: NhN/ không )áng k/.
41.! Transaction/ fail/ improper : Giao d$ch / không thành công/ không phù h(p.
42.! It looks like : Có vO nhE.
43.! Require/ Request/ ask / advice (sb) to V : Yêu cPu/khuyên ai )ó làm gì.
44.! Please + V : vui lòng làm gì.
45.! Pleased to V : Hài lòng, vui lòng làm gì.
46.! Until further notice : Cho )4n khi có thông báo thêm.
47.! Among N were.. : Trong s= sth có..
48.! Protect O against/ from : B+o v-..
49.! Prolong/ life/ equipment : Kéo dài tuKi thF / thi4t b$.
50.! Even if…..still : Ngay c+ khi ….v8n.
51.! Information from / about : Thông tin t:/ v>.
52.! Expose/ Oppose ….to : L% ra, ph9i bày ra/ ph+n )=i
53.! Familiarize yourself/sb with : Quen v?i.
54.! Discussion on/about/ of : Th+o lu<n.
55.! A (an) summary/ copy/ list/ source/ variety/ series/ array/act/ blend of : tóm t!t/sao chép/danh
sách/ nguQn/)a d6ng/ lo6t/ dàn hàng,danh sách/hành )%ng/pha tr%n.
56.! Nature/ place / confidential/secure : Tính chBt/ n9i/ bí m<t/ an toàn.
57.! Sensitive client information : Thông tin nh6y c+m khách hàng.
58.! Structured/regarded/ trainable/ rated + highly : cBu trúc/)ánh giá/có th/ )ào t6o/bình chFn cao.
59.! In an effort to V : Trong c= g!ng nK l.c )/ làm gì.
60.! To the point : &i thRng vào vBn )>.
61.! As anticipated/ expected/ resquested (V3/ed): D. )oán/d. ki4n/ yêu cPu.
62.! Undergo/ renovation/ maintenance work : Tr+i qua/)Ki m?i,s"a ch1a/b+o trì công vi-c.
63.! Subtantial = significant = considerable : m%t cách )áng k/.
64.! Result in : do b0i / nguyên nhân b0i.
65.! Result from : k4t qu+ t:
66.! Customer/ client satisfication : s. hài lòng khách hàng.
67.! Issue / magazine/journal : Phát hành, s= ra/ t6p chí.
68.! Subscriber/subscription/ contract : ngE7i ),t mua dài h6n/s. ),t mua/ h(p )Qng.
69.! Renew : Gia h6n, )Ki m?i.
70.! Located / conveniently / perfectly / ideally : V$ trí, n3m t6i/ti-n l(i/hoàn h+o/lD tE0ng.
71.! Get out of/ available to: H4t, mBt/ có sGn.
72.! A later time/ at all times/ later this time : M%t th7i gian sau/ mFi lúc/ sau )ó
73.! Like sb to V : Thích / mu=n ai )ó làm gì
74.! Be highly recommend practice : Thói quen )E(c )ánh giá cao.
75.! Relationship/ consent / mutual : M=i quan h-/ l8n nhau.
76.! Consideration for : Cân nhBc, xem xét cho
77.! Knowledge /directory /comprehensive : Ki4n thHc/ danh b6/ toàn di-n
78.! A list of + N(s= nhi>u) : Danh sách cMa.
79.! Effective technique : KC thu<t hi-u qu+.
80.! Skilled technician : KC sE có kinh nghi-m.
81.! Make money : ki4m ti>n
82.! Improve on/upon sth : C+i thi-n.
83.! Under tight deadline pressure : DE?i áp l.c h6n chót.
84.! Under consideration : &ang xem xét cân nhBc.
85.! Under any circumstance : DE?i bBt kS hoàn c+nh nào.
86.! Under supervision: DE?i s. ki/m soát.
87.! Under the insurance policy : DE?c các chính sách b+o hi/m.
88.! Under guarantee: DE?i s. )+m b+o.
89.! Upon request : Theo yêu cPu.
90.! Schedule / appointment : L$ch trình / cu%c hIn g,p.
91.! Hesitant / share/ please : Ng6i ngùng , do d. / chia sL.
92.! To be honor sb for s.th : Vinh danh ai )ó cho cái gì
93.! Participated in/take part in/ engage in/ involve in/ be present at / join in / enter/ attend.
94.! In retail sale/ on sale growth : Doanh s= bán lO/ t5ng trE0ng doanh s=
95.! Forward s.th to sb/s.th : Chuy/n ti4p cái gì )4n cái gì/ cho ai
96.! Intend (for/to) : có D mu=n cho
97.! Particularly in = especially : &,c bi-t.
98.! Equal to : TE9ng )E9ng v?i.
99.! To take (st) into account = take account of sth = consider : Xem xét cân nhBc vi-c gì
100.! Warranty/ limit : B+o hành/ gi?i h6n.
101.! Date/ refund: Ngày/ hoàn tr+ ti>n.
102.! Receipt: Hóa )9n.
103.! Reserve the right to V : Có quy>n làm gì.
104.! Enclosed = attached : &ính kèm, g!n kèm.
(enclosed 0 )Pu câu luôn 0 d6ng b$ )%ng)
105.! Expected/ supposed to V : Mong )(i/ mong ch7 làm gì.
106.! Come to a halt = Stop : D:ng l6i
107.! Come to someone’s attention : S. chú D cMa ai )ó.
108.! Reserve s.th for sb/s.th : &,t trE?c cho.
109.! Especially considering / prefered : Cân nhBc ),c bi-t/ thích h9n.
110.! Dedicate s.th to : C=ng hi4n
111.! Declinging sales : S. gi+m doanh thu.
112.! And would/ and then : Và sL/ và sau )ó
113.! Range from : Ph6m vi t:
114.! Retirement party : B1a ti-c ngh; hEu.
115.! Side of : Khía c6nh, bên c6nh.
116.! Suit/fit/meet/customize/accommodate + need: Phù h(p/)áp Hng/tùy ch;nh/)áp Hng nhu cPu
117.! Effects of : Tnh hE0ng cMa
118.! Waive (sb/sth) right to V/s.th for: T: bN quy>n l(i cMa ai )ó.
119.! Controversy new book professional agricultural advisors: Cu=n sách m?i gây tranh cãi Chuyên
gia nông nghi-p chuyên nghi-p.
120.! More room for : V8n còn kh+ n5ng
121.! Notify of/about: Thông báo v>/cMa
122.! To reach at/by s.th : V?i t?i thH j )ó.
123.! To arrive at somewhere : &4n n9i nào )ó
124.! Employment/ job/ Openings/ job vacancies : vi-c làm/c9 h%i/ v$ trí tr=ng
125.! On sale/ for sale : Gi+m giá/ )/ bán
126.! Indicate/ apparent/ fact/ reminder/ confirm that : Ch; ra/rõ ràng/th.c t4/nh!c nh0/xác nh<n r3ng
127.! (be) noted / advised that: Chú D/ khuyên
128.! As anticipated/ expected/ requested (V3/ed) : D. )oán/ d. ki4n/ yêu cPu
129.! Enable (sb/s.th) to V : Có kh+ n5ng cho ai )ó/ cái gì làm gì
130.! A relatively/ comparatively small number of + N(s= nhi>u) : M%t lE(ng tE9ng )=i nhN
131.! Estimate/permission written : B+n E?c tính, báo giá cho phép vi4t b3ng tay.
132.! Appreciative of s.th : &ánh giá cao.
133.! Superior to s.th : Eu vi-t h9n
134.! Be fairly common for : Khá phK bi4n.
135.! In conjunction/ compliance/ contend/ keeping with : K4t h(p/ tuân thM/ tranh chBp/ hòa h(p.
136.! Spend s.th (on) Ving s.th : Chi tiêu cho vi-c gì
137.! Provide with : cung cBp v?i
138.! In order for / Both of + sb (Tân Ng1) : &/ cho
139.! Suggest Ving /that S+V (nguyên th/) : G(i D
140.! Turn sb attention toward /to s.th/Ving s.th : Chuy/n s" chú D cMa ai )ó sang cái gì
141.! Optimisti about : L6c quan v>
142.! Talk /respond/ rely to : Ph+n hQi/ tr+ l7i
143.! Concern about/over/with : lo ng6i v> / trên /v?i
144.! Inquire about/ into s.th : Yêu cPu, câu hNi
145.! Apply s.th to : áp d2ng cái gì )4n cái gì
146.! Put on : &Ea vào.
147.! Aircarft manufacture : S+n xuBt )%ng c9
148.! Priority to / for : Eu tiên.
149.! Dress code compliant : Nguyên t!c 5n m,c.
150.! Adapt to : Thích nghi v?i
151.! Comment on : Bình Lu<n
152.! Goverment regulations : Quy )$nh chính phM.
153.! Employment agency : &6i lD vi-c làm
154.! Enrollment fee : Phí )5ng kD.
155.! Except for/ to : Ngo6i tr:
156.! Proceeding/ consecutive/ following : trE?c )ây, liên t2c, sau.
157.! In keeping with = obey = abide by = adhere to = comply with : Tuân thM.
158.! Invite sb to V : M7i ai )ó làm gì
159.! To V, please V, Let’s V : &/ / làm 9n/ cho phép.
160.! Receptive to s.th : D@ ti4p thu, nh<n thHc.
161.! Priority (to/for) : Eu tiên.
162.! In stock : Có sGn.
163.! To do either of these : 1 trong 2.
164.! Count to / up to : Tính toán/ lên )4n
165.! Devise s.th : S"a l6i.
166.! The vicinity of the city : Vùng lân c<n
167.! An affordable rate : tA l- giá
168.! Rank among : H6ng lo6i.
169.! Encourage sb to V : Khuy4n khích, )%ng viên ai )ó làm gì
170.! Be open to : M0 r%ng / sGn sàng
171.! Business use : S" d2ng kinh doanh.
172.! All or part of/ as part of : NhE là m%t phPn.
173.! Capacity/ approximately/ exceed/ Over/ Up to/ nearly/ atleast : SHc chHa/xBp x;, kho+ng/vE(t
quá/ trên/ lên )4n/ gPn/ ít nhBt + liên quan )4n Number.
174.! Paperwork/ information / related to : SK sách/ giBy t7/thông tin/ liên quan )4n.
175.! Would prefer to V : Thích làm gì.
176.! Had better = should V : Nên làm gì.
177.! Account for = explain : Gi+i thích.
178.! (un) certain that/ about.. : NhBt )$nh mà.
179.! Expenses / reimbursement : chi phí/ s. hoàn tr+.
180.! Forms of correspondence : Hình thHc thE tín/ m8u thE tín.
181.! Preference for / on : s0 thích Ea chu%ng.
182.! Debate/ dispute/ settle : Tranh lu<n/ tranh chBp/ dàn x4p
183.! Office supplies : &Q dùng v5n phòng.
184.! Be (dis) satisfied with : Hài lòng/ không hài lòng v?i
185.! Deem s.th (that) : DE7ng nhE
186.! Involve in : Bao gQm, bao hàm
187.! Involvement in : Tình tr6ng r!c r=i.
188.! For instance = for example : ví d2.
189.! Last until : Kéo dài cho )4n t<n.
190.! Reach an agreement : &6t )E(c thNa thu<n/ h(p )Qng.
191.! Take action/ time : Ho6t )%ng.
192.! Be reluctant to V : Mi@n cE*ng làm gì.
193.! Available in / for/ to/ from : Có sGn/ sGn sàng.
194.! Diagnose/ illnesses : Chu#n )oán/ b-nh.
195.! While on duty / in transit / at school / in a forreign country : Trong khi làm nhi-m v2/ quá trình
di chuy/n / 0 trE7ng/ 0 nE?c ngoài.
196.! Crowded with : quá )ông
197.! When it come to + Ving : Khi nh!c )4n, k/ )4n vi-c gì.
198.! Institute/ research facilities / leading : Hi-p h%i/ c9 s0 v<t chBt nghiên cHu/ hàng )Pu.
199.! Lack of : Thi4u
200.! Guide/ tour /tips : HE?ng d8n/ du l$ch/ mIo.
201.! Computer session/ extensive session : Máy tính t<p huBn/ huBn luy-n m0 r%ng.
202.! Property / exclusive (for) : Tài s+n/ )%c quy>n cho.
203.! Unless specific otherwise : tr: khi có quy )inh/quy4t )$nh khác.
204.! Continue to V / Ving : ti4p t2c.
205.! Beginning + th7i gian :
206.! Address/express / concern : bày tN/lo l!ng.
207.! Chance/some/ Most/ One of/ several of/ + M6o t: + N.
208.! Of…ability : Kh+ n5ng
209.! Motivation / boost: &ông l.c/thúc )#y.
210.! Enough + N + to V/ Adj + enough + to V : &M )/ làm gì.
211.! Features/ instructions/ specific : Tính n5ng/ hE?ng d8n/c2 th/.
212.! Access to /across : l=i vào/ truy c<p.
213.! The same N + as/ the same N/ The same as/ The same : so sánh gi=ng nhau.
214.! Within walking distance : Trong vòng kho+ng cách )i b%.
215.! Compare to : So sánh
216.! Conference call : Cu%c gFi h%i ngh$.
217.! Work/employee productivity : N5ng suBt công vi-c/ nhân viên.
218.! Yet to V : ChEa làm gì.
219.! Inspection/test/ procedures/ regulation: Ki/m tra/ thM nghi-m/thM t2c/ quy )$nh.
220.! Stringent/ strict/ rigorous/ safety/ standard (for) : Nghiêm ngh,t/ an toàn / tiêu chu#n.
221.! Until further notice : &4n khi có thông báo m?i.
222.! In honor/ celebration of : Nhân danh/ nhân k; ni-m.
223.! Accustomed / access to : quen v?i, thói quen.
224.! Go on a business trip : Chuy4n công tác.
225.! Take on : gánh vác/ )+m nh<n.
226.! Accompanied (s.th0 by/with : &i kèm.
227.! Implement s.th for sb to V : th.c hi-n, thi hành.
228.! Came as no surpise : Không mBt ng6c nhiên.
229.! Walk past/ walk over/ walk down : &i qua/ )i xu=ng.
230.! Cleaning service : D$ch v2 lau dFn.
231.! Facility houses/ company : C9 s0 v<t chBt nhà máy/ công ty.
232.! Accounting firm : Công ty k4 toán.
233.! Ability to : Có kh+ n5ng.
234.! Lead to/ by = result in : D8n )4n.
235.! Briefly on : Ng!n gFn, súc tích.
236.! Be crowden with : &ông )úc.
237.! Be closed to somewhere = near somewhere : GPn n9i nào )ó.
238.! Escort sb to s.th : H% t=ng.
239.! Eager to s.th : háo hHc
240.! Be on time for s.th : &ã )4n lúc làm gì )ó.
241.! Outsource s.th : H(p thành/ h(p nhBt.
242.! Integrate something into something : Tích h(p cái gì )ó vào cái gì.
243.! Priority to/ for : Eu tiên.