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Romeo and Juliet Film Comparison Worksheet

2Romeo and Juliet: English 9A Text to Film Comparison
As you watch the two film versions, please consider how each version relates to the text
in terms of:
Character portrayal
 Tone /Mood
Consider how each of the film versions enhance the original play.
The Masquerade Ball:
The play:
1. Characterize the
following people
based on actions
and what the
character says.
Film 1: Zeferelli (old one!)
Film 2: Luhrman (newer one!)
Now, characterize the
following people based on
appearance and actions.
Also, consider any difference
in the language used.
Now, characterize the
following people based on
appearance and actions.
Also, consider any
difference in the language
Romeo persistent
Romeo: romantic. Very
responsible because of
Juliet responsible to
herself, resistant against
Very offended there are
Montagues at the party.
Very upset that Romeo is
at the party. Will not
forget Capulet’s decision.
Romeo observant,
Innocent, immature,
Juliet loving, romantic
Angry, irrational. Jealous
Tybalt angry, irrational
Mercutio crazy, insane.
Lord Capulet
Lord Capulet: relaxed, chill.
Nurse: helpful
Nurse angry,
2. Tone: Consider soundtrack,
non-verbal communication, and
literal tone of voice.
2. Tone: Consider soundtrack
and sound effects, non-verbal
communication, and literal
tone of voice.
Mercutio seems to have
mood swings. Unstable.
Lord Capulet acts grand,
acts like this party is the
greatest thing ever.
Doesn’t mind that Romeo
is at the party.
Nurse: kind, nanny to
2. The tone of the
scene, consider
how it adds to the
overall mood.
Joyful, grand
trying to have a
great party.
3. How the primary
conflict is
Tybalt does not
like Romeo is at
the ball. It’s
portrayed as
something that
isn’t that bad.
Portrayed as two
people who love
each other at first
sight, but they are
the offspring of
two hated
3.How is the conflict developed
through setting, soundtrack,
camera angles and movement?
The conflict is arising when the
identity of romea isn’t hidden
well enough, and juliet finds out
they’re a montague
3.How is the conflict
developed through setting,
soundtrack, camera angles
and movement?
The conflict sets in near the
end, when juliet realizes her
love in a montague
The Balcony Scene: (II:2)
The play:
Film 1: Zeferelli (old one!)
Film 2: Luhrman (newer one!)
Characterize the
following people based
on actions and what the
character says.
Now, characterize the
following people based on
appearance and actions.
Also, consider any difference
in the language used.
Now, characterize the
following people based on
appearance and actions.
Also, consider any
difference in the language
Very obsessive, also
Desperate, very romantic,
Romantic, desperate,
2. The tone of the scene,
consider how it adds to
the overall mood.
3.How the primary
conflict is portrayed.
Romeo desperate, quiet
Juliet obsessive, loud
Much more aggressive with
romance between Romeo
2. Tone: Consider soundtrack,
non-verbal communication, and
literal tone of voice.
3.How is the conflict developed
through setting, soundtrack,
camera angles and movement?
2. Tone: Consider soundtrack
and sound effects, non-verbal
communication, and literal
tone of voice.
3.How is the conflict
developed through setting,
soundtrack, camera angles
and movement?
The Fight Scene: (III,iii)
The play:
Characterize the
following people based
on actions and what the
character says.
Romeo trying to make
peace. Peaceful.
Benvolio peaceful,
Mercutio angry, vengeful.
Rowdy, crazed.
Tybalt angry, on edge.
unnecessarily angry,
2. The tone of the scene,
consider how it adds to
the overall mood.
On edge before the fight,
it could’ve happened at
Film 1: Zeferelli (old one!)
Film 2: Luhrman (newer one!)
Now, characterize the
following people based on
appearance and actions.
Also, consider any difference
in the language used.
Now, characterize the
following people based on
appearance and actions.
Also, consider any
difference in the language
Romeo: trying to be friends.
Peaceful. After Mercutio’s
death he was very vengeful
Benvolio: kind, trying to
prevent fighting.
Romeo: forgiving,
Benvolio: honest, a little
biasedn nhgf
Mercutio: very childish,
Very angry, slouched, really
wants revenge. Blind to what Tybalt: intimidating
Benvolio is saying. Comedic
relief of tension
Tybalt: very childish,
vengeful. Much more calm.
2. Tone: Consider soundtrack,
non-verbal communication, and
literal tone of voice.
Violent, very on edge
2. Tone: Consider
soundtrack, non-verbal
communication, and literal
tone of voice.
Very violent, no beating
around the bush, goes
straight to the fighting.
3.How is the conflict
developed through setting,
any time. Ironic, Romeo
and Tybalt are cousins
soundtrack, camera angles
3.How is the conflict developed and movement?
through setting, soundtrack,
The conflict started to
camera angles and movement? develop when tybalt
The conflict is started from
Tybalt splashing mercution
3.How the primary
conflict is portrayed.
In a large fight. Tybalt’s
thirst for a fight, for
The Final Scene: (V,iii)
*Please note: The ending
portrayed in both film
versions is the SAME as
the ending of the tragic
play we read in class.
Some people may find
this image of suicide
The Play:
Characterize the
following people based
Film 1: Zeferelli (old one!)
Film 2: Luhrman (newer one!)
Now, characterize the
following people based on
Now, characterize the
following people based on
on actions and what the
character says.
appearance and actions.
Also, consider any
difference in the language
appearance and actions.
Also, consider any
difference in the language
Romeo: desperate, sad,
Romeo: crazy, very
Juliet: confused, excited,
The play:
Romeo: desperate,
unintentionally ironic.
Juliet: confused
Friar Lawrence: regretful.
2. The tone of the scene,
consider how it adds to
the overall mood.
Ironic, sad.
3.How the primary
conflict is portrayed.
Romeo doesn’t
understand that Juliet is
still alive. Which leads to
both of their deaths.
Friar Lawrence
Friar Lawrence: scared,
2. Tone: Consider soundtrack,
non-verbal communication, and
literal tone of voice.
Depressing, creepy,
3.How is the conflict developed
through setting, soundtrack,
camera angles and
Romeo kills himself in grief,
Juliet also kills herself in grief.
2. Tone: Consider
soundtrack, non-verbal
communication, and literal
tone of voice.
Very frantic
3.How is the conflict
developed through setting,
soundtrack, camera angles
and movement?
Romeo was being chased by
the police.