RICE CROP RECORD CONTENT 1. Acknowledgement. 2. Introduction 3. Cultural practices and observations i) Land preparation and Field layout ii) Water irrigation method iii) Fertilizer and pesticide usage iv) Cultural practices and observations table 4. Problems encountered 5. Conclusion ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This crop record was prepared by regarding the field practices under the subject Cereal, Root and Tuber Crop Production. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone those who help me to complete this assignment. I would like to express a special thank for, Dr. (Mrs.) R.H.M.K. Ratnayake who conduct the lectures of Cereal, root and tuber crop production and demonstrators who gave the complete cooperation to success this report. INTRODUCTION This record contains the practices and the observations on the field activities when planting rice plants in home garden and or pots. In here, used practices with remained resources are nearly based on theories which are learnt in the module Cereal, Root and Tuber Crop Production Rice (Oryza sativa) Rice is the cereal with the second highest worldwide production and the staple food of over half the world population. Rice is a semi aquatic annual grass and a self-pollinated crop which was originated in China. It can survive as a perennial. In Sri Lanka paddy cultivation depends on the rainfall. Rice is cultivated in elevations from sea level to mountains of ~1000m above mean sea level and temperature raging from ~17˚C in upcountry to ~40 ˚C in the semi-arid dry zone. This cereal is grown in most of the agroecological regions except WU1, WU2, WU3, IU1 and IU2 due to its elevation, low temperature and cultivation of other profitable crops. Classification Kingdom: Plantae Division: Magnoliophyta Class: Liliopsida (Monocotyledons) Order: Cyperales Family: Poaceae Genus: Oryza Species: Oryza sativa L. Morphology A rice plant consists of culm, leaves, tillers, panicle and spikelet, floret, flower, rice grain. The morphology of rice can be divided in to vegetative phase and reproductive phase. Vegetative phase is germination, seedling and tillering stage. Reproductive phase is panicle initiation and heading stage. Each node of the culm consists of a leaf. Leaf sheath appears as a whole or a part of the internode. Leaf blade is long narrow leaves with a distinct mid rib. One leaf right at the top known as the ‘flag leaf’ is shorter and broader compared to the other leaves. This falls when the panicle is formed up to the acute angle. Auricle is the coarse hairy claw like appendages where the leaf blade joins the sheath. Ligule is a colorless, faint pink or purple membrane above the auricle which splits when matures. There are two types of roots. They are crown roots and nodal roots. Crown roots are initiated from the nodes below the ground level. Nodal roots are initiated from the nodes above the ground level that facilitates gas exchange. The two parts of rice grain are true fruit and hull. True fruit is thin layers of differentiated tissues enclosing the embryo and the endosperm. Hull encloses the true fruit. Consists of the palea, lemmas and rachilla. A single rice grain weigh about 10-45mg when dry Seeds develop as seedlings when it reaches the optimum conditions required for germination. At this stage the radicle or the coleoptile emerges from the seed coat. The first root formed is known as seminal roots. Then the primary leaves form. The culm consists of nodes and internodes where the upper nodes are attached to a leaf or a bud that forms tillering plants. The primary tillers are formed after the 4th leaf is formed. The number of nodes varies from 13 to 16. The panicle consists of the base, axis, primary and secondary branches, pedicel, rudimentary glumes and spikelet. The panicle has 8 to 10 nodes. Secondary branches develop from the primary branches. Pedicels develop from the nodes of the primary and secondary branches. Rice plant has only one fully developed floret per spikelet. The flower is enclosed in the lemma and palea, which may be awned or awn less. A floret consists of six stamens and one pistil. Nursery techniques used in paddy cultivation Rice seeds are direct seeded through broadcasting or transplanted. Therefore, seeds should be raised in nurseries like wet bed nursery, dry bed nursery, dapog nursery, modified dapog nursery, bubble tray nursery. Seed paddy requirement o For direct seeding:40kg/Ac o For normal seeding:20kg/Ac Land preparation for paddy cultivation Land preparation is a combination of tillage practices that places the soil in the best physical condition for plant establishment and crop growth. Prevention of weeds, prevention of pests, facilitate rooting and reduce crumb formation in soil are objectives of land preparation. There are two types of land preparation. They are wet land preparation and dry land preparation. In wet land preparation the major steps involved are soaking, ploughing, harrowing, puddling and leveling. In dry land preparation, seed paddy is used directly. Not used pre-germinated seeds paddy like wet land preparation. Field establishment of paddy We can use direct sowing or transplanting for field establishment of paddy. Direct sowing can be divided as wet seeding and dry seeding. In wet seeding re-germinated seeds are broadcasted into puddled and leveled fields. In dry seeding seeds are sown to dry soil either in rows or random. In transplanting a spacing of 20 x 20 cm and 20 x 15 cm is recommended for a long age and short age varieties respectively. Bg 359 The variety cultivated for taking records is Bg 359. It is a three- and half-month white rice variety with non-sticky short grains. It is a moderately resistant variety to brown planthopper, rice gall midge and bacterial blight. It is moderately resistant to thrips, iron toxicity and low temperature. This variety was recommended in 1999 by the Department of Agriculture. Yield is between 5-6 tons per hectare. It takes 105 days to harvest. Green colored leaves on the leaf sheath. Leaf is blade rough. Its height is moderate and spikelet spreading slightly. Paddy seeds are straw colored and paddy seed length is moderate. The shape of the paddy seed is semi-logical. Spikes appear prominently and this variety gives higher yield. CULTURAL PRACTICES AND OBSERVATIONS i. Land preparation and Field layout 1st plot Suitable spot was selected near a water. Then boundaries were marked before land preparation (1mХ1m). First marked area was soaked. Land was dug using mamoty and soil colloids were broken down. Some organic fertilizers were mixed with the soil. The plot was filled by water until broadcast the germinated seed. . 1m 1m 2nd plot (for transplanted seedlings) Suitable soil was collected amount of it. Unnecessary things were removed from soil. Amount of Organic materials were mixed with the soil. Prepared soil was moved into the plot. Soil colloids were broken down. Certain amount of Water was added to the soil. Seedlings were transplanted in the plot. 50cm ii. Cultural practices and observations table Date Cultural Practices 31/12/2020 Good seeds were selected and let them to pre germinate 31/12/2020 Observation White colored coleorhiza was appeared on the coating of the seeds Coleoptile was observed Measurements Image 1/1/2020 Pregerminate seeds were broadcaste d in the plot. 2/1/2021 Watering was done 3/1/2021 Watering was done 4/1/2021 Watering was done Radicle appeared. was Radicle length- 1cm Green colored shoot was appeared Primary leaf initiation Leaf length = 1.5cm was started. First leaf was clearly identified Leaf length = 2.1cm 5/1/2021 Watering was done 6/1/2021 Watering was done Second leaf has emerged from the sheath of some plants. First leaf elongated 7/1/2021 Watering was done 8/1/2021 Watering was done 9/1/2021 Watering was done 10/1/2021 Watering was done Average height of the plants= 4cm was size of leaves was increased. Leaf length =2.5cm 11/1/2021 12/1/2021 Watering was done Watering done was 13/1/2021 14/1/2021 Third leaf was identified. Leaves were thinned and seedlings were look weak Red color pests were observed on roots. Seedlings were transplanted. Gliricidia leaf extract and Neem leaf extract were added 15/1/2021 Watering was done All leaves were elongated and number of leaves were increased. 3-4 leaves per plant Average height of the plants= 12cm 16/1/2021 17/1/2021 Watering was done Watering was done 3-4 leaves Leaf tip of some plants were Average height of damaged. the plants13.5cm Plants’ height was increased. 3-4 leaves Average height of the plants = 13.5cm 18/1/2021 Watering was done 19/1/2021 Watering was done Banana peel extract was added Tips of the leaves were yellow colored 20/1/2021 Watering was done Tiller initiation was identified 21/1/2021 Watering was done 22/1/2021 Watering was done Yellow and light brown colored patches were appeared on leaf 23/1/2021 Watering was done Leaf tip were becoming yellow 24/1/2021 Watering was done Moringa leaf extract were added. 4 leaves Average height of the plants= 15 cm 25/1/2021 Watering was done 26/1/2021 Watering was done 27/1/2021 Watering was done 28/1/2021 Watering was done 29/1/2021 Watering was done 30/1/2021 Watering and weeding were done 31/1/2021 Watering was done 1/2/2021 Watering was done 2/2/2021 Watering was done 3/2/2021 Watering was done 4/2/2021 Watering was done 5/2/2021 Watering was done Average height of the plants= 20cm Some plants were damaged by dog 6/2/2021 Watering was done Diameter of the culmlittle . bit bulged . 7/2/2021 Watering was done 8/2/2021 Watering was done 9/2/2021 Watering was done 10/2/2021 Watering was done 11/2/2021 Watering was done 12/2/2021 Watering was done 13/2/2021 Watering was done 14/2/2021 Watering was done 15/2/2021 Watering was done Plant height=65cm The culm was moreover bulged. Some leaves were becoming yellowish brown color and damaged. 16/2/2021 Watering was done 17/2/2021 Watering and weeding were done 18/2/2021 Watering was done 19/2/2021 Watering was done 20/2/2021 Watering was done 21/2/2021 Watering was done 22/2/2021 Watering was done 23/2/2021 Watering was done 24/2/2021 Watering was done 25/2/2021 Watering was done 26/2/2021 Watering was done 27/2/2021 Watering was done Some sails were observed Some Leaves were damaged 28/2/2021 Watering was done 29/2/2021 Watering was done 30/2/2021 Watering and weeding were done 1/3/2021 Watering was done 2/3/2021 Watering was done 3/3/2021 Watering was done 4/3/2021 Watering was done 5/3/2021 Watering was done Heading stage of growing panicle was started. 6/3/2021 Watering was done 7/3/2021 Watering was done 8/3/2021 Watering was done Panicle was elongated and seeds were started to separate from each other. Secondary tiller can be identified. Panicles are still developing. 9/3/2021 Watering was done 10/3/2021 Watering was done 11/03/2021 Watering was done 12/03/2021 Watering was done 13/03/2021 Watering was done 14/03/2021 Watering was done 15/03/2021 Watering was done 16/3/2021 Watering was done 17/03/2021 Watering was done 18/03/2021 Watering was done 19/3/2021 Watering was done 20/03/2021 Watering was done 21/03/2021 Watering was done Flower initiation was observed. 22/03/2021 Watering was done Fully elongated be panicle can identified. 23/3/2021 Watering was done Milk grain identified 24/03/2021 Watering was done 25/03/2021 Watering was done 26/03/2021 Watering was done 27/03/2021 Watering was done 28/03/2021 Watering was done 29/3/2021 Watering was done was Separated and grown seeds can be identified in most of the panicles. . Some leaves in bottom part of the plants were turned into yellowish brown color Length of a panicle is about 16cm 30/03/2021 Watering was done 31/03/2021 Watering was done Watering and weeding were done 1/4/2021 2/4/2021 Watering was done Panicle elongated. was Spikelets appeared in were light green color yellow color. Grains are still filling. 3/4/2021 Watering was done 4/4/2021 Watering was done to 5/4/2021 Watering was done Panicles were bending down. Spikelets were started to turning into golden yellow color. 6/4/2021 Watering was done 7/4/2021 Watering was done 8/4/2021 Watering was done Watering was done 9/4/2021 10/4/2021 Watering was done 11/4/2021 Watering was done Size of the spikelets were increased. 12/4/2021 Watering was done 13/4/2021 Watering was done 14/4/2021 Watering was done 15/4/2021 16/4/2021 17/4/2021 18/4/2021 19/4/2021 Yellow and green colored panicles were present in each panicle Watering was done Watering was done Watering was done Watering was done Large number of spikelets were appeared in dried brownish color. But some seeds were black colored. All spikelets were becoming large. 20/4/2021 21/4/2021 Harvesting was done Around 80 percent of spikelets of a panicle were become brownish colored. Some were white and looked empty. Average Panicle length 20cm Average Seed weight 0.012g Some were become black colored. All leaves of the latter part of the tree were brownish colored. Time taken for seed germination- 2days Length of vegetative stage (time taken for flowering)- 85days Tillering / Number of tillers produced – 4 tillers were identified Panicle characters – 80 percent of grains filled per panicle, panicle length was 20 cm Average height of plants = 65cm Time taken for grain maturity- about 90 days Grain weight and characters – weight about 0.0122g, grain length – 6.8mm, width – 3.5mm, straw colored, white pericarp iii. Water irrigation method Watered everyday using a hose. But seedlings were prevented damaging by pressure of direct water flow. iv. Fertilizer and pesticide usage Neem leaf extract used as the pesticide Gliricidia leaf extract used as the N source fertilizer Moringa leaf extract used as the Ca source fertilizer Banana peel extract used as the K source fertilizer PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED • • Water draining frequently in 1st plot was a problem. Pest and diseases o There was a pest (Bilobella braunerae) attack to roots of the seedlings. They raised on root and weaked the rice plant growth. o Brown spots (Cochliobolus miyabeanus) on leaves o There were some snails and they damaged to the leaves o Paddy bug damaged to developing grains. It caused empty grains o A dog also damaged to the plants • Nutritional deficiencies o K, N deficiency