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Humanoid Robots: Research Report for Middle School

Research Report on Humanoid Robots
By -Fatima Imran
Grade: VIII-B
Date: 9-2-22
Day: Thursday
Humanoid robots are a valuable resource in the world of medicine and biotechnology, as well
as other fields of research such as biomechanics and cognitive science Humanoid robots are
being used to develop complex prosthetics for individuals with physical disabilities such as
missing limbs.
Humanoid robots are used for research and
space exploration, personal assistance and
caregiving, education and entertainment,
manufacturing and
maintenance, public relations, and healthcare.
Chinese companies were rushing to deploy
robots and automation technology, as doctors
were grappling with COVID-19. For example, a field hospital staffed by robots—the Smart
Field Hospital—opened in Wuhan, China, in early March. There, humanoid robots—donated
by Cloud Minds Technology, a Silicon Valley company—disinfect, measure temperatures,
deliver food and medicine, and entertain medical staff and patients.
Research and Space Exploration
Most of the humanoid robots are used in research and space exploration in outer space.
Personal Assistance and Caregiving
These humanoid robots also work as personal assistance work for individuals, especially the
medically ill elderly patients.
Education and Entertainment:
These types of robots are used in educational
institutions for educational and entertainment
Search and Rescue
Some robots can aid heavily in security administrations like traffic controls, police
administrations, etc. Humanoids can also help conduct time-sensitive search and rescue
operations and curb menaces like child trafficking, etc., with high efficiency.
Manufacturing and Maintenance
These robots are the most widely used because industries have to use robots for hazardous
Perhaps the most recognizable face of humanoids is that of Sophia, a social humanoid
developed by Hong Kong based Hanson Robotics. In 2020, the AI-powered four-year-old robot
is going to continue her role as a robotic ambassador, helping to advance research into robotics
and human-robot interactions.
Humanoid robots are constructed in such a way
that they mimic the human body. They use
actuators that perform like muscles and joints,
though with a different structure. The actuators of
humanoid robots can be either electric, pneumatic,
or hydraulic.
One of the first recorded designs of a humanoid
robot was made by Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) in around 1495.
Humanoid robots are created for several purposes. Some are created strictly for experimental
or research purposes. Others are created for entertainment purposes. Some humanoids are
created to carry out specific tasks such as the tasks of a personal assistant using AI, helping out
at elderly homes, and so on.