Uploaded by Cam Hinds

Character Sketch Outline: Essay Planning Template

Student Name: ____________________
Character Sketch Outline
Complete the marked sections below to plan out your character sketch essay.
Introductory Paragraph:
Sentence 1: Make a general statement about the character and the novel
(Introduce your topic; be sure to give character’s name, the name of the novel,
and the name of the author in this sentence)
Sentence 2: Give a brief description of the character (This description might
include physical appearance, life situation, background, etc.)
Sentence 3: State three major character traits
Sentence 4: Give an overall impression of the character (Think of a single
sentence or idea that sums up this character’s personality, like ‘hero,’ ‘bully’ or
Student Name: ____________________
Body Paragraph 1:
Intro Sentence: Clearly state character trait #1 and explain its importance
Proof 1.1: Give your first proof (Describe a part of the story where the
character clearly shows this character trait, and explain how it proves the trait is
accurate. You may wish to use a quotation.)
Proof 1.2: Give your second proof (Describe a part of the story where the
character clearly shows this character trait, and explain how it proves the trait is
accurate. You may wish to use a quotation.)
Proof 1.3: Give your third proof (Describe a part of the story where the
character clearly shows this character trait, and explain how it proves the trait is
accurate. You may wish to use a quotation.)
Concluding Sentence: Connect character trait #1 to the overall impression of
the character (How does this trait help make the character a bully, or a hero, or
whatever word or phrase you’ve used to describe him or her in sentence 4 of the
Remember, you need to use at least one quotation from the novel in this paragraph!
Student Name: ____________________
Body Paragraph 2:
Intro Sentence: Clearly state character trait #2 and explain its importance
Proof 2.1: Give your first proof (Describe a part of the story where the
character clearly shows this character trait, and explain how it proves the trait is
accurate. You may wish to use a quotation.)
Proof 2.2: Give your second proof (Describe a part of the story where the
character clearly shows this character trait, and explain how it proves the trait is
accurate. You may wish to use a quotation.)
Proof 2.3: Give your third proof (Describe a part of the story where the
character clearly shows this character trait, and explain how it proves the trait is
accurate. You may wish to use a quotation.)
Concluding Sentence: Connect character trait #2 to the overall impression of
the character (How does this trait help make the character a bully, or a hero, or
whatever word or phrase you’ve used to describe him or her in sentence 4 of the
Remember, you need to use at least one quotation from the novel in this paragraph!
Student Name: ____________________
Body Paragraph 3:
Intro Sentence: Clearly state character trait #3 and explain its importance
Proof 3.1: Give your first proof (Describe a part of the story where the
character clearly shows this character trait, and explain how it proves the trait is
accurate. You may wish to use a quotation.)
Proof 3.2: Give your second proof (Describe a part of the story where the
character clearly shows this character trait, and explain how it proves the trait is
accurate. You may wish to use a quotation.)
Proof 3.3: Give your third proof (Describe a part of the story where the
character clearly shows this character trait, and explain how it proves the trait is
accurate. You may wish to use a quotation.)
Concluding Sentence: Connect character trait #3 to the overall impression of
the character (How does this trait help make the character a bully, or a hero, or
whatever word or phrase you’ve used to describe him or her in sentence 4 of the
Remember, you need to use at least one quotation from the novel in this paragraph!
Student Name: ____________________
Concluding Paragraph:
Sentence 1: Paraphrase (reword) your overall impression of the character
In conclusion,
In summary,
… or …
… or …
Therefore, _____________________________________
Sentence 2: Restate the three main character traits that you identified above
(Note that you can combine this sentence with the above sentence if you want.)
Sentence 3: Make a concluding statement about the character and the novel
(The content of this sentence is up to you. You might want to write about why
this character is so interesting, or about the character’s place in the overall story.)
Remember, your finished copy should be…
- Double-spaced
- In 12-point font
- Between 500-750 words long (around 2-3 pages when typed)
- Edited by at least one other person