Uploaded by Karima Sabubeh

Earth Layers Lesson Plan: Blended Learning for Grade 6

Lesson Plan For Blended Learning
Lesson Title: EARTH LAYERS
Day and Date: MONDAY - 28 FEB.2022
Teacher Name: Karima Farouq
Grade: 6
Subject: Science
National Identity:
Theme 2: Culture
5.2 Show distinction knowledge of customs and
traditions of the UAE through diversity and trust
When expressing it during their practices of
school activities.
Collaboration and Communication
Connection to Real Life:
New Vocabulary: Matter
Investigate how and what
types of weather data help
inform weather
predictions. • Compare
weather and climate by
attempting to make
predictions for weather
the next day and in the
future (based on climate
data). • Think about how
climates vary in different
Cross - Curricular links:
Resources: ppt . Google
form . Smartboard ,
quizzes program
NO. students: 16
Highlighted Value in this lesson: collaboration .
Warming Up ( 5min)
Students should complete the Engage and Explore portions of this lesson without looking at weather forecasts. Have students
look out the window or take them outside. Ask them to describe the weather today. Ask them what they think the weather will
be like tomorrow? How do they know?
Teacher Time (5 min)
Engage: The teacher will play the video “EARTH LAYERS ” on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cn8Rdujngws )
The teacher then leads a discussion about the video, about earth layers .
At the beginning of the lesson, the class will discuss the objective.
Class Activity
To reach this lesson’s objective, students need to understand:
Earth is not just made up of soil, rocks, and grass.
The names of each layer of the Earth.
What each layer of the Earth is made up of.
The depth of each layer of the Earth.
• The teacher will begin the class by doing the “Earth As An Onion”
demonstration. The teacher should show the students the onion and ask them
to identify the vegetable. The teacher should ask the students some questions
about the onion [size, taste, consistency]. The teacher should ask the students if
they know what the onion and the Earth have in common. The teacher should
begin pulling the leaves off the onion, showing how there are layers to the
onion just like there are layers to the Earth. The teacher should tell the
students: When looking at an onion, it looks like solid ball. Once you begin
pulling the leaves off, you see there are layers underneath. The Earth is the
same way. You see the Earth as a solid ball, but it’s not. The Earth has layers
and each layer has a specific function.
• The teacher should next show the students the video: “Structure of the Earth
and Its Different Layers | Chemistry for All | The Fuse School”
(Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cn8Rdujngws). The video is about
7 ½ minutes long and discusses important information about the Earth as well
as each layer. The teacher should hand out the accompanying worksheet
“Structure of the Earth and Its Different Layers”. As the students watch the
video, they will fill in the blanks on their worksheet. Once the video is over, the
teacher should review the content discussed and the answers to the notebook.
Main Activity ( 25min)
Group A
Group B
Group C
Students will participate
in an activity called
“Layers of the Earth”
match game.
The object of the game is
to match the layer to its
description./ Worksheet
Students will participate in an
activity called “Layers of the
Earth” match game.
The object of the game is to
match the layer to its
description./ Worksheet .
Students will participate in
an activity called “Layers of
the Earth” match game.
The object of the game is to
match the layer to its
description./ Worksheet .
P.O.D and talented
Teacher Role
Plenary ( Assessment) 15 min
Determining whether students have met the goals
A multiple choice—short response test can be used to determine the amount of information students retain about the various
components of the nitrogen cycle. Additionally, students should sketch the nitrogen cycle arrangements they make and can
sketch one from memory as an assessment of what they learned.
Group A
Group B
Group C
The final assessment will be
for the students to answer the
Think about what you learned
in class today. How many
layers does Earth have? What
are the layers? Is the
temperature on the layers the
Think back to the video you
watched. What layer of the
Earth do humans live on? If
you could make one change to
the layer humans live on, what
would it be and why?
The final assessment will be
for the students to answer the
Think about what you learned
in class today. How many
layers does Earth have? What
are the layers? Is the
temperature on the layers the
Think back to the video you
watched. What layer of the
Earth do humans live on? If
you could make one change to
the layer humans live on, what
would it be and why?
The final assessment will be
for the students to answer the
Think about what you learned
in class today. How many
layers does Earth have? What
are the layers? Is the
temperature on the layers the
Think back to the video you
watched. What layer of the
Earth do humans live on? If
you could make one change to
the layer humans live on, what
would it be and why?
P.O.D and talented
Online worksheet ( in google classwork )
Reflection on the lesson
What went well? The students were consistent and interactive
What needs to be changed? Giving more time to students for main activities
Percentage of Achievement
Action Taken
1: The students will identify the
layers of the Earth.
(Based on your observation and the different types of assessment used in this lesson, what is the percentage of
achieving the objectives
Pause current instruction
for brief re-teaching next
Am going to explain again
the second objects with
providing them
80% of the students can identify the earth layers .
2 : The students will be able to
describe each layer of the Earth.
20 % of students can describe each layers .