Pipelines 2011: A Sound Conduit for Sharing Solutions © ASCE 2011 Maxi-HDD Pull Loads in Non-Level Grade for Polyethylene Pipe Including Ballast Dr. Lawrence M. Slavin1, Dr. Mohammad Najafi, P.E.2, Eric R. Skonberg, P.E.3 1 Outside Plant Consulting Services, Inc., 15 Lenape Avenue, Rockaway, NJ, 078661019, PH (973) 983-0813; FAX (973) 983-0813; email lslavin@ieee.org Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by University of Toronto on 01/06/19. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. 2 The University of Texas at Arlington, 428 Nedderman Hall, Arlington, TX 760190308, PH (817) 272-0507; FAX (817) 272-2630, email najafi@uta.edu 3 Trenchless Engineering Corp., 15015 Inverrary Drive, Houston, TX 77095, PH (713) 303 3319, e-mail skonberg@trenchlessengineering.com Abstract ASTM F 1962, Standard Guide for Use of Maxi-Horizontal Directional Drilling for Placement of Polyethylene Pipe or Conduit Under Obstacles, Including River Crossings, provides a procedure for estimating pull loads and stresses on polyethylene pipe as a function of the drill path and buoyant weight of the pipe in the drill hole. The original equations were developed assuming a level grade, or that the HDD entry and exit elevations are the same. A previous paper has therefore extended the equations and methodology of ASTM F 1962 to address the installation of polyethylene pipe for the case of a non-level grade, but restricted the analysis to the installation of pipe in the absence of anti-buoyancy measures. The present paper further extends the analysis to include the use of ballast for a non-level grade and helps provide a better understanding of the factors influencing the pull loads in the maxi-HDD installation of pipelines. 1. Introduction ASTM F 1962, Standard Guide for Use of Maxi-Horizontal Directional Drilling for Placement of Polyethylene Pipe or Conduit Under Obstacles, Including River Crossings, provides overall guidelines for a maxi-horizontal directional drilling (maxi-HDD) operation. This document addresses preliminary site investigations, safety and environmental considerations, regulations, damage prevention, bore path design, project implementation, inspection and site cleanup. One of the more significant contributions of ASTM F 1962 is the provision of a rational, analytical method for selecting the polyethylene pipe strength requirements based upon the estimated installation loads on the polyethylene (PE) pipe. The original equations in this document for determining required pull loads were developed assuming a level grade, or that the HDD entry and exit elevations are the same. In actual installations, however, there may be a finite grade between the entry and exit points of the drilling operation. A previous paper has therefore extended the equations and methodology of ASTM F 1962 to address the installation of polyethylene pipe for the case of a non-level grade, but restricted the analysis to the installation of pipe in the absence of anti-buoyancy measures (Slavin etal, 2011). However, the use of ballast, typically water introduced into the interior, is a common practice employed to significantly reduce the buoyant weight and correspondingly increase possible placement distances. The present paper extends the previous analysis to include the use of internal water ballast for a non-level grade. 1 Pipelines 2011 801 Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by University of Toronto on 01/06/19. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. Pipelines 2011: A Sound Conduit for Sharing Solutions © ASCE 2011 802 2. Level Grade Figure 1 illustrates a typical geometry for a maxi-HDD operation, corresponding to a river crossing, similar to that shown in ASTM F 1962. The geometry specifically shows a level grade with respect to the pipe entry and exit points, although the theoretical model presented would also be valid for variations in elevation between these two points located at the same grade. The horizontal projection of the pipe path comprises four segments, including those spanning the pipe entry to exit point (L2, L3, L4) and the additional length L1. The quantity L1 allows for handling at both ends and possible other effects (path curvature, thermal contraction, stretching, etc.). The projected bore length, Lbore, is given by Equation 1. Lbore = L2 + L3 + L4 [1] Figure 1 Typical maxi-HDD route (river crossing) (Source: Outside Plant Consulting Services, Inc.) The entry segment (A – B) and exit segment (C – D) may each be of uniform curvature, but not necessarily. The intermediate horizontal segment, L3, may be of zero length depending on project geometry. The term H represents the depth of the installation relative to the elevation at the pipe entry and exit points. Using the terminology presented in Figure 1 and Equation 1, ASTM F 1962 provides a set of relations to predict the required pull force -- TA, TB, TC, and TD -corresponding to the leading end of the pipe reaching point A, B, C and D, as presented in Equations 2a through 2d. TA TB TC TD = = = = eνa α · νa · wa · (L1 + L2 + L3 + L4) eνb α · (TA + νb · |wb| · L2 + wb · H - νa · wa · L2 · eνa α ) TB + νb · |wb| · L3 - eνb α · (νa · wa · L3 · eνa α ) eνb β · (TC + νb · |wb| · L4 - wb · H - eνb α · [νa · wa · L4 · eνa α] ) 2 Pipelines 2011 [2a] [2b] [2c] [2d] Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by University of Toronto on 01/06/19. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. Pipelines 2011: A Sound Conduit for Sharing Solutions © ASCE 2011 803 where wa represents the empty aboveground weight (downward positive) of the pipe and wb denotes the net buoyant weight (upward positive) of the pipe as submerged in slurry belowground; νa and νb. are the corresponding aboveground and belowground Coulomb “coefficients of friction”. The buoyant weight may reflect the use of antibuoyancy techniques, including the use of liquid ballast inside the pipe. The pipe entry angle α and exit angle β are expressed in radians, where one radian equals 180º / π. For a bore path of approximately uniform curvature from the entry and exit points to the horizontal segment (B – C), the lengths L2 and L4 may be estimated as the following: L2 = 2H / α, and L4 = 2H / β [3a] [3b] In addition to the calculated loads as given by Equations 2a – 2d, an incremental tensile force, ΔT, must be added to account for the drag effect of the drilling fluid/slurry (“fluidic drag”), which is determined from the magnitude of the “hydrokinetic pressure”, ΔP: ΔT = ΔP · (π/8) · (Dhole2 – D2) [4] where Dhole is the diameter of the borehole and D is the outer diameter of the PE pipe. ΔP is the incremental drilling fluid pressure in the borehole at the leading end of the pipe during the pullback operation, which is in addition to the hydrostatic pressure corresponding to the head (depth) of relatively dense slurry. The incremental tension, ΔT, is properly added to the local tension TA , TB , TC , or TD as specified in Equations 2a – 2d, for each of the four points, but is not cumulative; e.g., the value of TA inserted into Equation 1b is that given by Equation 2a, as written, and not TA + ΔT. 3. Non-Level Grade If the pipe entry and exit points, A and D, respectively, are at different elevations, the pulling load will be affected by gravity and buoyancy. Figure 2 illustrates such a configuration, for an upward grade or installation. In this case, the pipe entry and exit angles, α and β, respectively, are still considered to be measured relative to a horizontal plane. In general, there may be a local finite grade, corresponding to the angle φ, at the pipe entry point A, considered positive (+) as shown, which is not necessarily equal to the average grade between points A and D given by: Average % Grade = 100 x (H2 – H1) / Lbore [5] where H1 and H2 represent the depth of the horizontal segment (B – C), below point A and point D, respectively. The surface grade at intermediate points along the route need not be uniform, and can vary from that corresponding to Equation 5. 3 Pipelines 2011 Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by University of Toronto on 01/06/19. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. Pipelines 2011: A Sound Conduit for Sharing Solutions © ASCE 2011 804 Figure 2 Maxi-HDD route for upward grade (Source: Outside Plant Consulting Services, Inc.) The individual elevations, H1 and H2, must be introduced into the equations in place of the original depth, H. The slope of the external (non-submerged) portion of pipe protruding from the borehole, at the pipe entry point, represents an additional load on the pipe as it is pulled upgrade, at the local grade angle, φ (radians). Furthermore, the angle φ effectively changes the pipe entry curvature at point A, influencing the magnitude of the “capstan effect”. For pipe entry and exit paths of approximately uniform curvature, the lengths L2 and L4 may be estimated as: L2 = 2H1 / α, and L4 = 2H2 / β [6a] [6b] In general, it may be assumed that the slurry will drain from the upper elevations in the borehole, such as that above point A in Figure 2. Indeed, it is often necessary in such cases to subsequently fill the corresponding void at the upper portion with grout minimize possible surface subsidence. Thus, the continuously created slurry would typically drain from the higher elevation segment D* – D, to result a temporary void of slurry in this section. The slurry would only remain in bore path segments A – B, B – C, and C – D*. The point D* is located at distance L4* (see Figure 2) from the point C, which, for a pipe exit path of approximately uniform curvature, may be estimated as: 4 Pipelines 2011 Pipelines 2011: A Sound Conduit for Sharing Solutions © ASCE 2011 L4* = L4 · {1 – [(H2 - H1) / H2] }½ 805 [7] Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by University of Toronto on 01/06/19. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. However, it is also of interest to consider the case for which it is assumed that the flow of the slurry may be somewhat restricted, possibly due to a local (minor) blockage, allowing the borehole to remain full during the pullback operation. This situation reveals some interesting phenomena, and is therefore of academic, as well as possible practical, interest, depending on the assumptions regarding the conditions in the borehole. For an upward grade, there is the additional consideration corresponding to the partial drainage of the internal liquid (water) ballast within the pipe, which depends on the magnitude of the differential height (H2 - H1) in relation to the height of a column of liquid (water) ballast, h, which can be supported by atmospheric pressure; i.e., approximately 34 ft of water. Thus, the horizontal portion of the segment Dh – D, drained of internal ballast, is determined by the distance L4 - Lh, with Lh indicated in the callout in Figure 2 and given by: Lh = L4 · (1 – {(H2 - H1) – MIN [(H2 - H1), h]} / H2)½ [8] In this case, the generalized governing equations for an upward grade, considering all of the above effects, become: TA TB TC TD = = = = eνa (α + φ) · (νa + φ) · wa · (L1 + L2 + L3 + L4) eνb α · (TA + νb · |wb| · L2 + wb · H1 - (νa + φ) · wa · L2 · eνa (α + φ) ) TB + νb · |wb| · L3 - eνb α · [(νa + φ) · wa · L3 · eνa (α + φ)] eνb β · (TC + νb · |wb| · L4* + νb · |w*| · (Lh - L4*) + νb · |wh| · (L4 - Lh) - wb · H1 - w* · MIN [(H2 - H1), h] - wh · {MAX [(H2 - H1), h] – h} - eνb α · [(νa + φ) · wa · L4 · eνa (α + φ)]) [9a] [9b] [9c] [9d] where the various “weight” terms in Equation 9d depend on the assumed borehole conditions, as specified in Table 1. The additional terms introduced into Equations 9a – 9d have been highlighted to emphasize the difference relative to the original basic Equations 2a – 2d. As before, the incremental tension, ΔT, must be added to each of these terms to account for the fluidic drag component. Table 1 Effective Weight of Pipe in Borehole (Note 1) effective weight borehole “not filled” borehole “filled” (slurry drains freely) (slurry does not drain) -wa1 wb1 = wb w* (submerged, with any internal (unsubmerged, with any internal ballast) ballast) wb1 -wa wh (unsubmerged, without internal (submerged, without internal ballast) ballast) Note 1: Net submerged “buoyant” weight, wb1, in borehole, with or without ballast, is considered to be positive if acting in upward direction (opposite gravity); 1 unsubmerged weights wa or wa, with or without internal water ballast, are considered to be positive if acting in downward direction (same as gravity). 5 Pipelines 2011 Pipelines 2011: A Sound Conduit for Sharing Solutions © ASCE 2011 Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by University of Toronto on 01/06/19. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. It is recalled that wb is the net buoyant weight of the pipe (upward positive), with or without internal water ballast, where submerged in slurry, and wa is the weight of the empty pipe (downward positive), whether aboveground or in a portion of the borehole void of slurry. The newly introduced term in Table 1, wa1, is defined as the unsubmerged weight of the pipe (downward positive), containing water (ballast), in a portion of the borehole drained of slurry. Using similar principles, corresponding equations may be developed for a downward installation. In this case, there are no terms associated with the column of liquid ballast that may be supported by atmospheric pressure. 4. Results and Discussion The main source of drag during the maxi-HDD operation typically relates to the frictional drag associated with the relatively high buoyant weight wb of the otherwise light-weight PE pipe, which also tends to pull the pipe upwards, opposite gravity. Nonetheless, it is sometimes believed that the pull loads would be reduced if the pipe exit point were at a lower elevation than the entry point, in order to take advantage of gravity tending to help pull the pipe down the grade. In general, however, the correct conclusion regarding pull loads depends on the possible deployment of anti-buoyancy techniques (ballast), as well as assumptions regarding the draining of the slurry from the higher portions of the borehole. Initial results for the case in which ballast is not utilized (Figure 3) have been provided previously, and tentatively indicate: • There is little or no penalty in pulling upgrade. • The tensile loads for an uphill pull are less than that of a similar installation at a level grade. • Pulling downhill should correspond to a lower tensile load, assuming the borehole drains freely (“not filled”) to the lower elevation pipe exit point. • However, in the event of inhibited free draining of the borehole (“filled”), the tensile load for a downhill installation could exceed that of the uphill installation by a significantly greater margin, and also exceed that of a similar installation at a level grade. These results suggest that the minimum risk, with respect to required tensile loads, may correspond to pulling uphill for applications in which anti-buoyancy techniques are not employed. However, for the present case for which anti-buoyancy techniques are employed, the phenomena associated with the internal (water) ballast may be anticipated to result in significantly different conclusions and guidelines. Therefore, similar to previous investigations, it is helpful to perform calculations based upon the above equations for specific installations, such as the nominal pipe and route characteristics indicated in Table 2. This corresponds to an average maximum depth of 45 ft, but a non-level grade. For example, an average nominal grade of ±2.5% corresponds to depths H1 and H2 equal to 13.75 ft or 76.25 ft, depending on whether the grade is uphill or downhill. (The results for the pull load for the nominal case, at a 2.5% magnitude slope, are indicated in Figures 3 and 4.) A maximum average grade of approximately 3.5% is limited by the geometry of Figure 2, and the indicated average depth (45 ft). In general, it is recognized that the overall quantitative results 6 Pipelines 2011 806 Pipelines 2011: A Sound Conduit for Sharing Solutions © ASCE 2011 Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by University of Toronto on 01/06/19. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. depend on the specific geometry and parameters considered. It is assumed, however, that useful qualitative information and conclusions may be judiciously extracted from such results. Figure 3 Pull Load (TD + ΔT) as function of average grade -- no ballast used (Source: ASCE Journal of Pipelines Systems Engineering and Practice; Slavin etal, 2011) In Table 2, the term DR is the ratio of the pipe outer diameter to wall thickness, and γa , γb and γc represent the specific gravity (weight density) of the HDPE pipe material, slurry and ballast (e.g., water), in that order. These quantities determine the corresponding effective weight of the pipe (wa, wa1, wb). The nominal value for the specific gravity of the slurry γb is assumed to be 1.2, similar to that of the previous study (Slavin etal, 2011). For average upward grades less than approximately 2%, for which the differential elevation H2 - H1 is less than the height h (33.9 ft) for the 2,500 ft route under consideration, the internal ballast continues to fill the pipe. In this range, as shown in Figure 4, for the case of inhibited draining of the slurry from the borehole (“filled”), the pull load is less than that corresponding to a level grade. This decrease is due to a net beneficial effect of the buoyant weight wb parameter (including as reflected in w* via Table 1) applied to the elevation-related terms involving H1 and H2 in Equations 9b and 9d, which act to increase or decrease the incremental tension along the portion A – B or C – D (Figure 2) respectively, as the upward directed buoyancy tends to inhibit or assist the pipe in increasing or decreasing its depth. Thus, for the interesting, albeit unlikely, case in which the entire borehole length remains full with slurry, an uphill bias, for which H2 > H1, would be anticipated to be somewhat more 7 Pipelines 2011 807 Pipelines 2011: A Sound Conduit for Sharing Solutions © ASCE 2011 808 beneficial for pulling back the pipe than for a downhill installation, or where both entry and exit points are at the same elevation. For this scenario, the effective pipe weight is equal to wb (submerged, including ballast); i.e., 42.1 lbs/ft acting upward (opposite gravity). Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by University of Toronto on 01/06/19. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. Table 2 Nominal Installation Parameters Parameter Nominal Value bore length, Lbore entry angle, α exit angle, β H1 H2 average depth, H average grade local grade, φ L1 L2 2,500 ft 15° 15° 13.75 ft or 76.25 ft 76.25 ft or 13.75 ft 45 ft ± 2.5% ± 2.5% 125 ft 105 ft or 582 ft L2* L3 L4 L4* h Lh D DR Dhole ΔP ΔT γa γb γc wa wa1 wb, wb1 NA or 247 ft 1,813 ft 582 ft or 105 ft 247 ft or NA 33.9 ft 460.2 ft or NA 24.0 in. 11 36.0 in. 10 psi 2,827 lbs 0.955 1.2 1.0 61.9 lbs/ft 193.1 lbs/ft 173.4 lbs/ft 42.1 lbs/ft 0.1 0.3 νa νb Remarks 0.262 radians to horizontal 0.262 radians to horizontal upward or downward grade upward or downward grade = (H1 + H2) / 2 = (H2 – H1) / Lbore = average grade = 5% Lbore uniform curvature = L2 · {1 – [(H1 – H2) /H1]} ½ = Lbore – L2 – L4 uniform curvature = L4 · {1 – [(H2 - H1) /H2]} ½ column of water equal to 14.7 psi = L4 · {1 – [(H2 - H1) - h] / H2}½ pipe outer diameter 2.182-in. wall thickness 50% clearance incremental pressure = ΔP · (π/8) · (Dhole2 – D2) HDPE realistic water ballast unsubmerged pipe weight (empty) unsubmerged pipe weight (with ballast) submerged buoyant weight (without ballast) submerged buoyant weight (with ballast) rollers within borehole For average upward grades greater than approximately 2% (e.g., the nominal 2.5% grade) and for which the entire borehole length remains full with slurry, the internal ballast partially recedes and drains from the pipe. This results in a significant increase in (upward) buoyant weight wh (Table 1) and corresponding frictional drag along the segment Dh – D, which more than overcomes the beneficial effect of the increased buoyant lift in this segment. For this segment, the effective pipe weight (submerged, without local ballast) of 173.4 lbs/ft, acting upward (opposite gravity), is considerably greater than the weight if ballast was still present (42.1 lbs/ft), resulting in the subsequent increasing trend (“filled”) with grade, indicated in Figure 4. 8 Pipelines 2011 Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by University of Toronto on 01/06/19. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. Pipelines 2011: A Sound Conduit for Sharing Solutions © ASCE 2011 Figure 4 Pull Load (TD + ΔT) as function of average grade – ballast used For the more typical case in which the slurry will freely drain to the level of point D* (Figure 2), the results (“not filled”) in Figure 4 indicate a relatively high increase in required tension due to the upward pull. The increase in pull load is primarily due to the very high effective weight of 193.1 lbs/ft of the unsubmerged water-filled pipe in the absence of slurry within the segment D* – Dh (or D* – D for grades < 2%). This causes significantly higher frictional drag, further aggravated by the accompanying downward (gravity oriented) force on the pipe as opposed to the otherwise buoyant lift in this segment. Furthermore, as described above, for an average grade greater than approximately 2%, the internal ballast also partially recedes and drains from within the pipe within the segment Dh – D. The frictional drag within this portion is due to the increased effective weight wh (Table 1) of the unsubmerged empty pipe weight of 61.9 lbs/ft (in comparison to the buoyant weight of 42.1 lbs/ft of the submerged pipe if internal ballast was still present, as in a level grade installation). Although considerably less than the 193.1 lbs/ft of the unsubmerged water-filled pipe, this effect contributes to an increase in the required pull load. Thus, relative to a similar installation for a level grade application (i.e., entry and exit points at same elevation), for the nominal average 2.5% grade indicated in Table 2, there would likely be a penalty of more than 50% increase in tensile load for the upward pull (borehole “not filled”), in comparison to the possibility of only a 5% decrease in the event the borehole does not drain freely (“filled”). The net results for a downhill installation are also shown in Figure 4, for which the pipe will remain filled with ballast for all magnitude grades, since the leading (pulling) end of the pipe is assumed closed. 9 Pipelines 2011 809 Pipelines 2011: A Sound Conduit for Sharing Solutions © ASCE 2011 Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by University of Toronto on 01/06/19. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. For the likely case of a freely draining borehole, the decreasing trend of the pull load with grade magnitude when not deploying ballast (Figure 3), in comparison to the generally increasing trend of the pull load with magnitude grade when utilizing ballast (Figure 4), suggests that, for applications characterized by a relatively large average grade, it may be advisable to forego the use of the ballast, depending on the bore path details (Slavin etal, 2011a). 5. Summary The present analysis extends the model originally used in the development of ASTM F 1962 to reflect a finite net grade or difference in elevation between the entry and exit points of the drilling operation, including the possible deployment of antibuoyancy measures (i.e., water ballast added to pipe interior). This analysis therefore supplements a previous analysis addressing the installation of pipe in the absence of anti-buoyancy measures. In both cases, the effect on the pull load depends upon the degree to which the cavity is free to drain of slurry to the lowest access (entry or exit) point during the pullback operation. In contrast to the previous investigation (no ballast) which indicated that it may be more desirable (i.e., less risky) to pull upgrade, the present results (water ballast), based on a sample geometry and application, show that a downgrade installation is preferable. Furthermore, in the latter case, the tensile loads for an uphill or downhill installation are typically greater than that of a similar installation at a level grade. However, for applications characterized by a relatively large average grade, it may be advisable to forego the use of the ballast, depending on the bore path details. In general, it is recognized that specific quantitative results depend on the details and parametric values considered. Thus, for a particular application of interest, the formulas for the generic geometry as provided herein, or those for a similarly considered alternate geometry (Slavin etal, 2011a), may be used, as appropriate, to estimate the required pull force for various installation parameters and conditions. For other generic geometries similar principles may be used to develop corresponding formulas, or other available HDD planning and design tools may be applied to investigate the issues addressed in this investigation. It is also noted that the recommendations and considerations regarding the direction of pulling are based entirely on anticipated tensile loads, independent of the potential advantages or disadvantages with respect to facilitating the removal of spoils during the initial boring or back-reaming operations. These issues have not been not directly considered in the investigations. References Slavin, L.M., Najafi, M., and Skonberg. E.R. (2011). “Maxi-HDD Pull Loads for Polyethylene Pipe for Non-Level Grade”, accepted for publication, ASCE Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice, 2011. Slavin, L.M. and Najafi, M., (2011a). “Maxi-HDD Pull Loads for Entry and Exit Points at Different Elevations”, accepted for publication, Proc., International Conference on Pipelines and Trenchless Technology 2011, Beijing, China. 10 Pipelines 2011 810