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pt and games 2

scoring in kho kho--
-the side of the chasers scores one point for putting out each runner if one team scores nine points more than the other teamthe winning team may ask the losers to chase without loosing their options to chase afterwards a sbustitution shall be allowed to replace an injured player at the discretion of the refree.
-chasers=players sitting in a row in the middle of the court in their 8 squares on the central line are known as chasers.
-freezone=the area where the runner and chaser can move in any direction is called freezone.
-fake kho=pretending to give a kho but actually kho is not given -inning=an inning consist of chasing and running turns of 9 minutes each -shoulder line=an imaginary line passing through the centres of the shoulders of a player is known as shoulder line
-out of limits= when a player goes out of the playing area then the player is said to have gone out of the limit
-runners=the players who are being chased by the chaser are known as runners -extra time=extra time given for playing in order to break a tie is called an extra period
-square=the place where the chasers sits down -feet out=it is the position in which the feet of the runner touches the area beyond the side line and the player is given out ==important tournaments in kho kho---
1-national main championship
2-national women championship
3-all india inter university championship
4-federation cup
5-nehru gold cup